# gtkmm - GtkDefs module
# Copyright 2001 Free Software Foundation
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
package GtkDefs;
use strict;
use warnings;
use open IO => ":utf8";
use Util;
use Enum;
use Object;
use Property;
use FunctionBase;
# Public functions
# read_defs(path, file)
# @ get_methods()
# @ get_signals()
# @ get_properties()
# @ get_child_properties()
# @ get_unwrapped()
# $ lookup_enum(c_type)
# $ lookup_object(c_name)
# $ lookup_method_dont_mark(c_name)
# $ lookup_method_set_weak_mark(c_name)
# $ lookup_method(c_name)
# $ lookup_function(c_name)
# $ lookup_property(object, c_name)
# $ lookup_child_property(object, c_name)
# $ lookup_signal(object, c_name)
use Exporter ();
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = ( );
# your exported package globals go here,
# # as well as any optionally exported functions
@EXPORT_OK = ( );
use strict;
use warnings;
%GtkDefs::enums = (); #Enum
%GtkDefs::objects = (); #Object
%GtkDefs::methods = (); #GtkDefs::Function
%GtkDefs::signals = (); #GtkDefs::Signal
%GtkDefs::properties = (); #Property
%GtkDefs::child_properties = (); #Property
@GtkDefs::read = ();
@GtkDefs::file = ();
#prototype to get rid of warning
sub read_defs($$;$);
sub read_defs($$;$)
my ($path, $filename, $restrict) = @_;
$restrict = "" if ($#_ < 2);
# check that the file is there.
if ( ! -r "$path/$filename")
print "Error: can't read defs file $filename\n";
# break the tokens into lisp phrases up to three levels deep.
# WARNING: reading the following perl statement may induce seizures,
# please flush eyes with water immediately, and consult a mortician.
# this regexp is weak - it does not work on multiple and/or unpaired parens
# inside double quotes - those shouldn't be ever considered. i replaced this
# splitting with my own function, which does the job very well - krnowak.
# my @tokens = split(
# m/(
# \(
# (?:
# [^()]*
# \(
# (?:
# [^()]*
# \(
# [^()]*
# \)
# )*
# [^()]*
# \)
# )*
# [^()]*
# \)
# )/x,
# read_file($path, $filename));
my @tokens = split_tokens(read_file($path, $filename));
# scan through top level tokens
while ($#tokens > -1)
my $token = shift @tokens;
next if ($token =~ /^\s*$/);
if ($token =~ /\(include (\S+)\)/)
elsif ($token =~ /^\(define-flags-extended.*\)$/)
{ on_enum($token); }
elsif ($token =~ /^\(define-enum-extended.*\)$/)
{ on_enum($token); }
elsif ($token =~ /^\(define-flags.*\)$/)
{ }
elsif ($token =~ /^\(define-enum.*\)$/)
{ }
elsif ($token =~ /^\(define-object.*\)$/)
{ on_object($token); }
elsif ($token =~ /^\(define-function.*\)$/)
{ on_function($token); }
elsif ($token =~ /^\(define-method.*\)$/)
{ on_method($token); }
elsif ($token =~ /^\(define-property.*\)$/)
{ on_property($token); }
elsif ($token =~ /^\(define-child-property.*\)$/)
{ on_child_property($token); }
elsif ($token =~ /^\(define-signal.*\)$/)
{ on_signal($token); }
elsif ($token =~ /^\(define-vfunc.*\)$/)
{ on_vfunc($token); }
if ( $token =~ /^\(define-(\S+) (\S+)/)
# FIXME need to figure out the line number.
print STDERR "Broken lisp definition for $1 $2.\n";
print "unknown token $token \n";
sub split_tokens($)
my ($token_string) = @_;
my @tokens = ();
# whether we are inside double quotes.
my $inside_dquotes = 0;
# whether we are inside double and then single quotes (for situations like
# "'"'").
my $inside_squotes = 0;
# number of yet unpaired opening parens.
my $parens = 0;
# whether previous char was a backslash - important only when being between
# double quotes.
my $backslash = 0;
# index of first opening paren - beginning of a new token.
my $begin_token = 0;
# Isolate characters with special significance for the token split.
my @substrings = split(/([\\"'()])/, $token_string);
my $index = -1;
for my $substring (@substrings)
# if we are inside double quotes.
if ($inside_dquotes)
# if prevous char was backslash, then current char is not important -
# we are still inside double or double/single quotes anyway.
if ($backslash)
$backslash = 0;
# if current char is backslash.
elsif ($substring eq '\\')
$backslash = 1;
# if current char is unescaped double quotes and we are not inside single
# ones - means, we are going outside string.
elsif ($substring eq '"' and not $inside_squotes)
$inside_dquotes = 0;
