""" File catalog class. This is a simple dispatcher for the file catalog plug-ins. It ensures that all operations are performed on the desired catalogs. The File Catalog plug-ins are supposed to implement a certain number of methods of the File Catalog interface. The names of the implemented methods classified in "read", "write" and "no_lfn" categories are reported by each plug-in using getInterfaceMethods() call. The File Catalog collects and memorizes all the method names from all the plug-ins and in each category. Only calls to these methods will be attempted. One plug-in can be declared to be a Master in the CS. If the Master plug-in is declared it must implement all the methods collected in the "write" category. When the FileCatalog is called with a given "write" method name, the Master plugin is called first. If it fails, no other plug-in is called to preserve consistency in the states of different catalogs. If no Master plug-in is declared, all the plug-ins are called (in case they implement the method) for the "write" methods. For the "read" methods plug-ins are called one by one, starting with the Master plug-in if declared, until getting a successful result. Most of the catalog plug-in methods are taking the first argument which represents the required LFNS. The LFNs argument can have one of the following forms: - string: just a single LFN itself - list: a list of LFN strings - dictionary: the keys are LFN strings, the values are LFN specific parameters needed by the method All the methods taking the first LFNs argument are returning a standard DIRAC bulk result structure. If the call is successful, the Successful and Failed dictionaries have LFNs as keys and specific results of operation as values. The LFNs argument before calling these methods is checked to conform to the convention above and modified to take the "dictionary" form. The original LFN names are memorized and restored in the final result. Some methods implemented by plug-ins do not have LFNs as the first argument. The names of those methods are reported by the plug-ins as "no_lfn" methods in the getInterfaceMethods() call. For those methods there is obviously no additional check of the structure of the LFNs argument and no corresponding processing of the results. For the actual methods that can be called vie the File Catalog object, see the documentation of the respective FileCatalog plug-ins ( client classes ) """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import six import re from DIRAC import gLogger, gConfig, S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DErrno from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getVOfromProxyGroup from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.Utilities import checkArgumentFormat from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalogFactory import FileCatalogFactory from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FCConditionParser import FCConditionParser class FileCatalog(object): def __init__(self, catalogs=None, vo=None): """ Default constructor """ self.valid = True self.timeout = 180 self.ro_methods = set() self.write_methods = set() self.no_lfn_methods = set() self.readCatalogs = [] self.writeCatalogs = [] self.rootConfigPath = '/Resources/FileCatalogs' self.vo = vo if vo else getVOfromProxyGroup().get('Value', None) self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("FileCatalog") self.opHelper = Operations(vo=self.vo) catalogList = [] if isinstance(catalogs, six.string_types): catalogList = [catalogs] elif isinstance(catalogs, (list, tuple)): catalogList = list(catalogs) if catalogList: result = self._getEligibleCatalogs() if not result['OK']: self.log.error("Failed to get eligible catalog") return eligibleFileCatalogs = result['Value'] catalogCheck = True for catalog in catalogList: if catalog not in eligibleFileCatalogs: self.log.error("Specified catalog is not eligible", catalog) catalogCheck = False if catalogCheck: result = self._getSelectedCatalogs(catalogList) else: result = S_ERROR("Specified catalog is not eligible") else: result = self._getCatalogs() if not result['OK']: self.log.error("Failed to create catalog objects") self.valid = False elif (len(self.readCatalogs) == 0) and (len(self.writeCatalogs) == 0): self.log.error("No catalog object created") self.valid = False result = self.getMasterCatalogNames() masterCatalogs = result['Value'] # There can not be more than one master catalog haveMaster = False if len(masterCatalogs) > 1: self.log.error("More than one master catalog created") self.valid = False elif len(masterCatalogs) == 1: haveMaster = True # Get the list of write methods if haveMaster: # All the write methods must be present in the master _catalogName, oCatalog, _master = self.writeCatalogs[0] _roList, writeList, nolfnList = oCatalog.getInterfaceMethods() self.write_methods.update(writeList) self.no_lfn_methods.update(nolfnList) else: for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.writeCatalogs: _roList, writeList, nolfnList = oCatalog.getInterfaceMethods() self.write_methods.update(writeList) self.no_lfn_methods.update(nolfnList) # Get the list of read methods for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.readCatalogs: roList, _writeList, nolfnList = oCatalog.getInterfaceMethods() self.ro_methods.update(roList) self.no_lfn_methods.update(nolfnList) self.condParser = FCConditionParser(vo=self.vo, ro_methods=self.ro_methods) def isOK(self): return self.valid def getReadCatalogs(self): return self.readCatalogs def getWriteCatalogs(self): return self.writeCatalogs def