# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library Lesser General Public License
# for more details at ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# written by: Jeff Ortel ( jortel@redhat.com )
"""I{Base} classes representing XSD schema objects."""
from suds import *
from suds.xsd import *
from suds.sax.element import Element
from suds.sax import Namespace
from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
class SchemaObject(UnicodeMixin):
A schema object is an extension to object with schema awareness.
@ivar root: The XML root element.
@type root: L{Element}
@ivar schema: The schema containing this object.
@type schema: L{schema.Schema}
@ivar form_qualified: A flag indicating that @elementFormDefault has a
value of I{qualified}.
@type form_qualified: boolean
@ivar nillable: A flag indicating that @nillable has a value of I{true}.
@type nillable: boolean
@ivar default: The default value.
@type default: object
@ivar rawchildren: A list raw of all children.
@type rawchildren: [L{SchemaObject},...]
def prepend(cls, d, s, filter=Filter()):
Prepend B{s}ource XSD schema objects to the B{d}estination list.
B{filter} is used to decide which objects to prepend and which to skip.
@param d: The destination list.
@type d: list
@param s: The source list.
@type s: list
@param filter: A filter allowing items to be prepended.
@type filter: L{Filter}
i = 0
for x in s:
if x in filter:
d.insert(i, x)
i += 1
def append(cls, d, s, filter=Filter()):
Append B{s}ource XSD schema objects to the B{d}estination list.
B{filter} is used to decide which objects to append and which to skip.
@param d: The destination list.
@type d: list
@param s: The source list.
@type s: list
@param filter: A filter that allows items to be appended.
@type filter: L{Filter}
for item in s:
if item in filter:
def __init__(self, schema, root):
@param schema: The containing schema.
@type schema: L{schema.Schema}
@param root: The XML root node.
@type root: L{Element}
self.schema = schema
self.root = root
self.id = objid(self)
self.name = root.get("name")
self.qname = (self.name, schema.tns[1])
self.min = root.get("minOccurs")
self.max = root.get("maxOccurs")
self.type = root.get("type")
self.ref = root.get("ref")
self.form_qualified = schema.form_qualified
self.nillable = False
self.default = root.get("default")
self.rawchildren = []
def attributes(self, filter=Filter()):
Get only the attribute content.
@param filter: A filter to constrain the result.
@type filter: L{Filter}
@return: A list of (attr, ancestry) tuples.
@rtype: [(L{SchemaObject}, [L{SchemaObject},..]),..]
result = []
for child, ancestry in self:
if child.isattr() and child in filter:
result.append((child, ancestry))
return result
def children(self, filter=Filter()):
Get only the I{direct} or non-attribute content.
@param filter: A filter to constrain the result.
@type filter: L{Filter}
@return: A list tuples: (child, ancestry)
@rtype: [(L{SchemaObject}, [L{SchemaObject},..]),..]
result = []
for child, ancestry in self:
if not child.isattr() and child in filter:
result.append((child, ancestry))
return result
def get_attribute(self, name):
Get (find) an attribute by name.
@param name: A attribute name.
@type name: str
@return: A tuple: the requested (attribute, ancestry).
@rtype: (L{SchemaObject}, [L{SchemaObject},..])
for child, ancestry in self.attributes():
if child.name == name:
return child, ancestry
return None, []
def get_child(self, name):
Get (find) a I{non-attribute} child by name.
@param name: A child name.
@type name: str
@return: A tuple: the requested (child, ancestry).
@rtype: (L{SchemaObject}, [L{SchemaObject},..])
for child, ancestry in self.children():
if child.any() or child.name == name:
return child, ancestry
return None, []
def namespace(self, prefix=None):
Get this property's namespace.
@param prefix: The default prefix.
@type prefix: str
@return: The schema's target namespace.
@rtype: (I{prefix}, I{URI})
ns = self.schema.tns
if ns[0] is None:
ns = (prefix, ns[1])
return ns
def default_namespace(self):
return self.root.defaultNamespace()
def multi_occurrence(self):
Get whether the node has multiple occurrences, i.e. is a I{collection}.
@return: True if it has, False if it has at most 1 occurrence.
@rtype: boolean
max = self.max
if max is None:
return False
if max.isdigit():
return int(max) > 1
return max == "unbounded"
def optional(self):
Get whether this type is optional.
@return: True if optional, else False.
@rtype: boolean
return self.min == "0"
def required(self):
Get whether this type is required.
@return: True if required, else False.
