##################################################################### # File: ReqManagerHandler.py ######################################################################## """Implementation of the RequestDB service in the DISET framework .. literalinclude:: ../ConfigTemplate.cfg :start-after: ##BEGIN ReqManager :end-before: ##END :dedent: 2 :caption: ReqManager options """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function __RCSID__ = "d517d3b66 (2021-06-08 11:15:41 +0200) fstagni " # # imports import six import json import datetime import math # # from DIRAC from DIRAC import gLogger, S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RequestHandler import RequestHandler, getServiceOption from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DErrno from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.DEncode import ignoreEncodeWarning # # from RMS from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.Request import Request from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.private.RequestValidator import RequestValidator from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.DB.RequestDB import RequestDB class ReqManagerHandler(RequestHandler): """ .. class:: ReqManagerHandler RequestDB interface in the DISET framework. """ # # request validator __validator = None # # request DB instance __requestDB = None @classmethod def initializeHandler(cls, serviceInfoDict): """ initialize handler """ try: cls.__requestDB = RequestDB() except RuntimeError as error: gLogger.exception(error) return S_ERROR(error) # If there is a constant delay to be applied to each request cls.constantRequestDelay = getServiceOption(serviceInfoDict, 'ConstantRequestDelay', 0) # # create tables for empty db return cls.__requestDB.createTables() # # helper functions @classmethod def validate(cls, request): """ request validation """ if not cls.__validator: cls.__validator = RequestValidator() return cls.__validator.validate(request) types_getRequestIDForName = [six.string_types] @classmethod def export_getRequestIDForName(cls, requestName): """ get requestID for given :requestName: """ if isinstance(requestName, six.string_types): result = cls.__requestDB.getRequestIDForName(requestName) if not result["OK"]: return result requestID = result["Value"] return S_OK(requestID) types_cancelRequest = [six.integer_types] @classmethod def export_cancelRequest(cls, requestID): """ Cancel a request """ return cls.__requestDB.cancelRequest(requestID) types_putRequest = [six.string_types] def export_putRequest(self, requestJSON): """ put a new request into RequestDB :param cls: class ref :param str requestJSON: request serialized to JSON format """ requestDict = json.loads(requestJSON) requestName = requestDict.get("RequestID", requestDict.get('RequestName', "***UNKNOWN***")) request = Request(requestDict) # Check whether the credentials in the Requests are correct and allowed to be set isAuthorized = RequestValidator.setAndCheckRequestOwner(request, self.getRemoteCredentials()) if not isAuthorized: return S_ERROR(DErrno.ENOAUTH, "Credentials in the requests are not allowed") optimized = request.optimize() if optimized.get("Value", False): gLogger.debug("putRequest: request was optimized") else: gLogger.debug( "putRequest: request unchanged", optimized.get( "Message", "Nothing could be optimized")) valid = self.validate(request) if not valid["OK"]: gLogger.error("putRequest: request %s not valid: %s" % (requestName, valid["Message"])) return valid # If NotBefore is not set or user defined, we calculate its value now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0) extraDelay = datetime.timedelta(0) if request.Status not in Request.FINAL_STATES and ( not request.NotBefore or request.NotBefore < now): # We don't delay if it is the first insertion if getattr(request, 'RequestID', 0): # If it is a constant delay, just set it if self.constantRequestDelay: extraDelay = datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.constantRequestDelay) else: # If there is a waiting Operation with Files op = request.getWaiting().get('Value') if op and len(op): attemptList = [opFile.Attempt for opFile in op if opFile.Status == "Waiting"] if attemptList: maxWaitingAttempt = max( [opFile.Attempt for opFile in op if opFile.Status == "Waiting"]) # In case it is the first attempt, extraDelay is 0 # maxWaitingAttempt can be None if the operation has no File, like the ForwardDiset extraDelay = datetime.timedelta( minutes=2 * math.log(maxWaitingAttempt) if maxWaitingAttempt else 0) request.NotBefore = now + extraDelay gLogger.info("putRequest: request %s not before %s (extra delay %s)" % (request.RequestName, request.NotBefore, extraDelay)) requestName = request.RequestName gLogger.info("putRequest: Attempting to set request '%s'" % requestName) return self.__requestDB.putRequest(request) types_getScheduledRequest = [six.integer_types] @classmethod def export_getScheduledRequest(cls, operationID): """ read scheduled request given operationID """ scheduled = cls.__requestDB.getScheduledRequest(operationID) if not scheduled["OK"]: gLogger.error("getScheduledRequest: %s" % scheduled["Message"]) return scheduled if not scheduled["Value"]: return S_OK() requestJSON = scheduled["Value"].toJSON() if not requestJSON["OK"]: gLogger.error("getScheduledRequest: %s" % requestJSON["Message"]) return requestJSON types_getDBSummary = [] @classmethod def export_getDBSummary(cls): """ Get the summary of requests in the Request DB """ return cls.__requestDB.getDBSummary() types_getRequest = [six.integer_types] @classmethod def export_getRequest(cls, requestID=0): """ Get a request of given type from the database """ getRequest = cls.