""" This class is a wrap around the rrdtool as it is a command line based tool within this class there are
    several methods which take in some parameters required by the corresponding rrd command and executes it.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import os.path
import hashlib
from DIRAC import gLogger, gConfig, S_OK, S_ERROR
from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.PathFinder import getServiceSection
from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.private.monitoring.ColorGenerator import ColorGenerator
from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import Subprocess, Time
from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.File import mkDir

__RCSID__ = "45ddde113 (2021-10-01 11:19:55 +0200) Chris Burr <christopher.burr@cern.ch>"

class RRDManager(object):

    __sizesList = [[200, 50], [400, 100], [600, 150], [800, 200]]
    __logRRDCommands = False

    def __init__(self, rrdLocation, graphLocation):
        Initialize RRDManager
        self.rrdLocation = rrdLocation
        self.graphLocation = graphLocation
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("RRDManager")
        self.rrdExec = gConfig.getValue("%s/RRDExec" % getServiceSection("Framework/Monitoring"), "rrdtool")
        for path in (self.rrdLocation, self.graphLocation):

    def existsRRDFile(self, rrdFile):
        """Checks whether a given rrd file exists or not.

        :type rrdFile: string
        :param rrdFile: name of the rrd file.
        :return: bool
        rrdFilePath = "%s/%s" % (self.rrdLocation, rrdFile)
        return os.path.isfile(rrdFilePath)

    def getGraphLocation(self):
        Sets the location for graph files
        return self.graphLocation

    def __exec(self, cmd, rrdFile=None):
        Executes a system command.

        :type cmd: string
        :param cmd: The cmd command to be executed.
        :type rrdFile: string
        :param rrdFile: name of the rrd file.
        :return: The value dictionary / S_ERROR with a message.
        self.log.debug("RRD command: %s" % cmd)
        retVal = Subprocess.shellCall(0, cmd)
        if self.__logRRDCommands and rrdFile:
                logFile = "%s.log" % rrdFile
                with open(logFile, "a") as fd:
                    if not retVal["OK"] or retVal["Value"][0]:
                        fd.write("ERROR %s\n" % cmd)
                        fd.write("OK    %s\n" % cmd)
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.warn("Cannot write log %s: %s" % (logFile, str(e)))
        if not retVal["OK"]:
            return retVal
        retTuple = retVal["Value"]
        if retTuple[0]:
            return S_ERROR("Failed to execute rrdtool: %s" % (retTuple[2]))
        return retVal

    def getCurrentBucketTime(self, bucketLength):
        Gets current time "bucketized"
        return self.bucketize(Time.toEpoch(), bucketLength)

    def bucketize(self, secs, bucketLength):
        Bucketizes a time (in secs)
        secs = int(secs)
        return secs - secs % bucketLength

    def create(self, type, rrdFile, bucketLength):
        Creates an rrd file.

        :type rrdFile: string
        :param rrdFile: name of the rrd file.
        :type bucketLength: int
        :param bucketLength: The required bucket length.
        :return: The value dictionary / S_ERROR with a message.
        # Understanding this method it basically takes in the activity data which is sent from the client i.e. the gMonitor
        # object and checks if the file is created by the MonitoringCatalog as it creates an .rrd file using the
        # registerActivity method within it.

        rrdFilePath = "%s/%s" % (self.rrdLocation, rrdFile)
        if os.path.isfile(rrdFilePath):
            return S_OK()
        except Exception:
        self.log.info("Creating rrd file %s" % rrdFile)
        cmd = "%s create '%s'" % (self.rrdExec, rrdFilePath)
        # Start GMT(now) - 1h
        cmd += " --start %s" % (self.getCurrentBucketTime(bucketLength) - 86400)
        cmd += " --step %s" % bucketLength
        if type in ("mean"):
            dst = "GAUGE"
            cf = "AVERAGE"
        elif type in ("sum", "acum", "rate"):
            dst = "ABSOLUTE"
            cf = "AVERAGE"
        cmd += " DS:value:%s:%s:U:U" % (dst, bucketLength * 10)
        # 1m res for 1 month
        # cmd += " RRA:%s:0.9:1:43200" % cf
        # 1m red for 1 year
        cmd += " RRA:%s:0.999:1:%s" % (cf, int(31536000 / bucketLength))
        return self.__exec(cmd, rrdFilePath)

    def __getLastUpdateTime(self, rrdFile):
        Gets last update time from an rrd.