@rtype: boolean
return not self.optional()
def resolve(self, nobuiltin=False):
Resolve the node's type reference and return the referenced type node.
Only XSD schema objects that actually support 'having a type' custom
implement this interface while others simply resolve as themselves.
@param nobuiltin: Flag indicating whether resolving to an external XSD
built-in type should not be allowed.
@return: The resolved (true) type.
@rtype: L{SchemaObject}
return self
def sequence(self):
Get whether this is an .
@return: True if , else False.
@rtype: boolean
return False
def xslist(self):
Get whether this is an .
@return: True if , else False.
@rtype: boolean
return False
def all(self):
Get whether this is an .
@return: True if , else False.
@rtype: boolean
return False
def choice(self):
Get whether this is an .
@return: True if , else False.
@rtype: boolean
return False
def any(self):
Get whether this is an .
@return: True if , else False.
@rtype: boolean
return False
def builtin(self):
Get whether this is a built-in schema-instance XSD type.
@return: True if a built-in type, else False.
@rtype: boolean
return False
def enum(self):
Get whether this is a simple-type containing an enumeration.
@return: True if enumeration, else False.
@rtype: boolean
return False
def isattr(self):
Get whether the object is a schema I{attribute} definition.
@return: True if an attribute, else False.
@rtype: boolean
return False
def extension(self):
Get whether the object is an extension of another type.
@return: True if an extension, else False.
@rtype: boolean
return False
def restriction(self):
Get whether the object is an restriction of another type.
@return: True if a restriction, else False.
@rtype: boolean
return False
def mixed(self):
"""Get whether the object has I{mixed} content."""
return False
def find(self, qref, classes=[], ignore=None):
Find a referenced type in self or children. Return None if not found.
Qualified references for all schema objects checked in this search will
be added to the set of ignored qualified references to avoid the find
operation going into an infinite loop in case of recursively defined
@param qref: A qualified reference.
@type qref: qref
@param classes: A collection of classes used to qualify the match.
@type classes: Collection(I{class},...), e.g. [I(class),...]
@param ignore: A set of qualified references to ignore in this search.
@type ignore: {qref,...}
@return: The referenced type.
@rtype: L{SchemaObject}
@see: L{qualify()}
if not len(classes):
classes = (self.__class__,)
if ignore is None:
ignore = set()
if self.qname in ignore:
if self.qname == qref and self.__class__ in classes:
return self
for c in self.rawchildren:
p = c.find(qref, classes, ignore=ignore)
if p is not None:
return p
def translate(self, value, topython=True):
Translate between an XSD type values and Python objects.
When converting a Python object to an XSD type value the operation may
return any Python object whose string representation matches the
desired XSD type value.
@param value: A value to translate.
@type value: str if topython is True; any Python object otherwise
@param topython: Flag indicating the translation direction.
@type topython: bool
@return: The converted I{language} type.
return value
def childtags(self):
Get a list of valid child tag names.
@return: A list of child tag names.
@rtype: [str,...]
return ()
def dependencies(self):
Get a list of dependencies for dereferencing.
@return: A merge dependency index and a list of dependencies.
@rtype: (int, [L{SchemaObject},...])
return None, []
def autoqualified(self):
The list of I{auto} qualified attribute values.
Qualification means to convert values into I{qref}.
@return: A list of attribute names.
@rtype: list
return ["type", "ref"]
def qualify(self):
Convert reference attribute values into a I{qref}.
Constructed I{qref} uses the default document namespace. Since many
WSDL schemas are written improperly: when the document does not define
its default namespace, the schema target namespace is used to qualify
defns = self.root.defaultNamespace()
if Namespace.none(defns):
defns = self.schema.tns
for a in self.autoqualified():
ref = getattr(self, a)
if ref is None:
if isqref(ref):
qref = qualify(ref, self.root, defns)
log.debug("%s, convert %s='%s' to %s", self.id, a, ref, qref)
setattr(self, a, qref)
def merge(self, other):
"""Merge another object as needed."""
for n in ("default", "max", "min", "name", "nillable", "qname",
if getattr(self, n) is not None:
v = getattr(other, n)
if v is None:
setattr(self, n, v)
def content(self, collection=None, filter=Filter(), history=None):
Get a I{flattened} list of this node's contents.
@param collection: A list to fill.
@type collection: list
@param filter: A filter used to constrain the result.
@type filter: L{Filter}
@param history: The history list used to prevent cyclic dependency.
@type history: list
@return: The filled list.
