""" General Message Queue Interface to create Consumers and Producers """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from DIRAC import gLogger, S_OK from DIRAC.Resources.MessageQueue.MQProducer import MQProducer from DIRAC.Resources.MessageQueue.MQConsumer import MQConsumer from DIRAC.Resources.MessageQueue.MQConnectionManager import MQConnectionManager from DIRAC.Resources.MessageQueue.Utilities import getMQParamsFromCS from DIRAC.Resources.MessageQueue.Utilities import generateDefaultCallback __RCSID__ = "3c530efac (2020-12-05 00:59:33 +0100) Chris Burr " connectionManager = MQConnectionManager() # To manage the active MQ connections. def createConsumer(mqURI, callback=generateDefaultCallback()): """ Function creates MQConsumer. All parameters are taken from the Configuration Service based on the mqURI value. Args: mqURI(str):Pseudo URI identifing MQ service. It has the following format mqConnection::DestinationType::DestinationName e.g. blabla.cern.ch::Queues::MyQueue1 callback: callback function that can be used to process the incoming messages Returns: S_OK/S_ERROR: with the consumer object in S_OK. """ result = _setupConnection(mqURI=mqURI, mType="consumer") if not result['OK']: return result return S_OK(MQConsumer(mqManager=connectionManager, mqURI=mqURI, consumerId=result['Value'], callback=callback)) def createProducer(mqURI): """ Function creates MQProducer. All parameters are taken from the Configuration Service based on the mqURI value. Args: mqURI(str):Pseudo URI identifing MQ service. It has the following format mqConnection::DestinationType::DestinationName e.g. blabla.cern.ch::Queues::MyQueue1 Returns: S_OK/S_ERROR: with the producer object in S_OK. """ result = _setupConnection(mqURI=mqURI, mType="producer") if not result['OK']: return result return S_OK(MQProducer(mqManager=connectionManager, mqURI=mqURI, producerId=result['Value'])) def _setupConnection(mqURI, mType): """ Function sets up the active MQ connection. All parameters are taken from the Configuration Service based on the mqURI value and the messenger Type mType. Args: mqURI(str):Pseudo URI identifing the MQ service. It has the following format: mqConnection::DestinationType::DestinationName e.g. blabla.cern.ch::Queues::MyQueue1 mType(str): 'consumer' or 'producer' Returns: S_OK/S_ERROR: with the value of the messenger Id ( e.g. 'consumer4' ) in S_OK. """ result = getMQParamsFromCS(mqURI=mqURI) if not result['OK']: return result params = result['Value'] return connectionManager.startConnection(mqURI, params, mType)