/* * * Copyright (c) 2004 * John Maddock * * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) * */ /* * LOCATION: see http://www.boost.org for most recent version. * FILE icu.hpp * VERSION see * DESCRIPTION: Unicode regular expressions on top of the ICU Library. */ #ifndef BOOST_REGEX_ICU_HPP #define BOOST_REGEX_ICU_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost{ namespace re_detail{ // // Implementation details: // class BOOST_REGEX_DECL icu_regex_traits_implementation { typedef UChar32 char_type; typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef std::vector string_type; typedef U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Locale locale_type; typedef boost::uint_least32_t char_class_type; public: icu_regex_traits_implementation(const U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Locale& l) : m_locale(l) { UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR; m_collator.reset(U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Collator::createInstance(l, success)); if(U_SUCCESS(success) == 0) init_error(); m_collator->setStrength(U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Collator::IDENTICAL); success = U_ZERO_ERROR; m_primary_collator.reset(U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Collator::createInstance(l, success)); if(U_SUCCESS(success) == 0) init_error(); m_primary_collator->setStrength(U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Collator::PRIMARY); } U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Locale getloc()const { return m_locale; } string_type do_transform(const char_type* p1, const char_type* p2, const U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Collator* pcoll) const; string_type transform(const char_type* p1, const char_type* p2) const { return do_transform(p1, p2, m_collator.get()); } string_type transform_primary(const char_type* p1, const char_type* p2) const { return do_transform(p1, p2, m_primary_collator.get()); } private: void init_error() { std::runtime_error e("Could not initialize ICU resources"); boost::throw_exception(e); } U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Locale m_locale; // The ICU locale that we're using boost::scoped_ptr< U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Collator> m_collator; // The full collation object boost::scoped_ptr< U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Collator> m_primary_collator; // The primary collation object }; inline boost::shared_ptr get_icu_regex_traits_implementation(const U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Locale& loc) { return boost::shared_ptr(new icu_regex_traits_implementation(loc)); } } class BOOST_REGEX_DECL icu_regex_traits { public: typedef UChar32 char_type; typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef std::vector string_type; typedef U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Locale locale_type; #ifdef BOOST_NO_INT64_T typedef std::bitset<64> char_class_type; #else typedef boost::uint64_t char_class_type; #endif struct boost_extensions_tag{}; icu_regex_traits() : m_pimpl(re_detail::get_icu_regex_traits_implementation(U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Locale())) { } static size_type length(const char_type* p); ::boost::regex_constants::syntax_type syntax_type(char_type c)const { return ((c < 0x7f) && (c > 0)) ? re_detail::get_default_syntax_type(static_cast(c)) : regex_constants::syntax_char; } ::boost::regex_constants::escape_syntax_type escape_syntax_type(char_type c) const { return ((c < 0x7f) && (c > 0)) ? re_detail::get_default_escape_syntax_type(static_cast(c)) : regex_constants::syntax_char; } char_type translate(char_type c) const { return c; } char_type translate_nocase(char_type c) const { return ::u_tolower(c); } char_type translate(char_type c, bool icase) const { return icase ? translate_nocase(c) : translate(c); } char_type tolower(char_type c) const { return ::u_tolower(c); } char_type toupper(char_type c) const { return ::u_toupper(c); } string_type transform(const char_type* p1, const char_type* p2) const { return m_pimpl->transform(p1, p2); } string_type transform_primary(const char_type* p1, const char_type* p2) const { return m_pimpl->transform_primary(p1, p2); } char_class_type lookup_classname(const char_type* p1, const char_type* p2) const; string_type lookup_collatename(const char_type* p1, const char_type* p2) const; bool isctype(char_type c, char_class_type f) const; int toi(const char_type*& p1, const char_type* p2, int radix)const { return re_detail::global_toi(p1, p2, radix, *this); } int value(char_type c, int radix)const { return u_digit(c, static_cast< ::int8_t>(radix)); } locale_type imbue(locale_type l) { locale_type