""" ProxyManagerClient has the function to "talk" to the ProxyManager service (:mod:`~DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Service.ProxyManagerHandler`). This inherits the DIRAC base Client for direct execution of server functionality. Client also contain caching of the requested proxy information. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import six import os import datetime from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gLogger from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers import Registry from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import ThreadSafe, DIRACSingleton from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.DictCache import DictCache from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyFile import multiProxyArgument, deleteMultiProxy from DIRAC.Core.Security.X509Chain import X509Chain # pylint: disable=import-error from DIRAC.Core.Security.X509Request import X509Request # pylint: disable=import-error from DIRAC.Core.Security.VOMS import VOMS from DIRAC.Core.Security import Locations from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient __RCSID__ = "762ae61a3 (2021-09-21 14:49:44 +0200) Andrei Tsaregorodtsev " gUsersSync = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer() gProxiesSync = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer() gVOMSProxiesSync = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer() @six.add_metaclass(DIRACSingleton.DIRACSingleton) class ProxyManagerClient(object): def __init__(self): self.__usersCache = DictCache() self.__proxiesCache = DictCache() self.__vomsProxiesCache = DictCache() self.__pilotProxiesCache = DictCache() self.__filesCache = DictCache(self.__deleteTemporalFile) def __deleteTemporalFile(self, filename): """ Delete temporal file :param str filename: path to file """ try: os.remove(filename) except Exception: pass def clearCaches(self): """ Clear caches """ self.__usersCache.purgeAll() self.__proxiesCache.purgeAll() self.__vomsProxiesCache.purgeAll() self.__pilotProxiesCache.purgeAll() def __getSecondsLeftToExpiration(self, expiration, utc=True): """ Get time left to expiration in a seconds :param datetime expiration: :param boolean utc: time in utc :return: datetime """ if utc: td = expiration - datetime.datetime.utcnow() else: td = expiration - datetime.datetime.now() return td.days * 86400 + td.seconds def __refreshUserCache(self, validSeconds=0): """ Refresh user cache :param int validSeconds: required seconds the proxy is valid for :return: S_OK()/S_ERROR() """ rpcClient = RPCClient("Framework/ProxyManager", timeout=120) retVal = rpcClient.getRegisteredUsers(validSeconds) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal data = retVal['Value'] # Update the cache for record in data: cacheKey = (record['DN'], record['group']) self.__usersCache.add(cacheKey, self.__getSecondsLeftToExpiration(record['expirationtime']), record) return S_OK() @gUsersSync def userHasProxy(self, userDN, userGroup, validSeconds=0): """ Check if a user(DN-group) has a proxy in the proxy management Updates internal cache if needed to minimize queries to the service :param str userDN: user DN :param str userGroup: user group :param int validSeconds: proxy valid time in a seconds :return: S_OK()/S_ERROR() """ # For backward compatibility reasons with versions prior to v7r1 # we need to check for proxy with a group # AND for groupless proxy even if not specified cacheKeys = ((userDN, userGroup), (userDN, '')) for cacheKey in cacheKeys: if self.__usersCache.exists(cacheKey, validSeconds): return S_OK(True) # Get list of users from the DB with proxys at least 300 seconds gLogger.verbose("Updating list of users in proxy management") retVal = self.__refreshUserCache(validSeconds) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal for cacheKey in cacheKeys: if self.__usersCache.exists(cacheKey, validSeconds): return S_OK(True) return S_OK(False) @gUsersSync def getUserPersistence(self, userDN, userGroup, validSeconds=0): """ Check if a user(DN-group) has a proxy in the proxy management Updates internal cache if needed to minimize queries to the service :param str userDN: user DN :param str userGroup: user group :param int validSeconds: proxy valid time in a seconds :return: S_OK()/S_ERROR() """ cacheKey = (userDN, userGroup) userData = self.