""" SingularityCE is a type of "inner" CEs (meaning it's used by a jobAgent inside a pilot). A computing element class using singularity containers, where Singularity is supposed to be found on the WN. The goal of this CE is to start the job in the container set by the "ContainerRoot" config option. DIRAC can be re-installed within the container, extra flags can be given to the dirac-install command with the "ContainerExtraOpts" option. See the Configuration/Resources/Computing documention for details on where to set the option parameters. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import io import json import os import shutil import six import sys import tempfile from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen import DIRAC from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gConfig, gLogger from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Subprocess import systemCall from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers import CSGlobals from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers import Operations from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ThreadScheduler import gThreadScheduler from DIRAC.Resources.Computing.ComputingElement import ComputingElement from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.Utils import createRelocatedJobWrapper __RCSID__ = "3412b5ec9 (2021-08-19 18:44:14 +0200) Andrei Tsaregorodtsev " # Default container to use if it isn't specified in the CE options CONTAINER_DEFROOT = "/cvmfs/cernvm-prod.cern.ch/cvm4" CONTAINER_WORKDIR = "DIRAC_containers" CONTAINER_INNERDIR = "/tmp" # What is executed inside the container (2 options given) CONTAINER_WRAPPER_INSTALL = """#!/bin/bash echo "Starting inner container wrapper scripts (uses dirac-install) at `date`." set -x cd /tmp # Avoid using the host's DIRAC(OS) installation unset DIRAC unset DIRACOS # Install DIRAC ./dirac-install.py %(install_args)s source bashrc dirac-configure -F %(config_args)s -I # Add compatibility with pilot3 where config is in pilot.cfg ln -s etc/dirac.cfg pilot.cfg # Run next wrapper (to start actual job) bash %(next_wrapper)s # Write the payload errorcode to a file for the outer scripts echo $? > retcode chmod 644 retcode echo "Finishing inner container wrapper scripts at `date`." """ # Path to a directory on CVMFS to use as a fallback if no # other version found: Only used if node has user namespaces FALLBACK_SINGULARITY = "/cvmfs/oasis.opensciencegrid.org/mis/singularity/current/bin" CONTAINER_WRAPPER_NO_INSTALL = """#!/bin/bash echo "Starting inner container wrapper scripts (no install) at `date`." set -x cd /tmp export DIRAC=%(dirac_env_var)s export DIRACOS=%(diracos_env_var)s # In any case we need to find a bashrc, and a pilot.cfg, both created by the pilot source %(rc_script)s # Run next wrapper (to start actual job) bash %(next_wrapper)s # Write the payload errorcode to a file for the outer scripts echo $? > retcode chmod 644 retcode echo "Finishing inner container wrapper scripts at `date`." """ class SingularityComputingElement(ComputingElement): """ A Computing Element for running a job within a Singularity container. """ def __init__(self, ceUniqueID): """ Standard constructor. """ super(SingularityComputingElement, self).__init__(ceUniqueID) self.__submittedJobs = 0 self.__runningJobs = 0 self.__root = CONTAINER_DEFROOT if 'ContainerRoot' in self.ceParameters: self.__root = self.ceParameters['ContainerRoot'] self.__workdir = CONTAINER_WORKDIR self.__innerdir = CONTAINER_INNERDIR self.__singularityBin = 'singularity' self.__installDIRACInContainer = self.ceParameters.get('InstallDIRACInContainer', six.PY2) if isinstance(self.__installDIRACInContainer, six.string_types) and \ self.__installDIRACInContainer.lower() in ('false', 'no'): self.__installDIRACInContainer = False self.processors = int(self.ceParameters.get('NumberOfProcessors', 1)) def __hasUserNS(self): """ Detect if this node has user namespaces enabled. Returns True if they are enabled, False otherwise. """ try: with open("/proc/sys/user/max_user_namespaces", "r") as proc_fd: maxns = int(proc_fd.readline().strip()) # Any "reasonable number" of namespaces is sufficient return (maxns > 100) except Exception: # Any failure, missing file, doesn't contain a number, etc. and we # assume they are disabled. return False def __hasSingularity(self): """ Search the current PATH for an exectuable named singularity. Returns True if it is found, False otherwise. """ if self.ceParameters.get('ContainerBin'): binPath = self.ceParameters['ContainerBin'] if os.path.isfile(binPath) and os.access(binPath, os.X_OK): self.