""" :mod: DErrno ========================== .. module: DErrno :synopsis: Error list and utilities for handling errors in DIRAC This module contains list of errors that can be encountered in DIRAC. It complements the errno module of python. It also contains utilities to manipulate these errors. Finally, it contains a DErrno class that contains an error number as well as a low level error message. It behaves like a string for compatibility reasons In order to add extension specific error, you need to create in your extension the file Core/Utilities/DErrno.py, which will contain the following dictionary: * extra_dErrName: keys are the error name, values the number of it * extra_dErrorCode: same as dErrorCode. keys are the error code, values the name (we don't simply revert the previous dict in case we do not have a one to one mapping) * extra_dStrError: same as dStrError, Keys are the error code, values the error description * extra_compatErrorString: same as compatErrorString. The compatible error strings are added to the existing one, and not replacing them. Example of extension file : * extra_dErrName = { 'ELHCBSPE' : 3001 } * extra_dErrorCode = { 3001 : 'ELHCBSPE'} * extra_dStrError = { 3001 : "This is a description text of the specific LHCb error" } * extra_compatErrorString = { 3001 : ["living easy, living free"], DErrno.ERRX : ['An error message for ERRX that is specific to LHCb']} """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import six import os import importlib import sys from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Extensions import extensionsByPriority # To avoid conflict, the error numbers should be greater than 1000 # We decided to group the by range of 100 per system # 1000: Generic # 1100: Core # 1200: Framework # 1300: Interfaces # 1400: Config # 1500: WMS + Workflow # 1600: DMS + StorageManagement # 1700: RMS # 1800: Accounting + Monitoring # 1900: TS + Production # 2000: Resources + RSS # ## Generic (10XX) # Python related: 0X ETYPE = 1000 EIMPERR = 1001 ENOMETH = 1002 ECONF = 1003 EVALUE = 1004 EEEXCEPTION = 1005 # Files manipulation: 1X ECTMPF = 1010 EOF = 1011 ERF = 1012 EWF = 1013 ESPF = 1014 # ## Core (11XX) # Certificates and Proxy: 0X EX509 = 1100 EPROXYFIND = 1101 EPROXYREAD = 1102 ECERTFIND = 1103 ECERTREAD = 1104 ENOCERT = 1105 ENOCHAIN = 1106 ENOPKEY = 1107 ENOGROUP = 1108 # DISET: 1X EDISET = 1110 ENOAUTH = 1111 # 3rd party security: 2X E3RDPARTY = 1120 EVOMS = 1121 # Databases : 3X EDB = 1130 EMYSQL = 1131 ESQLA = 1132 # Message Queues: 4X EMQUKN = 1140 EMQNOM = 1141 EMQCONN = 1142 # Elasticsearch EELNOFOUND = 1146 # config ESECTION = 1400 # processes EEZOMBIE = 1147 EENOPID = 1148 # ## WMS/Workflow EWMSUKN = 1500 EWMSJDL = 1501 EWMSRESC = 1502 EWMSSUBM = 1503 EWMSJMAN = 1504 EWMSSTATUS = 1505 EWMSNOMATCH = 1510 EWMSPLTVER = 1511 EWMSNOPILOT = 1550 # ## DMS/StorageManagement (16XX) EFILESIZE = 1601 EGFAL = 1602 EBADCKS = 1603 EFCERR = 1604 # ## RMS (17XX) ERMSUKN = 1700 # ## TS (19XX) ETSUKN = 1900 ETSDATA = 1901 # ## Resources and RSS (20XX) ERESGEN = 2000 ERESUNA = 2001 ERESUNK = 2002 # This translates the integer number into the name of the variable dErrorCode = { # ## Generic (10XX) # 100X: Python related 1000: "ETYPE", 1001: "EIMPERR", 1002: "ENOMETH", 1003: "ECONF", 1004: "EVALUE", 1005: "EEEXCEPTION", # 101X: Files manipulation 1010: "ECTMPF", 1011: "EOF", 1012: "ERF", 1013: "EWF", 1014: "ESPF", # ## Core # 110X: Certificates and Proxy 1100: "EX509", 1101: "EPROXYFIND", 1102: "EPROXYREAD", 1103: "ECERTFIND", 1104: "ECERTREAD", 1105: "ENOCERT", 1106: "ENOCHAIN", 1107: "ENOPKEY", 1108: "ENOGROUP", # 111X: DISET 1110: "EDISET", 1111: "ENOAUTH", # 112X: 3rd party security 1120: "E3RDPARTY", 1121: "EVOMS", # 113X: Databases 1130: "EDB", 1131: "EMYSQL", 1132: "ESQLA", # 114X: Message Queues 1140: "EMQUKN", 1141: "EMQNOM", 1142: "EMQCONN", # Elasticsearch 1146: "EELNOFOUND", # Config 1400: "ESECTION", # Processes 1147: "EEZOMBIE", 1148: "EENOPID", # WMS/Workflow 1500: "EWMSUKN", 1501: "EWMSJDL", 1502: "EWMSRESC", 1503: "EWMSSUBM", 1504: "EWMSJMAN", 1505: "EWMSSTATUS", 1510: "EWMSNOMATCH", 1511: "EWMSPLTVER", 1550: "EWMSNOPILOT", # DMS/StorageManagement 1601: "EFILESIZE", 1602: "EGFAL", 1603: "EBADCKS", 1604: "EFCERR", # RMS 1700: "ERMSUKN", # Resources and RSS 2000: "ERESGEN", 2001: "ERESUNA", 2002: "ERESUNK", # TS 1900: "ETSUKN", 1901: "ETSDATA", } dStrError = { # Generic (10XX) # 100X: Python related ETYPE: "Object Type