__usersCache.get(cacheKey, validSeconds) if userData: if userData['persistent']: return S_OK(True) # Get list of users from the DB with proxys at least 300 seconds gLogger.verbose("Updating list of users in proxy management") retVal = self.__refreshUserCache(validSeconds) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal userData = self.__usersCache.get(cacheKey, validSeconds) if userData: return S_OK(userData['persistent']) return S_OK(False) def setPersistency(self, userDN, userGroup, persistent): """ Set the persistency for user/group :param str userDN: user DN :param str userGroup: user group :param boolean persistent: presistent flag :return: S_OK()/S_ERROR() """ # Hack to ensure bool in the rpc call persistentFlag = True if not persistent: persistentFlag = False rpcClient = RPCClient("Framework/ProxyManager", timeout=120) retVal = rpcClient.setPersistency(userDN, userGroup, persistentFlag) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal # Update internal persistency cache cacheKey = (userDN, userGroup) record = self.__usersCache.get(cacheKey, 0) if record: record['persistent'] = persistentFlag self.__usersCache.add(cacheKey, self.__getSecondsLeftToExpiration(record['expirationtime']), record) return retVal def uploadProxy(self, proxy=None, restrictLifeTime=0, rfcIfPossible=False): """ Upload a proxy to the proxy management service using delegation :param X509Chain proxy: proxy as a chain :param int restrictLifeTime: proxy live time in a seconds :param boolean rfcIfPossible: make rfc proxy if possible :return: S_OK(dict)/S_ERROR() -- dict contain proxies """ # Discover proxy location if isinstance(proxy, X509Chain): chain = proxy proxyLocation = "" else: if not proxy: proxyLocation = Locations.getProxyLocation() if not proxyLocation: return S_ERROR("Can't find a valid proxy") elif isinstance(proxy, six.string_types): proxyLocation = proxy else: return S_ERROR("Can't find a valid proxy") chain = X509Chain() result = chain.loadProxyFromFile(proxyLocation) if not result['OK']: return S_ERROR("Can't load %s: %s " % (proxyLocation, result['Message'])) # Make sure it's valid if chain.hasExpired().get('Value'): return S_ERROR("Proxy %s has expired" % proxyLocation) if chain.getDIRACGroup(ignoreDefault=True).get('Value') or chain.isVOMS().get('Value'): return S_ERROR("Cannot upload proxy with DIRAC group or VOMS extensions") rpcClient = RPCClient("Framework/ProxyManager", timeout=120) # Get a delegation request result = rpcClient.requestDelegationUpload(chain.getRemainingSecs()['Value']) if not result['OK']: return result reqDict = result['Value'] # Generate delegated chain chainLifeTime = chain.getRemainingSecs()['Value'] - 60 if restrictLifeTime and restrictLifeTime < chainLifeTime: chainLifeTime = restrictLifeTime retVal = chain.generateChainFromRequestString(reqDict['request'], lifetime=chainLifeTime, rfc=rfcIfPossible) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal # Upload! result = rpcClient.completeDelegationUpload(reqDict['id'], retVal['Value']) if not result['OK']: return result return S_OK(result.get('proxies') or result['Value']) @gProxiesSync def downloadProxy(self, userDN, userGroup, limited=False, requiredTimeLeft=1200, cacheTime=14400, proxyToConnect=None, token=None): """ Get a proxy Chain from the proxy management :param str userDN: user DN :param str userGroup: user group :param boolean limited: if need limited proxy :param int requiredTimeLeft: required proxy live time in a seconds :param int cacheTime: store in a cache time in a seconds :param X509Chain proxyToConnect: proxy as a chain :param str token: valid token to get a proxy :return: S_OK(X509Chain)/S_ERROR() """ cacheKey = (userDN, userGroup) if self.__proxiesCache.exists(cacheKey, requiredTimeLeft): return S_OK(self.__proxiesCache.get(cacheKey)) req = X509Request() req.generateProxyRequest(limited=limited) if proxyToConnect: rpcClient = RPCClient("Framework/ProxyManager", proxyChain=proxyToConnect, timeout=120) else: rpcClient = RPCClient("Framework/ProxyManager", timeout=120) if token: retVal = rpcClient.getProxyWithToken(userDN, userGroup, req.dumpRequest()['Value'], int(cacheTime + requiredTimeLeft), token) else: retVal = rpcClient.getProxy(userDN, userGroup, req.dumpRequest()['Value'], int(cacheTime + requiredTimeLeft)) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal chain = X509Chain(keyObj=req.getPKey()) retVal = chain.loadChainFromString(retVal['Value']) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal self.