#!/usr/bin/env python ######################################################################## # File : dirac-sys-sendmail # Author : Matvey Sapunov ######################################################################## """ Utility to send an e-mail using DIRAC notification service. Arguments: Formated text message. The message consists of e-mail headers and e-mail body separated by two newline characters. Headers are key : value pairs separated by newline character. Meaningful headers are "To:", "From:", "Subject:". Other keys will be ommited. Message body is an arbitrary string. Examples: $ dirac-sys-sendmail "From: source@email.com\\nTo: destination@email.com\\nSubject: Test\\n\\nMessage body" echo "From: source@email.com\\nSubject: Test\\n\\nMessage body" | dirac-sys-sendmail destination@email.com """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division __RCSID__ = "45ddde113 (2021-10-01 11:19:55 +0200) Chris Burr " import socket import sys import os from DIRAC import gLogger, exit as DIRACexit from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.DIRACScript import DIRACScript as Script from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.NotificationClient import NotificationClient @Script() def main(): _, args = Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) arg = "".join(args) if not len(arg) > 0: gLogger.error("Missing argument") DIRACexit(2) try: head, body = arg.split("\\n\\n") except Exception as x: head = "To: %s" % arg body = sys.stdin.read() try: tmp, body = body.split("\\n\\n") head = tmp + "\\n" + head except Exception as x: pass body = "".join(body.strip()) try: headers = dict((i.strip(), j.strip()) for i, j in (item.split(":") for item in head.split("\\n"))) except Exception: gLogger.error("Failed to convert string: %s to email headers" % head) DIRACexit(4) if "To" not in headers: gLogger.error("Failed to get 'To:' field from headers %s" % head) DIRACexit(5) to = headers["To"] origin = "%s@%s" % (os.getenv("LOGNAME", "dirac"), socket.getfqdn()) if "From" in headers: origin = headers["From"] subject = "Sent from %s" % socket.getfqdn() if "Subject" in headers: subject = headers["Subject"] ntc = NotificationClient() print("sendMail(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (to, subject, body, origin, False)) result = ntc.sendMail(to, subject, body, origin, localAttempt=False) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error(result["Message"]) DIRACexit(6) DIRACexit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()