getMasterCatalogNames(self): """ Returns the list of names of the Master catalogs """ masterNames = [catalogName for catalogName, oCatalog, master in self.writeCatalogs if master] return S_OK(masterNames) def __getattr__(self, name): self.call = name if name in self.write_methods: return self.w_execute elif name in self.ro_methods: return self.r_execute else: raise AttributeError def w_execute(self, *parms, **kws): """ Write method executor. If one of the LFNs given as input does not pass a condition defined for the master catalog, we return S_ERROR without trying anything else :param fcConditions: either a dict or a string, to be propagated to the FCConditionParser * If it is a string, it is given for all catalogs * If it is a dict, it has to be { catalogName: condition}, and only the specific condition for the catalog will be given .. warning :: If the method is a write no_lfn method, then the return value are completely different. We only return the result of the master catalog """ successful = {} failed = {} failedCatalogs = {} successfulCatalogs = {} specialConditions = kws.pop('fcConditions') if 'fcConditions' in kws else None allLfns = [] lfnMapDict = {} masterResult = {} parms1 = [] if self.call not in self.no_lfn_methods: fileInfo = parms[0] result = checkArgumentFormat(fileInfo, generateMap=True) if not result['OK']: return result fileInfo, lfnMapDict = result['Value'] # No need to check the LFNs again in the clients kws['LFNChecking'] = False allLfns = list(fileInfo) parms1 = parms[1:] for catalogName, oCatalog, master in self.writeCatalogs: # Skip if the method is not implemented in this catalog # NOTE: it is impossible for the master since the write method list is populated # only from the master catalog, and if the method is not there, __getattr__ # would raise an exception if not oCatalog.hasCatalogMethod(self.call): continue method = getattr(oCatalog, self.call) if self.call in self.no_lfn_methods: result = method(*parms, **kws) else: if isinstance(specialConditions, dict): condition = specialConditions.get(catalogName) else: condition = specialConditions # Check whether this catalog should be used for this method res = self.condParser(catalogName, self.call, fileInfo, condition=condition) # condParser never returns S_ERROR condEvals = res['Value']['Successful'] # For a master catalog, ALL the lfns should be valid if master: if any([not valid for valid in condEvals.values()]): gLogger.error("The master catalog is not valid for some LFNS", condEvals) return S_ERROR("The master catalog is not valid for some LFNS %s" % condEvals) validLFNs = dict((lfn, fileInfo[lfn]) for lfn in condEvals if condEvals[lfn]) # We can skip the execution without worry, # since at this level it is for sure not a master catalog if not validLFNs: gLogger.debug("No valid LFN, skipping the call") continue invalidLFNs = [lfn for lfn in condEvals if not condEvals[lfn]] if invalidLFNs: gLogger.debug("Some LFNs are not valid for operation '%s' on catalog '%s' : %s" % (self.call, catalogName, invalidLFNs)) result = method(validLFNs, *parms1, **kws) if master: masterResult = result if not result['OK']: if master: # If this is the master catalog and it fails we don't want to continue with the other catalogs self.log.error("Failed to execute call on master catalog", "%s on %s: %s" % (self.call, catalogName, result['Message'])) return result else: # Otherwise we keep the failed catalogs so we can update their state later failedCatalogs[catalogName] = result['Message'] else: successfulCatalogs[catalogName] = result['Value'] if allLfns: if result['OK']: for lfn, message in result['Value']['Failed'].items(): # Save the error message for the failed operations failed.setdefault(lfn, {})[catalogName] = message if master: # If this is the master catalog then we should not attempt the operation on other catalogs fileInfo.pop(lfn, None) for lfn, result in result['Value']['Successful'].items(): # Save the result return for each file for the successful operations successful.setdefault(lfn, {})[catalogName] = result if allLfns: # This recovers the states of the files that completely failed i.e. when S_ERROR is returned by a catalog for catalogName, errorMessage in failedCatalogs.items(): for lfn in allLfns: failed.setdefault(lfn, {})[catalogName] = errorMessage # Restore original lfns if they were changed by normalization if lfnMapDict: for lfn in list(failed): failed[lfnMapDict.get(lfn, lfn)] = failed.pop(lfn) for lfn in list(successful): successful[lfnMapDict.get(lfn, lfn)] = successful.pop(lfn) resDict = {'Failed': failed, 'Successful': successful} return S_OK(resDict) else: # FIXME: Return just master result here. This is temporary as more detailed # per catalog result needs multiple fixes in various client calls return masterResult def r_execute(self, *parms, **kws): """ Read method executor. """ successful = {} failed = {} for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.readCatalogs: # Skip if the method is not implemented in this catalog if not oCatalog.hasCatalogMethod(self.call): continue method = getattr(oCatalog, self.call) res = method(*parms, **kws) if res['OK']: if 'Successful' in res['Value']: for key, item in res['Value']['Successful'].items(): successful.setdefault(key, item) failed.pop(key, None) for key, item in res['Value']['Failed'].items(): if key not in successful: failed[key] = item else: return res if not successful and not failed: return S_ERROR(DErrno.EFCERR, "Failed to perform %s from any catalog" % self.call) return S_OK({'Failed': failed, 