Services { ##BEGIN DataStore DataStore { Port = 9133 # Run compaction, has to be True for Master, False for others RunBucketing = True Authorization { Default = authenticated compactDB = ServiceAdministrator deleteType = ServiceAdministrator registerType = ServiceAdministrator setBucketsLength = ServiceAdministrator regenerateBuckets = ServiceAdministrator } } ##END ##BEGIN ReportGenerator ReportGenerator { Port = 9134 # folder relative to instance path, where data is stored DataLocation = data/accountingGraphs Authorization { Default = authenticated FileTransfer { Default = authenticated } } } ##END } Agents { ##BEGIN NetworkAgent NetworkAgent { MaxCycles = 0 PollingTime = 60 # URI of the MQ of the perfSONAR information MessageQueueURI = # time how long objects are kept in the buffer if they cannot be written to the DB BufferTimeout = 3600 } ##END }