""" TransformationAgent processes transformations found in the transformation database. The following options can be set for the TransformationAgent. .. literalinclude:: ../ConfigTemplate.cfg :start-after: ##BEGIN TransformationAgent :end-before: ##END :dedent: 2 :caption: TransformationAgent options """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import time import os import datetime import pickle import concurrent.futures from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations from DIRAC.Core.Base.AgentModule import AgentModule from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ThreadSafe import Synchronizer from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.List import breakListIntoChunks, randomize from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataManager import DataManager from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client import TransformationFilesStatus from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Agent.TransformationAgentsUtilities import TransformationAgentsUtilities __RCSID__ = "64080842f (2021-08-19 10:29:23 +0200) Chris Burr <christopher.burr@cern.ch>" AGENT_NAME = 'Transformation/TransformationAgent' gSynchro = Synchronizer() class TransformationAgent(AgentModule, TransformationAgentsUtilities): """ Usually subclass of AgentModule """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ c'tor """ AgentModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) TransformationAgentsUtilities.__init__(self) # few parameters self.pluginLocation = '' self.transformationStatus = [] self.maxFiles = 0 self.transformationTypes = [] # clients (out of the threads) self.transfClient = None # parameters for caching self.workDirectory = '' self.cacheFile = '' self.controlDirectory = '' self.lastFileOffset = {} # Validity of the cache self.replicaCache = None self.replicaCacheValidity = None self.writingCache = False self.removedFromCache = 0 self.noUnusedDelay = 0 self.unusedFiles = {} self.unusedTimeStamp = {} self.debug = False self.pluginTimeout = {} def initialize(self): """ standard initialize """ # few parameters self.pluginLocation = self.am_getOption('PluginLocation', 'DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Agent.TransformationPlugin') self.transformationStatus = self.am_getOption('transformationStatus', ['Active', 'Completing', 'Flush']) # Prepare to change the name of the CS option as MaxFiles is ambiguous self.maxFiles = self.am_getOption('MaxFilesToProcess', self.am_getOption('MaxFiles', 5000)) agentTSTypes = self.am_getOption('TransformationTypes', []) if agentTSTypes: self.transformationTypes = sorted(agentTSTypes) else: dataProc = Operations().getValue('Transformations/DataProcessing', ['MCSimulation', 'Merge']) dataManip = Operations().getValue('Transformations/DataManipulation', ['Replication', 'Removal']) self.transformationTypes = sorted(dataProc + dataManip) # clients self.transfClient = TransformationClient() # for caching using a pickle file self.workDirectory = self.am_getWorkDirectory() self.cacheFile = os.path.join(self.workDirectory, 'ReplicaCache.pkl') self.controlDirectory = self.am_getControlDirectory() # remember the offset if any in TS self.lastFileOffset = {} # Validity of the cache self.replicaCache = {} self.replicaCacheValidity = self.am_getOption('ReplicaCacheValidity', 2) self.noUnusedDelay = self.am_getOption('NoUnusedDelay', 6) # Instantiating the ThreadPoolExecutor maxNumberOfThreads = self.am_getOption('maxThreadsInPool', 15) self.log.info("Multithreaded with %d threads" % maxNumberOfThreads) self.threadPoolExecutor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=maxNumberOfThreads) self.log.info("Will treat the following transformation types: %s" % str(self.transformationTypes)) return S_OK() def finalize(self): """ graceful finalization """ method = 'finalize' self._logInfo("Wait for threads to get empty before terminating the agent", method=method) self.threadPoolExecutor.shutdown() self._logInfo("Threads are empty, terminating the agent...", method=method) self.