__singularityBin = binPath self.log.debug('Use singularity from "%s"' % self.__singularityBin) return True if "PATH" not in os.environ: return False # Hmm, PATH not set? How unusual... searchPaths = os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep) # We can use CVMFS as a last resort if userNS is enabled if self.__hasUserNS(): searchPaths.append(FALLBACK_SINGULARITY) for searchPath in searchPaths: binPath = os.path.join(searchPath, 'singularity') if os.path.isfile(binPath): # File found, check it's executable to be certain: if os.access(binPath, os.X_OK): self.log.debug('Found singularity at "%s"' % binPath) self.__singularityBin = binPath return True # No suitable binaries found return False @staticmethod def __findInstallBaseDir(): """Find the path to root of the current DIRAC installation""" if six.PY3: return os.path.realpath(sys.base_prefix) # pylint: disable=no-member else: candidate = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, "bashrc") return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(candidate)) def __getInstallFlags(self, infoDict=None): """ Get the flags to pass to dirac-install.py inside the container. Returns a string containing the command line flags. """ if not infoDict: infoDict = {} instOpts = [] setup = infoDict.get('DefaultSetup') if not setup: setup = list(infoDict.get('Setups'))[0] if not setup: setup = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup", "unknown") setup = str(setup) installationName = str(infoDict.get('Installation')) if not installationName or installationName == 'None': installationName = Operations.Operations(setup=setup).getValue("Pilot/Installation", "") if installationName: instOpts.append('-V %s' % installationName) diracVersions = str(infoDict['Setups'][setup].get('Version')).split(',') if not diracVersions: diracVersions = str(infoDict['Setups']['Defaults'].get('Version')).split(',') if not diracVersions: diracVersions = Operations.Operations(setup=setup).getValue("Pilot/Version", []) instOpts.append("-r '%s'" % diracVersions[0].strip()) pilotExtensionsList = str(infoDict['Setups'][setup].get('CommandExtensions')).split(',') if not pilotExtensionsList: pilotExtensionsList = str(infoDict['Setups']['Defaults'].get('CommandExtensions')).split(',') if not pilotExtensionsList: pilotExtensionsList = Operations.Operations(setup=setup).getValue("Pilot/Extensions", []) extensionsList = [] if pilotExtensionsList: if pilotExtensionsList[0] != 'None': extensionsList = pilotExtensionsList else: extensionsList = CSGlobals.getCSExtensions() if extensionsList: instOpts.append("-e '%s'" % ','.join([ext for ext in extensionsList if 'Web' not in ext])) if 'ContainerExtraOpts' in self.ceParameters: instOpts.append(self.ceParameters['ContainerExtraOpts']) return ' '.join(instOpts) @staticmethod def __getConfigFlags(infoDict=None): """ Get the flags for dirac-configure inside the container. Returns a string containing the command line flags. """ if not infoDict: infoDict = {} cfgOpts = [] setup = infoDict.get('DefaultSetup') if not setup: setup = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup", "unknown") cfgOpts.append("-S '%s'" % setup) csServers = infoDict.get('ConfigurationServers') if not csServers: csServers = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers", []) cfgOpts.append("-C '%s'" % ','.join([str(ce) for ce in csServers])) cfgOpts.append("-n '%s'" % DIRAC.siteName()) return ' '.join(cfgOpts) def __createWorkArea(self, jobDesc=None, log=None, logLevel='INFO', proxy=None): """ Creates a directory for the container and populates it with the template directories, scripts & proxy. """ if not jobDesc: jobDesc = {} if not log: log = gLogger # Create the directory for our container area try: os.mkdir(self.__workdir) except OSError: if not os.path.isdir(self.__workdir): result = S_ERROR("Failed to create container base directory '%s'" % self.