""" The Bdii2CSAgent performs checking BDII for availability of CE resources for a given or any configured VO. It detects resources not yet present in the CS and notifies the administrators. For the CEs already present in the CS, the agent is updating if necessary settings which were changed in the BDII recently The following options can be set for the Bdii2CSAgent. .. literalinclude:: ../ConfigTemplate.cfg :start-after: ##BEGIN Bdii2CSAgent :end-before: ##END :dedent: 2 :caption: Bdii2CSAgent options """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function __RCSID__ = "f1242d6e4 (2021-04-20 15:08:21 +0200) Andre Sailer " from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gConfig from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Path import cfgPath from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry import getVOs, getVOOption from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getQueues, getCESiteMapping from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Utilities import getGridCEs, getSiteUpdates from DIRAC.Core.Base.AgentModule import AgentModule from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Glue2 import getGlue2CEInfo from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.NotificationClient import NotificationClient class Bdii2CSAgent(AgentModule): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Defines default parameters """ super(Bdii2CSAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.addressTo = '' self.addressFrom = '' self.voName = [] self.subject = self.am_getModuleParam('fullName') self.alternativeBDIIs = [] self.voBdiiCEDict = {} self.voBdiiSEDict = {} self.host = 'cclcgtopbdii01.in2p3.fr:2170' self.csAPI = None # What to get self.processCEs = True self.selectedSites = [] # Update the CS or not? self.dryRun = False def initialize(self): """ Gets run paramaters from the configuration """ self.addressTo = self.am_getOption('MailTo', self.addressTo) self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption('MailFrom', self.addressFrom) # Create a list of alternative bdii urls self.alternativeBDIIs = self.am_getOption('AlternativeBDIIs', self.alternativeBDIIs) self.host = self.am_getOption('Host', self.host) # Check if the bdii url is appended by a port number, if not append the default 2170 for index, url in enumerate(self.alternativeBDIIs): if not url.split(':')[-1].isdigit(): self.alternativeBDIIs[index] += ':2170' if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom: self.log.info("MailTo", self.addressTo) self.log.info("MailFrom", self.addressFrom) if self.alternativeBDIIs: self.log.info("AlternativeBDII URLs:", self.alternativeBDIIs) self.processCEs = self.am_getOption('ProcessCEs', self.processCEs) self.selectedSites = self.am_getOption('SelectedSites', []) self.dryRun = self.am_getOption('DryRun', self.dryRun) self.voName = self.am_getOption('VirtualOrganization', self.voName) if not self.voName: self.voName = self.am_getOption('VO', []) if not self.voName or (len(self.voName) == 1 and self.voName[0].lower() == 'all'): # Get all VOs defined in the configuration self.voName = [] result = getVOs() if result['OK']: vos = result['Value'] for vo in vos: vomsVO = getVOOption(vo, "VOMSName") if vomsVO: self.voName.append(vomsVO) if self.voName: self.log.info("Agent will manage VO(s) %s" % self.voName) else: self.log.fatal("VirtualOrganization option not defined for agent") return S_ERROR() self.csAPI = CSAPI() return self.csAPI.initialize() def execute(self): """ General agent execution method """ self.voBdiiCEDict = {} # Get a "fresh" copy of the CS data result = self.csAPI.downloadCSData() if not result['OK']: self.log.warn("Could not download a fresh copy of the CS data", result['Message']) # Refresh the configuration from the master server gConfig.forceRefresh(fromMaster=True) if self.processCEs: self.__lookForNewCEs() self.__updateCEs() return S_OK() def __lookForNewCEs(self): """ Look up BDII for CEs not yet present in the DIRAC CS """ bannedCEs = self.am_getOption('BannedCEs', []) for vo in self.voName: # get the known CEs for a given VO, so we can know the unknowns, or no longer supported, # for a VO res = getQueues(community=vo) if not res['OK']: return res knownCEs = set() for _site, ces in res['Value'].items(): knownCEs.update(ces) knownCEs.update(bannedCEs) result = self.__getGlue2CEInfo(vo) if not result['OK']: continue bdiiInfo = result['Value'] result = getGridCEs(vo, bdiiInfo=bdiiInfo, ceBlackList=knownCEs) if not result['OK']: self.log.error('Failed to get unused CEs', result['Message']) continue # next VO siteDict = result['Value'] unknownCEs = set(result['UnknownCEs']) - set(bannedCEs) body = '' for site in siteDict: newCEs = set(siteDict[site]) # pylint: disable=no-member if not newCEs: continue ceString = '' for ce in newCEs: queueString = '' ceInfo = bdiiInfo[site]['CEs'][ce] newCEString = "CE: %s, GOCDB Site Name: %s" % (ce, site) systemTuple = siteDict[site][ce]['System'] osString = "%s_%s_%s" % (systemTuple) newCEString = "\n%s\n%s\n" % (newCEString, osString) for queue in ceInfo['Queues']: queueStatus = ceInfo['Queues'][queue].get('GlueCEStateStatus', 'UnknownStatus') if 'production' in queueStatus.lower(): ceType = ceInfo['Queues'][queue].get('GlueCEImplementationName', '') queueString += " %s %s %s\n" % (queue, queueStatus, ceType) if queueString: ceString += newCEString ceString += "Queues:\n" ceString += queueString if ceString: body += ceString if siteDict: body = "\nWe are glad to inform You about new CE(s) possibly suitable for %s:\n" % vo + body body += "\n\nTo suppress information about CE add its name to BannedCEs list.