""" DIRAC Basic MySQL Class It provides access to the basic MySQL methods in a multithread-safe mode keeping used connections in a python Queue for further reuse. These are the coded methods: __init__( host, user, passwd, name, [maxConnsInQueue=10] ) Initializes the Queue and tries to connect to the DB server, using the _connect method. "maxConnsInQueue" defines the size of the Queue of open connections that are kept for reuse. It also defined the maximum number of open connections available from the object. maxConnsInQueue = 0 means unlimited and it is not supported. _except( methodName, exception, errorMessage ) Helper method for exceptions: the "methodName" and the "errorMessage" are printed with ERROR level, then the "exception" is printed (with full description if it is a MySQL Exception) and S_ERROR is returned with the errorMessage and the exception. _connect() Attempts connection to DB and sets the _connected flag to True upon success. Returns S_OK or S_ERROR. _query( cmd, [conn] ) Executes SQL command "cmd". Gets a connection from the Queue (or open a new one if none is available), the used connection is back into the Queue. If a connection to the the DB is passed as second argument this connection is used and is not in the Queue. Returns S_OK with fetchall() out in Value or S_ERROR upon failure. _update( cmd, [conn] ) Executes SQL command "cmd" and issue a commit Gets a connection from the Queue (or open a new one if none is available), the used connection is back into the Queue. If a connection to the the DB is passed as second argument this connection is used and is not in the Queue Returns S_OK with number of updated registers in Value or S_ERROR upon failure. _createTables( tableDict ) Create a new Table in the DB _getConnection() Gets a connection from the Queue (or open a new one if none is available) Returns S_OK with connection in Value or S_ERROR the calling method is responsible for closing this connection once it is no longer needed. Some high level methods have been added to avoid the need to write SQL statement in most common cases. They should be used instead of low level _insert, _update methods when ever possible. buildCondition( self, condDict = None, older = None, newer = None, timeStamp = None, orderAttribute = None, limit = False, greater = None, smaller = None ): Build SQL condition statement from provided condDict and other extra check on a specified time stamp. The conditions dictionary specifies for each attribute one or a List of possible values greater and smaller are dictionaries in which the keys are the names of the fields, that are requested to be >= or < than the corresponding value. For compatibility with current usage it uses Exceptions to exit in case of invalid arguments insertFields( self, tableName, inFields = None, inValues = None, conn = None, inDict = None ): Insert a new row in "tableName" assigning the values "inValues" to the fields "inFields". Alternatively inDict can be used String type values will be appropriately escaped. updateFields( self, tableName, updateFields = None, updateValues = None, condDict = None, limit = False, conn = None, updateDict = None, older = None, newer = None, timeStamp = None, orderAttribute = None ): Update "updateFields" from "tableName" with "updateValues". updateDict alternative way to provide the updateFields and updateValues N records can match the condition return S_OK( number of updated rows ) if limit is not False, the given limit is set String type values will be appropriately escaped. deleteEntries( self, tableName, condDict = None, limit = False, conn = None, older = None, newer = None, timeStamp = None, orderAttribute = None ): Delete rows from "tableName" with N records can match the condition if limit is not False, the given limit is set String type values will be appropriately escaped, they can be single values or lists of values. getFields( self, tableName, outFields = None, condDict = None, limit = False, conn = None, older = None, newer = None, timeStamp = None, orderAttribute = None ): Select "outFields" from "tableName" with condDict N records can match the condition return S_OK( tuple(Field,Value) ) if limit is not False, the given limit is set String type values will be appropriately escaped, they can be single values or lists of values. for compatibility with other methods condDict keyed argument is added getCounters( self, table, attrList, condDict = None, older = None, newer = None, timeStamp = None, connection = False ): Count the number of records on each distinct combination of AttrList, selected with condition defined by condDict and time stamps getDistinctAttributeValues( self, table, attribute, condDict = None, older = None, newer = None, timeStamp = None, connection = False ): Get distinct values of a table attribute under specified conditions """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division import six import collections import time import threading import MySQLdb from DIRAC import gLogger from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Time import fromString from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DErrno gInstancesCount = 0 __RCSID__ = "97f41511c (2022-04-28 17:39:24 +0200) fstagni " MAXCONNECTRETRY = 10 RETRY_SLEEP_DURATION = 5 def _checkFields(inFields, inValues): """ Helper to check match between inFields and inValues lengths """ if inFields is None and inValues is None: return S_OK() try: assert len(inFields) == len(inValues) except AssertionError: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "Mismatch between inFields and inValues.") return S_OK() def _quotedList(fieldList=None): """ Quote a list of MySQL Field Names with "`" Return a comma separated list of quoted Field Names To be use for Table and Field Names """ if fieldList is None: return None quotedFields = [] try: for field in fieldList: quotedFields.append("`%s`" % field.replace("`", "")) except Exception: return None if not quotedFields: return None return ", ".join(quotedFields) class ConnectionPool(object): """ Management of connections per thread """ def __init__(self, host, user, passwd, port=3306, graceTime=600): self.