//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) 2011-2017 by European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) // Author: Krzysztof Jamrog , // Michal Simon //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // This file is part of the XRootD software suite. // // XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with XRootD. If not, see . // // In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities // granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization // or submit itself to any jurisdiction. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef __XRD_CL_PARALLELOPERATION_HH__ #define __XRD_CL_PARALLELOPERATION_HH__ #include "XrdCl/XrdClOperations.hh" #include "XrdCl/XrdClOperationHandlers.hh" #include "XrdCl/XrdClDefaultEnv.hh" #include "XrdCl/XrdClPostMaster.hh" #include "XrdCl/XrdClJobManager.hh" #include #include #include namespace XrdCl { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Interface for different execution policies: // - all : all operations need to succeed in order for the parallel // operation to be successful // - any : just one of the operations needs to succeed in order for // the parallel operation to be successful // - some : n (user defined) operations need to succeed in order for // the parallel operation to be successful // - at least : at least n (user defined) operations need to succeed in // order for the parallel operation to be successful (the // user handler will be called only when all operations are // resolved) // // @param status : status returned by one of the aggregated operations // // @return : true if the status should be passed to the user handler, // false otherwise. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct PolicyExecutor { virtual ~PolicyExecutor() { } virtual bool Examine( const XrdCl::XRootDStatus &status ) = 0; virtual XRootDStatus Result() = 0; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Parallel operations, allows to execute two or more pipelines in //! parallel. //! //! @arg state : describes current operation configuration state //! (@see Operation) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- template class ParallelOperation: public ConcreteOperation> { template friend class ParallelOperation; public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Constructor: copy-move a ParallelOperation in different state //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template ParallelOperation( ParallelOperation &&obj ) : ConcreteOperation>( std::move( obj ) ), pipelines( std::move( obj.pipelines ) ), policy( std::move( obj.policy ) ) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Constructor //! //! @arg Container : iterable container type //! //! @param container : iterable container with pipelines //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template ParallelOperation( Container &&container ) { static_assert( !HasHndl, "Constructor is available only operation without handler"); pipelines.reserve( container.size() ); auto begin = std::make_move_iterator( container.begin() ); auto end = std::make_move_iterator( container.end() ); std::copy( begin, end, std::back_inserter( pipelines ) ); container.clear(); // there's junk inside so we clear it } ~ParallelOperation() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! @return : operation name //------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::string ToString() { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Parallel("; for( size_t i = 0; i < pipelines.size(); i++ ) { oss << pipelines[i]->ToString(); if( i + 1 != pipelines.size() ) { oss << " && "; } } oss << ")"; return oss.str(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Set policy to `All` (default) //! //! All operations need to succeed in order for the parallel operation to //! be successful. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ParallelOperation All() { policy.reset( new AllPolicy() ); return std::move( *this ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Set policy to `Any` //! //! Just one of the operations needs to succeed in order for the parallel //! operation to be successful. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ParallelOperation Any() { policy.reset( new AnyPolicy( pipelines.size() ) ); return std::move( *this ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Set policy to `Some` //! //! n (user defined) operations need to succeed in order for the parallel //! operation to be successful. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ParallelOperation Some( size_t threshold ) { policy.reset( new SomePolicy( pipelines.size(), threshold ) ); return std::move( *this ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Set policy to `At Least`. //! //! At least n (user defined) operations need to succeed in order for the //! parallel operation to be successful (the user handler will be called //! only when all operations are resolved). //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ParallelOperation AtLeast( size_t threshold ) { policy.reset( new AtLeastPolicy( pipelines.size(), threshold ) ); return std::move( *this ); } private: //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! `All` policy implementation //! //! All operations need to succeed in order for the parallel operation to //! be successful. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct AllPolicy : public PolicyExecutor { bool Examine( const XrdCl::XRootDStatus &status ) { // keep the status in case this is the final result res = status; if( status.IsOK() ) return false; // we require all request to succeed return true; } XRootDStatus Result() { return res; } XRootDStatus res; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! `Any` policy implementation //! //! Just one of the operations needs to succeed in order for the parallel //! operation to be successful. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct AnyPolicy : public PolicyExecutor { AnyPolicy( size_t size) : cnt( size ) { } bool Examine( const XrdCl::XRootDStatus &status ) { // keep the status in case this is the final result res = status; // decrement the counter size_t nb = cnt.fetch_sub( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed ); // we require just one operation to be successful if( status.IsOK() ) return true; // lets see if this is the last one? if( nb == 1 ) return true; // we still have a chance there will be one that is successful return false; } XRootDStatus Result() { return res; } private: std::atomic cnt; XRootDStatus res; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! `Some` policy implementation //! //! n (user defined) operations need to succeed in order for the parallel //! operation to be successful. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct SomePolicy : PolicyExecutor { SomePolicy( size_t size, size_t threshold ) : failed( 0 ), succeeded( 0 ), threshold( threshold ), size( size ) { } bool Examine( const XrdCl::XRootDStatus &status ) { // keep the status in case this is the final result res = status; if( status.IsOK() ) { size_t s = succeeded.fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed ); if( s + 1 == threshold ) return true; // we reached the threshold // we are not yet there return false; } size_t f = failed.fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed ); // did we drop below the threshold if( f == size - threshold ) return true; // we still have a chance there will be enough of successful operations return false; } XRootDStatus Result() { return res; } private: std::atomic failed; std::atomic succeeded; const size_t threshold; const size_t size; XRootDStatus res; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! `At Least` policy implementation //! //! At least n (user defined) operations need to succeed in order for the //! parallel operation to be successful (the user handler will be called //! only when all operations are resolved). //------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct AtLeastPolicy : PolicyExecutor { AtLeastPolicy( size_t size, size_t threshold ) : pending_cnt( size ), failed_cnt( 0 ), failed_threshold( size - threshold ) { } bool Examine( const XrdCl::XRootDStatus &status ) { // update number of pending operations size_t pending = pending_cnt.fetch_sub( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed ) - 1; // although we might have the minimum to succeed we wait for the rest if( status.IsOK() ) return ( pending == 0 ); size_t nb = failed_cnt.fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed ); if( nb + 1 == failed_threshold ) res = status; // we dropped below the threshold // if we still have to wait for pending operations return false, // otherwise all is done, return true return ( pending == 0 ); } XRootDStatus Result() { return res; } private: std::atomic pending_cnt; std::atomic failed_cnt; const size_t failed_threshold; XRootDStatus res; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! A wait barrier helper class //------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct barrier_t { barrier_t() : on( true ) { } void wait() { std::unique_lock lck( mtx ); if( on ) cv.wait( lck ); } void lift() { std::unique_lock lck( mtx ); on = false; cv.notify_all(); } private: std::condition_variable cv; std::mutex mtx; bool on; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Helper class for handling the PipelineHandler of the //! ParallelOperation (RAII). //! //! Guarantees that the handler will be executed exactly once. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct Ctx { //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Constructor. //! //! @param handler : the PipelineHandler of the Parallel operation //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ctx( PipelineHandler *handler, PolicyExecutor *policy ): handler( handler ), policy( policy ) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Destructor. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Ctx() { Handle( XRootDStatus() ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Forwards the status to the PipelineHandler if the handler haven't //! been called yet. //! //! @param st : status //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void Examine( const XRootDStatus &st ) { if( policy->Examine( st ) ) Handle( policy->Result() ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Forwards the status to the PipelineHandler if the handler haven't //! been called yet. //! //! @param st : status //--------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void Handle( const XRootDStatus &st ) { PipelineHandler* hdlr = handler.exchange( nullptr, std::memory_order_relaxed ); if( hdlr ) { barrier.wait(); hdlr->HandleResponse( new XRootDStatus( st ), nullptr ); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! PipelineHandler of the ParallelOperation //---------------------------------------------------------------------- std::atomic handler; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Policy defining when the user handler should be called //---------------------------------------------------------------------- std::unique_ptr policy; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! wait barrier that assures handler is called only after RunImpl //! started all pipelines //---------------------------------------------------------------------- barrier_t barrier; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! The thread-pool job for schedule Ctx::Examine //------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct PipelineEnd : public Job { //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor //---------------------------------------------------------------------- PipelineEnd( std::shared_ptr &ctx, const XrdCl::XRootDStatus &st ) : ctx( ctx ), st( st ) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Run Ctx::Examine in the thread-pool //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Run( void* ) { ctx->Examine( st ); delete this; } private: std::shared_ptr ctx; //< ParallelOperaion context XrdCl::XRootDStatus st; //< final status of the ParallelOperation }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Schedule Ctx::Examine to be executed in the client thread-pool //------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline static void Schedule( std::shared_ptr &ctx, const XrdCl::XRootDStatus &st) { XrdCl::JobManager *mgr = XrdCl::DefaultEnv::GetPostMaster()->GetJobManager(); PipelineEnd *end = new PipelineEnd( ctx, st ); mgr->QueueJob( end, nullptr ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! Run operation //! //! @param params : container with parameters forwarded from //! previous operation //! @return : status of the operation //------------------------------------------------------------------------ XRootDStatus RunImpl( PipelineHandler *handler, uint16_t pipelineTimeout ) { // make sure we have a valid policy for the parallel operation if( !policy ) policy.reset( new AllPolicy() ); std::shared_ptr ctx = std::make_shared( handler, policy.release() ); uint16_t timeout = pipelineTimeout < this->timeout ? pipelineTimeout : this->timeout; for( size_t i = 0; i < pipelines.size(); ++i ) { if( !pipelines[i] ) continue; pipelines[i].Run( timeout, [ctx]( const XRootDStatus &st ) mutable { Schedule( ctx, st ); } ); } ctx->barrier.lift(); return XRootDStatus(); } std::vector pipelines; std::unique_ptr policy; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Factory function for creating parallel operation from a vector //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline ParallelOperation Parallel( Container &&container ) { return ParallelOperation( container ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Helper function for converting parameter pack into a vector //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void PipesToVec( std::vector& ) { // base case } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Declare PipesToVec (we need to do declare those functions ahead of // definitions, as they may call each other. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void PipesToVec( std::vector &v, Operation &operation, Others&... others ); template inline void PipesToVec( std::vector &v, Operation &operation, Others&... others ); template inline void PipesToVec( std::vector &v, Pipeline &pipeline, Others&... others ); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define PipesToVec //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void PipesToVec( std::vector &v, Operation &operation, Others&... others ) { v.emplace_back( operation ); PipesToVec( v, others... ); } template void PipesToVec( std::vector &v, Operation &operation, Others&... others ) { v.emplace_back( operation ); PipesToVec( v, others... ); } template void PipesToVec( std::vector &v, Pipeline &pipeline, Others&... others ) { v.emplace_back( std::move( pipeline ) ); PipesToVec( v, others... ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Factory function for creating parallel operation from //! a given number of operations //! (we use && reference since due to reference collapsing this will fit //! both r- and l-value references) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline ParallelOperation Parallel( Operations&& ... operations ) { constexpr size_t size = sizeof...( operations ); std::vector v; v.reserve( size ); PipesToVec( v, operations... ); return Parallel( v ); } } #endif // __XRD_CL_OPERATIONS_HH__