__workdir) result['ReschedulePayload'] = True return result # Otherwise, directory probably just already exists... baseDir = None try: baseDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="job%s_" % jobDesc.get('jobID', 0), dir=self.__workdir) except OSError: result = S_ERROR("Failed to create container work directory in '%s'" % self.__workdir) result['ReschedulePayload'] = True return result self.log.debug('Use singularity workarea: %s' % baseDir) for subdir in ["home", "tmp", "var_tmp"]: os.mkdir(os.path.join(baseDir, subdir)) tmpDir = os.path.join(baseDir, "tmp") # Now we have a directory, we can stage in the proxy and scripts # Proxy if proxy: proxyLoc = os.path.join(tmpDir, "proxy") rawfd = os.open(proxyLoc, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o600) fd = os.fdopen(rawfd, "wb") fd.write(proxy) fd.close() else: self.log.warn("No user proxy") # Job Wrapper (Standard-ish DIRAC wrapper) result = createRelocatedJobWrapper(wrapperPath=tmpDir, rootLocation=self.__innerdir, jobID=jobDesc.get('jobID', 0), jobParams=jobDesc.get('jobParams', {}), resourceParams=jobDesc.get('resourceParams', {}), optimizerParams=jobDesc.get('optimizerParams', {}), log=log, logLevel=logLevel, extraOptions="" if self.__installDIRACInContainer else "/tmp/pilot.cfg") if not result['OK']: result['ReschedulePayload'] = True return result wrapperPath = result['Value'] if self.__installDIRACInContainer: if six.PY3: result = S_ERROR("InstallDIRACInContainer is not supported with Python 3") result['ReschedulePayload'] = True return result # dirac-install.py # Download dirac-install.py response = urlopen( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DIRACGrid/management/master/dirac-install.py" ) code = response.getcode() if code > 200 or code >= 300: return S_ERROR("Failed to download dirac-install.py with code %s" % code) with open('dirac-install.py', "wb") as fp: fp.write(response.read()) install_loc = os.path.join(tmpDir, "dirac-install.py") shutil.copyfile("dirac-install.py", install_loc) os.chmod(install_loc, 0o755) infoDict = None if os.path.isfile('pilot.json'): # if this is a pilot 3 this file should be found with io.open('pilot.json') as pj: infoDict = json.load(pj) # Extra Wrapper (Container DIRAC installer) wrapSubs = {'next_wrapper': wrapperPath, 'install_args': self.__getInstallFlags(infoDict), 'config_args': self.__getConfigFlags(infoDict), } CONTAINER_WRAPPER = CONTAINER_WRAPPER_INSTALL else: # In case we don't (re)install DIRAC wrapSubs = { 'next_wrapper': wrapperPath, 'dirac_env_var': os.environ.get("DIRAC", ""), 'diracos_env_var': os.environ.get("DIRACOS", ""), } if six.PY2: shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(self.__findInstallBaseDir(), 'bashrc'), os.path.join(tmpDir, 'bashrc'), ) wrapSubs["rc_script"] = "bashrc" else: wrapSubs["rc_script"] = os.path.join(self.__findInstallBaseDir(), "diracosrc") shutil.copyfile('pilot.cfg', os.path.join(tmpDir, 'pilot.cfg')) CONTAINER_WRAPPER = CONTAINER_WRAPPER_NO_INSTALL wrapLoc = os.path.join(tmpDir, "dirac_container.sh") rawfd = os.open(wrapLoc, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o700) fd = os.fdopen(rawfd, "w") fd.write(CONTAINER_WRAPPER % wrapSubs) fd.close() ret = S_OK() ret['baseDir'] = baseDir ret['tmpDir'] = tmpDir if proxy: ret['proxyLocation'] = proxyLoc return ret def __deleteWorkArea(self, baseDir): """ Deletes the container work area (baseDir path) unless 'KeepWorkArea' option is set. Returns None. """ if self.ceParameters.get('KeepWorkArea', False): return # We can't really do anything about errors: The tree should be fully owned # by the pilot user, so we don't expect any permissions problems. shutil.rmtree(baseDir, ignore_errors=True) def __getEnv(self): """ Gets the environment for use within the container. We blank almost everything to prevent contamination from the host system. """ payloadEnv = {} if 'TERM' in os.environ: payloadEnv['TERM'] = os.environ['TERM'] payloadEnv['TMP'] = '/tmp' payloadEnv['TMPDIR'] = '/tmp' payloadEnv['X509_USER_PROXY'] = os.path.join(self.