""" Usage of ThreadPool ThreadPool creates a pool of worker threads to process a queue of tasks much like the producers/consumers paradigm. Users just need to fill the queue with tasks to be executed and worker threads will execute them To start working with the ThreadPool first it has to be instanced:: threadPool = ThreadPool( minThreads, maxThreads, maxQueuedRequests ) minThreads -> at all times no less than workers will be alive maxThreads -> at all times no more than workers will be alive maxQueuedRequests -> No more than can be waiting to be executed If another request is added to the ThreadPool, the thread will lock until another request is taken out of the queue. The ThreadPool will automatically increase and decrease the pool of workers as needed To add requests to the queue:: threadPool.generateJobAndQueueIt( , args = ( arg1, arg2, ... ), oCallback = ) or:: request = ThreadedJob( , args = ( arg1, arg2, ... ) oCallback = ) threadPool.queueJob( request ) The result callback and the parameters are optional arguments. Once the requests have been added to the pool. They will be executed as soon as possible. Worker threads automatically return the return value of the requests. To run the result callback functions execute:: threadPool.generateJobAndQueueIt( , args = ( arg1, arg2, ... ), oCallback = ) or:: request = ThreadedJob( , args = ( arg1, arg2, ... ) oCallback = ) threadPool.queueJob( request ) The result callback and the parameters are optional arguments. Once the requests have been added to the pool. They will be executed as soon as possible. Worker threads automatically return the return value of the requests. To run the result callback functions execute:: threadPool.processRequests() This method will process the existing return values of the requests. Even if the requests do not return anything this method (or any process result method) has to be called to clean the result queues. To wait until all the requests are finished and process their result call:: threadPool.processAllRequests() This function will block until all requests are finished and their result values have been processed. It is also possible to set the threadPool in auto processing results mode. It'll process the results as soon as the requests have finished. To enable this mode call:: threadPool.daemonize() """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division __RCSID__ = "d3bbbc695 (2021-03-10 08:16:15 +0100) Chris Burr " import time import sys from six.moves import queue as Queue import threading try: from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.Logger import gLogger except Exception: gLogger = False from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ReturnValues import S_OK, S_ERROR class WorkingThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, oPendingQueue, oResultsQueue, **kwargs): threading.Thread.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.setDaemon(1) self.__pendingQueue = oPendingQueue self.__resultsQueue = oResultsQueue self.__threadAlive = True self.__working = False self.start() def isWorking(self): return self.__working def kill(self): self.__threadAlive = False def run(self): while self.__threadAlive: oJob = self.__pendingQueue.get(block=True) if not self.__threadAlive: self.__pendingQueue.put(oJob) break self.__working = True oJob.process() self.__working = False if oJob.hasCallback(): self.__resultsQueue.put(oJob, block=True) class ThreadedJob(object): def __init__(self, oCallable, args=None, kwargs=None, sTJId=None, oCallback=None, oExceptionCallback=None): self.__jobFunction = oCallable self.__jobArgs = args or [] self.__jobKwArgs = kwargs or {} self.__tjID = sTJId self.__resultCallback = oCallback self.__exceptionCallback = oExceptionCallback self.__done = False self.__exceptionRaised = False self.__jobResult = None self.__jobException = None def __showException(self, threadedJob, exceptionInfo): if gLogger: gLogger.exception("Exception in thread", lExcInfo=exceptionInfo) def jobId(self): return self.__tjID def hasCallback(self): return self.__resultCallback or self.__exceptionCallback def exceptionRaised(self): return self.__exceptionRaised def doExceptionCallback(self): if self.__done and self.__exceptionRaised and self.__exceptionCallback: self.__exceptionCallback(self, self.__jobException) def doCallback(self): if self.__done and not self.__exceptionRaised and self.__resultCallback: self.__resultCallback(self, self.__jobResult) def process(self): self.__done = True try: self.__jobResult = self.__jobFunction(*self.__jobArgs, **self.__jobKwArgs) except Exception as lException: self.__exceptionRaised = True if not self.__exceptionCallback: if gLogger: gLogger.exception("Exception in thread", lException=lException) else: self.