__host = host self.__user = user self.__passwd = passwd self.__port = port self.__graceTime = graceTime self.__spares = collections.deque() self.__maxSpares = 10 self.__lastClean = 0 self.__assigned = {} @property def __thid(self): return threading.current_thread() def __newConn(self): conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=self.__host, port=self.__port, user=self.__user, passwd=self.__passwd) self.__execute(conn, "SET AUTOCOMMIT=1") return conn def __execute(self, conn, cmd): cursor = conn.cursor() res = cursor.execute(cmd) conn.commit() cursor.close() return res def get(self, dbName, retries=10): retries = max(0, min(MAXCONNECTRETRY, retries)) self.clean() return self.__getWithRetry(dbName, retries, retries) def __getWithRetry(self, dbName, totalRetries, retriesLeft): sleepTime = RETRY_SLEEP_DURATION * (totalRetries - retriesLeft) if sleepTime > 0: time.sleep(sleepTime) try: conn, lastName, thid = self.__innerGet() except MySQLdb.MySQLError as excp: if retriesLeft > 0: return self.__getWithRetry(dbName, totalRetries, retriesLeft - 1) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "Could not connect: %s" % excp) if not self.__ping(conn): try: self.__assigned.pop(thid) except KeyError: pass if retriesLeft > 0: return self.__getWithRetry(dbName, totalRetries, retriesLeft) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "Could not connect") if lastName != dbName: try: conn.select_db(dbName) except MySQLdb.MySQLError as excp: if retriesLeft > 0: return self.__getWithRetry(dbName, totalRetries, retriesLeft - 1) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "Could not select db %s: %s" % (dbName, excp)) try: self.__assigned[thid][1] = dbName except KeyError: if retriesLeft > 0: return self.__getWithRetry(dbName, totalRetries, retriesLeft - 1) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "Could not connect") return S_OK(conn) def __ping(self, conn): try: conn.ping(True) return True except Exception: return False def __innerGet(self): thid = self.__thid now = time.time() if thid in self.__assigned: data = self.__assigned[thid] conn = data[0] data[2] = now return data[0], data[1], thid # Not cached try: conn, dbName = self.__spares.pop() except IndexError: conn = self.__newConn() dbName = "" self.__assigned[thid] = [conn, dbName, now] return conn, dbName, thid def __pop(self, thid): try: data = self.__assigned.pop(thid) if len(self.__spares) < self.__maxSpares: self.__spares.append((data[0], data[1])) else: try: data[0].close() except MySQLdb.ProgrammingError as exc: gLogger.warn("ProgrammingError exception while closing MySQL connection: %s" % exc) except Exception as exc: gLogger.warn("Exception while closing MySQL connection: %s" % exc) except KeyError: pass def clean(self, now=False): if not now: now = time.time() self.__lastClean = now for thid in list(self.__assigned): if not thid.is_alive(): self.__pop(thid) try: data = self.__assigned[thid] except KeyError: continue if now - data[2] > self.__graceTime: self.__pop(thid) def transactionStart(self, dbName): result = self.get(dbName) if not result["OK"]: return result conn = result["Value"] try: return S_OK(self.__execute(conn, "START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT")) except MySQLdb.MySQLError as excp: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "Could not begin transaction: %s" % excp) def transactionCommit(self, dbName): result = self.get(dbName) if not result["OK"]: return result conn = result["Value"] try: result = self.__execute(conn, "COMMIT") return S_OK(result) except MySQLdb.MySQLError as excp: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "Could not commit transaction: %s" % excp) def transactionRollback(self, dbName): result = self.get(dbName) if not result["OK"]: return result conn = result["Value"] try: result = self.__execute(conn, "ROLLBACK") return S_OK(result) except MySQLdb.MySQLError as excp: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "Could not rollback transaction: %s" % excp) class MySQL(object): """ Basic multithreaded DIRAC MySQL Client Class """ __initialized = False __connectionPools = {} def __init__(self, hostName="localhost", userName="dirac", passwd="dirac", dbName="", port=3306, debug=False): """ set MySQL connection parameters and try to connect :param debug: unused """ global gInstancesCount gInstancesCount += 1 self._connected = False if "log" not in dir(self): self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("MySQL") self.logger = self.log # let the derived class decide what to do with if is not 1 self._threadsafe = MySQLdb.threadsafety # self.log.debug('thread_safe = %s' % self._threadsafe) self.__hostName = str(hostName) self.__userName = str(userName) self.