result(m_pimpl->getloc()); m_pimpl = re_detail::get_icu_regex_traits_implementation(l); return result; } locale_type getloc()const { return locale_type(); } std::string error_string(::boost::regex_constants::error_type n) const { return re_detail::get_default_error_string(n); } private: icu_regex_traits(const icu_regex_traits&); icu_regex_traits& operator=(const icu_regex_traits&); // // define the bitmasks offsets we need for additional character properties: // enum{ offset_blank = U_CHAR_CATEGORY_COUNT, offset_space = U_CHAR_CATEGORY_COUNT+1, offset_xdigit = U_CHAR_CATEGORY_COUNT+2, offset_underscore = U_CHAR_CATEGORY_COUNT+3, offset_unicode = U_CHAR_CATEGORY_COUNT+4, offset_any = U_CHAR_CATEGORY_COUNT+5, offset_ascii = U_CHAR_CATEGORY_COUNT+6, offset_horizontal = U_CHAR_CATEGORY_COUNT+7, offset_vertical = U_CHAR_CATEGORY_COUNT+8 }; // // and now the masks: // static const char_class_type mask_blank; static const char_class_type mask_space; static const char_class_type mask_xdigit; static const char_class_type mask_underscore; static const char_class_type mask_unicode; static const char_class_type mask_any; static const char_class_type mask_ascii; static const char_class_type mask_horizontal; static const char_class_type mask_vertical; static char_class_type lookup_icu_mask(const ::UChar32* p1, const ::UChar32* p2); boost::shared_ptr< ::boost::re_detail::icu_regex_traits_implementation> m_pimpl; }; } // namespace boost // // template instances: // #define BOOST_REGEX_CHAR_T UChar32 #undef BOOST_REGEX_TRAITS_T #define BOOST_REGEX_TRAITS_T , icu_regex_traits #define BOOST_REGEX_ICU_INSTANCES #ifdef BOOST_REGEX_ICU_INSTANTIATE # define BOOST_REGEX_INSTANTIATE #endif #include #undef BOOST_REGEX_CHAR_T #undef BOOST_REGEX_TRAITS_T #undef BOOST_REGEX_ICU_INSTANCES #ifdef BOOST_REGEX_INSTANTIATE # undef BOOST_REGEX_INSTANTIATE #endif namespace boost{ // types: typedef basic_regex< ::UChar32, icu_regex_traits> u32regex; typedef match_results u32match; typedef match_results u16match; // // Construction of 32-bit regex types from UTF-8 and UTF-16 primitives: // namespace re_detail{ #if !defined(BOOST_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATES) && !defined(__IBMCPP__) template inline u32regex do_make_u32regex(InputIterator i, InputIterator j, boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opt, const boost::mpl::int_<1>*) { typedef boost::u8_to_u32_iterator conv_type; return u32regex(conv_type(i), conv_type(j), opt); } template inline u32regex do_make_u32regex(InputIterator i, InputIterator j, boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opt, const boost::mpl::int_<2>*) { typedef boost::u16_to_u32_iterator conv_type; return u32regex(conv_type(i), conv_type(j), opt); } template inline u32regex do_make_u32regex(InputIterator i, InputIterator j, boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opt, const boost::mpl::int_<4>*) { return u32regex(i, j, opt); } #else template inline u32regex do_make_u32regex(InputIterator i, InputIterator j, boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opt, const boost::mpl::int_<1>*) { typedef boost::u8_to_u32_iterator conv_type; typedef std::vector vector_type; vector_type v; conv_type a(i), b(j); while(a != b) { v.push_back(*a); ++a; } if(v.size()) return u32regex(&*v.begin(), v.size(), opt); return u32regex(static_cast(0), static_cast(0), opt); } template inline u32regex do_make_u32regex(InputIterator i, InputIterator j, boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opt, const boost::mpl::int_<2>*) { typedef boost::u16_to_u32_iterator conv_type; typedef std::vector vector_type; vector_type v; conv_type a(i), b(j); while(a != b) { v.push_back(*a); ++a; } if(v.size()) return u32regex(&*v.begin(), v.size(), opt); return u32regex(static_cast(0), static_cast(0), opt); } template inline u32regex do_make_u32regex(InputIterator i, InputIterator j, boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opt, const boost::mpl::int_<4>*) { typedef std::vector vector_type; vector_type v; while(i != j) { v.push_back((UChar32)(*i)); ++i; } if(v.size()) return u32regex(&*v.begin(), v.size(), opt); return u32regex(static_cast(0), static_cast(0), opt); } #endif } // // Construction from an iterator pair: // template inline u32regex make_u32regex(InputIterator i, InputIterator j, boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opt) { return re_detail::do_make_u32regex(i, j, opt, static_cast const*>(0)); } // // construction from UTF-8 nul-terminated strings: // inline u32regex make_u32regex(const char* p, boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opt = boost::regex_constants::perl) { return re_detail::do_make_u32regex(p, p + std::strlen(p), opt, static_cast