__jobException = sys.exc_info() class ThreadPool(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, iMinThreads, iMaxThreads=0, iMaxQueuedRequests=0, strictLimits=True): threading.Thread.__init__(self) if iMinThreads < 1: self.__minThreads = 1 else: self.__minThreads = iMinThreads if iMaxThreads < self.__minThreads: self.__maxThreads = self.__minThreads else: self.__maxThreads = iMaxThreads self.__strictLimits = strictLimits self.__pendingQueue = Queue.Queue(iMaxQueuedRequests) self.__resultsQueue = Queue.Queue(iMaxQueuedRequests + iMaxThreads) self.__workingThreadsList = [] self.__spawnNeededWorkingThreads() def getMaxThreads(self): return self.__maxThreads def getMinThreads(self): return self.__minThreads def numWorkingThreads(self): return self.__countWorkingThreads() def numWaitingThreads(self): return self.__countWaitingThreads() def __spawnWorkingThread(self): self.__workingThreadsList.append(WorkingThread(self.__pendingQueue, self.__resultsQueue)) def __killWorkingThread(self): if self.__strictLimits: for i in range(len(self.__workingThreadsList)): wT = self.__workingThreadsList[i] if not wT.isWorking(): wT.kill() del self.__workingThreadsList[i] break else: self.__workingThreadsList[0].kill() del self.__workingThreadsList[0] def __countWaitingThreads(self): iWaitingThreads = 0 for oWT in self.__workingThreadsList: if not oWT.isWorking(): iWaitingThreads += 1 return iWaitingThreads def __countWorkingThreads(self): iWorkingThreads = 0 for oWT in self.__workingThreadsList: if oWT.isWorking(): iWorkingThreads += 1 return iWorkingThreads def __spawnNeededWorkingThreads(self): while len(self.__workingThreadsList) < self.__minThreads: self.__spawnWorkingThread() while self.__countWaitingThreads() == 0 and \ len(self.__workingThreadsList) < self.__maxThreads: self.__spawnWorkingThread() def __killExceedingWorkingThreads(self): threadsToKill = len(self.__workingThreadsList) - self.__maxThreads for _ in range(max(threadsToKill, 0)): self.__killWorkingThread() threadsToKill = self.__countWaitingThreads() - self.__minThreads for _ in range(max(threadsToKill, 0)): self.__killWorkingThread() def queueJob(self, oTJob, blocking=True): if not isinstance(oTJob, ThreadedJob): raise TypeError("Jobs added to the thread pool must be ThreadedJob instances") try: self.__pendingQueue.put(oTJob, block=blocking) except Queue.Full: return S_ERROR("Queue is full") return S_OK() def generateJobAndQueueIt(self, oCallable, args=None, kwargs=None, sTJId=None, oCallback=None, oExceptionCallback=None, blocking=True): oTJ = ThreadedJob(oCallable, args, kwargs, sTJId, oCallback, oExceptionCallback) return self.queueJob(oTJ, blocking) def pendingJobs(self): return self.__pendingQueue.qsize() def isFull(self): return self.__pendingQueue.full() def isWorking(self): return not self.__pendingQueue.empty() or self.__countWorkingThreads() def processResults(self): iProcessed = 0 while True: self.__spawnNeededWorkingThreads() if self.__resultsQueue.empty(): self.__killExceedingWorkingThreads() break oJob = self.__resultsQueue.get() oJob.doExceptionCallback() oJob.doCallback() iProcessed += 1 self.__killExceedingWorkingThreads() return iProcessed def processAllResults(self): while not self.__pendingQueue.empty() or self.__countWorkingThreads(): self.processResults() time.sleep(0.1) self.processResults() def daemonize(self): self.setDaemon(1) self.start() # This is the ThreadPool threaded function. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO CALL THIS FUNCTION!!! def run(self): while True: self.processResults() time.sleep(1) gThreadPool = False def getGlobalThreadPool(): global gThreadPool if not gThreadPool: gThreadPool = ThreadPool(1, 500) gThreadPool.daemonize() return gThreadPool if __name__ == "__main__": import random def doSomething(iNumber): time.sleep(random.randint(1, 5)) fResult = random.random() * iNumber if fResult > 3: raise Exception("TEST EXCEPTION") return fResult def showResult(oTJ, fResult): print("Result %s from %s" % (fResult, oTJ)) def showException(oTJ, exc_info): print("Exception %s from %s" % (exc_info[1], oTJ)) OTP = ThreadPool(5, 10) def generateWork(iWorkUnits): for iNumber in [random.randint(1, 20) for _ in range(iWorkUnits)]: oTJ = ThreadedJob(doSomething, args=(iNumber, ), oCallback=showResult, oExceptionCallback=showException) OTP.queueJob(oTJ) print('MaxThreads =', OTP.getMaxThreads()) print('MinThreads =', OTP.getMinThreads()) generateWork(30) while True: time.sleep(1) gIResult = OTP.processResults() gINew = gIResult + random.randint(-3, 2) print("Processed %s, generating %s.." % (gIResult, gINew)) generateWork(gINew) print("Threads %s" % OTP.numWorkingThreads(), OTP.pendingJobs())