#! /usr/bin/env perl
#use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use IPC::Open3;
use Time::HiRes qw(tv_interval gettimeofday);
use Archive::Tar;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Handle;
use Socket;

	if ($^O =~ /MSWin32/) {
		require Thread; Thread->import();
		require Thread::Queue; Thread::Queue->import();

package CondorUtils;

our $VERSION = '1.00';
my $btdebug = 0;

use base 'Exporter';

our @EXPORT = qw(runcmd FAIL PASS ANY SIGNALED SIGNAL async_read verbose_system Which TRUE FALSE is_cygwin_perl is_windows is_windows_native_perl is_cygwin_perl fullchomp CreateEmptyFile CreateDir CopyIt TarCreate TarExtract MoveIt GetDirList DirLs List WhereIsInstallDir quoteMyString MyHead GeneralServer GeneralClient DagmanReadFlowLog DryExtract GatherDryData LoadResults runCommandCarefully);

sub TRUE{1};
sub FALSE{0};

# subroutines used for RUNCMD

# return 0 for false (expectation not met), 1 for true (expectation met)
sub PASS {
	my ($signaled, $signal, $ret) = @_;
	return 0 if !defined($ret);
	return 0 if $signaled;
	return $ret == 0;

# return 0 for false (expectation not met), 1 for true (expectation met)
sub FAIL {
	my ($signaled, $signal, $ret) = @_;
	return 1 if !defined($ret);
	return 1 if $signaled;
	return $ret != 0;

# return 0 for false (expectation not met), 1 for true (expectation met)
sub ANY {
	# always true
	#print "ANY called, return 1\n";
	return 1;

# return 0 for false (expectation not met), 1 for true (expectation met)
	my ($signaled, $signal, $ret) = @_;
	if($signaled) {
		return 1;
	} else {
		return 0;

# return 0 for false (expectation not met), 1 for true (expectation met)
sub SIGNAL {
	my @exsig = @_;
	return sub
		my ($signaled, $signal, $ret) = @_;
		my $matches = scalar(grep(/^\Q$signal\E$/, @exsig));

		#if ($matches == 0) {
    	#	print "SIGNAL: Not found exsig=@exsig signaled=$signaled signal=$signal return=$ret\n";
		#} elsif ($matches == 1) {
    	#	print "SIGNAL: Found exsig=@exsig signaled=$signaled signal=$signal return=$ret\n";
		#} else {
    	#	die "SIGNAL: Errant regex specification, matched too many!";

		if($signaled && ($matches == 1)) {
			return( 1 );

		return( 0 );

# create a Queue, and a reader thread to read from $fh and write into the queue
# returns the Queue
sub async_reader {
	my $fh = shift;
	if ($^O =~ /MSWin32/) {
		my $Q  = new Thread::Queue;

			sub {
				$Q->enqueue($_) while <$fh>;

		return $Q;
	} else {
		return undef;

#others of interest may be:
#sub NOSIG {...} # can have any return code, just not a signal.
#sub SIG {...} # takes a list of signals you expect it to die with
#sub ANYSIGBUT {...} # must die with a signal, just not ones you specify
#But PASS AND FAIL are probably what you want immediately and if not
#supplied, then defaults to PASS. The returned structure should have whether
#or not the expected result happened.
#Of course, you'd call the expect_result function inside of the new_system()
#As for what happens of the expected event doesn't happen, you can supply
#{die_on_failed_expectation => 1} and that is set to true by default.
#With expect_result and die_on_failed_expectation, you can model something
#like running a command which might or might not fail, but you don't care
#and it won't kill the script.
#$ret = new_system("foobar 1 2 3 4", {expect_result => ANY});
#Since ANY always returns true, then you can't ever fail in the expectation
#of the result so the default die_on_failed_expectation => 1 will never fire.

sub runcmd {
	my $args = shift;
	my $options = shift;
	my $cmd = undef;
	my $t0 = 0.1;
	my $t1 = 0.1;
	my $signal = 0;
	my %returnthings;
	my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
	my @abbr = qw( Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec );
        use POSIX qw/strftime/; # putting this at the top of the script doesn't work oddly
        my $date = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime);
	my $childpid;
	my $local_expectation = FALSE;
	my %altoptions;

	if( defined $options ) {
		#we are good
	} else {
		$options = \%altoptions;
		$local_expectation = TRUE;
	$t0 = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday];

	my(%ACCEPTABLE_OPTIONS) = map {$_ => 1} qw(

	foreach my $key (keys %{$options}) {
		if(not exists $ACCEPTABLE_OPTIONS{$key}) {
			print "WARNING: runcmd called with unknown option $key. It will be ignored.\n";