__passwd = str(passwd) self.__dbName = str(dbName) self.__port = port cKey = (self.__hostName, self.__userName, self.__passwd, self.__port) if cKey not in MySQL.__connectionPools: MySQL.__connectionPools[cKey] = ConnectionPool(*cKey) self.__connectionPool = MySQL.__connectionPools[cKey] self.__initialized = True result = self._connect() if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error("Cannot connect to the DB", " %s" % result["Message"]) def __del__(self): global gInstancesCount try: gInstancesCount -= 1 except Exception: pass def _except(self, methodName, x, err, cmd="", print=True): """ print MySQL error or exception return S_ERROR with Exception """ try: raise x except MySQLdb.Error as e: if print: self.log.error("%s (%s): %s" % (methodName, self._safeCmd(cmd), err), "%d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "%s: ( %d: %s )" % (err, e.args[0], e.args[1])) except Exception as e: if print: self.log.error("%s (%s): %s" % (methodName, self._safeCmd(cmd), err), repr(e)) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "%s: (%s)" % (err, repr(e))) def __isDateTime(self, dateString): if dateString == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()": return True try: dtime = dateString.replace('"', "").replace("'", "") dtime = fromString(dtime) if dtime is None: return False return True except Exception: return False def __escapeString(self, myString, connection=None): """ To be used for escaping any MySQL string before passing it to the DB this should prevent passing non-MySQL accepted characters to the DB It also includes quotation marks " around the given string """ if connection is None: retDict = self._getConnection() if not retDict["OK"]: return retDict connection = retDict["Value"] if six.PY3 and isinstance(myString, bytes): myString = myString.decode() try: myString = str(myString) except ValueError: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "Cannot escape value!") timeUnits = ["MICROSECOND", "SECOND", "MINUTE", "HOUR", "DAY", "WEEK", "MONTH", "QUARTER", "YEAR"] try: # Check datetime functions first if myString.strip() == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()": return S_OK(myString) for func in ["TIMESTAMPDIFF", "TIMESTAMPADD"]: if myString.strip().startswith("%s(" % func) and myString.strip().endswith(")"): args = myString.strip()[:-1].replace("%s(" % func, "").strip().split(",") arg1, arg2, arg3 = [x.strip() for x in args] if arg1 in timeUnits: if self.__isDateTime(arg2) or arg2.isalnum(): if self.__isDateTime(arg3) or arg3.isalnum(): return S_OK(myString) # self.log.debug('__escape_string: Could not escape string', '"%s"' % myString) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "__escape_string: Could not escape string") if six.PY3: escape_string = connection.escape_string(myString.encode()).decode() else: escape_string = connection.escape_string(myString) # self.log.debug('__escape_string: returns', '"%s"' % escape_string) return S_OK('"%s"' % escape_string) except Exception as x: return self._except("__escape_string", x, "Could not escape string", myString) def __checkTable(self, tableName, force=False): """Check if a table exists by issuing 'SHOW TABLES' :param str tableName: table name in check :param bool force: force or not the re-creation (would drop the previous one) :returns: S_OK/S_ERROR """ table = _quotedList([tableName]) if not table: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "Invalid tableName argument") cmd = "SHOW TABLES" retDict = self._query(cmd) if not retDict["OK"]: return retDict if (tableName,) in retDict["Value"]: if not force: # the requested exist and table creation is not force, return with error return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "The requested table already exist") else: cmd = "DROP TABLE %s" % table retDict = self._update(cmd) if not retDict["OK"]: return retDict return S_OK() def _escapeString(self, myString, conn=None): """ Wrapper around the internal method __escapeString """ # self.log.debug('_escapeString:', '"%s"' % str(myString)) return self.__escapeString(myString) def _escapeValues(self, inValues=None): """ Escapes all strings in the list of values provided """ # self.log.debug('_escapeValues:', inValues) retDict = self._getConnection() if not retDict["OK"]: return retDict connection = retDict["Value"] inEscapeValues = [] if not inValues: return S_OK(inEscapeValues) for value in inValues: if isinstance(value, six.string_types): retDict = self.__escapeString(value, connection=connection) if not retDict["OK"]: return retDict inEscapeValues.append(retDict["Value"]) elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): tupleValues = [] for val in value: retDict = self.__escapeString(val, connection=connection) if not retDict["OK"]: return retDict tupleValues.append(retDict["Value"]) inEscapeValues.append("(" + ", ".join(tupleValues) + ")") elif isinstance(value, bool): inEscapeValues = [str(value)] else: if six.PY3 and isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode() retDict = self.__escapeString(str(value), connection=connection) if not retDict["OK"]: return retDict inEscapeValues.append(retDict["Value"]) return S_OK(inEscapeValues) def _safeCmd(self, command): """Just replaces password, if visible, with *********""" return command.replace(self.__passwd, "**********") def _connect(self): """ open connection to MySQL DB and put Connection into Queue set connected flag to True and return S_OK return S_ERROR upon failure """ if not self.