'Successful': successful}) ########################################################################################### # # Below is the method for obtaining the objects instantiated for a provided catalogue configuration # def addCatalog(self, catalogName, mode="Write", master=False): """ Add a new catalog with catalogName to the pool of catalogs in mode: "Read","Write" or "ReadWrite" """ result = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName) if not result['OK']: return result oCatalog = result['Value'] if mode.lower().find("read") != -1: self.readCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master)) if mode.lower().find("write") != -1: self.writeCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master)) return S_OK() def removeCatalog(self, catalogName): """ Remove the specified catalog from the internal pool """ catalog_removed = False for i in range(len(self.readCatalogs)): catalog, _object, _master = self.readCatalogs[i] if catalog == catalogName: del self.readCatalogs[i] catalog_removed = True break for i in range(len(self.writeCatalogs)): catalog, _object, _master = self.writeCatalogs[i] if catalog == catalogName: del self.writeCatalogs[i] catalog_removed = True break if catalog_removed: return S_OK() else: return S_OK('Catalog does not exist') def _getSelectedCatalogs(self, desiredCatalogs): for catalogName in desiredCatalogs: result = self._getCatalogConfigDetails(catalogName) if not result['OK']: return result catalogConfig = result['Value'] result = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName) if not result['OK']: return result oCatalog = result['Value'] if re.search('Read', catalogConfig['AccessType']): if catalogConfig['Master']: self.readCatalogs.insert(0, (catalogName, oCatalog, catalogConfig['Master'])) else: self.readCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, catalogConfig['Master'])) if re.search('Write', catalogConfig['AccessType']): if catalogConfig['Master']: self.writeCatalogs.insert(0, (catalogName, oCatalog, catalogConfig['Master'])) else: self.writeCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, catalogConfig['Master'])) return S_OK() def _getEligibleCatalogs(self): """ Get a list of eligible catalogs :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, Value - a list of catalog names """ # First, look in the Operations, if nothing defined look in /Resources for backward compatibility fileCatalogs = self.opHelper.getValue('/Services/Catalogs/CatalogList', []) if not fileCatalogs: result = self.opHelper.getSections('/Services/Catalogs') if result['OK']: fileCatalogs = result['Value'] else: res = gConfig.getSections(self.rootConfigPath, listOrdered=True) if not res['OK']: errStr = "FileCatalog._getEligibleCatalogs: Failed to get file catalog configuration." self.log.error(errStr, res['Message']) return S_ERROR(errStr) fileCatalogs = res['Value'] return S_OK(fileCatalogs) def _getCatalogs(self): """ Updates self.readCatalogs and self.writeCatalogs with list of catalog objects as found in the CS """ # Get the eligible catalogs first result = self._getEligibleCatalogs() if not result['OK']: return result fileCatalogs = result['Value'] # Get the catalog objects now for catalogName in fileCatalogs: res = self._getCatalogConfigDetails(catalogName) if not res['OK']: return res catalogConfig = res['Value'] if catalogConfig['Status'] == 'Active': res = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName) if not res['OK']: return res oCatalog = res['Value'] master = catalogConfig['Master'] # If the catalog is read type if re.search('Read', catalogConfig['AccessType']): if master: self.readCatalogs.insert(0, (catalogName, oCatalog, master)) else: self.readCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master)) # If the catalog is write type if re.search('Write', catalogConfig['AccessType']): if master: self.writeCatalogs.insert(0, (catalogName, oCatalog, master)) else: self.writeCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master)) return S_OK() def _getCatalogConfigDetails(self, catalogName): # First obtain the options that are available catalogConfigPath = '%s/%s' % (self.rootConfigPath, catalogName) result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(catalogConfigPath) if not result['OK']: errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Failed to get catalog options." self.log.error(errStr, catalogName) return S_ERROR(errStr) catalogConfig = result['Value'] result = self.opHelper.getOptionsDict('/Services/Catalogs/%s' % catalogName) if result['OK']: catalogConfig.update(result['Value']) # The 'Status' option should be defined (default = 'Active') if 'Status' not in catalogConfig: warnStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: 'Status' option not defined." self.log.warn(warnStr, catalogName) catalogConfig['Status'] = 'Active' # The 'AccessType' option must be defined if 'AccessType' not in catalogConfig: errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Required option 'AccessType' not defined." self.log.error(errStr, catalogName) return S_ERROR(errStr) # Anything other than 'True' in the 'Master' option means it is not catalogConfig['Master'] = (catalogConfig.setdefault('Master', False) == 'True') return S_OK(catalogConfig) def _generateCatalogObject(self, catalogName): """ Create a file catalog object from its name and CS description """ useProxy = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy' % catalogName, False) if not useProxy: useProxy = self.opHelper.getValue('/Services/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy' % catalogName, False) return FileCatalogFactory().createCatalog(catalogName, useProxy)