	#foreach my $key (keys %{$options}) {
		#print "${$options}{$key}\n";
		#print "$key\n";

	# some common *nix shell commands aren't valid on windows, but instead of fixing 
	# all of the tests, it's easier to just re-write the command stings here
	if ($^O =~ /MSWin32/) {
		if ($args =~ /^mkdir \-p/) {
			$args =~ s/^mkdir \-p/mkdir/;
			$args =~ s/\/cygwin\/c/c:/;
			$args =~ s/\//\\/g;

	my $rc = undef;
	my @outlines;
	my @errlines;

	if(${$options}{emit_output} == TRUE) {
		if(exists ${$options}{emit_string}) {
		} else {

	$t1 = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday];

	if(${$options}{use_system} == TRUE) {
		#print "Request to bypass open3<use_system=>TRUE>\n";
		$rc = system("$args");
		$t1 = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday];
	} else {
		if( defined( ${$options}{arguments} ) ) {
			$childpid = IPC::Open3::open3(\*IN, \*OUT, \*ERR, @{${$options}{arguments}} );
		} else {
			$childpid = IPC::Open3::open3(\*IN, \*OUT, \*ERR, $args);

		my $bulkout = "";
		my $bulkerror = "";

 		# ActiveState perl on Windows doesn't support select for files/pipes, but threaded IO works great
		if ($^O =~ /MSWin32/) {
			my $outQ = async_reader(\*OUT);
			my $errQ = async_reader(\*ERR);

			my $oe = 0; # set to 1 when OUT is EOF
			my $ee = 0; # set to 1 when ERR ie EOF

			while (1) {
				my $wait = 1;

				while ( ! $oe && $outQ->pending) {
					my $line = $outQ->dequeue or $oe = 1;
					if ($line) { $bulkout .= $line; }
					$wait = 0;
				while ( ! $ee && $errQ->pending) {
					my $line = $errQ->dequeue or $ee = 1;
					if ($line) { $bulkerror .= $line; }
					$wait = 0;

				if ($oe && $ee) { last; }
				if ($wait) { sleep(.1); }

		} else {  # use select for Linux and Cygwin perl

		my $tmpout = "";
		my $tmperr = "";
		my $rin = '';
		my $rout = '';
		my $readstdout = TRUE;
		my $readstderr = TRUE;
		my $readsize = 1024;
		my $bytesread = 0;

		while( $readstdout == TRUE || $readstderr == TRUE) {
			$rin = '';
			$rout = '';
			# drain data slowly
			if($readstderr == TRUE) {
				vec($rin, fileno(ERR), 1) = 1;
			if($readstdout == TRUE) {
				vec($rin, fileno(OUT), 1) = 1;
			my $nfound = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, 0.5);
			if( $nfound != -1) {
				#print "select triggered $nfound\n";
				if($readstderr == TRUE) {
					if( vec($rout, fileno(ERR), 1)) {
						#print "Read err\n";
						$bytesread = sysread(ERR, $tmperr, $readsize);
						#print "Read $bytesread from stderr\n";
						if($bytesread == 0) {
							$readstderr = FALSE;
						} else {
							$bulkerror .= $tmperr;
						#print "$tmperr\n";
				if($readstdout == TRUE) {
					if( vec($rout, fileno(OUT), 1)) {
						#print "Read out\n";
						$bytesread = sysread(OUT, $tmpout, $readsize);
						#print "Read $bytesread from stdout\n";
						if($bytesread == 0) {
							$readstdout = FALSE;
						} else {
							$bulkout .= $tmpout;
						#print "$tmpout\n";
			} else {
				print "Select error in runcmd:$!\n";
		} # end while
		} # use select for Linux and cygwin perl

		#print "$bulkout\n";
		#print "\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n";
		#$bulkout =~ s/\\r\\n/\n/g;
		#print "$bulkout\n";
		#print "\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n";
		@outlines = split /\n/, $bulkout;
		map {$_ =~ s/^\\r//} @outlines;
		map {$_ =~ s/\\r$//} @outlines;
		map {$_.= "\n"} @outlines;