__writeCache() return S_OK() def execute(self): """ Just puts transformations in the queue, and spawns threads if there's work to do. """ # Get the transformations to process res = self.getTransformations() if not res['OK']: self._logError("Failed to obtain transformations:", res['Message']) return S_OK() # Process the transformations count = 0 future_to_transID = {} for transDict in res['Value']: transID = int(transDict['TransformationID']) if transDict.get('InheritedFrom'): # Try and move datasets from the ancestor production res = self.transfClient.moveFilesToDerivedTransformation(transDict) if not res['OK']: self._logError("Error moving files from an inherited transformation", res['Message'], transID=transID) else: parentProd, movedFiles = res['Value'] if movedFiles: self._logInfo("Successfully moved files from %d to %d:" % (parentProd, transID), transID=transID) for status, val in movedFiles.items(): self._logInfo("\t%d files to status %s" % (val, status), transID=transID) count += 1 future = self.threadPoolExecutor.submit(self._execute, transDict) future_to_transID[future] = transID self._logInfo("Out of %d transformations, %d put in thread queue" % (len(res['Value']), count)) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_transID): transID = future_to_transID[future] try: future.result() except Exception as exc: self._logError('%d generated an exception: %s' % (transID, exc)) else: self._logInfo('Processed %d' % transID) return S_OK() def getTransformations(self): """ Obtain the transformations to be executed - this is executed at the start of every loop (it's really the only real thing in the execute() """ transName = self.am_getOption('Transformation', 'All') method = 'getTransformations' if transName == 'All': self._logInfo("Getting all transformations%s, status %s." % (' of type %s' % str(self.transformationTypes) if self.transformationTypes else '', str(self.transformationStatus)), method=method) transfDict = {'Status': self.transformationStatus} if self.transformationTypes: transfDict['Type'] = self.transformationTypes res = self.transfClient.getTransformations(transfDict, extraParams=True) if not res['OK']: return res transformations = res['Value'] self._logInfo("Obtained %d transformations to process" % len(transformations), method=method) else: self._logInfo("Getting transformation %s." % transName, method=method) res = self.transfClient.getTransformation(transName, extraParams=True) if not res['OK']: self._logError("Failed to get transformation:", res['Message'], method=method) return res transformations = [res['Value']] return S_OK(transformations) def _getClients(self): """ returns the clients used in the threads """ threadTransformationClient = TransformationClient() threadDataManager = DataManager() return {'TransformationClient': threadTransformationClient, 'DataManager': threadDataManager} def _execute(self, transDict): """ thread - does the real job: processing the transformation to be processed """ self._logDebug('Starting _execute') # Each thread will have its own clients clients = self._getClients() try: transID = int(transDict['TransformationID']) self._logInfo("Processing transformation %s." % transID, transID=transID) startTime = time.time() res = self.processTransformation(transDict, clients) if not res['OK']: self._logInfo("Failed to process transformation:", res['Message'], transID=transID) except Exception as x: # pylint: disable=broad-except self._logException('Exception in plugin', lException=x, transID=transID) finally: if not transID: transID = 'None' self._logInfo("Processed transformation in %.1f seconds" % (time.time() - startTime), transID=transID) self._logDebug('Exiting _execute') def processTransformation(self, transDict, clients): """ process a single transformation (in transDict) """ method = 'processTransformation' transID = transDict['TransformationID'] forJobs = transDict['Type'].lower() not in ('replication', 'removal') # First get the LFNs associated to the transformation transFiles = self._getTransformationFiles(transDict, clients, replicateOrRemove=not forJobs) if not transFiles['OK']: return transFiles if not transFiles['Value']: return S_OK() if transID not in self.replicaCache: self.__readCache(transID) transFiles = transFiles['Value'] unusedLfns = [f['LFN'] for f in transFiles] unusedFiles = len(unusedLfns) plugin = transDict.get('Plugin', 'Standard') # Limit the number of LFNs to be considered for replication or removal as they are treated individually if not forJobs: maxFiles = Operations().getValue('TransformationPlugins/%s/MaxFilesToProcess' % plugin, 0) # Get plugin-specific limit in number of files (0 means no limit) totLfns = len(unusedLfns) lfnsToProcess = self.