# if current char is unescaped single quote, then we have two cases:
# 1. it just plain apostrophe.
# 2. it is a piece of a C code:
# a) opening quotes,
# b) closing quotes.
# if there is near (2 or 3 indexes away) second quote, then it is 2a,
# if 2a occured earlier, then it is 2b.
# otherwise is 1.
elsif ($substring eq '\'')
# if we are already inside single quotes, it is 2b.
if ($inside_squotes)
$inside_squotes = 0;
# if there is closing quotes near, it is 2a.
if (join('', @substrings[$index .. min($#substrings, $index+3)]) =~ /^'\\?.'/)
$inside_squotes = 1;
# else it is just 1.
# double quotes - beginning of a string.
elsif ($substring eq '"')
$inside_dquotes = 1;
# opening paren - if paren count is 0 then this is a beginning of a token.
elsif ($substring eq '(')
unless ($parens)
$begin_token = $index;
# closing paren - if paren count is 1 then this is an end of a token, so we
# extract it from token string and push into token list.
elsif ($substring eq ')')
unless ($parens)
my $token = join('', @substrings[$begin_token .. $index]);
push(@tokens, $token);
# do nothing on other chars.
return @tokens;
sub min($$)
return ($_[0] < $_[1]) ? $_[0] : $_[1];
sub read_file($$)
my ($path, $filename)=@_;
my @buf = ();
# don't read a file twice
foreach (@GtkDefs::read)
return "" if ($_ eq "$path/$filename");
push @GtkDefs::read, "$path/$filename";
# read file while stripping comments
open(FILE, "$path/$filename");
while ()
s/^;.*$//; # remove comments
chop; # remove new lines
push(@buf, $_);
$_ = join("", @buf);
s/\s+/ /g;
return $_;
sub on_enum($)
my $thing = Enum::new(shift(@_));
$GtkDefs::enums{$$thing{c_type}} = $thing;
sub on_object($)
my $thing = Object::new(shift(@_));
$GtkDefs::objects{$$thing{c_name}} = $thing;
sub on_function($)
my $thing = GtkDefs::Function::new(shift(@_));
$GtkDefs::methods{$$thing{c_name}} = $thing;
sub on_method($)
my $thing = GtkDefs::Function::new(shift(@_));
$GtkDefs::methods{$$thing{c_name}} = $thing if ($thing);
sub on_property($)
my $thing = Property::new(shift(@_));
$GtkDefs::properties{"$$thing{class}::$$thing{name}"} = $thing;
sub on_child_property($)
my $thing = Property::new(shift(@_));
$GtkDefs::child_properties{"$$thing{class}::$$thing{name}"} = $thing;
sub on_signal($)
my $thing = GtkDefs::Signal::new(shift(@_));
$GtkDefs::signals{"$$thing{class}::$$thing{name}"} = $thing;
sub on_vfunc($)
my $thing = GtkDefs::Signal::new(shift(@_));
$GtkDefs::signals{"$$thing{class}::$$thing{name}"} = $thing;
sub get_enums
return sort {$$a{c_type} cmp $$b{c_type}} values %GtkDefs::enums;
sub get_methods
return sort {$$a{c_name} cmp $$b{c_name}} values %GtkDefs::methods;
sub get_signals
return sort {$$a{name} cmp $$b{name}} values %GtkDefs::signals;
sub get_properties
return sort {$$a{name} cmp $$b{name}} values %GtkDefs::properties;
sub get_child_properties
return sort {$$a{name} cmp $$b{name}} values %GtkDefs::child_properties;
sub get_marked
no warnings;
return grep {$$_{mark}==1} values %GtkDefs::methods;