		#$bulkerror =~ s/\\r\\n/\n/g;
		@errlines = split /\n/, $bulkerror;
		map {$_ =~ s/^\\r//} @errlines;
		map {$_ =~ s/\\r$//} @errlines;
		map {$_.= "\n"} @errlines;

		die "ERROR: waitpid failed to reap pid $childpid!" 
			if ($childpid != waitpid($childpid, 0));
		$rc = $?;

		$t1 = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday];

	my $elapsed = Time::HiRes::tv_interval($t0, $t1);
	my @returns = ProcessReturn($rc);

	$rc = $returns[0];
	$signal = $returns[1];
	$returnthings{"signal"} = $signal;

	if(${$options}{emit_output} == TRUE) {
		PrintDone($rc, $signal, $elapsed);
		if(exists ${$options}{cmnt}) {
		my $sz = $#outlines;
		if($sz != -1) {
		$sz = $#errlines;
		if($sz != -1) {

	$returnthings{"success"} = $rc;
	$returnthings{"exitcode"} = $rc;
	$returnthings{"stdout"} = \@outlines;
	$returnthings{"stderr"} = \@errlines;

	#print "about to check expected result function signal <$signal> rc <$rc>\n";
	my $expected = ${$options}{expect_result}($signal, $signal, $rc, \@outlines, \@errlines);
	#my $expected = ${$options}{expect_result}();
	#print "expected returnval was <$expected>\n";
	$returnthings{"expectation"} = $expected;
	if(!$expected && (${$options}{die_on_failed_expectation} == TRUE)) {
		print "****** STDOUT ******\n";
		foreach my $thing1 (@outlines) {
			print "$thing1\n";
		print "****** STDOUT ******\n";
		print "****** STDERR ******\n";
		foreach my $thing2 (@errlines) {
			print "$thing2\n";
		print "****** STDERR ******\n";
		die "Expectation Failed on cmd <$args>\n";
	} else {
		#print "runcmd: Told Failure was OK\n";
	return \%returnthings;

sub runCommandCarefully {
	my $options = shift( @_ );
	my @argv = @_;

	my %altOptions;
	if( ! defined( $options ) ) {
		$options = \%altOptions;
	${$options}{arguments} = \@argv;

	return runcmd( $argv[0], $options );

sub ProcessReturn {
	my ($status) = @_;
	my $rc = -1;
	my $signal = 0;
	my @result;

	#print "ProcessReturn: Entrance status " . sprintf("%x", $status) . "\n";
	if ($status == -1) {
		# failed to execute, how do I represent this? Choose -1 for now
		# since that is an impossible unix return code.
		$rc = -1;
		#print "ProcessReturn: Process Failed to Execute.\n";
	} elsif ($status & 0x7f) {
		# died with signal and maybe coredump.
		# Ignore the fact a coredump happened for now.

		# XXX Stupidly, we also make the return code the same as the 
		# signal. This is a legacy decision I don't want to change now because
		# I don't know how big the ramifications will be.
		$signal = $status & 0x7f;
		$rc = $signal;
		#print "ProcessReturn: Died with Signal: $signal\n";
	} else {
		# Child returns valid exit code
		$rc = $status >> 8;
		#print "ProcessReturn: Exited normally $rc\n";

	#print "ProcessReturn: return=$rc, signal=$signal\n";
	push @result, $rc;
	push @result, $signal;
	return @result;

sub SetDefaults {
	my $options = shift;

	# expect_result
	if(!(exists ${$options}{expect_result})) {
		${$options}{expect_result} = \&PASS;

	# die_on_failed_expectation
	if(!(exists ${$options}{die_on_failed_expectation})) {
		${$options}{die_on_failed_expectation} = TRUE;