__applyReduction(unusedLfns, maxFiles=maxFiles) if len(lfnsToProcess) != totLfns: self._logInfo("Reduced number of files from %d to %d" % (totLfns, len(lfnsToProcess)), method=method, transID=transID) transFiles = [f for f in transFiles if f['LFN'] in lfnsToProcess] else: lfnsToProcess = unusedLfns # Check the data is available with replicas res = self.__getDataReplicas(transDict, lfnsToProcess, clients, forJobs=forJobs) if not res['OK']: self._logError("Failed to get data replicas:", res['Message'], method=method, transID=transID) return res dataReplicas = res['Value'] # Get the plug-in type and create the plug-in object self._logInfo("Processing transformation with '%s' plug-in." % plugin, method=method, transID=transID) res = self.__generatePluginObject(plugin, clients) if not res['OK']: return res oPlugin = res['Value'] # Get the plug-in and set the required params oPlugin.setParameters(transDict) oPlugin.setInputData(dataReplicas) oPlugin.setTransformationFiles(transFiles) res = oPlugin.run() if not res['OK']: self._logError("Failed to generate tasks for transformation:", res['Message'], method=method, transID=transID) return res tasks = res['Value'] self.pluginTimeout[transID] = res.get('Timeout', False) # Create the tasks allCreated = True created = 0 lfnsInTasks = [] for se, lfns in tasks: res = clients['TransformationClient'].addTaskForTransformation(transID, lfns, se) if not res['OK']: self._logError("Failed to add task generated by plug-in:", res['Message'], method=method, transID=transID) allCreated = False else: created += 1 lfnsInTasks += [lfn for lfn in lfns if lfn in lfnsToProcess] if created: self._logInfo("Successfully created %d tasks for transformation." % created, method=method, transID=transID) else: self._logInfo("No new tasks created for transformation.", method=method, transID=transID) self.unusedFiles[transID] = unusedFiles - len(lfnsInTasks) # If not all files were obtained, move the offset lastOffset = self.lastFileOffset.get(transID) if lastOffset: self.lastFileOffset[transID] = max(0, lastOffset - len(lfnsInTasks)) self.__removeFilesFromCache(transID, lfnsInTasks) # If this production is to Flush if transDict['Status'] == 'Flush' and allCreated: res = clients['TransformationClient'].setTransformationParameter(transID, 'Status', 'Active') if not res['OK']: self._logError("Failed to update transformation status to 'Active':", res['Message'], method=method, transID=transID) else: self._logInfo("Updated transformation status to 'Active'.", method=method, transID=transID) return S_OK() ###################################################################### # # Internal methods used by the agent # def _getTransformationFiles(self, transDict, clients, statusList=None, replicateOrRemove=False): """ get the data replicas for a certain transID """ # By default, don't skip if no new Unused for DM transformations skipIfNoNewUnused = not replicateOrRemove transID = transDict['TransformationID'] plugin = transDict.get('Plugin', 'Standard') # Check if files should be sorted and limited in number operations = Operations() sortedBy = operations.getValue('TransformationPlugins/%s/SortedBy' % plugin, None) maxFiles = operations.getValue('TransformationPlugins/%s/MaxFilesToProcess' % plugin, 0) # If the NoUnuse delay is explicitly set, we want to take it into account, and skip if no new Unused if operations.getValue('TransformationPlugins/%s/NoUnusedDelay' % plugin, 0): skipIfNoNewUnused = True noUnusedDelay = 0 if self.pluginTimeout.get(transID, False) else \ operations.getValue('TransformationPlugins/%s/NoUnusedDelay' % plugin, self.noUnusedDelay) method = '_getTransformationFiles' lastOffset = self.lastFileOffset.setdefault(transID, 0) # Files that were problematic (either explicit or because SE was banned) may be recovered, # and always removing the missing ones if not statusList: statusList = [TransformationFilesStatus.UNUSED, TransformationFilesStatus.PROB_IN_FC] statusList += [TransformationFilesStatus.MISSING_IN_FC] if transDict['Type'] == 'Removal' else [] transClient = clients['TransformationClient'] res = transClient.getTransformationFiles(condDict={'TransformationID': transID, 'Status': statusList}, orderAttribute=sortedBy, offset=lastOffset, maxfiles=maxFiles) if not res['OK']: self._logError("Failed to obtain input data:", res['Message'], method=method, transID=transID) return res transFiles = res['Value'] if maxFiles and len(transFiles) == maxFiles: self.lastFileOffset[transID] += maxFiles else: del self.lastFileOffset[transID] if not transFiles: self._logInfo("No '%s' files found for transformation." % ','.join(statusList), method=method, transID=transID) if transDict['Status'] == 'Flush': res = transClient.setTransformationParameter(transID, 'Status', 'Active') if not res['OK']: self._logError("Failed to update transformation status to 'Active':", res['Message'], method=method, transID=transID) else: self._logInfo("Updated transformation status to 'Active'.", method=method, transID=transID) return S_OK() # Check if transformation is kicked kickFile = os.path.join(self.controlDirectory, 'KickTransformation_%s' % str(transID)) try: kickTrans = os.path.exists(kickFile) if kickTrans: os.remove(kickFile) except OSError: pass # Check if something new happened now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if not kickTrans and skipIfNoNewUnused and noUnusedDelay: nextStamp = self.unusedTimeStamp.setdefault(transID, now) + datetime.timedelta(hours=noUnusedDelay) skip = now < nextStamp if len(transFiles) == self.unusedFiles.get(transID, 0) and transDict['Status'] != 'Flush' and skip: self._logInfo("No new '%s' files found for transformation." % ','.join(statusList), method=method, transID=transID) return S_OK() self.unusedTimeStamp[transID] = now # If files are not Unused, set them Unused notUnused = [trFile['LFN'] for trFile in transFiles if trFile['Status'] != TransformationFilesStatus.UNUSED] otherStatuses = sorted(set([trFile['Status'] for trFile in transFiles]) - set([TransformationFilesStatus.UNUSED])) if notUnused: res = transClient.setFileStatusForTransformation( transID, TransformationFilesStatus.UNUSED, notUnused, force=True ) if not res['OK']: self._logError("Error setting %d files Unused:" % len(notUnused), res['Message'], method=method, transID=transID) else: self._logInfo("Set %d files from %s to Unused" % (len(notUnused), ','.join(otherStatuses))) self.__removeFilesFromCache(transID, notUnused) return S_OK(transFiles) def __applyReduction(self, lfns, maxFiles=None): """ eventually remove the number of files to be considered """ if maxFiles is None: maxFiles = self.maxFiles if not maxFiles or len(lfns) <= maxFiles: return lfns return randomize(lfns)[:maxFiles] def __getDataReplicas(self, transDict, lfns, clients, forJobs=True): """ Get the replicas for the LFNs and check their statuses. It first looks within the cache. """ method = '__getDataReplicas' transID = transDict['TransformationID'] if 'RemoveFile' in transDict['Body']: # When removing files, we don't care about their replicas return S_OK(dict.fromkeys(lfns, ['None'])) clearCacheFile = os.path.join(self.controlDirectory, 'ClearCache_%s' % str(transID)) try: clearCache = os.path.exists(clearCacheFile) if clearCache: os.remove(clearCacheFile) except Exception: pass if clearCache or transDict['Status'] == 'Flush': self._logInfo("Replica cache cleared", method=method, transID=transID) # We may need to get new replicas self.__clearCacheForTrans(transID) else: # If the cache needs to be cleaned self.__cleanCache(transID) startTime = time.time() dataReplicas = {} nLfns = len(lfns) self._logVerbose("Getting replicas for %d files" % nLfns, method=method, transID=transID) cachedReplicaSets = self.replicaCache.get(transID, {}) cachedReplicas = {} # Merge all sets of replicas for replicas in cachedReplicaSets.values(): cachedReplicas.update(replicas) self._logInfo("Number of cached replicas: %d" % len(cachedReplicas), method=method, transID=transID) setCached = set(cachedReplicas) setLfns = set(lfns) for lfn in setLfns & setCached: dataReplicas[lfn] = cachedReplicas[lfn] newLFNs = setLfns - setCached self._logInfo("ReplicaCache hit for %d out of %d LFNs" % (len(dataReplicas), nLfns), method=method, transID=transID) if newLFNs: startTime = time.time() self._logInfo("Getting replicas for %d files from catalog" % len(newLFNs), method=method, transID=transID) newReplicas = {} for chunk in breakListIntoChunks(newLFNs, 10000): res = self._getDataReplicasDM(transID, chunk, clients, forJobs=forJobs) if res['OK']: reps = dict((lfn, ses) for lfn, ses in res['Value'].items() if ses) newReplicas.update(reps) self.