Error", EIMPERR: "Failed to import library", ENOMETH: "No such method or function", ECONF: "Configuration error", EVALUE: "Wrong value passed", EEEXCEPTION: "runtime general exception", # 101X: Files manipulation ECTMPF: "Failed to create temporary file", EOF: "Cannot open file", ERF: "Cannot read from file", EWF: "Cannot write to file", ESPF: "Cannot set permissions to file", # ## Core # 110X: Certificates and Proxy EX509: "Generic Error with X509", EPROXYFIND: "Can't find proxy", EPROXYREAD: "Can't read proxy", ECERTFIND: "Can't find certificate", ECERTREAD: "Can't read certificate", ENOCERT: "No certificate loaded", ENOCHAIN: "No chain loaded", ENOPKEY: "No private key loaded", ENOGROUP: "No DIRAC group", # 111X: DISET EDISET: "DISET Error", ENOAUTH: "Unauthorized query", # 112X: 3rd party security E3RDPARTY: "3rd party security service error", EVOMS: "VOMS Error", # 113X: Databases EDB: "Database Error", EMYSQL: "MySQL Error", ESQLA: "SQLAlchemy Error", # 114X: Message Queues EMQUKN: "Unknown MQ Error", EMQNOM: "No messages", EMQCONN: "MQ connection failure", # 114X Elasticsearch EELNOFOUND: "Index not found", # Config ESECTION: "Section is not found", # processes EEZOMBIE: "Zombie process", EENOPID: "No PID of process", # WMS/Workflow EWMSUKN: "Unknown WMS error", EWMSJDL: "Invalid job description", EWMSRESC: "Job to reschedule", EWMSSUBM: "Job submission error", EWMSJMAN: "Job management error", EWMSSTATUS: "Job status error", EWMSNOPILOT: "No pilots found", EWMSPLTVER: "Pilot version does not match", EWMSNOMATCH: "No match found", # DMS/StorageManagement EFILESIZE: "Bad file size", EGFAL: "Error with the gfal call", EBADCKS: "Bad checksum", EFCERR: "FileCatalog error", # RMS ERMSUKN: "Unknown RMS error", # Resources and RSS ERESGEN: "Unknown Resource Failure", ERESUNA: "Resource not available", ERESUNK: "Unknown Resource", # TS ETSUKN: "Unknown Transformation System Error", ETSDATA: "Invalid Input Data definition", } def strerror(code): """This method wraps up os.strerror, and behave the same way. It completes it with the DIRAC specific errors. """ if code == 0: return "Undefined error" errMsg = "Unknown error %s" % code try: errMsg = dStrError[code] except KeyError: # It is not a DIRAC specific error, try the os one try: errMsg = os.strerror(code) # On some system, os.strerror raises an exception with unknown code, # on others, it returns a message... except ValueError: pass return errMsg def cmpError(inErr, candidate): """This function compares an error (in its old form (a string or dictionary) or in its int form with a candidate error code. :param inErr: a string, an integer, a S_ERROR dictionary :type inErr: str or int or S_ERROR :param int candidate: error code to compare with :return: True or False If an S_ERROR instance is passed, we compare the code with S_ERROR['Errno'] If it is a Integer, we do a direct comparison If it is a String, we use strerror to check the error string """ if isinstance(inErr, six.string_types): # old style # Compare error message strings errMsg = strerror(candidate) return errMsg in inErr elif isinstance(inErr, dict): # if the S_ERROR structure is given # Check if Errno defined in the dict errorNumber = inErr.get("Errno") if errorNumber: return errorNumber == candidate errMsg = strerror(candidate) return errMsg in inErr.get("Message", "") elif isinstance(inErr, int): return inErr == candidate else: raise TypeError("Unknown input error type %s" % type(inErr)) def includeExtensionErrors(): """Merge all the errors of all the extensions into the errors of these modules Should be called only at the initialization of DIRAC, so by the parseCommandLine, dirac-agent.py, dirac-service.py, dirac-executor.py """ for extension in reversed(extensionsByPriority()): if extension == "DIRAC": continue try: ext_derrno = importlib.import_module("%s.Core.Utilities.DErrno" % extension) except ImportError: pass else: # The next 3 dictionary MUST be present for consistency # Global name of errors sys.modules[__name__].__dict__.update(ext_derrno.extra_dErrName) # Dictionary with the error codes sys.modules[__name__].dErrorCode.update(ext_derrno.extra_dErrorCode) # Error description string sys.modules[__name__].dStrError.update(ext_derrno.extra_dStrError) # extra_compatErrorString is optional for err in getattr(ext_derrno, "extra_compatErrorString", []): sys.modules[__name__].compatErrorString.setdefault(err, []).extend( ext_derrno.extra_compatErrorString[err] )