@rtype: list
if collection is None:
collection = []
if history is None:
history = []
if self in history:
return collection
if self in filter:
for c in self.rawchildren:
c.content(collection, filter, history)
return collection
def str(self, indent=0, history=None):
Get a string representation of this object.
@param indent: The indent.
@type indent: int
@return: A string.
@rtype: str
if history is None:
history = []
if self in history:
return "%s ..." % Repr(self)
tab = "%*s" % (indent * 3, "")
result = ["%s<%s" % (tab, self.id)]
for n in self.description():
if not hasattr(self, n):
v = getattr(self, n)
if v is None:
result.append(' %s="%s"' % (n, v))
if len(self):
for c in self.rawchildren:
result.append(c.str(indent+1, history[:]))
if c.isattr():
result.append("\n%s" % (tab,))
result.append("%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__,))
result.append(" />")
return "".join(result)
def description(self):
Get the names used for repr() and str() description.
@return: A dictionary of relevant attributes.
@rtype: [str,...]
return ()
def __unicode__(self):
return str(self.str())
def __repr__(self):
s = []
s.append("<%s" % (self.id,))
for n in self.description():
if not hasattr(self, n):
v = getattr(self, n)
if v is None:
s.append(' %s="%s"' % (n, v))
s.append(" />")
return "".join(s)
def __len__(self):
n = 0
for x in self:
n += 1
return n
def __iter__(self):
return Iter(self)
def __getitem__(self, index):
Returns a contained schema object referenced by its 0-based index.
Returns None if such an object does not exist.
i = 0
for c in self:
if i == index:
return c
i += 1
class Iter:
The content iterator - used to iterate the L{Content} children.
The iterator provides a I{view} of the children that is free of container
elements such as , or .
@ivar stack: A stack used to control nesting.
@type stack: list
class Frame:
"""A content iterator frame."""
def __init__(self, sx):
@param sx: A schema object.
@type sx: L{SchemaObject}
self.sx = sx
self.items = sx.rawchildren
self.index = 0
def __next__(self):
Get the I{next} item in the frame's collection.
@return: The next item or None
@rtype: L{SchemaObject}
if self.index < len(self.items):
result = self.items[self.index]
self.index += 1
return result
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __init__(self, sx):
@param sx: A schema object.
@type sx: L{SchemaObject}
self.stack = []
def push(self, sx):
Create a frame and push the specified object.
@param sx: A schema object to push.
@type sx: L{SchemaObject}
def pop(self):
Pop the I{top} frame.
@return: The popped frame.
@rtype: L{Frame}
@raise StopIteration: when stack is empty.
if self.stack:
return self.stack.pop()
raise StopIteration()
def top(self):
Get the I{top} frame.
@return: The top frame.
@rtype: L{Frame}
@raise StopIteration: when stack is empty.
if self.stack:
return self.stack[-1]
raise StopIteration()
def __next__(self):
Get the next item.
@return: A tuple: the next (child, ancestry).
@rtype: (L{SchemaObject}, [L{SchemaObject},..])
@raise StopIteration: A the end.
frame = self.top()
while True:
result = next(frame)
if result is None:
return next(self)
if isinstance(result, Content):
ancestry = [f.sx for f in self.stack]
return result, ancestry
return next(self)
def __iter__(self):
return self
class XBuiltin(SchemaObject):
"""Represents a built-in XSD schema node."""
def __init__(self, schema, name):
@param schema: The containing schema.
@type schema: L{schema.Schema}
root = Element(name)
SchemaObject.__init__(self, schema, root)
self.name = name
self.nillable = True
def namespace(self, prefix=None):
return Namespace.xsdns
def builtin(self):
return True
class Content(SchemaObject):
"""XSD schema objects representing real XML document content."""
class NodeFinder:
Find nodes based on flexable criteria.
I{matcher} may be any object implementing a match(n) method.
@ivar matcher: An object used as criteria for match.
@type matcher: I{any}.match(n)
@ivar limit: Limit the number of matches. 0=unlimited.
@type limit: int
def __init__(self, matcher, limit=0):
@param matcher: An object used as criteria for match.
@type matcher: I{any}.match(n)
@param limit: Limit the number of matches. 0=unlimited.
@type limit: int
self.matcher = matcher
self.limit = limit
def find(self, node, list):
Traverse the tree looking for matches.
@param node: A node to match on.
@type node: L{SchemaObject}
@param list: A list to fill.
@type list: list
if self.matcher.match(node):
self.limit -= 1
if self.limit == 0:
for c in node.rawchildren:
self.find(c, list)
return self