__updateCache(transID, reps) else: self._logWarn("Failed to get replicas for %d files" % len(chunk), res['Message'], method=method, transID=transID) self._logInfo("Obtained %d replicas from catalog in %.1f seconds" % (len(newReplicas), time.time() - startTime), method=method, transID=transID) dataReplicas.update(newReplicas) noReplicas = newLFNs - set(dataReplicas) self.__writeCache(transID) if noReplicas: self._logWarn("Found %d files without replicas (or only in Failover)" % len(noReplicas), method=method, transID=transID) return S_OK(dataReplicas) def _getDataReplicasDM(self, transID, lfns, clients, forJobs=True, ignoreMissing=False): """ Get the replicas for the LFNs and check their statuses, using the replica manager """ method = '_getDataReplicasDM' startTime = time.time() self._logVerbose("Getting replicas%s from catalog for %d files" % (' for jobs' if forJobs else '', len(lfns)), method=method, transID=transID) if forJobs: # Get only replicas eligible for jobs res = clients['DataManager'].getReplicasForJobs(lfns, getUrl=False) else: # Get all replicas res = clients['DataManager'].getReplicas(lfns, getUrl=False) if not res['OK']: return res replicas = res['Value'] # Prepare a dictionary for all LFNs dataReplicas = {} self._logVerbose("Replica results for %d files obtained in %.2f seconds" % (len(lfns), time.time() - startTime), method=method, transID=transID) # If files are neither Successful nor Failed, they are set problematic in the FC problematicLfns = [lfn for lfn in lfns if lfn not in replicas['Successful'] and lfn not in replicas['Failed']] if problematicLfns: self._logInfo("%d files found problematic in the catalog, set ProbInFC" % len(problematicLfns)) res = clients['TransformationClient'].setFileStatusForTransformation( transID, TransformationFilesStatus.PROB_IN_FC, problematicLfns ) if not res['OK']: self._logError("Failed to update status of problematic files:", res['Message'], method=method, transID=transID) # Create a dictionary containing all the file replicas failoverLfns = [] for lfn, replicaDict in replicas['Successful'].items(): for se in replicaDict: # This remains here for backward compatibility in case VOs have not defined SEs not to be used for jobs if forJobs and 'failover' in se.lower(): self._logVerbose("Ignoring failover replica for %s." % lfn, method=method, transID=transID) else: dataReplicas.setdefault(lfn, []).append(se) if not dataReplicas.get(lfn): failoverLfns.append(lfn) if failoverLfns: self._logVerbose("%d files have no replica but possibly in Failover SE" % len(failoverLfns)) # Make sure that file missing from the catalog are marked in the transformation DB. missingLfns = [] for lfn, reason in replicas['Failed'].items(): if "No such file or directory" in reason: self._logVerbose("%s not found in the catalog." % lfn, method=method, transID=transID) missingLfns.append(lfn) if missingLfns: self._logInfo("%d files not found in the catalog" % len(missingLfns)) if ignoreMissing: dataReplicas.update(dict.fromkeys(missingLfns, [])) else: res = clients['TransformationClient'].setFileStatusForTransformation( transID, TransformationFilesStatus.MISSING_IN_FC, missingLfns ) if not res['OK']: self._logError("Failed to update status of missing files:", res['Message'], method=method, transID=transID) return S_OK(dataReplicas) def __updateCache(self, transID, newReplicas): """ Add replicas to the cache """ self.replicaCache.setdefault(transID, {})[datetime.datetime.utcnow()] = newReplicas def __clearCacheForTrans(self, transID): """ Remove all replicas for a transformation """ self.replicaCache.pop(transID, None) def __cleanReplicas(self, transID, lfns): """ Remove cached replicas that are not in a list """ cachedReplicas = set() for replicas in self.replicaCache.get(transID, {}).values(): cachedReplicas.update(replicas) toRemove = cachedReplicas - set(lfns) if toRemove: self._logInfo("Remove %d files from cache" % len(toRemove), method='__cleanReplicas', transID=transID) self.