""" Command Line Parameters for creating the Replication transformations Script """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gLogger from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry import getVOMSVOForGroup class Params(object): """Parameter Object""" def __init__(self): self.targetSE = [] self.sourceSE = '' self.groupSize = 1 self.groupName = None self.extraname = '' self.flavour = 'Replication' self.plugin = 'Broadcast' self.metaValues = [] self.metaKey = None self.extraData = {} self.errorMessages = [] self.enable = False def setMetaValues(self, values): if isinstance(values, list): self.metaValues = values else: self.metaValues = [val for val in values.split(",")] return S_OK() def setMetaKey(self, key): self.metaKey = key return S_OK() def setMetadata(self, metadata): for pair in metadata.split(','): splitPair = pair.strip().split(':') if len(splitPair) == 2: self.extraData[splitPair[0]] = splitPair[1].strip() return S_OK() def setSourceSE(self, sourceSE): self.sourceSE = [sSE.strip() for sSE in sourceSE.split(",")] return S_OK() def setTransFlavour(self, flavour): self.flavour = flavour return S_OK() def setTargetSE(self, targetSE): self.targetSE = [tSE.strip() for tSE in targetSE.split(",")] return S_OK() def setExtraname(self, extraname): self.extraname = extraname return S_OK() def setGroupSize(self, size): try: self.groupSize = int(size) except ValueError: return S_ERROR("Expected integer for groupsize") return S_OK() def setGroupName(self, name): self.groupName = name return S_OK() def setPlugin(self, plugin): self.plugin = plugin return S_OK() def setEnable(self, _): self.enable = True return S_OK() def registerSwitches(self, script): """ register command line arguments :param script: Dirac.Core.Base Script Class :type script: DIRAC.Core.Base.Script """ script.registerSwitch("G:", "GroupSize=", "Number of Files per transformation task", self.setGroupSize) script.registerSwitch("R:", "GroupName=", "TransformationGroup Name", self.setGroupName) script.registerSwitch("S:", "SourceSEs=", "SourceSE(s) to use, comma separated list", self.setSourceSE) script.registerSwitch("N:", "Extraname=", "String to append to transformation name", self.setExtraname) script.registerSwitch("P:", "Plugin=", "Plugin to use for transformation", self.setPlugin) script.registerSwitch("T:", "Flavour=", "Flavour to create: Replication or Moving", self.setTransFlavour) script.registerSwitch("K:", "MetaKey=", "Meta Key to use: TransformationID", self.setMetaKey) script.registerSwitch("M:", "MetaData=", "MetaData to use Key/Value Pairs: 'DataType:REC,'", self.setMetadata) script.registerSwitch("x", "Enable", "Enable the transformation creation, otherwise dry-run", self.setEnable) useMessage = [] useMessage.append("Create one replication transformation for each MetaValue given") useMessage.append("Is running in dry-run mode, unless enabled with -x") useMessage.append("MetaValue and TargetSEs can be comma separated lists") useMessage.append("Usage:") useMessage.append(" %s [-G] [-S]" "[-N] [-T] [-M] [-K...] -x" % script.scriptName) script.setUsageMessage('\n'.join(useMessage)) def checkSettings(self, script, checkArguments=True): """check if all required parameters are set, print error message and return S_ERROR if not :param script: The script object :type script: DIRAC.Core.Base.Script :param bool checkArguments: if false do not check for the correct number of arguments, should only be changed if using derived class """ if checkArguments: args = script.getPositionalArgs() if len(args) == 2: self.setMetaValues(args[0]) self.setTargetSE(args[1]) else: self.errorMessages.append("ERROR: Wrong number of arguments") self._checkProxy() # get default metadata key: from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations if self.metaKey is None: self.metaKey = Operations().getValue('Transformations/TransfIDMeta', 'TransformationID') if not self.errorMessages: return S_OK() gLogger.error("\n".join(self.errorMessages)) script.showHelp() return S_ERROR() def _checkProxy(self): """checks if the proxy has the ProductionManagement property and belongs to a VO""" proxyInfo = getProxyInfo() if not proxyInfo['OK']: self.errorMessages.append("ERROR: No Proxy present") return False proxyValues = proxyInfo.get('Value', {}) group = proxyValues.get('group', '') vomsvo = getVOMSVOForGroup(group) if not vomsvo: self.errorMessages.append("ERROR: ProxyGroup not associated to VOMS VO, get a different proxy") return False groupProperties = proxyValues.get('groupProperties', []) if groupProperties: if 'ProductionManagement' not in groupProperties: self.errorMessages.append("ERROR: Not allowed to create production, you need a ProductionManagement proxy.") return False else: self.errorMessages.append("ERROR: Could not determine Proxy properties, you do not have the right proxy.") return False return True