const*>(0)); } inline u32regex make_u32regex(const unsigned char* p, boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opt = boost::regex_constants::perl) { return re_detail::do_make_u32regex(p, p + std::strlen(reinterpret_cast(p)), opt, static_cast const*>(0)); } // // construction from UTF-16 nul-terminated strings: // #ifndef BOOST_NO_WREGEX inline u32regex make_u32regex(const wchar_t* p, boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opt = boost::regex_constants::perl) { return re_detail::do_make_u32regex(p, p + std::wcslen(p), opt, static_cast const*>(0)); } #endif #if !defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16) && (U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T != 2) inline u32regex make_u32regex(const UChar* p, boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opt = boost::regex_constants::perl) { return re_detail::do_make_u32regex(p, p + u_strlen(p), opt, static_cast const*>(0)); } #endif // // construction from basic_string class-template: // template inline u32regex make_u32regex(const std::basic_string& s, boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opt = boost::regex_constants::perl) { return re_detail::do_make_u32regex(s.begin(), s.end(), opt, static_cast const*>(0)); } // // Construction from ICU string type: // inline u32regex make_u32regex(const UnicodeString& s, boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opt = boost::regex_constants::perl) { return re_detail::do_make_u32regex(s.getBuffer(), s.getBuffer() + s.length(), opt, static_cast const*>(0)); } // // regex_match overloads that widen the character type as appropriate: // namespace re_detail{ template void copy_results(MR1& out, MR2 const& in) { // copy results from an adapted MR2 match_results: out.set_size(in.size(), in.prefix().first.base(), in.suffix().second.base()); out.set_base(in.base().base()); for(int i = 0; i < (int)in.size(); ++i) { if(in[i].matched) { out.set_first(in[i].first.base(), i); out.set_second(in[i].second.base(), i); } } } template inline bool do_regex_match(BidiIterator first, BidiIterator last, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags, boost::mpl::int_<4> const*) { return ::boost::regex_match(first, last, m, e, flags); } template bool do_regex_match(BidiIterator first, BidiIterator last, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags, boost::mpl::int_<2> const*) { typedef u16_to_u32_iterator conv_type; typedef match_results match_type; typedef typename match_type::allocator_type alloc_type; match_type what; bool result = ::boost::regex_match(conv_type(first), conv_type(last), what, e, flags); // copy results across to m: if(result) copy_results(m, what); return result; } template bool do_regex_match(BidiIterator first, BidiIterator last, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags, boost::mpl::int_<1> const*) { typedef u8_to_u32_iterator conv_type; typedef match_results match_type; typedef typename match_type::allocator_type alloc_type; match_type what; bool result = ::boost::regex_match(conv_type(first), conv_type(last), what, e, flags); // copy results across to m: if(result) copy_results(m, what); return result; } } // namespace re_detail template inline bool u32regex_match(BidiIterator first, BidiIterator last, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_match(first, last, m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } inline bool u32regex_match(const UChar* p, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_match(p, p+u_strlen(p), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } #if !defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16) && (U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T != 2) && !defined(BOOST_NO_WREGEX) inline bool u32regex_match(const wchar_t* p, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_match(p, p+std::wcslen(p), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } #endif inline bool u32regex_match(const char* p, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_match(p, p+std::strlen(p), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } inline bool u32regex_match(const unsigned char* p, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_match(p, p+std::strlen((const char*)p), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } inline bool u32regex_match(const std::string& s, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_match(s.begin(), s.end(), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } #ifndef BOOST_NO_STD_WSTRING inline bool u32regex_match(const std::wstring& s, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_match(s.begin(), s.end(), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } #endif inline