__initialized: error = "DB not properly initialized" gLogger.error(error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) # self.log.debug('_connect:', self._connected) if self._connected: return S_OK() # Test the connection to the DB retDict = self._getConnection() if not retDict["OK"]: return retDict self._connected = True return S_OK() def _query(self, cmd, conn=None, debug=True): """ execute MySQL query command :param debug: print or not the errors return S_OK structure with fetchall result as tuple it returns an empty tuple if no matching rows are found return S_ERROR upon error """ self.log.debug("_query: %s" % self._safeCmd(cmd)) retDict = self._getConnection() if not retDict["OK"]: return retDict connection = retDict["Value"] try: cursor = connection.cursor() if cursor.execute(cmd): res = cursor.fetchall() else: res = () # Log the result limiting it to just 10 records # if len(res) <= 10: # self.log.debug('_query: returns', res) # else: # self.log.debug('_query: Total %d records returned' % len(res)) # self.log.debug('_query: %s ...' % str(res[:10])) retDict = S_OK(res) except Exception as x: # self.log.debug('_query: %s' % self._safeCmd(cmd)) retDict = self._except("_query", x, "Execution failed.", cmd, debug) try: cursor.close() except Exception: pass return retDict def _update(self, cmd, conn=None, debug=True): """execute MySQL update command :param debug: print or not the errors return S_OK with number of updated registers upon success return S_ERROR upon error """ self.log.debug("_update: %s" % self._safeCmd(cmd)) retDict = self._getConnection() if not retDict["OK"]: return retDict connection = retDict["Value"] try: cursor = connection.cursor() res = cursor.execute(cmd) retDict = S_OK(res) if cursor.lastrowid: retDict["lastRowId"] = cursor.lastrowid except Exception as x: retDict = self._except("_update", x, "Execution failed.", cmd, debug) try: cursor.close() except Exception: pass return retDict def _transaction(self, cmdList, conn=None): """dummy transaction support :param self: self reference :param list cmdList: list of queries to be executed within the transaction :param MySQLDB.Connection conn: connection :return: S_OK( [ ( cmd1, ret1 ), ... ] ) or S_ERROR """ if not isinstance(cmdList, list): return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "_transaction: wrong type (%s) for cmdList" % type(cmdList)) # # get connection connection = conn if not connection: retDict = self._getConnection() if not retDict["OK"]: return retDict connection = retDict["Value"] # # list with cmds and their results cmdRet = [] try: cursor = connection.cursor() for cmd in cmdList: cmdRet.append((cmd, cursor.execute(cmd))) connection.commit() except Exception as error: self.logger.exception(error) # # rollback, put back connection to the pool connection.rollback() return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) # # close cursor, put back connection to the pool cursor.close() return S_OK(cmdRet) def _createViews(self, viewsDict, force=False): """create view based on query :param dict viewDict: { 'ViewName': "Fields" : { "`a`": `tblA.a`, "`sumB`" : "SUM(`tblB.b`)" } "SelectFrom" : "tblA join tblB on tblA.id = tblB.id", "Clauses" : [ "`tblA.a` > 10", "`tblB.Status` = 'foo'" ] ## WILL USE AND CLAUSE "GroupBy": [ "`a`" ], "OrderBy": [ "`b` DESC" ] } """ if force: # gLogger.debug(viewsDict) for viewName, viewDict in viewsDict.items(): viewQuery = ["CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `%s`.`%s` AS" % (self.__dbName, viewName)] columns = ",".join( ["%s AS %s" % (colDef, colName) for colName, colDef in viewDict.get("Fields", {}).items()] ) tables = viewDict.get("SelectFrom", "") if columns and tables: viewQuery.append("SELECT %s FROM %s" % (columns, tables)) where = " AND ".join(viewDict.get("Clauses", [])) if where: viewQuery.append("WHERE %s" % where) groupBy = ",".join(viewDict.get("GroupBy", [])) if groupBy: viewQuery.append("GROUP BY %s" % groupBy) orderBy = ",".join(viewDict.get("OrderBy", [])) if orderBy: viewQuery.append("ORDER BY %s" % orderBy) viewQuery.append(";") viewQuery = " ".join(viewQuery) # self.log.debug("`%s` VIEW QUERY IS: %s" % (viewName, viewQuery)) createView = self._query(viewQuery) if not createView["OK"]: self.log.error("Can not create view", createView["Message"]) return createView return S_OK() def _createTables(self, tableDict, force=False): """ tableDict: tableName: { 'Fields' : { 'Field': 'Description' }, 'ForeignKeys': {'Field': 'Table.key' }, 'PrimaryKey': 'Id', 'Indexes': { 'Index': [] }, 'UniqueIndexes': { 'Index': [] }, 'Engine': 'InnoDB' } only 'Fields' is a mandatory key. Creates a new Table for each key in tableDict, "tableName" in the DB with the provided description. It allows to create: - flat tables if no "ForeignKeys" key defined. - tables with foreign keys to auxiliary tables holding the values of some of the fields Arguments: tableDict: dictionary of dictionary with description of tables to be created. Only "Fields" is a mandatory key in the table description. "Fields": Dictionary with Field names and description of the fields "ForeignKeys": Dictionary with Field names and name of auxiliary tables. The auxiliary tables must be defined in tableDict. "PrimaryKey": Name of PRIMARY KEY for the table (if exist). "Indexes": Dictionary with definition of indexes, the value for each index is