# This searches for items wrapped by this file and then tries to locate
# other methods/signals/properties which may have been left unmarked.
sub get_unwrapped
# find methods which were used in a _WRAP or _IGNORE.
my @targets;
push @targets,grep {$$_{entity_type} eq "method" && $$_{mark}==1} values %GtkDefs::methods;
push @targets,grep {$$_{mark}==1} values %GtkDefs::signals;
push @targets,grep {$$_{mark}==1} values %GtkDefs::properties;
push @targets,grep {$$_{mark}==1} values %GtkDefs::child_properties;
# find the classes which used them.
my @classes = unique(map { $$_{class} } @targets);
# find methods/signals/properties which are in those classes which didn't get marked.
my @unwrapped;
my $class;
foreach $class (@classes)
# if this class's parent is defined then don't put its properties as unwrapped.
# this may not work if parent is from other library (GtkApplication's parent
# is GApplication, so all its properties will be marked as unwrapped)
my $detailed = 0;
my $parent = undef;
if (exists $GtkDefs::objects{$class})
my $object = $GtkDefs::objects{$class};
if (defined $object)
$parent = $object->{parent};
# may be empty for some classes deriving a GInterface?
if ($parent)
$detailed = 1;
if ($detailed)
push @unwrapped, grep {$$_{class} eq $class && $$_{mark}==0 && not exists $GtkDefs::properties{$parent . '::' . $_->{name}}} values %GtkDefs::properties;
push @unwrapped, grep {$$_{class} eq $class && $$_{mark}==0 && not exists $GtkDefs::child_properties{$parent . '::' . $_->{name}}} values %GtkDefs::child_properties;
push @unwrapped, grep {$$_{class} eq $class && $$_{mark}==0} values %GtkDefs::properties;
push @unwrapped, grep {$$_{class} eq $class && $$_{mark}==0} values %GtkDefs::child_properties;
push @unwrapped, grep {$$_{class} eq $class && $$_{mark}==0} values %GtkDefs::methods;
push @unwrapped, grep {$$_{class} eq $class && $$_{mark}==0} values %GtkDefs::signals;
return @unwrapped;
sub lookup_enum($)
no warnings;
my ($c_type) = @_;
my $obj = $GtkDefs::enums{$c_type};
return 0 if(!$obj);
$$obj{mark} = 1;
return $obj;
sub lookup_object($)
no warnings;
my $c_name = $_[0];
my $result = $GtkDefs::objects{$c_name};
if (not defined($result))
# We do not print this error because it's not always an error,
# because the caller will often try several object names,
# while guessing an object name prefix from a function name.
# print "GtkDefs:lookup_object(): can't find object with name=" . $c_name . "\n";
# debug output:
# foreach my $key (keys %GtkDefs::objects)
# {
# print " possible name=" . $key . "\n";
# }
return $result;
# $objProperty lookup_property($name, $parent_object_name)
sub lookup_property($$)
no warnings;
my ($parent_object_name, $name) = @_;
$name =~ s/-/_/g;
my $obj = $GtkDefs::properties{"${parent_object_name}::${name}"};
return 0 if ($obj eq "");
$$obj{mark} = 1;
return $obj;
# $objChildProperty lookup_child_property($name, $parent_object_name)
sub lookup_child_property($$)
no warnings;
my ($parent_object_name, $name) = @_;
$name =~ s/-/_/g;
my $obj = $GtkDefs::child_properties{"${parent_object_name}::${name}"};
return 0 if ($obj eq "");
$$obj{mark} = 1;
return $obj;
sub lookup_method_dont_mark($)
no warnings;
my ($c_name) = @_;
$c_name =~ s/-/_/g;
my $obj = $GtkDefs::methods{$c_name};
return 0 if ($obj eq "");
return $obj;
sub lookup_method($)
my $obj = lookup_method_dont_mark($_[0]);
$$obj{mark} = 1 if($obj);
return $obj;
sub lookup_function($)
return lookup_method($_[0]);
sub lookup_method_set_weak_mark($)
my $obj = lookup_method_dont_mark($_[0]);