	# emit_output
	if(!(exists ${$options}{emit_output})) {
		${$options}{emit_output} = TRUE;

	# use_system
	if(!(exists ${$options}{use_system})) {
		${$options}{use_system} = FALSE;

	# sh_wrap: wrap the arguments to runcmd with "/bin/sh -c ..."
	if(!(exists ${$options}{sh_wrap})) {
		${$options}{sh_wrap} = TRUE;

	if(!(exists ${$options}{arguments})) {
		${$options}{arguments} = undef;


sub PrintStdOut {
	my $arrayref = shift;
	if( defined @{$arrayref}[0]) {
		print "+ BEGIN STDOUT\n";
		foreach my $line (@{$arrayref}) {
			print "$line";
		print "+ END STDOUT\n";

sub PrintStdErr {
	my $arrayref = shift;
	if( defined @{$arrayref}[0]) {
		print "+ BEGIN STDERR\n";
		foreach my $line (@{$arrayref}) {
			print "$line";
		print "+ END STDERR\n";

sub PrintAddComment
	my $message = shift;
	print "\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
	print "+ $message\n";

sub PrintAltHeader {
	print "+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";

sub PrintHeader {
	print "\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";

sub PrintFooter {
	print "+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";

sub PrintComment {
	my $comment = shift;
	print "+ COMMENT: $comment\n";

sub PrintStart {
	my $date = shift;
	my $args = shift;

	print "+ CMD[$date]: $args\n";

sub PrintDone {
	my $rc = shift;
	my $signal = shift;
	my $elapsed = shift;

	my $final = " SIGNALED: ";
	if($signal != 0) {
		$final = $final . "YES, SIGNAL $signal, RETURNED: $rc, TIME $elapsed ";
	} else {
		$final = $final . "NO, RETURNED: $rc, TIME $elapsed ";
	print "+$final\n";

# subroutines used for VERBOSE_SYSTEM

sub verbose_system {
	my $cmd = shift;
	my $options = shift;
	my $hashref = runcmd( $cmd, $options );
	return ${$hashref}{exitcode};

# which is broken on some platforms, so implement a Perl version here
sub Which {
    my ($exe) = @_;

    return "" if(!$exe);

#print "Which: looking for: $exe\n";
    if( is_windows_native_perl() ) {
		if($btdebug == 1) {
			print "windows native perl!\n";
        return `\@for \%I in ($exe) do \@echo(\%~\$PATH:I`;
	my $amwindows = is_windows();

	my @winpath = {};
	if($amwindows == 1) {
		if(is_cygwin_perl()) {
			@winpath = split /:/, $ENV{PATH};
			#$exe = "$exe" . ".exe";
		} else {
			@winpath = split /;/, $ENV{PATH};
			# should not get here
	} else {
		@winpath = split /:/, $ENV{PATH};

    foreach my $path (@winpath) {
        fullchomp( $path);
		#print "Checking <$path>\n";
        if(-f "$path/$exe") {
			if($btdebug == 1) {
				print "Which returning:$path/$exe\n";
            return "$path/$exe";

    return "";

# Cygwin's chomp does not remove the \r
sub fullchomp {
    # Preserve the behavior of chomp, e.g. chomp $_ if no argument is specified.
    push (@_,$_) if( scalar(@_) == 0);

    foreach my $arg (@_) {
        $arg =~ s/[\012\015]+$//;


sub is_windows {
    if (($^O =~ /MSWin32/) || ($^O =~ /cygwin/)) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

sub is_cygwin_perl {
    if ($^O =~ /cygwin/) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

sub is_windows_native_perl {
    if ($^O =~ /MSWin32/) {
         return 1;
    return 0;

sub quoteMyString {
	my $stringtoquote = shift;
	my $returnstr = "";
	print "Quote:$stringtoquote\n";
	if(is_windows()) {
		$_ = $stringtoquote;
		if($stringtoquote =~ /\s+|&/) {
			$returnstr = "\"" . $_ . "\"";
		} else {
			$returnstr = $_;
	} else {
		$_ = $stringtoquote;
		$returnstr = "'$_'";
	print "Returning:$returnstr\n";

sub CreateEmptyFile {
	my $name = shift;
	open(NF,">$name") or die "Failed to create:$name:$!\n";
	print NF "";

sub CreateDir
	my $cmdline = shift;
	my @argsin = split /\s/, $cmdline;
	my $cmdcount = @argsin;
	my $ret = 0;
	my $fullcmd = "";
	my $location = Cwd::getcwd();
	#print  "\n\n\n\n\n******* CreateDir: $cmdline argcout:$cmdcount while here:$location *******\n\n\n\n\n";

	my $amwindows = is_windows();

