""" This module provides GOCDB2CSAgent code. The agent is used to synchronize information between GOCDB and DIRAC configuration System (CS) Right now it only adds perfosonar endpoints The following options can be set for the GOCDB2CSAgent. .. literalinclude:: ../ConfigTemplate.cfg :start-after: ##BEGIN GOCDB2CSAgent :end-before: ##END :dedent: 2 :caption: GOCDB2CSAgent options """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function __RCSID__ = "54c0067e1 (2021-01-04 15:58:09 +0100) fstagni " from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.Core.Base.AgentModule import AgentModule from DIRAC.Core.LCG.GOCDBClient import GOCDBClient from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Utilities import getDIRACGOCDictionary from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Path import cfgPath from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Config import gConfig class GOCDB2CSAgent (AgentModule): """ Class to retrieve information about service endpoints from GOCDB and update configuration stored by CS """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ c'tor """ super(GOCDB2CSAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.GOCDBClient = None self.csAPI = None self.dryRun = False def initialize(self): """ Run at the agent initialization (normally every 500 cycles) """ # client to connect to GOCDB self.GOCDBClient = GOCDBClient() self.dryRun = self.am_getOption('DryRun', self.dryRun) # API needed to update configuration stored by CS self.csAPI = CSAPI() return self.csAPI.initialize() def execute(self): """ Execute GOCDB queries according to the function map and user request (options in configuration). """ # __functionMap is at the end of the class definition for option, functionCall in GOCDB2CSAgent.__functionMap.items(): optionValue = self.am_getOption(option, True) if optionValue: result = functionCall(self) if not result['OK']: self.log.error("%s() failed with message: %s" % (functionCall.__name__, result['Message'])) else: self.log.info("Successfully executed %s" % functionCall.__name__) return S_OK() def updatePerfSONARConfiguration(self): """ Get current status of perfSONAR endpoints from GOCDB and update CS configuration accordingly. """ log = self.log.getSubLogger('updatePerfSONAREndpoints') log.debug('Begin function ...') # get endpoints result = self.__getPerfSONAREndpoints() if not result['OK']: log.error("__getPerfSONAREndpoints() failed with message: %s" % result['Message']) return S_ERROR('Unable to fetch perfSONAR endpoints from GOCDB.') endpointList = result['Value'] # add DIRAC site name result = self.__addDIRACSiteName(endpointList) if not result['OK']: log.error("__addDIRACSiteName() failed with message: %s" % result['Message']) return S_ERROR('Unable to extend the list with DIRAC site names.') extendedEndpointList = result['Value'] # prepare dictionary with new configuration result = self.__preparePerfSONARConfiguration(extendedEndpointList) if not result['OK']: log.error("__preparePerfSONARConfiguration() failed with message: %s" % result['Message']) return S_ERROR('Unable to prepare a new perfSONAR configuration.') finalConfiguration = result['Value'] # update configuration according to the final status of endpoints self.__updateConfiguration(finalConfiguration) log.debug("Configuration updated succesfully") log.debug('End function.') return S_OK() def __getPerfSONAREndpoints(self): """ Retrieve perfSONAR endpoint information directly from GOCDB. :return: List of perfSONAR endpoints (dictionaries) as stored by GOCDB. """ log = self.log.getSubLogger('__getPerfSONAREndpoints') log.debug('Begin function ...') # get perfSONAR endpoints (latency and bandwidth) form GOCDB endpointList = [] for endpointType in ['Latency', 'Bandwidth']: result = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo('service_type', 'net.perfSONAR.%s' % endpointType) if not result['OK']: log.error("getServiceEndpointInfo() failed with message: %s" % result['Message']) return S_ERROR('Could not fetch %s endpoints from GOCDB' % endpointType.lower()) log.debug('Number of %s endpoints: %s' % (endpointType.lower(), len(result['Value']))) endpointList.extend(result['Value']) log.debug('Number of perfSONAR endpoints: %s' % len(endpointList)) log.debug('End function.') return S_OK(endpointList) def __preparePerfSONARConfiguration(self, endpointList): """ Prepare a dictionary with a new CS configuration of perfSONAR endpoints. :return: Dictionary where keys are configuration paths (options and sections) and values are values of corresponding options or None in case of a path pointing to a section. """ log = self.log.getSubLogger('__preparePerfSONARConfiguration') log.debug('Begin