""" Commits monitoring information using gServiceInterface singleton """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function __RCSID__ = "d3bbbc695 (2021-03-10 08:16:15 +0100) Chris Burr " import six import os from DIRAC import gLogger, gConfig, rootPath, S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RequestHandler import RequestHandler from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DEncode, Time from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.JEncode import strToIntDict from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client import PathFinder from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.MonitoringClient import gMonitor from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.private.monitoring.ServiceInterface import gServiceInterface def initializeMonitoringHandler(serviceInfo): # Check that the path is writable monitoringSection = PathFinder.getServiceSection("Framework/Monitoring") # Get data location dataPath = gConfig.getValue("%s/DataLocation" % monitoringSection, "data/monitoring") dataPath = dataPath.strip() if dataPath[0] != "/": dataPath = os.path.realpath("%s/%s" % (gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/InstancePath', rootPath), dataPath)) gLogger.info("Data will be written into %s" % dataPath) try: os.makedirs(dataPath) except Exception: pass try: testFile = "%s/mon.jarl.test" % dataPath with open(testFile, "w"): pass os.unlink(testFile) except IOError: gLogger.fatal("Can't write to %s" % dataPath) return S_ERROR("Data location is not writable") # Define globals gServiceInterface.initialize(dataPath) if not gServiceInterface.initializeDB(): return S_ERROR("Can't start db engine") gMonitor.registerActivity("cachedplots", "Cached plot images", "Monitoring plots", "plots", gMonitor.OP_SUM) gMonitor.registerActivity("drawnplots", "Drawn plot images", "Monitoring plots", "plots", gMonitor.OP_SUM) return S_OK() class MonitoringHandler(RequestHandler): """ This class is inherited from the RequestHandler class which is the base required for running any kind of services in DIRAC. """ types_registerActivities = [dict, dict] def export_registerActivities(self, sourceDict, activitiesDict, componentExtraInfo={}): """ Registers new activities """ return gServiceInterface.registerActivities(sourceDict, activitiesDict, componentExtraInfo) types_commitMarks = [int, dict] # We can ignore encoding warning here because are effectively casting inside the method @DEncode.ignoreEncodeWarning def export_commitMarks(self, sourceId, activitiesDict, componentExtraInfo={}): """ Adds marks for activities :param int sourceId: component id :param dict activitiesDict: the key is the metrice, the value is a dictionary with timestamp and value for example:: {u'CPU': {1583244000: 10.6055594906}, u'Iteration': {1583244420: 1, 1583244480: 1, 1583244540: 1, 1583244600: 1, 1583244660: 1}, u'MEM': {1583244000: 49.03515625}, u'Processed': {1583244420: 5, 1583244480: 5, 1583244540: 5, 1583244600: 5, 1583244660: 6}} :param dict componentExtraInfo: extra information """ # we have to cast the dictionary keys, because they are timestamps activitiesDict = {metric: strToIntDict(value) for metric, value in activitiesDict.items()} nowEpoch = Time.toEpoch() maxEpoch = nowEpoch + 7200 minEpoch = nowEpoch - 86400 invalidActivities = [] for acName in activitiesDict: for time in activitiesDict[acName]: if time > maxEpoch or time < minEpoch: gLogger.info("Time %s ( [%s,%s] ) is invalid for activity %s" % (time, minEpoch, maxEpoch, acName)) invalidActivities.append(acName) break for acName in invalidActivities: gLogger.info("Not commiting activity %s" % acName) del activitiesDict[acName] return gServiceInterface.commitMarks(sourceId, activitiesDict, componentExtraInfo) types_queryField = [six.string_types, dict] def export_queryField(self, field, definedFields): """ Returns available values for a field., given a set of fields and values, """ definedFields['sources.setup'] = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup'] return gServiceInterface.fieldValue(field, definedFields) types_tryView = [int, int, six.string_types] def export_tryView(self, fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescriptionStub): """ Generates plots based on a DEncoded view description """ viewDescription, _stubLength = DEncode.decode(viewDescriptionStub) if 'definition' not in viewDescription: return S_ERROR("No plot definition given") defDict = viewDescription['definition'] defDict['sources.setup'] = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup'] return gServiceInterface.generatePlots(fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription) types_saveView = [six.string_types, six.string_types] def export_saveView(self, viewName, viewDescriptionStub): """ Saves a view """ if not viewName: return S_OK("View name not valid") viewDescription, _stubLength = DEncode.decode(viewDescriptionStub) if 'definition' not in viewDescription: return S_ERROR("No plot definition given") defDict = viewDescription['definition'] defDict['sources.setup'] = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup'] return gServiceInterface.saveView(viewName, viewDescription) types_getViews = [] def export_getViews(self, onlyStatic=True): """ Returns a list of stored views """ return gServiceInterface.getViews(onlyStatic) types_plotView = [dict] def export_plotView(self, viewRequest): """ Generates plots for a view """ for required in ("fromSecs", "toSecs", "id"): if required not in viewRequest: return S_ERROR("Missing %s field in request" % required) for intFields in ("fromSecs", "toSecs"): viewRequest[intFields] = int(viewRequest[intFields]) if "size" not in viewRequest: viewRequest['size'] = 1 if viewRequest['size'] not in (0, 1, 2, 3): return S_ERROR("Invalid size") return gServiceInterface.plotView(viewRequest) types_deleteView = [int] def export_deleteView(self, viewId): """ Deletes a view """ return gServiceInterface.deleteView(viewId) types_deleteViews = [list] def export_deleteViews(self, viewList): """ Deletes a view """ for viewId in viewList: result = gServiceInterface.deleteView(viewId) if not result['OK']: return result return S_OK() types_getActivities = [] def export_getActivities(self): """ Returns a list of defined activities """ dbCondition = {'sources.setup': self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup']} return S_OK(gServiceInterface.getActivities(dbCondition)) types_getActivitiesContents = [dict, (list, tuple), six.integer_types, six.integer_types] def export_getActivitiesContents(self, selDict, sortList, start, limit): """ Retrieve the contents of the activity db """ setupCond = {'sources.setup': self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup']} selDict.update(setupCond) result = gServiceInterface.getActivitiesContents(selDict, sortList, start, limit) if not result['OK']: return result resultTuple = result['Value'] result = {'Records': resultTuple[0], 'Fields': resultTuple[1]} result['TotalRecords'] = gServiceInterface.getNumberOfActivities(setupCond) return S_OK(result) types_deleteActivity = [int, int] def export_deleteActivity(self, sourceId, activityId): """ Deletes an activity """ return gServiceInterface.deleteActivity(sourceId, activityId) types_deleteActivities = [list] def export_deleteActivities(self, deletionList): """ Deletes a list of activities """ failed = [] for acList in deletionList: retVal = gServiceInterface.deleteActivity(acList[0], acList[1]) if not retVal['OK']: failed.append(retVal['Message']) if failed: return S_ERROR("\n".join(failed)) return S_OK() types_getComponentsStatus = [dict] def export_getComponentsStatus(self, condDict): """ Shows the status of the components. """ if 'Setup' not in condDict: condDict['Setup'] = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup'] return gServiceInterface.getComponentsStatus(condDict) def transfer_toClient(self, fileId, token, fileHelper): """ Transfers files """ retVal = gServiceInterface.getGraphData(fileId) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal retVal = fileHelper.sendData(retVal['Value']) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal fileHelper.sendEOF() return S_OK()