	my $winpath = "";
	if($amwindows == 1) {
		if(is_windows_native_perl()) {
			#print "CreateDir:windows_native_perl\n";
			# what if a linux path first?
			if($argsin[0] eq "-p") {
				shift @argsin;
			foreach my $dir (@argsin) {
				#print "Want to make:$dir\n";
				$_ = $dir;
				$dir = $_;
				if(-d "$dir") {
				#print "$dir does not exist yet\n";
				$fullcmd = "cmd /C mkdir $dir";
				$ret = system("$fullcmd");
				if($ret != 0) {
					print "THIS:$fullcmd Failed\n";
				} else {
						#print "THIS:$fullcmd worked\n";
						#print "If this worked, it should exist now.\n";
						#if(-d $dir) {
							#print "Perl says it does.\n";
						#} else {
							#print "Perl says it does NOT.\n";
			#print "CreateDir returning now: Return value from CreateDir:$ret\n";
		} else {
			if($argsin[0] eq "-p") {
				$winpath = `cygpath -w $argsin[1]`;
				$_ = $winpath;
				$winpath = $_;
				if(-d "$argsin[1]") {
			} else {
				$winpath = `cygpath -w $argsin[0]`;
				$_ = $winpath;
				$winpath = $_;
				if(-d "$argsin[0]") {

		$fullcmd = "cmd /C mkdir $winpath";
		$ret = system("$fullcmd");
		if($btdebug == 1) {
			print "Tried to create dir got ret value:$ret path:$winpath:$fullcmd\n";
	} else {
		$fullcmd = "mkdir $cmdline"; 	
		if(-d $cmdline) {
		$ret = system("$fullcmd");
		#system("chmod 777 $cmdline");
		#print "Tried to create dir got ret value:$ret path:$cmdline/$fullcmd\n";

# pretty print a time string, if no args are passed uses localtime() as the time.
# the output is formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (which is sortable)
# if the last argument is 'T', then only the time is printed.
sub TimeStr
	my $ac = scalar(@_);
	my $T = $ac > 0 && $_[$ac-1] eq 'T';
	if ($ac < 5) { @_ = localtime(); }
	if ($T) { return sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", @_[reverse 0..2]; }
	return sprintf '%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', $_[5]+1900, $_[4]+1, @_[reverse 0..3];

# portable way to get a directory listing
# the command ls is optional, (sigh) because that's the way it's used...
sub List
    my $cmdline = shift;
	my $ret = 0;
	# strip off leading ls command (it's ok if its not there)
	if ($cmdline =~ /^\s*ls\s+/) { $cmdline =~ s/^\s*ls\s+//; }

	# on native windows, we are translating ls to dir, so we also need to strip the options
	if (is_windows_native_perl()) {
		if ($cmdline =~ /^\-([a-zA-Z]+)\s+(.*)$/ ) {
			# translate flags?
			#my $flags = $1;
			# translate path separators
			$cmdline = $2;
		$cmdline =~ s/\//\\/g; # convert / to \ before passing to dir
		$ret = system("cmd /C dir $cmdline");
	} elsif (is_windows()) {
		$cmdline =~ s/\\/\//g; # if windows, but not native, we need to convert \ to / before passing to ls.
	else {
		$ret = system("ls $cmdline");

sub GetDirList {
	my $arrayref = shift;
	my $targetdir = shift;
	my $startdir = Cwd::getcwd();
	opendir DS, "." or die "Can not open dataset: $1\n";
	foreach my $subfile (readdir DS)
		next if $subfile =~ /^\.\.?$/;
		push  @{$arrayref}, $subfile;

sub DirLs
    my $cmdline = shift;
    my $amwindows = is_windows();
    my $fullcmd = "";
	my $ret = 0;

    if($amwindows == 1) {
		$fullcmd = "cmd /C dir";

		$ret = system("$fullcmd");
	} else {
		$fullcmd = "pwd;ls";

		$ret = system("$fullcmd");

sub dir_listing {
	my (@path) = @_;

	my $path = File::Spec->catdir(@path);