# A constructor or a static method may be listed in the .defs file as a method
# of another class, if its first parameter is a pointer to a class instance.
# Examples:
# GVariantIter* g_variant_iter_new(GVariant* value)
# GtkWidget* gtk_application_window_new(GtkApplication* application)
# GSocketConnection* g_socket_connection_factory_create_connection(GSocket* socket)
# The use of gtk_application_window_new() in Gtk::ApplicationWindow shall
# not cause get_unwrapped() to list all methods, signals and properties of
# GtkApplication as unwrapped in applicationwindow.hg.
# Therefore mark=2 instead of mark=1.
$$obj{mark} = 2 if ($obj && $$obj{mark} == 0);
return $obj;
sub lookup_signal($$)
no warnings;
my ($parent_object_name, $name) = @_;
$name =~ s/-/_/g;
my $obj = $GtkDefs::signals{"${parent_object_name}::${name}"};
return 0 if ($obj eq "");
$$obj{mark} = 1;
return $obj;
sub error
my $format = shift @_;
printf STDERR "GtkDefs.pm: $format\n", @_;
package GtkDefs::Function;
BEGIN { @GtkDefs::Function::ISA=qw(FunctionBase); }
# class Function : FunctionBase
# {
# string name; e.g. function: gtk_accelerator_valid, method: clicked
# string c_name; e.g. gtk_accelerator_valid, gtk_button_clicked
# string class; e.g. GtkButton
# string rettype;
# string array param_types;
# string array param_names;
# string entity_type; e.g. method or function
# bool varargs;
# bool mark;
# }
# "new" can't have prototype
sub new
my ($def) = @_;
my $whole = $def;
my $self = {};
bless $self;
#Remove first and last braces:
$def =~ s/^\(//;
$def =~ s/\)$//;
#In rare cases a method can be nameless (g_iconv).
#Don't interpret the following "(of-object" as the method's name.
$def =~ s/^\s*define-([^\s\(]+)\s*([^\s\(]*)\s*//;
$$self{entity_type} = $1;
$$self{name} = $2;
$$self{name} =~ s/-/_/g; # change - to _
# init variables
$$self{mark} = 0;
$$self{rettype} = "none";
$$self{param_types} = [];
$$self{param_names} = [];
$$self{class} = "";
# snarf down lisp fields
$$self{c_name} = $1 if ($def=~s/\(c-name "(\S+)"\)//);
$$self{class} = $1 if ($def=~s/\(of-object "(\S+)"\)//);
if ($def =~ s/\(return-type "(\S+)"\)//)
$$self{rettype} = $1;
$$self{rettype} =~ s/-/ /g; #e.g. replace const-gchar* with const gchar*. Otherwise it will be used in code.
$$self{varargs} = 1 if ($def=~s/\(varargs\s+#t\)//);
$$self{rettype} = "void" if ($$self{rettype} eq "none");
# methods have a parameter not stated in the defs file
if ($$self{entity_type} eq "method")
push( @{$$self{param_types}}, "$$self{class}*" );
push( @{$$self{param_names}}, "self" );
# parameters are compound lisp statement
if ($def =~ s/\(parameters(( '\("\S+" "\S+"\))*) \)//)
# is-constructor-of:
if ($def =~ s/\(is-constructor-of "(\S+)"\)//)
#Ignore them.
# of-object
if ($def =~ s/\(of-object "(\S+)"\)//)
#Ignore them.
GtkDefs::error("Unhandled function parameter ($def) in $$self{c_name}\n")
if ($def !~ /^\s*$/);
return $self;
sub parse_param($$)
my ($self, $param) = @_;
# break up the parameter statements
foreach (split(/\s*'*[()]\s*/, $param))
next if ($_ eq "");
if (/^"(\S+)" "(\S+)"$/)
my ($p1, $p2) = ($1,$2);
$p1 =~ s/-/ /;
push( @{$$self{param_types}}, $p1);
push( @{$$self{param_names}}, $p2);
GtkDefs::error("Unknown parameter statement ($_) in $$self{c_name}\n");
# $string get_return_type_for_methods().
# Changes gchar* (not const-gchar*) to return-gchar* so that _CONVERT knows that it needs to be freed.
sub get_return_type_for_methods($)
my ($self) = @_;
my $rettype = $$self{rettype};
if($rettype eq "gchar*" || $rettype eq "char*")
$rettype = "return-" . $rettype;
return $rettype;
sub get_param_names
my ($self) = @_;
return @$self{param_names};
package GtkDefs::Signal;
