// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-

#ifndef __ARC_ARCVERSION_H__
#define __ARC_ARCVERSION_H__

/** \defgroup common Common utility classes and functions. */

/// \file ArcVersion.h
/** \addtogroup common
 * @{
/** ARC API version */
#define ARC_VERSION "6.0.0"
/** ARC API version number */
#define ARC_VERSION_NUM 0x060000
/** ARC API major version number */
/** ARC API minor version number */
/** ARC API patch number */

/// Arc namespace contains all core ARC classes.
namespace Arc {

  /// Determines ARC HED libraries version at runtime
   * ARC also provides pre-processor macros to determine the API version at
   * compile time in \ref ArcVersion.h.
   * \ingroup common
   * \headerfile ArcVersion.h arc/ArcVersion.h
  class ArcVersion {
    /// Major version number
    const unsigned int Major;
    /// Minor version number
    const unsigned int Minor;
    /// Patch version number
    const unsigned int Patch;
    /// Parses ver and fills major, minor and patch version values
    ArcVersion(const char* ver);

  /// Use this object to obtain current ARC HED version
  /// at runtime.
  extern const ArcVersion Version;

  // Front page for ARC SDK documentation
   * \mainpage
   * The ARC %Software Development Kit (SDK) is a set of tools that allow
   * manipulation of jobs and data in a Grid environment. The SDK is divided
   * into a set of <a href="modules.html">modules</a> which take care of
   * different aspects of Grid interaction.
   * In the figure below an overview of the SDK is illustrated, showing
   * software components depending on the SDK, supported security standards and
   * in particular plugins providing functionality for different index and
   * registry services, local information systems, job submission and management
   * interfaces, matching and ranking algorithms, data access protocols and
   * job description languages.
   * \image html arcsdk.png
   * \version The version of the SDK that this documentation refers to can be
   * found from #ARC_VERSION. The ARC release corresponding to the SDK version
   * can be found using the "SVN tag" column in the table at
   * http://www.nordugrid.org/arc/releases/
   * \section sec Quick Start
   * The following code is a minimal example showing how to submit a job to a
   * Grid resource using the ARC SDK. For futher examples see the \ref examples
   * "list of all examples".
   * \include basic_job_submission.cpp
   * This code can be compiled with
   * \code
   * g++ -o submit -I/usr/include/libxml2 `pkg-config --cflags glibmm-2.4` -l arccompute submit.cpp
   * \endcode
   * And this example shows how to copy a file to or from the Grid:
   * \include simple_copy.cpp
   * This example can be compiled with
   * \code
   * g++ -o copy -I/usr/include/libxml2 `pkg-config --cflags glibmm-2.4` -l arcdata copy.cpp
   * \endcode

  // Page listing all examples
   * \page examples List of all examples
   * %Job submission and management
   * - \subpage basicjobsubmission
   * - \subpage jobfiltering
   * - \subpage jobstatus
   * - \subpage joblistretrieval
   * - \subpage retrievingresults
   * - \subpage servicediscovery
   * Data management
   * - \subpage copyfile
   * - \subpage partialcopy
   * - \subpage exampledmc
   * - \subpage dtrgenerator
   * \page basicjobsubmission Basic %Job Submission
   * \section cpp C++
   * \include basic_job_submission.cpp
   * \section py Python
   * \include basic_job_submission.py
   * \section txt xRSL job description
   * \include helloworld.xrsl
   * \page jobfiltering %Job Filtering
   * \tableofcontents
   * When managing multiple jobs it is a speedup and may be more convenient to
   * use the JobSupervisor class, instead of working on single Job objects.
   * In the JobSupervisor class jobs can be filtered so operations can be
   * limited to a subset of jobs. Such examples are shown below:
   * \section cpp C++
   * \include job_selector.cpp
   * \section py Python
   * \subsection job_selector Select jobs using custom class
   * \include job_selector.py
   * \subsection job_filtering Select jobs based on job state
   * \include job_filtering.py
   * \page jobstatus %Job Status
   * \include job_status.py
   * \page joblistretrieval %Job List Retrieval
   * \include joblist_retrieval.py
   * \page retrievingresults Retrieving Results
   * \include retrieving_results.py
   * \page servicediscovery Service Discovery
   * \include service_discovery.py
   * \page copyfile Copy File
   * \section cpp C++
   * \include simple_copy.cpp
   * \section py Python
   * \include copy_file.py
   * \page partialcopy Partial File Copy
   * \section cpp C++
   * \include partial_copy.cpp
   * \section py Python
   * \include partial_copy.py
   * \page exampledmc Example Protocol %Plugin
   * \include DataPointMyProtocol.cpp
   * \page dtrgenerator DTR Generator
   * \section cpp C++
   * Generator.cpp
   * \include Generator.cpp
   * Generator.h
   * \include Generator.h
   * generator-main.cpp
   * \include generator-main.cpp
   * \section py Python
   * \include dtr_generator.py

} // namespace Arc

/** @} */
#endif // __ARC_ARCVERSION_H__