__proxiesCache.add(cacheKey, chain.getRemainingSecs()['Value'], chain) return S_OK(chain) def downloadProxyToFile(self, userDN, userGroup, limited=False, requiredTimeLeft=1200, cacheTime=14400, filePath=None, proxyToConnect=None, token=None): """ Get a proxy Chain from the proxy management and write it to file :param str userDN: user DN :param str userGroup: user group :param boolean limited: if need limited proxy :param int requiredTimeLeft: required proxy live time in a seconds :param int cacheTime: store in a cache time in a seconds :param str filePath: path to save proxy :param X509Chain proxyToConnect: proxy as a chain :param str token: valid token to get a proxy :return: S_OK(X509Chain)/S_ERROR() """ retVal = self.downloadProxy(userDN, userGroup, limited, requiredTimeLeft, cacheTime, proxyToConnect, token) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal chain = retVal['Value'] retVal = self.dumpProxyToFile(chain, filePath) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal retVal['chain'] = chain return retVal @gVOMSProxiesSync def downloadVOMSProxy(self, userDN, userGroup, limited=False, requiredTimeLeft=1200, cacheTime=14400, requiredVOMSAttribute=None, proxyToConnect=None, token=None): """ Download a proxy if needed and transform it into a VOMS one :param str userDN: user DN :param str userGroup: user group :param boolean limited: if need limited proxy :param int requiredTimeLeft: required proxy live time in a seconds :param int cacheTime: store in a cache time in a seconds :param str requiredVOMSAttribute: VOMS attr to add to the proxy :param X509Chain proxyToConnect: proxy as a chain :param str token: valid token to get a proxy :return: S_OK(X509Chain)/S_ERROR() """ cacheKey = (userDN, userGroup, requiredVOMSAttribute, limited) if self.__vomsProxiesCache.exists(cacheKey, requiredTimeLeft): return S_OK(self.__vomsProxiesCache.get(cacheKey)) req = X509Request() req.generateProxyRequest(limited=limited) if proxyToConnect: rpcClient = RPCClient("Framework/ProxyManager", proxyChain=proxyToConnect, timeout=120) else: rpcClient = RPCClient("Framework/ProxyManager", timeout=120) if token: retVal = rpcClient.getVOMSProxyWithToken(userDN, userGroup, req.dumpRequest()['Value'], int(cacheTime + requiredTimeLeft), token, requiredVOMSAttribute) else: retVal = rpcClient.getVOMSProxy(userDN, userGroup, req.dumpRequest()['Value'], int(cacheTime + requiredTimeLeft), requiredVOMSAttribute) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal chain = X509Chain(keyObj=req.getPKey()) retVal = chain.loadChainFromString(retVal['Value']) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal self.__vomsProxiesCache.add(cacheKey, chain.getRemainingSecs()['Value'], chain) return S_OK(chain) def downloadVOMSProxyToFile(self, userDN, userGroup, limited=False, requiredTimeLeft=1200, cacheTime=14400, requiredVOMSAttribute=None, filePath=None, proxyToConnect=None, token=None): """ Download a proxy if needed, transform it into a VOMS one and write it to file :param str userDN: user DN :param str userGroup: user group :param boolean limited: if need limited proxy :param int requiredTimeLeft: required proxy live time in a seconds :param int cacheTime: store in a cache time in a seconds :param str requiredVOMSAttribute: VOMS attr to add to the proxy :param str filePath: path to save proxy :param X509Chain proxyToConnect: proxy as a chain :param str token: valid token to get a proxy :return: S_OK(X509Chain)/S_ERROR() """ retVal = self.downloadVOMSProxy(userDN, userGroup, limited, requiredTimeLeft, cacheTime, requiredVOMSAttribute, proxyToConnect, token) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal chain = retVal['Value'] retVal = self.dumpProxyToFile(chain, filePath) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal retVal['chain'] = chain return retVal def getPilotProxyFromDIRACGroup(self, userDN, userGroup, requiredTimeLeft=43200, proxyToConnect=None): """ Download a pilot proxy with VOMS extensions depending on the group :param str userDN: user DN :param str userGroup: user group :param int requiredTimeLeft: required proxy live time in seconds :param X509Chain proxyToConnect: proxy as a chain :return: S_OK(X509Chain)/S_ERROR() """ # Assign VOMS attribute vomsAttr = Registry.getVOMSAttributeForGroup(userGroup) if not vomsAttr: gLogger.warn("No voms attribute assigned to group %s when requested pilot proxy" % userGroup) return self.downloadProxy(userDN, userGroup, limited=False, requiredTimeLeft=requiredTimeLeft, proxyToConnect=proxyToConnect) else: return self.downloadVOMSProxy(userDN, userGroup, limited=False, requiredTimeLeft=requiredTimeLeft, requiredVOMSAttribute=vomsAttr, proxyToConnect=proxyToConnect) def getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup(self, userDN, vomsAttr, requiredTimeLeft=43200, proxyToConnect=None): """ Download a pilot proxy with VOMS extensions depending on the group :param str userDN: user DN :param str vomsAttr: VOMS attribute :param int requiredTimeLeft: required proxy live time in a seconds :param X509Chain proxyToConnect: proxy as a chain :return: S_OK(X509Chain)/S_ERROR() """ groups = Registry.getGroupsWithVOMSAttribute(vomsAttr) if not groups: return S_ERROR("No group found that has %s as voms attrs" % vomsAttr) for userGroup in groups: result = self.downloadVOMSProxy(userDN, userGroup, limited=False, requiredTimeLeft=requiredTimeLeft, requiredVOMSAttribute=vomsAttr, proxyToConnect=proxyToConnect) if result['OK']: return result return result def getPayloadProxyFromDIRACGroup(self, userDN, userGroup, requiredTimeLeft, token=None, proxyToConnect=None): """ Download a payload proxy with VOMS extensions depending on the group :param str userDN: user DN :param str userGroup: user group :param int requiredTimeLeft: required proxy live time in a seconds :param str token: valid token to get a proxy :param X509Chain proxyToConnect: proxy as a chain :return: S_OK(X509Chain)/S_ERROR() """ # Assign VOMS attribute vomsAttr = Registry.getVOMSAttributeForGroup(userGroup) if not vomsAttr: gLogger.verbose("No voms attribute assigned to group %s when requested payload proxy" % userGroup) return self.downloadProxy(userDN, userGroup, limited=True, requiredTimeLeft=requiredTimeLeft, proxyToConnect=proxyToConnect, token=token) else: return self.downloadVOMSProxy(userDN, userGroup, limited=True, requiredTimeLeft=requiredTimeLeft, requiredVOMSAttribute=vomsAttr, proxyToConnect=proxyToConnect, token=token) def getPayloadProxyFromVOMSGroup(self, userDN, vomsAttr, token, requiredTimeLeft, proxyToConnect=None): """ Download a payload proxy with VOMS extensions depending on the VOMS attr :param str userDN: user DN :param str vomsAttr: VOMS attribute :param str token: valid token to get a proxy :param int requiredTimeLeft: required proxy live time in a seconds :param X509Chain proxyToConnect: proxy as a chain :return: S_OK(X509Chain)/S_ERROR() """ groups = Registry.getGroupsWithVOMSAttribute(vomsAttr) if not groups: return S_ERROR("No group found that has %s as voms attrs" % vomsAttr) userGroup = groups[0] return self.downloadVOMSProxy(userDN, userGroup, limited=True, requiredTimeLeft=requiredTimeLeft, requiredVOMSAttribute=vomsAttr, proxyToConnect=proxyToConnect, token=token) def dumpProxyToFile(self, chain, destinationFile=None, requiredTimeLeft=600): """ Dump a proxy to a file. It's cached so multiple calls won't generate extra files :param X509Chain chain: proxy as a chain :param str destinationFile: path to store proxy :param int requiredTimeLeft: required proxy live time in a seconds :return: S_OK(str)/S_ERROR() """ result = chain.hash() if not result['OK']: return result cHash = result['Value'] if self.__filesCache.exists(cHash, requiredTimeLeft): filepath = self.__filesCache.get(cHash) if filepath and os.path.isfile(filepath): return S_OK(filepath) self.__filesCache.delete(cHash) retVal = chain.dumpAllToFile(destinationFile) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal filename = retVal['Value'] self.__filesCache.add(cHash, chain.getRemainingSecs()['Value'], filename) return S_OK(filename) def deleteGeneratedProxyFile(self, chain): """ Delete a file generated by a dump :param X509Chain chain: proxy as a chain :return: S_OK() """ self.