	# If we have a relative path then show the CWD
	my $cwd = "";
	if(not File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($path)) {
		$cwd = "(CWD: '" . Cwd::getcwd() . "')";
	if($btdebug == 1) {
		print "Showing directory contents of path '$path' $cwd\n";
	# We have to check $^O because the platform_* scripts will be executed on a Linux
	# submit node - but the nmi platform string will have winnt
	if( is_windows() && $^O ne "linux" ) {
		system("dir $path");
	} else {
		system("ls -l $path");

sub CopyIt
    my $cmdline = shift;
    my $ret = 0;
    my $fullcmd = "";
    my $dashr = "no";
	#print  "CopyIt: $cmdline\n";
    my $winsrc = "";
    my $windest = "";

    my $amwindows = is_windows();
    if($cmdline =~ /\-r/) {
        $dashr = "yes";
        $_ = $cmdline;
        $cmdline = $_;
    # this should leave us source and destination
    my @argsin = split /\s/, $cmdline;
    my $cmdcount = @argsin;

	if($btdebug == 1) {
		print "CopyIt command line passed in:$cmdline\n";
    if($amwindows == 1) {
		if(is_windows_native_perl()) {
			#print "CopyIt: windows_native_perl\n";
			$winsrc = $argsin[0];
			$windest = $argsin[1];
			#print "native perl:\n";
			# check target
			$windest =~ s/\//\\/g;
        	$fullcmd = "xcopy $winsrc $windest /Y";
        	if($dashr eq "yes") {
            	$fullcmd = $fullcmd . " /s /e";
				#print "native perl -r:$fullcmd\n";
			#print "native perl: $fullcmd\n";
		} else {
        	$winsrc = `cygpath -w $argsin[0]`;
        	$windest = `cygpath -w $argsin[1]`;
        	$_ = $winsrc;
        	$winsrc = $_;
        	$_ = $windest;
        	$windest = $_;
        	$fullcmd = "xcopy $winsrc $windest /Y";
        	if($dashr eq "yes") {
            	$fullcmd = $fullcmd . " /s /e";

		#print "CopyIt executing: $fullcmd\n";
        #$ret = system("$fullcmd");
		$ret = verbose_system("$fullcmd");
		if($btdebug == 1) {
			print "Tried to create dir got ret value:$ret cmd:$fullcmd\n";
    } else {
        $fullcmd = "cp ";
        if($dashr eq "yes") {
            $fullcmd = $fullcmd . "-r ";
        $fullcmd = $fullcmd . "$cmdline";
        $ret = system("$fullcmd");
		#print "Tried to create dir got ret value:$ret path:$cmdline\n";
	if($btdebug == 1) {
		print "CopyIt returning:$ret\n";

sub MoveIt
	# assume two args only
	my $cmdline = shift;
	my $ret = 0;
	my $fullcmd = "";
	#print  "MoveIt: $cmdline\n";
	my $winsrc = "";
	my $windest = "";

	my $amwindows = is_windows();

	# this should be source and destination
	my @argsin = split /\s/, $cmdline;
	my $cmdcount = @argsin;

	if($amwindows == 1) {
		if(is_windows_native_perl()) {
			#print "MoveIt:windows_native_perl\n";
			$winsrc =  $argsin[0];
			$windest = $argsin[1];
			$winsrc =~ s/\//\\/g;
			$windest =~ s/\//\\/g;
		} else {
			$winsrc = `cygpath -w $argsin[0]`;
			$windest = `cygpath -w $argsin[1]`;
			$_ = $winsrc;
			$winsrc = $_;
			$_ = $windest;
			$windest = $_;
		$fullcmd = "cmd /C move $winsrc $windest";

		$ret = system("$fullcmd");
		#print "Tried to copy got ret value:$ret cmd:$fullcmd\n";
	} else {
		$fullcmd = "mv "; 	
		$fullcmd = $fullcmd . "$cmdline";
		$ret = system("$fullcmd");
		#print "Tried to create dir got ret value:$ret path:$cmdline\n";

sub TarCreate

sub TarExtract
	my $archive = shift;
	my $amwindows = is_windows();
	my $winpath = "";
	my $tarobject = Archive::Tar->new;
	if($amwindows == 1) {
		if( is_windows_native_perl() ) {
        } else {
            $winpath = `cygpath -w $archive`;
            $archive = $winpath;

sub WhereIsInstallDir {
	my $base_dir = shift;
	my $iswindows = shift;
	my $iscygwin = shift;
	my $iswindowsnativeperl = shift;

	my $installdir = "";
	my $wininstalldir = "";

	my $top = $base_dir;
	if($iswindows == 1) {
		my $top = Cwd::getcwd();
		if($btdebug == 1) {
			print "base_dir is \"$top\"\n";
		if ($iscygwin) {
			my $crunched = `cygpath -m $top`;
			if($btdebug == 1) {
				print "cygpath changed it to: \"$crunched\"\n";
			my $ppwwdd = `pwd`;
			if($btdebug == 1) {
				print "pwd says: $ppwwdd\n";
		} else {
			my $ppwwdd = `cd`;
			if($btdebug == 1) {
				print"cd says: $ppwwdd\n";