bool u32regex_match(const UnicodeString& s, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_match(s.getBuffer(), s.getBuffer() + s.length(), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } // // regex_match overloads that do not return what matched: // template inline bool u32regex_match(BidiIterator first, BidiIterator last, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_match(first, last, m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } inline bool u32regex_match(const UChar* p, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_match(p, p+u_strlen(p), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } #if !defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16) && (U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T != 2) && !defined(BOOST_NO_WREGEX) inline bool u32regex_match(const wchar_t* p, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_match(p, p+std::wcslen(p), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } #endif inline bool u32regex_match(const char* p, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_match(p, p+std::strlen(p), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } inline bool u32regex_match(const unsigned char* p, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_match(p, p+std::strlen((const char*)p), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } inline bool u32regex_match(const std::string& s, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_match(s.begin(), s.end(), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } #ifndef BOOST_NO_STD_WSTRING inline bool u32regex_match(const std::wstring& s, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_match(s.begin(), s.end(), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } #endif inline bool u32regex_match(const UnicodeString& s, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_match(s.getBuffer(), s.getBuffer() + s.length(), m, e, flags, static_cast const*>(0)); } // // regex_search overloads that widen the character type as appropriate: // namespace re_detail{ template inline bool do_regex_search(BidiIterator first, BidiIterator last, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags, BidiIterator base, boost::mpl::int_<4> const*) { return ::boost::regex_search(first, last, m, e, flags, base); } template bool do_regex_search(BidiIterator first, BidiIterator last, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags, BidiIterator base, boost::mpl::int_<2> const*) { typedef u16_to_u32_iterator conv_type; typedef match_results match_type; typedef typename match_type::allocator_type alloc_type; match_type what; bool result = ::boost::regex_search(conv_type(first), conv_type(last), what, e, flags, conv_type(base)); // copy results across to m: if(result) copy_results(m, what); return result; } template bool do_regex_search(BidiIterator first, BidiIterator last, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags, BidiIterator base, boost::mpl::int_<1> const*) { typedef u8_to_u32_iterator conv_type; typedef match_results match_type; typedef typename match_type::allocator_type alloc_type; match_type what; bool result = ::boost::regex_search(conv_type(first), conv_type(last), what, e, flags, conv_type(base)); // copy results across to m: if(result) copy_results(m, what); return result; } } template inline bool u32regex_search(BidiIterator first, BidiIterator last, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_search(first, last, m, e, flags, first, static_cast const*>(0)); } template inline bool u32regex_search(BidiIterator first, BidiIterator last, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags, BidiIterator base) { return re_detail::do_regex_search(first, last, m, e, flags, base, static_cast const*>(0)); } inline bool u32regex_search(const UChar* p, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_search(p, p+u_strlen(p), m, e, flags, p, static_cast const*>(0)); } #if !defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16) && (U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T != 2) && !defined(BOOST_NO_WREGEX) inline bool u32regex_search(const wchar_t* p, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_search(p, p+std::wcslen(p), m, e, flags, p, static_cast const*>(0)); } #endif inline bool u32regex_search(const char* p, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_search(p, p+std::strlen(p), m, e, flags, p, static_cast const*>(0)); } inline bool u32regex_search(const unsigned char* p, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_search(p, p+std::strlen((const char*)p), m, e, flags, p, static_cast const*>(0)); } inline bool u32regex_search(const