"""CSShellCmd class emulates the behaviour of a shell to edit the CS config. """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division __RCSID__ = "9f2eb11c4 (2021-03-03 20:09:32 +0100) Chris Burr " import cmd import os import six from DIRAC.Core.Base.CLI import CLI, colorize from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.ConfigurationData import gConfigurationData from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.private.Modificator import Modificator from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.ConfigurationClient import ConfigurationClient class CSShellCLI(CLI): def __init__(self): CLI.__init__(self) self.serverURL = "" self.serverName = "" self.modificator = None self.connected = False self.dirty = False self.root = "/" self.do_connect("") def update_prompt(self): if self.connected: self.prompt = "[" + colorize(self.serverName, "green") + ":" + self.root + " ]% " else: self.prompt = "[" + colorize("disconnected", "red") + ":" + self.root + " ]% " def do_connect(self, line): """connect Connect to the CS Usage: connect (Connect to the CS at the specified URL) connect (Connect to the default CS URL of your config) """ if line == "": self.serverURL = gConfigurationData.getMasterServer() self.serverName = gConfigurationData.getName() else: self.serverURL = self.serverName = line if self.serverURL is None: print("Unable to connect to the default server. Maybe you don't have a proxy ?") return self.do_disconnect("") print("Trying to connect to " + self.serverURL + "...", end=' ') self.modificator = Modificator(ConfigurationClient(url=self.serverURL)) rv = self.modificator.loadFromRemote() rv2 = self.modificator.loadCredentials() if rv['OK'] == False or rv2['OK'] == False: print("failed: ", end=' ') if rv['OK'] is False: print(rv['Message']) else: print(rv2['Message']) self.connected = False self.update_prompt() else: self.connected = True self.update_prompt() print("done.") def do_disconnect(self, _line): """Disconnect from CS""" if self.connected and self.dirty: res = six.moves.input("Do you want to commit your changes into the CS ? [y/N] ") if res.lower() in ["y", "yes"]: self.do_commit("") self.serverURL = self.serverName = "" self.modificator = None self.connected = False self.update_prompt() def do_ls(self, line): """ls List the sections and options of CS of the current root""" if self.connected: secs = self.modificator.getSections(self.root) opts = self.modificator.getOptions(self.root) if line.startswith("-") and "l" in line: for i in secs: print(colorize(i, "blue") + " ") for i in opts: print(i + " ") else: for i in secs: print(colorize(i, "blue") + " ", end=' ') for i in opts: print(i + " ", end=' ') print("") def do_cd(self, line): """cd Go one directory deeper in the CS""" # Check if invariant holds if self.connected: assert(self.root == "/" or not self.root.endswith("/")) assert(self.root.startswith("/")) secs = self.modificator.getSections(self.root) if line == "..": self.root = os.path.dirname(self.root) self.update_prompt() else: if os.path.normpath(line) in secs: if self.root == "/": self.root = self.root + os.path.normpath(line) else: self.root = self.root + "/" + os.path.normpath(line) self.update_prompt() else: print("cd: no such section: " + line) def complete_cd(self, text, _line, _begidx, _endidx): secs = self.modificator.getSections(self.root) return [(s + "/") for s in secs if s.startswith(text)] def do_cat(self, line): """cat Read the content of an option in the CS""" if self.connected: opts = self.modificator.getOptionsDict(self.root) if line in opts: print(opts[line]) else: print("cat: No such option") def complete_cat(self, text, _line, _begidx, _endidx): opts = self.modificator.getOptions(self.root) return [o for o in opts if o.startswith(text)] do_less = do_cat complete_less = complete_cat def do_mkdir(self, line): """mkdir Create a new section in the CS""" if self.connected: self.modificator.createSection(self.root + "/" + line) self.dirty = True complete_mkdir = complete_cd def do_rmdir(self, line): """rmdir Delete a section in the CS""" if self.connected: self.modificator.removeSection(self.root + "/" + line) self.dirty = True complete_rmdir = complete_cd def do_rm(self, line): """rm Delete an option in the CS""" if self.connected: self.modificator.removeOption(self.root + "/" + line) self.dirty = True complete_rm = complete_cat def do_set(self, line): """set Set an option in the CS (or create it if it does not exists) Usage: set to set a string option (will be stored as a string in CS) set ,,... to set a list option (will be stored as a list in CS) """ if self.connected: line = line.split(" ", 2) if len(line) != 2: print("Usage: set ") else: self.modificator.setOptionValue(self.root + "/" + line[0], line[1]) self.dirty = True complete_set = complete_cat def do_unset(self, line): """unset Unset an option in the CS: Making the option equal to the empty string.""" if self.connected: self.modificator.setOptionValue(self.root + "/" + line, "") self.dirty = True complete_unset = complete_cat def do_commit(self, _line): """commit Commit the modifications to the CS""" if self.connected and self.dirty: self.modificator.commit() def default(self, line): """Override [Cmd.default(line)] function.""" if line == "EOF": if self.prompt: print() return self.do_quit(line) else: cmd.Cmd.default(self, line) def do_quit(self, _line): """quit Quit""" self.do_disconnect("") CLI.do_quit(self, _line)