        :type rrdFile: string
        :param rrdFile: name of the rrd file.
        :return: S_OK / S_ERROR with a message.
        cmd = "%s last %s" % (self.rrdExec, rrdFile)
        retVal = Subprocess.shellCall(0, cmd)
        if not retVal["OK"]:
            return retVal
        retTuple = retVal["Value"]
        if retTuple[0]:
            return S_ERROR("Failed to fetch last update %s : %s" % (rrdFile, retTuple[2]))
        return S_OK(int(retTuple[1].strip()))

    def __fillWithZeros(self, lastUpdateTime, bucketLength, valuesList):
        filledList = []
        expectedUpdateTime = lastUpdateTime + bucketLength
        for valueTuple in valuesList:
            while expectedUpdateTime < valueTuple[0]:
                filledList.append((expectedUpdateTime, 0))
                expectedUpdateTime += bucketLength
            expectedUpdateTime = valueTuple[0] + bucketLength
        return filledList

    def update(self, type, rrdFile, bucketLength, valuesList, lastUpdate=0):
        Updates an rrd file.

        :type rrdFile: string
        :param rrdFile: name of the rrd file.
        :type bucketLength: int
        :param bucketLength: The required bucket length.
        :type valuesList: list
        :param valuesList: a list of values to be updated.
        :type lastUpdate: int
        :param lastUpdate: The timestamp of the last update made to the rrd file.
        :return: S_OK with the updated values list.
        rrdFilePath = "%s/%s" % (self.rrdLocation, rrdFile)
        self.log.info("Updating rrd file", rrdFilePath)
        if lastUpdate == 0:
            retVal = self.__getLastUpdateTime(rrdFilePath)
            if retVal["OK"]:
                lastUpdateTime = retVal["Value"]
                self.log.verbose("Last update time is %s" % lastUpdateTime)
            lastUpdateTime = lastUpdate
        cmd = "%s update %s" % (self.rrdExec, rrdFilePath)
        # we have to fill with 0 the db to ensure the mean is valid
        valuesList = self.__fillWithZeros(lastUpdateTime, bucketLength, valuesList)
        rrdUpdates = []
        for entry in valuesList:
            rrdUpdates.append("%s:%s" % entry)
        maxRRDArgs = 50
        for i in range(0, len(rrdUpdates), maxRRDArgs):
            finalCmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, " ".join(rrdUpdates[i : i + maxRRDArgs]))
            retVal = self.__exec(finalCmd, rrdFilePath)
            if not retVal["OK"]:
                self.log.warn("Error updating rrd file", "%s rrd: %s" % (rrdFile, retVal["Message"]))
        return S_OK(valuesList[-1][0])

    def __generateName(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Generates a random name
        m = hashlib.md5()
        return m.hexdigest()

    def __generateRRDGraphVar(self, entryName, activity, timeSpan, plotWidth):
        Calculates the graph query in rrd lingo for an activity
        rrdFile = activity.getFile()
        rrdType = activity.getType()
        bucketLength = activity.getBucketLength()
        yScaleFactor = self.__getYScalingFactor(timeSpan, bucketLength, plotWidth)
        varStr = "'DEF:ac%sRAW=%s/%s:value:AVERAGE'" % (entryName, self.rrdLocation, rrdFile)
        if rrdType in ("mean", "rate"):
            varStr += " 'CDEF:%s=ac%sRAW,UN,0,ac%sRAW,IF'" % (entryName, entryName, entryName)
        elif rrdType == "sum":
            scale = yScaleFactor * bucketLength
            varStr += " 'CDEF:%s=ac%sRAW,UN,0,ac%sRAW,%s,*,IF'" % (entryName, entryName, entryName, scale)
        elif rrdType == "acum":
            scale = yScaleFactor * bucketLength
            varStr += " 'CDEF:ac%sNOTUN=ac%sRAW,UN,0,ac%sRAW,%s,*,IF'" % (entryName, entryName, entryName, scale)
            varStr += " 'CDEF:%s=PREV,UN,ac%sNOTUN,PREV,ac%sNOTUN,+,IF'" % (entryName, entryName, entryName)
        return varStr

    def __graphTimeComment(self, fromEpoch, toEpoch):
        comStr = " 'COMMENT:Generated on %s UTC'" % Time.toString().replace(":", r"\:").split(".")[0]
        comStr += " 'COMMENT:%s'" % ("From %s to %s" % (Time.fromEpoch(fromEpoch), Time.fromEpoch(toEpoch))).replace(
            ":", r"\:"
        return comStr

    def __getYScalingFactor(self, timeSpan, bucketLength, plotWidth):
        expectedTimeSpan = plotWidth * bucketLength
        if timeSpan < expectedTimeSpan:
            return 1
            return float(timeSpan) / expectedTimeSpan

    def groupPlot(self, fromSecs, toSecs, activitiesList, stackActivities, size, graphFilename=""):
        Generates a group plot.

