// Copyright(c) 2015-present, Gabi Melman & spdlog contributors. // Distributed under the MIT License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) #pragma once #ifndef SPDLOG_HEADER_ONLY # include <spdlog/details/thread_pool.h> #endif #include <spdlog/common.h> #include <cassert> namespace spdlog { namespace details { SPDLOG_INLINE thread_pool::thread_pool( size_t q_max_items, size_t threads_n, std::function<void()> on_thread_start, std::function<void()> on_thread_stop) : q_(q_max_items) { if (threads_n == 0 || threads_n > 1000) { throw_spdlog_ex("spdlog::thread_pool(): invalid threads_n param (valid " "range is 1-1000)"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < threads_n; i++) { threads_.emplace_back([this, on_thread_start, on_thread_stop] { on_thread_start(); this->thread_pool::worker_loop_(); on_thread_stop(); }); } } SPDLOG_INLINE thread_pool::thread_pool(size_t q_max_items, size_t threads_n, std::function<void()> on_thread_start) : thread_pool(q_max_items, threads_n, on_thread_start, [] {}) {} SPDLOG_INLINE thread_pool::thread_pool(size_t q_max_items, size_t threads_n) : thread_pool( q_max_items, threads_n, [] {}, [] {}) {} // message all threads to terminate gracefully join them SPDLOG_INLINE thread_pool::~thread_pool() { SPDLOG_TRY { for (size_t i = 0; i < threads_.size(); i++) { post_async_msg_(async_msg(async_msg_type::terminate), async_overflow_policy::block); } for (auto &t : threads_) { t.join(); } } SPDLOG_CATCH_STD } void SPDLOG_INLINE thread_pool::post_log(async_logger_ptr &&worker_ptr, const details::log_msg &msg, async_overflow_policy overflow_policy) { async_msg async_m(std::move(worker_ptr), async_msg_type::log, msg); post_async_msg_(std::move(async_m), overflow_policy); } void SPDLOG_INLINE thread_pool::post_flush(async_logger_ptr &&worker_ptr, async_overflow_policy overflow_policy) { post_async_msg_(async_msg(std::move(worker_ptr), async_msg_type::flush), overflow_policy); } size_t SPDLOG_INLINE thread_pool::overrun_counter() { return q_.overrun_counter(); } void SPDLOG_INLINE thread_pool::reset_overrun_counter() { q_.reset_overrun_counter(); } size_t SPDLOG_INLINE thread_pool::queue_size() { return q_.size(); } void SPDLOG_INLINE thread_pool::post_async_msg_(async_msg &&new_msg, async_overflow_policy overflow_policy) { if (overflow_policy == async_overflow_policy::block) { q_.enqueue(std::move(new_msg)); } else { q_.enqueue_nowait(std::move(new_msg)); } } void SPDLOG_INLINE thread_pool::worker_loop_() { while (process_next_msg_()) {} } // process next message in the queue // return true if this thread should still be active (while no terminate msg // was received) bool SPDLOG_INLINE thread_pool::process_next_msg_() { async_msg incoming_async_msg; bool dequeued = q_.dequeue_for(incoming_async_msg, std::chrono::seconds(10)); if (!dequeued) { return true; } switch (incoming_async_msg.msg_type) { case async_msg_type::log: { incoming_async_msg.worker_ptr->backend_sink_it_(incoming_async_msg); return true; } case async_msg_type::flush: { incoming_async_msg.worker_ptr->backend_flush_(); return true; } case async_msg_type::terminate: { return false; } default: { assert(false); } } return true; } } // namespace details } // namespace spdlog