from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function __RCSID__ = "45ddde113 (2021-10-01 11:19:55 +0200) Chris Burr " from string import Template import six class Activity: """ This class is maintained in order to maintain a basic mapping of the sqlite3 database meaning what all tables and fields the database uses and it creates a mapping for them which is further used by the MonitoringCatalog class. """ dbFields = [ "activities.unit", "activities.type", "activities.description", "activities.filename", "activities.bucketLength", "", "sources.componentType", "sources.componentLocation", "sources.componentName", ] dbMapping = {} def __init__(self, dataList): """ Init an activity """ self.dataList = dataList self.groupList = [] self.groupLabel = "" self.__initMapping() self.templateMap = {} self.scaleFactor = 1 self.labelTemplate = "" for fieldName in self.dbFields: capsFieldName = fieldName.split(".")[1].upper() self.templateMap[capsFieldName] = self.__getField(fieldName) def __initMapping(self): """ Init static maping """ if not self.dbMapping: for index in range(len(self.dbFields)): self.dbMapping[self.dbFields[index]] = index def setBucketScaleFactor(self, scaleFactor): """ Sets a bucket scale factor. """ self.scaleFactor = scaleFactor self.__calculateUnit() def __calculateUnit(self): self.dataList = list(self.dataList) unit = self.dataList[self.dbMapping["activities.unit"]].split("/")[0] if self.getType() in ("sum"): sF = int(self.getBucketLength() * self.scaleFactor) / 60 if sF == 1: unit = "%s/min" % unit else: unit = "%s/%s mins" % (unit, sF) if self.getType() in ("rate"): unit = "%s/seconds" % unit self.dataList[self.dbMapping["activities.unit"]] = unit self.templateMap["UNIT"] = unit def setGroup(self, group): """ Set group to which this activity belongs """ self.groupList = group self.groupLabel = "Grouped for" for fieldName in self.groupList: self.groupLabel += " %s," % fieldName self.groupLabel = self.groupLabel[:-1] def setLabel(self, labelTemplate): """ Sets an activity label """ self.labelTemplate = labelTemplate def __getField(self, name): """ Gets a field value """ return self.dataList[self.dbMapping[name]] def getUnit(self): """ Gets an activity's unit. """ return self.__getField("activities.unit") def getFile(self): """ Gets an activity's file. """ return self.__getField("activities.filename") def getType(self): """ Gets an activity's type. """ return self.__getField("activities.type") def getDescription(self): """ Gets an activity's unit """ return self.__getField("activities.description") def getBucketLength(self): """ Gets an activity's bucket length. """ return self.__getField("activities.bucketLength") def getSite(self): """ Gets an source's site. """ return self.__getField("") def getComponentType(self): """ Gets an source's component type. """ return self.__getField("sources.componentType") def getComponentName(self): """ Gets an source's component name. """ return self.__getField("sources.componentName") def getComponentLocation(self): """ Gets an source's component location. """ return self.__getField("sources.componentLocation") def getGroupLabel(self): """ Gets a group's label. """ return self.groupLabel def getLabel(self): if isinstance(self.labelTemplate, six.text_type): self.labelTemplate = self.labelTemplate.encode("utf-8") return Template(self.labelTemplate).safe_substitute(self.templateMap) def __str__(self): return "[%s][%s][%s]" % (self.getLabel(), self.getGroupLabel(), str(self.dataList)) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __lt__(self, act): label = self.getLabel() try: return label < act.getLabel() except Exception: return label < act