	my $master_name = "condor_master"; if ($iswindows) { $master_name = "condor_master.exe"; }
	my $tmp = Which($master_name);
	if ( ! ($tmp =~ /condor_master/ ) ) {
		print STDERR "Which($master_name) returned:$tmp\n";
		print STDERR "Unable to find a $master_name in your PATH!\n";
		system("ls build");
		print "PATH: $ENV{PATH}\n";
	} else {
		if($btdebug == 1) {
			print "Found master via Which here:$tmp\n";
	if($btdebug == 1) {
		print "Install Directory \"$tmp\"\n";
	if ($iswindows) {
		if ($iscygwin) {
			$tmp =~ s|\\|/|g; # convert backslashes to forward slashes.
			if($tmp =~ /^(.*)\/bin\/condor_master.exe\s*$/) {
				$installdir = $1;
				$tmp = `cygpath -m $1`;
				$wininstalldir = $tmp;
		} else {
			$tmp =~ s/\\bin\\condor_master.exe$//i;
			$installdir = $tmp;
			$wininstalldir = $tmp;
		$wininstalldir =~ s|/|\\|g; # forward slashes.to backslashes
		$installdir =~ s|\\|/|g; # convert backslashes to forward slashes.
		if($btdebug == 1) {
			print "Testing this Install Directory: \"$wininstalldir\"\n";
	} else {
		$wininstalldir = "none";
		$tmp =~ s|//|/|g;
		if( ($tmp =~ /^(.*)\/sbin\/condor_master\s*$/) || \
				($tmp =~ /^(.*)\/bin\/condor_master\s*$/) ) {
			$installdir = $1;
			if($btdebug == 1) {
				print "Testing This Install Directory: \"$installdir\"\n";
		} else {
			die "'$tmp' didn't match path RE\n";
		if(defined $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}) {
			$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = "$installdir/lib:$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}";
		} else {
			$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = "$installdir/lib";
		if(defined $ENV{PYTHONPATH}) {
			$ENV{PYTHONPATH} = "$installdir/lib/python:$ENV{PYTHONPATH}";
		} else {
			$ENV{PYTHONPATH} = "$installdir/lib/python";
	my $paths = "$installdir" . ",$wininstalldir";

sub MyHead {
	my $size = shift;
	my $file = shift;

	print "Request:head $size $file\n";

	if($size =~ /\-/) {
		$_ = $size;
		print "$_\n";
		$size = $_;
	my $counter = 0;
	open(MH,"<$file") or die "Open of $file failed:$!\n";
	while(<MH>) {
		print "$_";
		$counter += 1;
		if($counter == $size) {

sub GeneralServer {
	my $SockAddr = shift;
	my $LogFile = shift;
	my $raw = shift;

	print "general server log file is $LogFile\n";

	#open(OLDOUT, ">&STDOUT");
	#open(OLDERR, ">&STDERR");
	open(STDOUT, ">$LogFile") or die "Could not open $LogFile: $!";
	open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
	select(STDERR); $| = 1;
	select(STDOUT); $| = 1;

#	if(is_windows()) {
#		my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(
#			LocalPort => '0',
#			Proto  => 'udp',
#			) or die "ERROR in Socket Creation:$!\n";
#		print "Server has a socket\n";

#		#my $eport = $server->sockport();
#		#print "I am listening on port:$eport\n";
#		my $mysockaddr = getsockname($server);
#		if(defined $mysockaddr) {
#			print "getsockname return $mysockaddr\n";
#		} else {
#			print "getsockname return undefined\n";
#		}
#		my ($port, $myaddr) = Socket::sockaddr_in($mysockaddr);
#		print "I am listening on port:$port\n";
#		printf "Connect to %s [%s]\n",
#			scalar gethostbyaddr($myaddr, Socket::AF_INET),
#			inet_ntoa($myaddr);
#		# set no options for now
#		#$server->setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_RCVBUF, 65440);

#		while ( 1 )
#		{
#			my $newmsg;
#			$server->recv($newmsg,1024) || die "Recv: $!";
#			#$server->recv($newmsg,$MAXLEN);
#			if($newmsg eq "quit")
#			{
#				exit(0);
#			}
#			if(defined($raw)) {
#				print "$newmsg";
#			} else {
#				print "$newmsg\n";
#			}
#		}