the list of fields to be indexed. "UniqueIndexes": Dictionary with definition of indexes, the value for each index is the list of fields to be indexed. This indexes will declared unique. "Engine": use the given DB engine, InnoDB is the default if not present. "Charset": use the given character set. Default is latin1 force: if True, requested tables are DROP if they exist. if False, returned with S_ERROR if table exist. """ # First check consistency of request if not isinstance(tableDict, dict): return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "Argument is not a dictionary: %s( %s )" % (type(tableDict), tableDict)) tableList = list(tableDict) if len(tableList) == 0: return S_OK(0) for table in tableList: thisTable = tableDict[table] # Check if Table is properly described with a dictionary if not isinstance(thisTable, dict): return S_ERROR( DErrno.EMYSQL, "Table description is not a dictionary: %s( %s )" % (type(thisTable), thisTable) ) if "Fields" not in thisTable: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "Missing `Fields` key in `%s` table dictionary" % table) tableCreationList = [[]] auxiliaryTableList = [] i = 0 extracted = True while tableList and extracted: # iterate extracting tables from list if they only depend on # already extracted tables. extracted = False auxiliaryTableList += tableCreationList[i] i += 1 tableCreationList.append([]) for table in list(tableList): toBeExtracted = True thisTable = tableDict[table] if "ForeignKeys" in thisTable: thisKeys = thisTable["ForeignKeys"] for key, auxTable in thisKeys.items(): forTable = auxTable.split(".")[0] forKey = key if forTable != auxTable: forKey = auxTable.split(".")[1] if forTable not in auxiliaryTableList: toBeExtracted = False break if key not in thisTable["Fields"]: return S_ERROR( DErrno.EMYSQL, "ForeignKey `%s` -> `%s` not defined in Primary table `%s`." % (key, forKey, table), ) if forKey not in tableDict[forTable]["Fields"]: return S_ERROR( DErrno.EMYSQL, "ForeignKey `%s` -> `%s` not defined in Auxiliary table `%s`." % (key, forKey, forTable), ) if toBeExtracted: # self.log.debug('Table %s ready to be created' % table) extracted = True tableList.remove(table) tableCreationList[i].append(table) if tableList: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, "Recursive Foreign Keys in %s" % ", ".join(tableList)) for tableList in tableCreationList: for table in tableList: # Check if Table exist retDict = self.__checkTable(table, force=force) if not retDict["OK"]: return retDict thisTable = tableDict[table] cmdList = [] for field in thisTable["Fields"].keys(): cmdList.append("`%s` %s" % (field, thisTable["Fields"][field])) if "PrimaryKey" in thisTable: if isinstance(thisTable["PrimaryKey"], six.string_types): cmdList.append("PRIMARY KEY ( `%s` )" % thisTable["PrimaryKey"]) else: cmdList.append( "PRIMARY KEY ( %s )" % ", ".join(["`%s`" % str(f) for f in thisTable["PrimaryKey"]]) ) if "Indexes" in thisTable: indexDict = thisTable["Indexes"] for index in indexDict: indexedFields = "`, `".join(indexDict[index]) cmdList.append("INDEX `%s` ( `%s` )" % (index, indexedFields)) if "UniqueIndexes" in thisTable: indexDict = thisTable["UniqueIndexes"] for index in indexDict: indexedFields = "`, `".join(indexDict[index]) cmdList.append("UNIQUE INDEX `%s` ( `%s` )" % (index, indexedFields)) if "ForeignKeys" in thisTable: thisKeys = thisTable["ForeignKeys"] for key, auxTable in thisKeys.items(): forTable = auxTable.split(".")[0] forKey = key if forTable != auxTable: forKey = auxTable.split(".")[1] # cmdList.append( '`%s` %s' % ( forTable, tableDict[forTable]['Fields'][forKey] ) cmdList.append( "FOREIGN KEY ( `%s` ) REFERENCES `%s` ( `%s` )" " ON DELETE RESTRICT" % (key, forTable, forKey) ) engine = thisTable.get("Engine", "InnoDB") charset = thisTable.get("Charset", "latin1") cmd = "CREATE TABLE `%s` (\n%s\n) ENGINE=%s DEFAULT CHARSET=%s" % ( table, ",\n".join(cmdList), engine, charset, ) retDict = self._transaction([cmd]) if not retDict["OK"]: return retDict # self.log.debug('Table %s created' % table) return S_OK() def _to_value(self, param): """ Convert to string """ return str(param[0]) def _getConnection(self, retries=MAXCONNECTRETRY): """Return a new connection to the DB, Try the Queue, if it is empty add a newConnection to the Queue and retry it will retry MAXCONNECTRETRY to open a new connection and will return an error if it fails. :param int retries: Number of time it will retry to open a connection """ # self.log.debug('_getConnection:') if not self.__initialized: error = "DB not properly initialized" gLogger.error(error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) return self.__connectionPool.get(self.__dbName, retries) ######################################################################################## # # Transaction functions # ######################################################################################## def transactionStart(self): return self.__connectionPool.transactionStart(self.__dbName) def transactionCommit(self): return self.__connectionPool.transactionCommit(self.__dbName) def transactionRollback(self): return self.__connectionPool.transactionRollback(self.