std::string& s, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_search(s.begin(), s.end(), m, e, flags, s.begin(), static_cast const*>(0)); } #ifndef BOOST_NO_STD_WSTRING inline bool u32regex_search(const std::wstring& s, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_search(s.begin(), s.end(), m, e, flags, s.begin(), static_cast const*>(0)); } #endif inline bool u32regex_search(const UnicodeString& s, match_results& m, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::do_regex_search(s.getBuffer(), s.getBuffer() + s.length(), m, e, flags, s.getBuffer(), static_cast const*>(0)); } template inline bool u32regex_search(BidiIterator first, BidiIterator last, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_search(first, last, m, e, flags, first, static_cast const*>(0)); } inline bool u32regex_search(const UChar* p, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_search(p, p+u_strlen(p), m, e, flags, p, static_cast const*>(0)); } #if !defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16) && (U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T != 2) && !defined(BOOST_NO_WREGEX) inline bool u32regex_search(const wchar_t* p, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_search(p, p+std::wcslen(p), m, e, flags, p, static_cast const*>(0)); } #endif inline bool u32regex_search(const char* p, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_search(p, p+std::strlen(p), m, e, flags, p, static_cast const*>(0)); } inline bool u32regex_search(const unsigned char* p, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_search(p, p+std::strlen((const char*)p), m, e, flags, p, static_cast const*>(0)); } inline bool u32regex_search(const std::string& s, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_search(s.begin(), s.end(), m, e, flags, s.begin(), static_cast const*>(0)); } #ifndef BOOST_NO_STD_WSTRING inline bool u32regex_search(const std::wstring& s, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_search(s.begin(), s.end(), m, e, flags, s.begin(), static_cast const*>(0)); } #endif inline bool u32regex_search(const UnicodeString& s, const u32regex& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { match_results m; return re_detail::do_regex_search(s.getBuffer(), s.getBuffer() + s.length(), m, e, flags, s.getBuffer(), static_cast const*>(0)); } // // overloads for regex_replace with utf-8 and utf-16 data types: // namespace re_detail{ template inline std::pair< boost::u8_to_u32_iterator, boost::u8_to_u32_iterator > make_utf32_seq(I i, I j, mpl::int_<1> const*) { return std::pair< boost::u8_to_u32_iterator, boost::u8_to_u32_iterator >(boost::u8_to_u32_iterator(i), boost::u8_to_u32_iterator(j)); } template inline std::pair< boost::u16_to_u32_iterator, boost::u16_to_u32_iterator > make_utf32_seq(I i, I j, mpl::int_<2> const*) { return std::pair< boost::u16_to_u32_iterator, boost::u16_to_u32_iterator >(boost::u16_to_u32_iterator(i), boost::u16_to_u32_iterator(j)); } template inline std::pair< I, I > make_utf32_seq(I i, I j, mpl::int_<4> const*) { return std::pair< I, I >(i, j); } template inline std::pair< boost::u8_to_u32_iterator, boost::u8_to_u32_iterator > make_utf32_seq(const charT* p, mpl::int_<1> const*) { return std::pair< boost::u8_to_u32_iterator, boost::u8_to_u32_iterator >(boost::u8_to_u32_iterator(p), boost::u8_to_u32_iterator(p+std::strlen((const char*)p))); } template inline std::pair< boost::u16_to_u32_iterator, boost::u16_to_u32_iterator > make_utf32_seq(const charT* p, mpl::int_<2> const*) { return std::pair< boost::u16_to_u32_iterator, boost::u16_to_u32_iterator >(boost::u16_to_u32_iterator(p), boost::u16_to_u32_iterator(p+u_strlen((const UChar*)p))); } template inline std::pair< const charT*, const charT* > make_utf32_seq(const charT* p, mpl::int_<4> const*) { return std::pair< const charT*, const charT* >(p, p+icu_regex_traits::length((UChar32 const*)p)); } template inline OutputIterator make_utf32_out(OutputIterator o, mpl::int_<4> const*) { return o; } template inline utf16_output_iterator make_utf32_out(OutputIterator o, mpl::int_<2> const*) { return o; } template inline utf8_output_iterator make_utf32_out(OutputIterator o, mpl::int_<1> const*) { return o; } template OutputIterator do_regex_replace(OutputIterator out, std::pair const& in, const u32regex& e, const std::pair& fmt, match_flag_type flags ) { // unfortunately we have to copy the format string in order to pass in onward: std::vector f; #ifndef BOOST_NO_TEMPLATED_ITERATOR_CONSTRUCTORS f.assign(fmt.first, fmt.second); #else f.clear(); I2 pos = fmt.first; while(pos != fmt.second) f.push_back(*pos++); #endif regex_iterator i(in.first, in.second, e, flags); regex_iterator j; if(i == j) { if(!(flags & regex_constants::format_no_copy)) out = re_detail::copy(in.first, in.second, out); } else { I1 last_m = in.first; while(i != j) { if(!