#		my $server = new Win32::Pipe($SockAddr);
#		if(!(defined $server)) {
#			die "Pipe not created:$SockAddr:$!\n";
#		}

#		while(1) {
#			my $result = $server->Connect();
#			if($result == 1) {
#				my $newmsg = $server->Read();
#				if($newmsg eq "quit")
#				{
#					exit(0);
#				}
#				if(defined($raw)) {
#					print "$newmsg";
#				} else {
#					print "$newmsg\n";
#				}
#				my $disconnectres = $server->Disconnect();
#				print "Disconnect res:$disconnectres:$!\n";
#				# start with a single message
#				 last;
#			} else {
#				print "Connect result:$result:$!\n";
#			}
#		}
	#} else {
		if(is_windows()) {
		} else {
		print "About to NEW on $SockAddr\n";
		my $server = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Local => $SockAddr,
									Type  => Socket::SOCK_DGRAM)
		or die "Can't bind socket: $!\n";

		$server->setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_RCVBUF, 65440);

		while ( 1 )
			my $newmsg;
			my $MAXLEN = 1024;
			#$server->recv($newmsg,$MAXLEN) || die "Recv: $!";
			if($newmsg eq "quit")
			if(defined($raw)) {
				print "$newmsg";
			} else {
				print "$newmsg\n";

		my $stat = 0;
		my $returnval = shift;
	print "Server exiting\n";

sub GeneralClient {
	my $MAXLEN = 1024;
	my $comchan = shift;
	my $newmsg = shift;

	print "$comchan for mesg $newmsg\n";
	#if(is_windows()) {
#		my $ClientSockAddr = "\\\\.\\pipe\\$comchan";
#		my $pipe = new Win32::Pipe("$ClientSockAddr");
#		if(!(defined $pipe)) {
#			die "Client pipe creation and connection failed:$ClientSockAddr:$!\n";
#		}
#		my $result = $pipe->Write($newmsg);
#		print "Pipe write result:$result:$!\n";
#		$pipe->Close();
	#} else {
		my $client = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer => "$comchan",
								Type  => Socket::SOCK_DGRAM,
								Timeout => 10)
		or die $@;


		my $stat = 0;
		my $returnval = shift;
	print "client exiting\n";

sub DagmanReadFlowLog {
	my $log = shift;
	my $option = shift; # $option not currently used
	#my $limit = 2;
	my $limit = shift;
	my $count = 0;
	my $line;

	#print "Log is $log, Option is $option and limit is $limit\n";

	open(OLDOUT, "<$log") or die "Failed to open:$log:$!\n";
		$line = $_;
		#print "--$line--\n";
		if( $line =~ /^\s*(open)\s*$/ )
			#print "Count now $count\n";
			if($count > $limit)
				#print "$count exceeds $limit\n";
				print "$count";
		if( $line =~ /^\s*(close)\s*$/ )
			#print "Count now $count\n";

	print "$count";

sub DryExtract {
    my $dryinarrayref = shift;
    my $dryoutarrayref = shift;
    my $extractstring = shift;
    foreach my $dryline (@{$dryinarrayref}) {
        if($dryline =~ /\s*$extractstring\s*=/i) {
            #print "DryExtract: found $dryline\n";
            push @{$dryoutarrayref}, $dryline;

sub GatherDryData {
    my $submitfile = shift;
	my $targetfile = shift;
	my @storage = ();
	my @out = ();
	my $res = 0;
	@out = `condor_submit -dry-run $targetfile $submitfile`;
	# my $res = system("$cmdtorun");
	$res = $?;
	if($res != 0) {
		die "non-zero return from condor_submit\n";
	} elsif ($targetfile eq "-") {
		foreach (@out) {
			next if ($_ =~ /dry-run/i);
			push @storage, $_;
	} else {
		open(TF,"<$targetfile") or die "Failed to open dry data file:$targetfile:$!\n";
		while (<TF>) {
			push @storage, $_;

sub LoadResults {
	my $arraytoload = shift;
	my $filetoloadfrom = shift;

	if(-f $filetoloadfrom) {
		while (<TF>) {
			push @{$arraytoload}, $_;
	} else {
		die "LoadResults called with a file which does not exist:$filetoloadfrom:$!\n";