__requestDB.getRequest(requestID) if not getRequest["OK"]: gLogger.error("getRequest: %s" % getRequest["Message"]) return getRequest if getRequest["Value"]: getRequest = getRequest["Value"] toJSON = getRequest.toJSON() if not toJSON["OK"]: gLogger.error(toJSON["Message"]) return toJSON return S_OK() types_getBulkRequests = [int, bool] @classmethod @ignoreEncodeWarning def export_getBulkRequests(cls, numberOfRequest, assigned): """ Get a request of given type from the database :warning: the dictionary may contain string keys instead of int (json serialization) Do not forget to cast it back :param numberOfRequest: size of the bulk (default 10) :return: S_OK( {Failed : message, Successful : list of Request.toJSON()} ) """ getRequests = cls.__requestDB.getBulkRequests( numberOfRequest=numberOfRequest, assigned=assigned) if not getRequests["OK"]: gLogger.error("getRequests: %s" % getRequests["Message"]) return getRequests if getRequests["Value"]: getRequests = getRequests["Value"] toJSONDict = {"Successful": {}, "Failed": {}} for rId in getRequests: toJSON = getRequests[rId].toJSON() if not toJSON["OK"]: gLogger.error(toJSON["Message"]) toJSONDict["Failed"][rId] = toJSON["Message"] else: toJSONDict["Successful"][rId] = toJSON["Value"] return S_OK(toJSONDict) return S_OK() types_peekRequest = [six.integer_types] @classmethod def export_peekRequest(cls, requestID=0): """ peek request given its id """ peekRequest = cls.__requestDB.peekRequest(requestID) if not peekRequest["OK"]: gLogger.error("peekRequest: %s" % peekRequest["Message"]) return peekRequest if peekRequest["Value"]: peekRequest = peekRequest["Value"].toJSON() if not peekRequest["OK"]: gLogger.error(peekRequest["Message"]) return peekRequest types_getRequestSummaryWeb = [dict, list, int, int] @classmethod def export_getRequestSummaryWeb(cls, selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems): """ Returns a list of Request for the web portal :param dict selectDict: parameter on which to restrain the query {key : Value} key can be any of the Request columns, 'Type' (interpreted as Operation.Type) and 'FromData' and 'ToData' are matched against the LastUpdate field :param sortList: [sorting column, ASC/DESC] :type sortList: python:list :param int startItem: start item (for pagination) :param int maxItems: max items (for pagination) """ return cls.__requestDB.getRequestSummaryWeb(selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems) types_getDistinctValuesWeb = [six.string_types] @classmethod def export_getDistinctValuesWeb(cls, attribute): """ Get distinct values for a given request attribute. 'Type' is interpreted as the operation type """ tableName = 'Request' if attribute == 'Type': tableName = 'Operation' return cls.__requestDB.getDistinctValues(tableName, attribute) types_getRequestCountersWeb = [six.string_types, dict] @classmethod def export_getRequestCountersWeb(cls, groupingAttribute, selectDict): """ For the web portal. Returns a dictionary {value : counts} for a given key. The key can be any field from the RequestTable. or "Type", which will be interpreted as 'Operation.Type' :param groupingAttribute: attribute used for grouping :param selectDict: selection criteria """ return cls.__requestDB.getRequestCountersWeb(groupingAttribute, selectDict) types_deleteRequest = [six.integer_types] @classmethod def export_deleteRequest(cls, requestID): """ Delete the request with the supplied ID""" return cls.__requestDB.deleteRequest(requestID) types_getRequestIDsList = [list, int, six.string_types] @classmethod def export_getRequestIDsList( cls, statusList=None, limit=None, since=None, until=None, getJobID=False): """ get requests' IDs with status in :statusList: """ statusList = statusList if statusList else list(Request.FINAL_STATES) limit = limit if limit else 100 since = since if since else "" until = until if until else "" reqIDsList = cls.__requestDB.getRequestIDsList( statusList, limit, since=since, until=until, getJobID=getJobID) if not reqIDsList["OK"]: gLogger.error("getRequestIDsList: %s" % reqIDsList["Message"]) return reqIDsList types_getRequestIDsForJobs = [list] @classmethod def export_getRequestIDsForJobs(cls, jobIDs): """ Select the request IDs for supplied jobIDs :warning: the dictionary may contain string keys instead of int (json serialization) Do not forget to cast it back """ return cls.__requestDB.getRequestIDsForJobs(jobIDs) types_readRequestsForJobs = [list] @classmethod @ignoreEncodeWarning def export_readRequestsForJobs(cls, jobIDs): """ read requests for jobs given list of jobIDs """ requests = cls.__requestDB.readRequestsForJobs(jobIDs) if not requests["OK"]: gLogger.error("readRequestsForJobs: %s" % requests["Message"]) return requests for jobID, request in requests["Value"]["Successful"].items(): requests["Value"]["Successful"][jobID] = request.toJSON()["Value"] return requests types_getDigest = [six.integer_types] @classmethod def export_getDigest(cls, requestID): """ get digest for a request given its id :param str requestID: request's id :return: S_OK( json_str ) """ return cls.__requestDB.getDigest(requestID) types_getRequestStatus = [six.integer_types] @classmethod def export_getRequestStatus(cls, requestID): """ get request status given its id """ status = cls.__requestDB.getRequestStatus(requestID) if not status["OK"]: gLogger.error("getRequestStatus: %s" % status["Message"]) return status types_getRequestFileStatus = [list(six.integer_types), list(six.string_types) + [list]] @classmethod def export_getRequestFileStatus(cls, requestID, lfnList): """ get request file status for a given LFNs list and requestID """ if isinstance(lfnList, six.string_types): lfnList = [lfnList] res = cls.__requestDB.getRequestFileStatus(requestID, lfnList) if not res["OK"]: gLogger.error("getRequestFileStatus: %s" % res["Message"]) return res types_getRequestInfo = [list(six.integer_types)] @classmethod def export_getRequestInfo(cls, requestID): """ get request info for a given requestID """ requestInfo = cls.__requestDB.getRequestInfo(requestID) if not requestInfo["OK"]: gLogger.error("getRequestInfo: %s" % requestInfo["Message"]) return requestInfo