__removeFromCache(transID, toRemove) def __cleanCache(self, transID): """ Cleans the cache """ try: if transID in self.replicaCache: timeLimit = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=self.replicaCacheValidity) for updateTime in set(self.replicaCache[transID]): nCache = len(self.replicaCache[transID][updateTime]) if updateTime < timeLimit or not nCache: self._logInfo("Clear %s replicas for transformation %s, time %s" % ('%d cached' % nCache if nCache else 'empty cache', str(transID), str(updateTime)), transID=transID, method='__cleanCache') del self.replicaCache[transID][updateTime] # Remove empty transformations if not self.replicaCache[transID]: del self.replicaCache[transID] except Exception as x: self._logException("Exception when cleaning replica cache:", lException=x) def __removeFilesFromCache(self, transID, lfns): removed = self.__removeFromCache(transID, lfns) if removed: self._logInfo("Removed %d replicas from cache" % removed, method='__removeFilesFromCache', transID=transID) self.__writeCache(transID) def __removeFromCache(self, transID, lfns): if transID not in self.replicaCache: return removed = 0 if self.replicaCache[transID] and lfns: for lfn in lfns: for timeKey in self.replicaCache[transID]: if self.replicaCache[transID][timeKey].pop(lfn, None): removed += 1 return removed def __cacheFile(self, transID): return self.cacheFile.replace('.pkl', '_%s.pkl' % str(transID)) @gSynchro def __readCache(self, transID): """ Reads from the cache """ if transID in self.replicaCache: return try: method = '__readCache' fileName = self.__cacheFile(transID) if not os.path.exists(fileName): self.replicaCache[transID] = {} else: with open(fileName, 'rb') as cacheFile: self.replicaCache[transID] = pickle.load(cacheFile) self._logInfo("Successfully loaded replica cache from file %s (%d files)" % (fileName, self.__filesInCache(transID)), method=method, transID=transID) except Exception as x: self._logException("Failed to load replica cache from file %s" % fileName, lException=x, method=method, transID=transID) self.replicaCache[transID] = {} def __filesInCache(self, transID): cache = self.replicaCache.get(transID, {}) return sum(len(lfns) for lfns in cache.values()) @gSynchro def __writeCache(self, transID=None): """ Writes the cache """ method = '__writeCache' try: startTime = time.time() transList = [transID] if transID else set(self.replicaCache) filesInCache = 0 nCache = 0 for t_id in transList: # Protect the copy of the cache filesInCache += self.__filesInCache(t_id) # write to a temporary file in order to avoid corrupted files cacheFile = self.__cacheFile(t_id) tmpFile = cacheFile + '.tmp' with open(tmpFile, 'wb') as fd: pickle.dump(self.replicaCache.get(t_id, {}), fd) # Now rename the file as it shold os.rename(tmpFile, cacheFile) nCache += 1 self._logInfo("Successfully wrote %d replica cache file(s) (%d files) in %.1f seconds" % (nCache, filesInCache, time.time() - startTime), method=method, transID=transID if transID else None) except Exception as x: self._logException("Could not write replica cache file %s" % cacheFile, lException=x, method=method, transID=t_id) def __generatePluginObject(self, plugin, clients): """ This simply instantiates the TransformationPlugin class with the relevant plugin name """ try: plugModule = __import__(self.pluginLocation, globals(), locals(), ['TransformationPlugin']) except ImportError as e: self._logException("Failed to import 'TransformationPlugin' %s" % plugin, lException=e, method="__generatePluginObject") return S_ERROR() try: plugin_o = getattr(plugModule, 'TransformationPlugin')('%s' % plugin, transClient=clients['TransformationClient'], dataManager=clients['DataManager']) return S_OK(plugin_o) except AttributeError as e: self._logException("Failed to create %s()" % plugin, lException=e, method="__generatePluginObject") return S_ERROR() plugin_o.setDirectory(self.workDirectory) plugin_o.setCallback(self.pluginCallback) def pluginCallback(self, transID, invalidateCache=False): """ Standard plugin callback """ if invalidateCache: try: if transID in self.replicaCache: self._logInfo("Removed cached replicas for transformation", method='pluginCallBack', transID=transID) self.replicaCache.pop(transID) self.__writeCache(transID) except Exception: pass