__dbName) ######################################################################################## # # Utility functions # ######################################################################################## def countEntries( self, table, condDict, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, connection=False, greater=None, smaller=None ): """ Count the number of entries wit the given conditions """ table = _quotedList([table]) if not table: error = "Invalid table argument" # self.log.debug('countEntries:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) try: cond = self.buildCondition( condDict=condDict, older=older, newer=newer, timeStamp=timeStamp, greater=greater, smaller=smaller ) except Exception as x: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, x) cmd = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s %s" % (table, cond) res = self._query(cmd, connection) if not res["OK"]: return res return S_OK(res["Value"][0][0]) ######################################################################################## def getCounters( self, table, attrList, condDict, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, connection=False, greater=None, smaller=None, ): """ Count the number of records on each distinct combination of AttrList, selected with condition defined by condDict and time stamps """ table = _quotedList([table]) if not table: error = "Invalid table argument" # self.log.debug('getCounters:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) attrNames = _quotedList(attrList) if attrNames is None: error = "Invalid updateFields argument" # self.log.debug('getCounters:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) try: cond = self.buildCondition( condDict=condDict, older=older, newer=newer, timeStamp=timeStamp, greater=greater, smaller=smaller ) except Exception as x: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, x) cmd = "SELECT %s, COUNT(*) FROM %s %s GROUP BY %s ORDER BY %s" % (attrNames, table, cond, attrNames, attrNames) res = self._query(cmd, connection) if not res["OK"]: return res resultList = [] for raw in res["Value"]: attrDict = {} for ind, attr in enumerate(attrList): attrDict[attr] = raw[ind] item = (attrDict, raw[len(attrList)]) resultList.append(item) return S_OK(resultList) ######################################################################################### def getDistinctAttributeValues( self, table, attribute, condDict=None, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, connection=False, greater=None, smaller=None, ): """ Get distinct values of a table attribute under specified conditions """ table = _quotedList([table]) if not table: error = "Invalid table argument" # self.log.debug('getDistinctAttributeValues:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) attributeName = _quotedList([attribute]) if not attributeName: error = "Invalid attribute argument" # self.log.debug('getDistinctAttributeValues:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) try: cond = self.buildCondition( condDict=condDict, older=older, newer=newer, timeStamp=timeStamp, greater=greater, smaller=smaller ) except Exception as exc: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, exc) cmd = "SELECT DISTINCT( %s ) FROM %s %s ORDER BY %s" % (attributeName, table, cond, attributeName) res = self._query(cmd, connection) if not res["OK"]: return res attr_list = [x[0] for x in res["Value"]] return S_OK(attr_list) ############################################################################# def buildCondition( self, condDict=None, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, orderAttribute=None, limit=False, greater=None, smaller=None, offset=None, useLikeQuery=False, ): """Build SQL condition statement from provided condDict and other extra check on a specified time stamp. The conditions dictionary specifies for each attribute one or a List of possible values greater and smaller are dictionaries in which the keys are the names of the fields, that are requested to be >= or < than the corresponding value. For compatibility with current usage it uses Exceptions to exit in case of invalid arguments For performing LIKE queries use the parameter useLikeQuery=True """ condition = "" conjunction = "WHERE" if condDict is not None: for aName, attrValue in condDict.items(): if isinstance(aName, six.string_types): attrName = _quotedList([aName]) elif isinstance(aName, tuple): attrName = "(" + _quotedList(list(aName)) + ")" if not attrName: error = "Invalid condDict argument" # self.log.debug('buildCondition:', error) raise Exception(error) if isinstance(attrValue, list): retDict = self._escapeValues(attrValue) if not retDict["OK"]: # self.log.debug('buildCondition:', retDict['Message']) raise Exception(retDict["Message"]) else: escapeInValues = retDict["Value"] multiValue = ", ".join(escapeInValues) condition = " %s %s %s IN ( %s )" % (condition, conjunction, attrName, multiValue) conjunction = "AND" else: retDict = self._escapeValues([attrValue]) if not retDict["OK"]: # self.log.debug('buildCondition:', retDict['Message']) raise Exception(retDict["Message"]) else: escapeInValue = retDict["Value"][0] if useLikeQuery: condition = " %s %s %s LIKE %s" % (condition, conjunction, attrName, escapeInValue) else: if escapeInValue == "NULL": condition = " %s %s %s IS NULL" % (condition, conjunction, attrName) else: condition = " %s %s %s = %s" % (condition, conjunction, attrName, escapeInValue) conjunction = "AND" if timeStamp: timeStamp = _quotedList([timeStamp]) if not timeStamp: error = "Invalid timeStamp argument" # self.log.debug('buildCondition:', error) raise Exception(error) if newer: retDict = self._escapeValues([newer]) if not