BEGIN { @GtkDefs::Signal::ISA=qw(GtkDefs::Function); }
# class Signal : Function
# {
# string name; e.g. gtk_accelerator_valid
# string class e.g. GtkButton ( == of-object.)
# string rettype;
# string flags. e.g. Run Last, No Hooks
# string entity_type. e.g. vfunc or signal
# bool detailed; # optional
# bool deprecated; # optional
# }
# "new" can't have prototype
sub new
my ($def) = @_;
my $whole = $def;
my $self = {};
bless $self;
#Remove first and last braces:
$def =~ s/^\(//;
$def =~ s/\)$//;
$def =~ s/^\s*define-(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*//;
$$self{entity_type} = $1;
$$self{name} = $2;
$$self{name} =~ s/-/_/g; #change - to _
# init variables
$$self{rettype} = "none";
$$self{param_types} = [];
$$self{param_names} = [];
$$self{flags} = "";
$$self{class} = "";
# snarf down lisp fields
if($def =~ s/\(of-object "(\S+)"\)//)
$$self{class} = $1;
GtkDefs::error("define-signal/define-vfunc without of-object (entity type: $$self{entity_type}): $whole");
if($def =~ s/\(return-type "(\S+)"\)//)
$$self{rettype} = $1;
$$self{rettype} =~ s/-/ /g; #e.g. replace const-gchar* with const gchar*. Otherwise it will be used in code.
if ($def =~ s/\(flags "(.*?)"\)//)
$$self{flags} = $1;
elsif ($def =~ s/\(when "(\S+)"\)//)
# "when" is a deprecated alternative to "flags".
# when eq "none", "first", "last", or "both".
if ($1 eq "first")
$$self{flags} = "Run First";
elsif ($1 eq "last")
$$self{flags} = "Run Last";
elsif ($1 eq "both")
$$self{flags} = "Run First, Run Last";
if($$self{rettype} eq "none")
$$self{rettype} = "void"
$$self{detailed} = ($1 eq "#t") if ($def =~ s/\(detailed (\S+)\)//);
$$self{deprecated} = ($1 eq "#t") if ($def =~ s/\(deprecated (\S+)\)//);
# signals always have a parameter
push(@{$$self{param_types}}, "$$self{class}*");
push(@{$$self{param_names}}, "self");
# parameters are compound lisp statement
if ($def =~ s/\(parameters(( '\("\S+" "\S+"\))+) \)//)
if ($def!~/^\s*$/)
GtkDefs::error("Unhandled signal/vfunc def ($def) in $$self{class}::$$self{name}");
return $self;
# bool get_detailed()
sub get_detailed($)
my ($self) = @_;
return $$self{detailed}; # undef, 0 or 1
# bool get_deprecated()
sub get_deprecated($)
my ($self) = @_;
return $$self{deprecated}; # undef, 0 or 1
# bool has_same_types($objFunction)
# Compares return types and argument types
sub has_same_types($$)
my ($self, $objFuncOther) = @_;
#Compare return types:
if($self->types_are_equal($$self{rettype}, $$objFuncOther{rettype}) ne 1)
# printf("debug: different return types: %s, %s\n", $$self{rettype}, $$objFuncOther{rettype});
return 0; #Different types found.
#Compare arguement types:
my $i = 0;
my $param_types = $$self{param_types};
my $param_types_other = $$objFuncOther{param_types};
for ($i = 1; $i < $#$param_types + 1; $i++)
my $type_a = $$param_types[$i];
my $type_b = $$param_types_other[$i-1];
if($self->types_are_equal($type_a, $type_b) ne 1)
# printf("debug: different arg types: %s, %s\n", $type_a, $type_b);
return 0; #Different types found.
return 1; #They must all be the same for it to get this far.
# bool types_are_equal($a, $b)
# Compares types, ignoring gint/int differences, etc.
sub types_are_equal($$$)
#TODO: Proper method of getting a normalized type name.
my ($self, $type_a, $type_b) = @_;
if($type_a ne $type_b)
#Try adding g to one of them:
if( ("g" . $type_a) ne $type_b )
#Try adding g to the other one:
if( $type_a ne ("g" . $type_b) )
#After all these checks it's still not equal:
return 0; #not equal.
# printf("DEBUG: types are equal: %s, %s\n", $$type_a, $$type_b);
return 1; #They must be the same for it to get this far.
1; # indicate proper module load.