        :type fromSecs: int
        :param fromSecs: A value in seconds from where to start.
        :type toSecs: int
        :param toSecs: A value in seconds for where to end.
        :type activitiesList: list
        :param activitiesList: A list of activities.
        :type stackActivities: list
        :param stackActivities: A list of stacked activities.
        :type size: int
        :param size: There is a matrix defined for size so here only one of these values go [0, 1, 2, 3].
        :type graphFilename: string
        :param graphFilename: A name for the graph file.
        :return: S_OK with the graph filename / The error message.
        plotTimeSpan = toSecs - fromSecs
        if not graphFilename:
            graphFilename = "%s.png" % self.__generateName(fromSecs, toSecs, activitiesList, stackActivities)
        rrdCmd = "%s graph %s/%s" % (self.rrdExec, self.graphLocation, graphFilename)
        rrdCmd += " -s %s" % fromSecs
        rrdCmd += " -e %s" % toSecs
        rrdCmd += " -w %s" % self.__sizesList[size][0]
        rrdCmd += " -h %s" % self.__sizesList[size][1]
        rrdCmd += " --title '%s'" % activitiesList[0].getGroupLabel()
        colorGen = ColorGenerator()
        for idActivity in range(len(activitiesList)):
            activity = activitiesList[idActivity]
            rrdCmd += " %s" % self.__generateRRDGraphVar(idActivity, activity, plotTimeSpan, self.__sizesList[size][0])
            if stackActivities:
                rrdCmd += " 'AREA:%s#%s:%s:STACK'" % (
                    activity.getLabel().replace(":", r"\:"),
                rrdCmd += " 'LINE1:%s#%s:%s'" % (
                    activity.getLabel().replace(":", r"\:"),
        rrdCmd += self.__graphTimeComment(fromSecs, toSecs)
        retVal = self.__exec(rrdCmd)
        if not retVal["OK"]:
            return retVal
        return S_OK(graphFilename)

    def plot(self, fromSecs, toSecs, activity, stackActivities, size, graphFilename=""):
        Generates a non grouped plot.

        :type fromSecs: int
        :param fromSecs: A value in seconds from where to start.
        :type toSecs: int
        :param toSecs: A value in seconds for where to end.
        :type activitiesList: list
        :param activitiesList: A list of activities.
        :type stackActivities: list
        :param stackActivities: A list of stacked activities.
        :type size: int
        :param size: There is a matrix defined for size so here only one of these values go [0, 1, 2, 3].
        :type graphFilename: string
        :param graphFilename: A name for the graph file.
        :return: S_OK with the graph filename / The error message.
        plotTimeSpan = toSecs - fromSecs
        if not graphFilename:
            graphFilename = "%s.png" % self.__generateName(fromSecs, toSecs, activity, stackActivities)
        graphVar = self.__generateRRDGraphVar(0, activity, plotTimeSpan, self.__sizesList[size][0])
        rrdCmd = "%s graph %s/%s" % (self.rrdExec, self.graphLocation, graphFilename)
        rrdCmd += " -s %s" % fromSecs
        rrdCmd += " -e %s" % toSecs
        rrdCmd += " -w %s" % self.__sizesList[size][0]
        rrdCmd += " -h %s" % self.__sizesList[size][1]
        rrdCmd += " --title '%s'" % activity.getLabel()
        rrdCmd += " --vertical-label '%s'" % activity.getUnit()
        rrdCmd += " %s" % graphVar
        if stackActivities:
            rrdCmd += " 'AREA:0#0000FF::STACK'"
            rrdCmd += " 'LINE1:0#0000FF'"
        rrdCmd += self.__graphTimeComment(fromSecs, toSecs)
        retVal = self.__exec(rrdCmd)
        if not retVal["OK"]:
            return retVal
        return S_OK(graphFilename)

    def deleteRRD(self, rrdFile):
        """This method is used to delete an rrd file.

        :type rrdFile: string
        :param rrdFile: name of the rrd file.
            os.unlink("%s/%s" % (self.rrdLocation, rrdFile))
        except Exception as e:
            self.log.error("Could not delete rrd file", "%s: %s" % (rrdFile, str(e)))