retDict["OK"]: # self.log.debug('buildCondition:', retDict['Message']) raise Exception(retDict["Message"]) else: escapeInValue = retDict["Value"][0] condition = " %s %s %s >= %s" % (condition, conjunction, timeStamp, escapeInValue) conjunction = "AND" if older: retDict = self._escapeValues([older]) if not retDict["OK"]: # self.log.debug('buildCondition:', retDict['Message']) raise Exception(retDict["Message"]) else: escapeInValue = retDict["Value"][0] condition = " %s %s %s < %s" % (condition, conjunction, timeStamp, escapeInValue) if isinstance(greater, dict): for attrName, attrValue in greater.items(): attrName = _quotedList([attrName]) if not attrName: error = "Invalid greater argument" # self.log.debug('buildCondition:', error) raise Exception(error) retDict = self._escapeValues([attrValue]) if not retDict["OK"]: # self.log.debug('buildCondition:', retDict['Message']) raise Exception(retDict["Message"]) else: escapeInValue = retDict["Value"][0] condition = " %s %s %s >= %s" % (condition, conjunction, attrName, escapeInValue) conjunction = "AND" if isinstance(smaller, dict): for attrName, attrValue in smaller.items(): attrName = _quotedList([attrName]) if not attrName: error = "Invalid smaller argument" # self.log.debug('buildCondition:', error) raise Exception(error) retDict = self._escapeValues([attrValue]) if not retDict["OK"]: # self.log.debug('buildCondition:', retDict['Message']) raise Exception(retDict["Message"]) else: escapeInValue = retDict["Value"][0] condition = " %s %s %s < %s" % (condition, conjunction, attrName, escapeInValue) conjunction = "AND" orderList = [] orderAttrList = orderAttribute if not isinstance(orderAttrList, list): orderAttrList = [orderAttribute] for orderAttr in orderAttrList: if orderAttr is None: continue if not isinstance(orderAttr, six.string_types): error = "Invalid orderAttribute argument" # self.log.debug('buildCondition:', error) raise Exception(error) orderField = _quotedList(orderAttr.split(":")[:1]) if not orderField: error = "Invalid orderAttribute argument" # self.log.debug('buildCondition:', error) raise Exception(error) if len(orderAttr.split(":")) == 2: orderType = orderAttr.split(":")[1].upper() if orderType in ["ASC", "DESC"]: orderList.append("%s %s" % (orderField, orderType)) else: error = "Invalid orderAttribute argument" # self.log.debug('buildCondition:', error) raise Exception(error) else: orderList.append(orderAttr) if orderList: condition = "%s ORDER BY %s" % (condition, ", ".join(orderList)) if limit: if offset: condition = "%s LIMIT %d OFFSET %d" % (condition, limit, offset) else: condition = "%s LIMIT %d" % (condition, limit) return condition ############################################################################# def getFields( self, tableName, outFields=None, condDict=None, limit=False, conn=None, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, orderAttribute=None, greater=None, smaller=None, useLikeQuery=False, ): """ Select "outFields" from "tableName" with condDict N records can match the condition return S_OK(tuple(Field, Value)) if outFields is None all fields in "tableName" are returned if limit is not False, the given limit is set inValues are properly escaped using the _escape_string method, they can be single values or lists of values. if useLikeQuery=True, then conDict can return matched rows if "%" is defined inside conDict. """ table = _quotedList([tableName]) if not table: error = "Invalid tableName argument" # self.log.debug('getFields:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) quotedOutFields = "*" if outFields: quotedOutFields = _quotedList(outFields) if quotedOutFields is None: error = "Invalid outFields arguments" # self.log.debug('getFields:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) # self.log.debug('getFields:', 'selecting fields %s from table %s.' % (quotedOutFields, table)) if condDict is None: condDict = {} try: try: mylimit = limit[0] myoffset = limit[1] except TypeError: mylimit = limit myoffset = None condition = self.buildCondition( condDict=condDict, older=older, newer=newer, timeStamp=timeStamp, orderAttribute=orderAttribute, limit=mylimit, greater=greater, smaller=smaller, offset=myoffset, useLikeQuery=useLikeQuery, ) except Exception as x: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, x) return self._query("SELECT %s FROM %s %s" % (quotedOutFields, table, condition), conn) ############################################################################# def deleteEntries( self, tableName, condDict=None, limit=False, conn=None, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, orderAttribute=None, greater=None, smaller=None, ): """ Delete rows from "tableName" with N records can match the condition if limit is not False, the given limit is set String type values will be appropriately escaped, they can be single values or lists of values. """ table = _quotedList([tableName]) if not table: error = "Invalid tableName argument" # self.log.debug('deleteEntries:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) # self.log.debug('deleteEntries:', 'deleting rows from table %s.' % table) try: condition = self.buildCondition( condDict=condDict, older=older, newer=newer, timeStamp=timeStamp, orderAttribute=orderAttribute, limit=limit, greater=greater, smaller=smaller, ) except Exception as x: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, x) return self._update("DELETE FROM %s %s" % (table, condition), conn) ############################################################################# def updateFields( self, tableName, updateFields=None, updateValues=None, condDict=None, limit=False, conn=None, updateDict=None, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, orderAttribute=None, greater=None, smaller=None, ): """ Update "updateFields" from "tableName" with "updateValues". updateDict alternative way to provide the updateFields and updateValues N records can match the condition return S_OK( number of updated rows ) if limit is not False, the given limit is set String type values will be appropriately escaped. """ if not updateFields and not updateDict: return S_OK(0) table = _quotedList([tableName]) if not table: error = "Invalid tableName argument" # self.log.debug('updateFields:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) retDict = _checkFields(updateFields, updateValues) if not retDict["OK"]: error = "Mismatch between updateFields and updateValues." # self.log.debug('updateFields:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) if updateFields is None: updateFields = [] updateValues = [] if updateDict: if not isinstance(updateDict, dict): error = "updateDict must be a of Type DictType" # self.log.debug('updateFields:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) try: updateFields += list(updateDict) updateValues += [updateDict[k] for k in updateFields] except TypeError: error = "updateFields and updateValues must be a list" # self.log.debug('updateFields:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) updateValues = self._escapeValues(updateValues) if not updateValues["OK"]: # self.log.debug('updateFields:', updateValues['Message']) return updateValues updateValues = updateValues["Value"] # self.log.debug('updateFields:', 'updating fields %s from table %s.' % (', '.join(updateFields), table)) try: condition = self.buildCondition( condDict=condDict, older=older, newer=newer, timeStamp=timeStamp, orderAttribute=orderAttribute, limit=limit, greater=greater, smaller=smaller, ) except Exception as x: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, x) updateString = ",".join( ["%s = %s" % (_quotedList([updateFields[k]]), updateValues[k]) for k in range(len(updateFields))] ) return self._update("UPDATE %s SET %s %s" % (table, updateString, condition), conn) ############################################################################# def insertFields(self, tableName, inFields=None, inValues=None, conn=None, inDict=None): """ Insert a new row in "tableName" assigning the values "inValues" to the fields "inFields". String type values will be appropriately escaped. """ table = _quotedList([tableName]) if not table: error = "Invalid tableName argument" # self.log.debug('insertFields:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) retDict = _checkFields(inFields, inValues) if not retDict["OK"]: # self.log.debug('insertFields:', retDict['Message']) return retDict if inFields is None: inFields = [] inValues = [] if inDict: if not isinstance(inDict, dict): error = "inDict must be a of Type DictType" # self.log.debug('insertFields:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) try: inFields += list(inDict) inValues += [inDict[k] for k in inFields] except TypeError: error = "inFields and inValues must be a list" # self.log.debug('insertFields:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) inFieldString = _quotedList(inFields) if inFieldString is None: error = "Invalid inFields arguments" # self.log.debug('insertFields:', error) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EMYSQL, error) inFieldString = "( %s )" % inFieldString retDict = self._escapeValues(inValues) if not retDict["OK"]: # self.log.debug('insertFields:', retDict['Message']) return retDict inValueString = ", ".join(retDict["Value"]) inValueString = "( %s )" % inValueString # self.log.debug('insertFields:', 'inserting %s into table %s' # % (inFieldString, table)) return self._update("INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES %s" % (table, inFieldString, inValueString), conn) def executeStoredProcedure(self, packageName, parameters, outputIds): conDict = self._getConnection() if not conDict["OK"]: return conDict connection = conDict["Value"] cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.callproc(packageName, parameters) row = [] for oId in outputIds: resName = "@_%s_%s" % (packageName, oId) cursor.execute("SELECT %s" % resName) row.append(cursor.fetchone()[0]) retDict = S_OK(row) except Exception as x: retDict = self._except("_query", x, "Execution failed.", packageName) connection.rollback() try: cursor.close() except Exception: pass return retDict # For the procedures that execute a select without storing the result def executeStoredProcedureWithCursor(self, packageName, parameters): conDict = self._getConnection() if not conDict["OK"]: return conDict connection = conDict["Value"] cursor = connection.cursor() try: # execStr = "call %s(%s);" % ( packageName, ",".join( map( str, parameters ) ) ) execStr = "call %s(%s);" % ( packageName, ",".join( ['"%s"' % param if isinstance(param, six.string_types) else str(param) for param in parameters] ), ) cursor.execute(execStr) rows = cursor.fetchall() retDict = S_OK(rows) except Exception as x: retDict = self._except("_query", x, "Execution failed.", packageName) connection.rollback() try: cursor.close() except Exception: pass return retDict