//  Copyright (c) 2012 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh)
//  Copyright (c) 2020 Alexander Grund
//  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
//  accompanying file LICENSE or copy at
//  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

#include <boost/nowide/detail/is_string_container.hpp>
#include <boost/nowide/utf/convert.hpp>
#include <string>

namespace boost {
namespace nowide {

    /// Convert wide string (UTF-16/32) in range [begin,end) to NULL terminated narrow string (UTF-8)
    /// stored in \a output of size \a output_size (including NULL)
    /// If there is not enough room NULL is returned, else output is returned.
    /// Any illegal sequences are replaced with the replacement character, see #BOOST_NOWIDE_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER
    inline char* narrow(char* output, size_t output_size, const wchar_t* begin, const wchar_t* end)
        return utf::convert_buffer(output, output_size, begin, end);
    /// Convert NULL terminated wide string (UTF-16/32) to NULL terminated narrow string (UTF-8)
    /// stored in \a output of size \a output_size (including NULL)
    /// If there is not enough room NULL is returned, else output is returned.
    /// Any illegal sequences are replaced with the replacement character, see #BOOST_NOWIDE_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER
    inline char* narrow(char* output, size_t output_size, const wchar_t* source)
        return narrow(output, output_size, source, source + utf::strlen(source));

    /// Convert narrow string (UTF-8) in range [begin,end) to NULL terminated wide string (UTF-16/32)
    /// stored in \a output of size \a output_size (including NULL)
    /// If there is not enough room NULL is returned, else output is returned.
    /// Any illegal sequences are replaced with the replacement character, see #BOOST_NOWIDE_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER
    inline wchar_t* widen(wchar_t* output, size_t output_size, const char* begin, const char* end)
        return utf::convert_buffer(output, output_size, begin, end);
    /// Convert NULL terminated narrow string (UTF-8) to NULL terminated wide string (UTF-16/32)
    /// most output_size (including NULL)
    /// If there is not enough room NULL is returned, else output is returned.
    /// Any illegal sequences are replaced with the replacement character, see #BOOST_NOWIDE_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER
    inline wchar_t* widen(wchar_t* output, size_t output_size, const char* source)
        return widen(output, output_size, source, source + utf::strlen(source));

    /// Convert wide string (UTF-16/32) to narrow string (UTF-8).
    /// \param s Input string
    /// \param count Number of characters to convert
    /// Any illegal sequences are replaced with the replacement character, see #BOOST_NOWIDE_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER
    template<typename T_Char, typename = detail::requires_wide_char<T_Char>>
    inline std::string narrow(const T_Char* s, size_t count)
        return utf::convert_string<char>(s, s + count);
    /// Convert wide string (UTF-16/32) to narrow string (UTF-8).
    /// \param s NULL terminated input string
    /// Any illegal sequences are replaced with the replacement character, see #BOOST_NOWIDE_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER
    template<typename T_Char, typename = detail::requires_wide_char<T_Char>>
    inline std::string narrow(const T_Char* s)
        return narrow(s, utf::strlen(s));
    /// Convert wide string (UTF-16/32) to narrow string (UTF-8).
    /// \param s Input string
    /// Any illegal sequences are replaced with the replacement character, see #BOOST_NOWIDE_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER
    template<typename StringOrStringView, typename = detail::requires_wide_string_container<StringOrStringView>>
    inline std::string narrow(const StringOrStringView& s)
        return utf::convert_string<char>(s.data(), s.data() + s.size());

    /// Convert narrow string (UTF-8) to wide string (UTF-16/32).
    /// \param s Input string
    /// \param count Number of characters to convert
    /// Any illegal sequences are replaced with the replacement character, see #BOOST_NOWIDE_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER
    template<typename T_Char, typename = detail::requires_narrow_char<T_Char>>
    inline std::wstring widen(const T_Char* s, size_t count)
        return utf::convert_string<wchar_t>(s, s + count);
    /// Convert narrow string (UTF-8) to wide string (UTF-16/32).
    /// \param s NULL terminated input string
    /// Any illegal sequences are replaced with the replacement character, see #BOOST_NOWIDE_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER
    template<typename T_Char, typename = detail::requires_narrow_char<T_Char>>
    inline std::wstring widen(const T_Char* s)
        return widen(s, utf::strlen(s));
    /// Convert narrow string (UTF-8) to wide string (UTF-16/32).
    /// \param s Input string
    /// Any illegal sequences are replaced with the replacement character, see #BOOST_NOWIDE_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER
    template<typename StringOrStringView, typename = detail::requires_narrow_string_container<StringOrStringView>>
    inline std::wstring widen(const StringOrStringView& s)
        return utf::convert_string<wchar_t>(s.data(), s.data() + s.size());
} // namespace nowide
} // namespace boost