\n" body += "Add new Sites/CEs for vo %s with the command:\n" % vo body += "dirac-admin-add-resources --vo %s --ce\n" % vo if unknownCEs: body += '\n\n' body += 'There is no (longer) information about the following CEs for the %s VO.\n' % vo body += '\n'.join(sorted(unknownCEs)) body += '\n\n' if body: self.log.info(body) if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom: notification = NotificationClient() result = notification.sendMail(self.addressTo, self.subject, body, self.addressFrom, localAttempt=False) if not result['OK']: self.log.error('Can not send new site notification mail', result['Message']) return S_OK() def __getGlue2CEInfo(self, vo): if vo in self.voBdiiCEDict: return S_OK(self.voBdiiCEDict[vo]) self.log.info("Check for available CEs for VO", vo) totalResult = S_OK({}) message = '' mainResult = getGlue2CEInfo(vo, host=self.host) if not mainResult['OK']: self.log.error("Failed getting information from default bdii", mainResult['Message']) message = mainResult['Message'] for bdii in reversed(self.alternativeBDIIs): resultAlt = getGlue2CEInfo(vo, host=bdii) if resultAlt['OK']: totalResult['Value'].update(resultAlt['Value']) else: self.log.error("Failed getting information from %s " % bdii, resultAlt['Message']) message = (message + "\n" + resultAlt['Message']).strip() if mainResult['OK']: totalResult['Value'].update(mainResult['Value']) if not totalResult['Value'] and message: # Dict is empty and we have an error message self.log.error("Error during BDII request", message) totalResult = S_ERROR(message) else: self.voBdiiCEDict[vo] = totalResult['Value'] self.__purgeSites(totalResult['Value']) return totalResult def __updateCEs(self): """ Update the Site/CE/queue settings in the CS if they were changed in the BDII """ bdiiChangeSet = set() for vo in self.voName: result = self.__getGlue2CEInfo(vo) if not result['OK']: continue ceBdiiDict = result['Value'] result = getSiteUpdates(vo, bdiiInfo=ceBdiiDict, log=self.log) if not result['OK']: continue bdiiChangeSet = bdiiChangeSet.union(result['Value']) # We have collected all the changes, consolidate VO settings result = self.__updateCS(bdiiChangeSet) return result def __purgeSites(self, ceBdiiDict): """Remove all sites that are not in self.selectedSites. Modifies the ceBdiiDict! """ if not self.selectedSites: return for site in list(ceBdiiDict): ces = list(ceBdiiDict[site]['CEs']) if not ces: self.log.error("No CE information for site:", site) continue siteInCS = 'Not_In_CS' for ce in ces: res = getCESiteMapping(ce) if not res['OK']: self.log.error("Failed to get DIRAC site name for ce", "%s: %s" % (ce, res['Message'])) continue # if the ce is not in the CS the returned value will be empty if ce in res['Value']: siteInCS = res['Value'][ce] break self.log.debug("Checking site %s (%s), aka %s" % (site, ces, siteInCS)) if siteInCS in self.selectedSites: continue self.log.info("Dropping site %s, aka %s" % (site, siteInCS)) ceBdiiDict.pop(site) return def __updateCS(self, bdiiChangeSet): queueVODict = {} changeSet = set() for entry in bdiiChangeSet: section, option, _value, new_value = entry if option == "VO": queueVODict.setdefault(section, set()) queueVODict[section] = queueVODict[section].union(set(new_value.split(','))) else: changeSet.add(entry) for section, VOs in queueVODict.items(): # can be an iterator changeSet.add((section, 'VO', '', ','.join(VOs))) if changeSet: changeList = sorted(changeSet) body = '\n'.join(["%s/%s %s -> %s" % entry for entry in changeList]) if body and self.addressTo and self.addressFrom: notification = NotificationClient() result = notification.sendMail(self.addressTo, self.subject, body, self.addressFrom, localAttempt=False) if body: self.log.info('The following configuration changes were detected:') self.log.info(body) for section, option, value, new_value in changeSet: if value == 'Unknown' or not value: self.csAPI.setOption(cfgPath(section, option), new_value) else: self.csAPI.modifyValue(cfgPath(section, option), new_value) if self.dryRun: self.log.info("Dry Run: CS won't be updated") self.csAPI.showDiff() else: result = self.csAPI.commit() if not result['OK']: self.log.error("Error while committing to CS", result['Message']) else: self.log.info("Successfully committed %d changes to CS" % len(changeList)) return result else: self.log.info("No changes found") return S_OK()