(flags & regex_constants::format_no_copy)) out = re_detail::copy(i->prefix().first, i->prefix().second, out); if(f.size()) out = ::boost::re_detail::regex_format_imp(out, *i, &*f.begin(), &*f.begin() + f.size(), flags, e.get_traits()); else out = ::boost::re_detail::regex_format_imp(out, *i, static_cast(0), static_cast(0), flags, e.get_traits()); last_m = (*i)[0].second; if(flags & regex_constants::format_first_only) break; ++i; } if(!(flags & regex_constants::format_no_copy)) out = re_detail::copy(last_m, in.second, out); } return out; } template inline const BaseIterator& extract_output_base(const BaseIterator& b) { return b; } template inline BaseIterator extract_output_base(const utf8_output_iterator& b) { return b.base(); } template inline BaseIterator extract_output_base(const utf16_output_iterator& b) { return b.base(); } } // re_detail template inline OutputIterator u32regex_replace(OutputIterator out, BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, const u32regex& e, const charT* fmt, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::extract_output_base #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, <= 1300) #endif ( re_detail::do_regex_replace( re_detail::make_utf32_out(out, static_cast const*>(0)), re_detail::make_utf32_seq(first, last, static_cast const*>(0)), e, re_detail::make_utf32_seq(fmt, static_cast const*>(0)), flags) ); } template inline OutputIterator u32regex_replace(OutputIterator out, Iterator first, Iterator last, const u32regex& e, const std::basic_string& fmt, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::extract_output_base #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, <= 1300) #endif ( re_detail::do_regex_replace( re_detail::make_utf32_out(out, static_cast const*>(0)), re_detail::make_utf32_seq(first, last, static_cast const*>(0)), e, re_detail::make_utf32_seq(fmt.begin(), fmt.end(), static_cast const*>(0)), flags) ); } template inline OutputIterator u32regex_replace(OutputIterator out, Iterator first, Iterator last, const u32regex& e, const UnicodeString& fmt, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return re_detail::extract_output_base #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, <= 1300) #endif ( re_detail::do_regex_replace( re_detail::make_utf32_out(out, static_cast const*>(0)), re_detail::make_utf32_seq(first, last, static_cast const*>(0)), e, re_detail::make_utf32_seq(fmt.getBuffer(), fmt.getBuffer() + fmt.length(), static_cast const*>(0)), flags) ); } template std::basic_string u32regex_replace(const std::basic_string& s, const u32regex& e, const charT* fmt, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { std::basic_string result; re_detail::string_out_iterator > i(result); u32regex_replace(i, s.begin(), s.end(), e, fmt, flags); return result; } template std::basic_string u32regex_replace(const std::basic_string& s, const u32regex& e, const std::basic_string& fmt, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { std::basic_string result; re_detail::string_out_iterator > i(result); u32regex_replace(i, s.begin(), s.end(), e, fmt.c_str(), flags); return result; } namespace re_detail{ class unicode_string_out_iterator { UnicodeString* out; public: unicode_string_out_iterator(UnicodeString& s) : out(&s) {} unicode_string_out_iterator& operator++() { return *this; } unicode_string_out_iterator& operator++(int) { return *this; } unicode_string_out_iterator& operator*() { return *this; } unicode_string_out_iterator& operator=(UChar v) { *out += v; return *this; } typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef UChar value_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef value_type& reference; typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category; }; } inline UnicodeString u32regex_replace(const UnicodeString& s, const u32regex& e, const UChar* fmt, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { UnicodeString result; re_detail::unicode_string_out_iterator i(result); u32regex_replace(i, s.getBuffer(), s.getBuffer()+s.length(), e, fmt, flags); return result; } inline UnicodeString u32regex_replace(const UnicodeString& s, const u32regex& e, const UnicodeString& fmt, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { UnicodeString result; re_detail::unicode_string_out_iterator i(result); re_detail::do_regex_replace( re_detail::make_utf32_out(i, static_cast const*>(0)), re_detail::make_utf32_seq(s.getBuffer(), s.getBuffer()+s.length(), static_cast const*>(0)), e, re_detail::make_utf32_seq(fmt.getBuffer(), fmt.getBuffer() + fmt.length(), static_cast const*>(0)), flags); return result; } } // namespace boost. #include #include #endif