function ...') # static elements of a path rootPath = '/Resources/Sites' extPath = 'Network' baseOptionName = 'Enabled' options = {baseOptionName: 'True', 'ServiceType': 'perfSONAR'} # enable GOCDB endpoints in configuration newConfiguration = {} for endpoint in endpointList: if endpoint['DIRACSITENAME'] is None: continue split = endpoint['DIRACSITENAME'].split('.') path = cfgPath(rootPath, split[0], endpoint['DIRACSITENAME'], extPath, endpoint['HOSTNAME']) for name, defaultValue in options.items(): newConfiguration[cfgPath(path, name)] = defaultValue # get current configuration currentConfiguration = {} for option in options: result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree(rootPath, extPath + '/', '/' + option) if not result['OK']: log.error("getConfigurationTree() failed with message: %s" % result['Message']) return S_ERROR('Unable to fetch perfSONAR endpoints from CS.') currentConfiguration.update(result['Value']) # disable endpoints that disappeared in GOCDB removedElements = set(currentConfiguration) - set(newConfiguration) newElements = set(newConfiguration) - set(currentConfiguration) addedEndpoints = int(len(newElements) / len(options)) disabledEndpoints = 0 for path in removedElements: if baseOptionName in path: newConfiguration[path] = 'False' if currentConfiguration[path] != 'False': disabledEndpoints = disabledEndpoints + 1 # inform what will be changed if addedEndpoints > 0: self.log.info("%s new perfSONAR endpoints will be added to the configuration" % addedEndpoints) if disabledEndpoints > 0: self.log.info("%s old perfSONAR endpoints will be disable in the configuration" % disabledEndpoints) if addedEndpoints == 0 and disabledEndpoints == 0: self.log.info("perfSONAR configuration is up-to-date") log.debug('End function.') return S_OK(newConfiguration) def __addDIRACSiteName(self, inputList): """ Extend given list of GOCDB endpoints with DIRAC site name, i.e. add an entry "DIRACSITENAME" in dictionaries that describe endpoints. If given site name could not be found "DIRACSITENAME" is set to 'None'. :return: List of perfSONAR endpoints (dictionaries). """ log = self.log.getSubLogger('__addDIRACSiteName') log.debug('Begin function ...') # get site name dictionary result = getDIRACGOCDictionary() if not result['OK']: log.error("getDIRACGOCDictionary() failed with message: %s" % result['Message']) return S_ERROR('Could not get site name dictionary') # reverse the dictionary (assume 1 to 1 relation) DIRACGOCDict = result['Value'] GOCDIRACDict = dict(zip(DIRACGOCDict.values(), DIRACGOCDict)) # add DIRAC site names outputList = [] for entry in inputList: try: entry['DIRACSITENAME'] = GOCDIRACDict[entry['SITENAME']] except KeyError: self.log.warn("No dictionary entry for %s. " % entry['SITENAME']) entry['DIRACSITENAME'] = None outputList.append(entry) log.debug('End function.') return S_OK(outputList) def __updateConfiguration(self, setElements=None, delElements=None): """ Update configuration stored by CS. """ if setElements is None: setElements = {} if delElements is None: delElements = [] log = self.log.getSubLogger('__updateConfiguration') log.debug('Begin function ...') # assure existence and proper value of a section or an option for path, value in setElements.items(): if value is None: section = path else: split = path.rsplit('/', 1) section = split[0] try: result = self.csAPI.createSection(section) if not result['OK']: log.error("createSection() failed with message: %s" % result['Message']) except Exception as e: log.error("Exception in createSection(): %s" % repr(e).replace(',)', ')')) if value is not None: try: result = self.csAPI.setOption(path, value) if not result['OK']: log.error("setOption() failed with message: %s" % result['Message']) except Exception as e: log.error("Exception in setOption(): %s" % repr(e).replace(',)', ')')) # delete elements in the configuration for path in delElements: result = self.csAPI.delOption(path) if not result['OK']: log.warn("delOption() failed with message: %s" % result['Message']) result = self.csAPI.delSection(path) if not result['OK']: log.warn("delSection() failed with message: %s" % result['Message']) if self.dryRun: log.info("Dry Run: CS won't be updated") self.csAPI.showDiff() else: # update configuration stored by CS result = self.csAPI.commit() if not result['OK']: log.error("commit() failed with message: %s" % result['Message']) return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes to CS.") else: log.info("Committed changes to CS") log.debug('End function.') return S_OK() # define mapping between an agent option in the configuration and a function call __functionMap = {'UpdatePerfSONARS': updatePerfSONARConfiguration, }