__innerdir, "proxy") return payloadEnv @staticmethod def __checkResult(tmpDir): """ Gets the result of the payload command and returns it. """ # The wrapper writes the inner job return code to "retcode" # in the working directory. try: with open(os.path.join(tmpDir, "retcode"), "rt") as fp: retCode = int(fp.read()) except (IOError, ValueError): # Something failed while trying to get the return code result = S_ERROR("Failed to get return code from inner wrapper") result['ReschedulePayload'] = True return result result = S_OK() if retCode: # This is the one case where we don't reschedule: # An actual failure of the inner payload for some reason result = S_ERROR("Command failed with exit code %d" % retCode) return result def submitJob(self, executableFile, proxy=None, **kwargs): """ Start a container for a job. executableFile is ignored. A new wrapper suitable for running in a container is created from jobDesc. """ rootImage = self.__root # Check that singularity is available if not self.__hasSingularity(): self.log.error('Singularity is not installed on PATH.') result = S_ERROR("Failed to find singularity ") result['ReschedulePayload'] = True return result self.log.info('Creating singularity container') # Start by making the directory for the container ret = self.__createWorkArea(kwargs.get('jobDesc'), kwargs.get('log'), kwargs.get('logLevel', 'INFO'), proxy) if not ret['OK']: return ret baseDir = ret['baseDir'] tmpDir = ret['tmpDir'] if proxy: payloadProxyLoc = ret['proxyLocation'] # Now we have to set-up payload proxy renewal for the container # This is fairly easy as it remains visible on the host filesystem result = gThreadScheduler.addPeriodicTask(self.proxyCheckPeriod, self._monitorProxy, taskArgs=(payloadProxyLoc,), executions=0, elapsedTime=0) if result['OK']: renewTask = result['Value'] else: self.log.warn('Failed to start proxy renewal task') renewTask = None # Very simple accounting self.__submittedJobs += 1 self.__runningJobs += 1 # Now prepare start singularity # Mount /cvmfs in if it exists on the host withCVMFS = os.path.isdir("/cvmfs") innerCmd = os.path.join(self.__innerdir, "dirac_container.sh") cmd = [self.__singularityBin, "exec"] cmd.extend(["--contain"]) # use minimal /dev and empty other directories (e.g. /tmp and $HOME) cmd.extend(["--ipc", "--pid"]) # run container in new IPC and PID namespaces cmd.extend(["--workdir", baseDir]) # working directory to be used for /tmp, /var/tmp and $HOME if self.__hasUserNS(): cmd.append("--userns") if withCVMFS: cmd.extend(["--bind", "/cvmfs"]) if not self.__installDIRACInContainer: cmd.extend(["--bind", "{0}:{0}:ro".format(self.__findInstallBaseDir())]) if 'ContainerBind' in self.ceParameters: bindPaths = self.ceParameters['ContainerBind'].split(',') for bindPath in bindPaths: if len(bindPath.split(':::')) == 1: cmd.extend(["--bind", bindPath.strip()]) elif len(bindPath.split(':::')) in [2, 3]: cmd.extend(["--bind", ":".join([bp.strip() for bp in bindPath.split(':::')])]) if 'ContainerOptions' in self.ceParameters: containerOpts = self.ceParameters['ContainerOptions'].split(',') for opt in containerOpts: cmd.extend([opt.strip()]) if os.path.isdir(rootImage) or os.path.isfile(rootImage): cmd.extend([rootImage, innerCmd]) else: # if we are here is because there's no image, or it is not accessible (e.g. not on CVMFS) self.log.error('Singularity image to exec not found: ', rootImage) result = S_ERROR("Failed to find singularity image to exec") result['ReschedulePayload'] = True return result self.log.debug('Execute singularity command: %s' % cmd) self.log.debug('Execute singularity env: %s' % self.__getEnv()) result = systemCall(0, cmd, callbackFunction=self.sendOutput, env=self.__getEnv()) self.__runningJobs -= 1 if not result["OK"]: self.log.error('Fail to run Singularity', result['Message']) if proxy and renewTask: gThreadScheduler.removeTask(renewTask) self.__deleteWorkArea(baseDir) result = S_ERROR("Error running singularity command") result['ReschedulePayload'] = True return result result = self.__checkResult(tmpDir) if proxy and renewTask: gThreadScheduler.removeTask(renewTask) self.__deleteWorkArea(baseDir) return result def getCEStatus(self): """ Method to return information on running and pending jobs. """ result = S_OK() result['SubmittedJobs'] = self.__submittedJobs result['RunningJobs'] = self.__runningJobs result['WaitingJobs'] = 0 # processors result['AvailableProcessors'] = self.processors return result