__filesCache.delete(chain) return S_OK() def deleteProxyBundle(self, idList): """ delete a list of id's :param list,tuple idList: list of identity numbers :return: S_OK(int)/S_ERROR() """ rpcClient = RPCClient("Framework/ProxyManager", timeout=120) return rpcClient.deleteProxyBundle(idList) def requestToken(self, requesterDN, requesterGroup, numUses=1): """ Request a number of tokens. usesList must be a list of integers and each integer is the number of uses a token must have :param str requesterDN: user DN :param str requesterGroup: user group :param int numUses: number of uses :return: S_OK(tuple)/S_ERROR() -- tuple contain token, number uses """ rpcClient = RPCClient("Framework/ProxyManager", timeout=120) return rpcClient.generateToken(requesterDN, requesterGroup, numUses) def renewProxy(self, proxyToBeRenewed=None, minLifeTime=3600, newProxyLifeTime=43200, proxyToConnect=None): """ Renew a proxy using the ProxyManager :param X509Chain proxyToBeRenewed: proxy to renew :param int minLifeTime: if proxy life time is less than this, renew. Skip otherwise :param int newProxyLifeTime: life time of new proxy :param X509Chain proxyToConnect: proxy to use for connecting to the service :return: S_OK(X509Chain)/S_ERROR() """ retVal = multiProxyArgument(proxyToBeRenewed) if not retVal['Value']: return retVal proxyToRenewDict = retVal['Value'] secs = proxyToRenewDict['chain'].getRemainingSecs()['Value'] if secs > minLifeTime: deleteMultiProxy(proxyToRenewDict) return S_OK() if not proxyToConnect: proxyToConnectDict = {'chain': False, 'tempFile': False} else: retVal = multiProxyArgument(proxyToConnect) if not retVal['Value']: deleteMultiProxy(proxyToRenewDict) return retVal proxyToConnectDict = retVal['Value'] userDN = proxyToRenewDict['chain'].getIssuerCert()['Value'].getSubjectDN()['Value'] retVal = proxyToRenewDict['chain'].getDIRACGroup() if not retVal['OK']: deleteMultiProxy(proxyToRenewDict) deleteMultiProxy(proxyToConnectDict) return retVal userGroup = retVal['Value'] limited = proxyToRenewDict['chain'].isLimitedProxy()['Value'] voms = VOMS() retVal = voms.getVOMSAttributes(proxyToRenewDict['chain']) if not retVal['OK']: deleteMultiProxy(proxyToRenewDict) deleteMultiProxy(proxyToConnectDict) return retVal vomsAttrs = retVal['Value'] if vomsAttrs: retVal = self.downloadVOMSProxy(userDN, userGroup, limited=limited, requiredTimeLeft=newProxyLifeTime, requiredVOMSAttribute=vomsAttrs[0], proxyToConnect=proxyToConnectDict['chain']) else: retVal = self.downloadProxy(userDN, userGroup, limited=limited, requiredTimeLeft=newProxyLifeTime, proxyToConnect=proxyToConnectDict['chain']) deleteMultiProxy(proxyToRenewDict) deleteMultiProxy(proxyToConnectDict) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal chain = retVal['Value'] if not proxyToRenewDict['tempFile']: return chain.dumpAllToFile(proxyToRenewDict['file']) return S_OK(chain) def getDBContents(self, condDict={}, sorting=[['UserDN', 'DESC']], start=0, limit=0): """ Get the contents of the db :param dict condDict: search condition :return: S_OK(dict)/S_ERROR() -- dict contain fields, record list, total records """ rpcClient = RPCClient("Framework/ProxyManager", timeout=120) return rpcClient.getContents(condDict, sorting, start, limit) def getVOMSAttributes(self, chain): """ Get the voms attributes for a chain :param X509Chain chain: proxy as a chain :return: S_OK(str)/S_ERROR() """ return VOMS().getVOMSAttributes(chain) def getUploadedProxyLifeTime(self, DN, group): """ Get the remaining seconds for an uploaded proxy :param str DN: user DN :param str group: group :return: S_OK(int)/S_ERROR() """ result = self.getDBContents({'UserDN': [DN], 'UserGroup': [group]}) if not result['OK']: return result data = result['Value'] if len(data['Records']) == 0: return S_OK(0) pNames = list(data['ParameterNames']) dnPos = pNames.index('UserDN') groupPos = pNames.index('UserGroup') expiryPos = pNames.index('ExpirationTime') for row in data['Records']: if DN == row[dnPos] and group == row[groupPos]: td = row[expiryPos] - datetime.datetime.utcnow() secondsLeft = td.days * 86400 + td.seconds return S_OK(max(0, secondsLeft)) return S_OK(0) def getUserProxiesInfo(self): """ Get the user proxies uploaded info :return: S_OK(dict)/S_ERROR() """ result = RPCClient("Framework/ProxyManager", timeout=120).getUserProxiesInfo() if 'rpcStub' in result: result.pop('rpcStub') return result gProxyManager = ProxyManagerClient()