#ifndef __XRDCKS_HH__
#define __XRDCKS_HH__
/*                                                                            */
/*                             X r d C k s . h h                              */
/*                                                                            */
/* (c) 2011 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University  */
/*                            All Rights Reserved                             */
/*   Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract    */
/*              DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy              */
/*                                                                            */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite.                            */
/*                                                                            */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under    */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the     */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your     */
/* option) any later version.                                                 */
/*                                                                            */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT      */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or      */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public       */
/* License for more details.                                                  */
/*                                                                            */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License   */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file  */
/* COPYING (GPL license).  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.        */
/*                                                                            */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without  */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor.       */

#include "XrdCks/XrdCksData.hh"

class XrdCks;
class XrdCksCalc;
class XrdOucStream;
class XrdSysError;
class XrdSysPlugin;

/*! This class defines the checksum management interface. It should be used as
    the base class for a plugin. When used that way, the shared library holding
    the plugin must define a "C" entry point named XrdCksInit() as described at
    the end of this include file. Note that you can also base you plugin on the
    native implementation, XrdCks, and replace only selected methods.
/*                             X r d C k s P C B                              */
/*! The XrdCksPCB object defines a callback hat allows he caller to monitor the
    progress of a checksum calculation (calc or verify).

class XrdCksPCB

//! Report checksum progress.
//! @param  fsize     The file size in bytes.
//! @param  csbytes   Bytes checksummed so far.

virtual void Info(long long fsize, long long csbytes);

long long rsvd;

             XrdCksPCB() : rsvd(0) {}
virtual     ~XrdCksPCB() {}
/*                                X r d C k s                                 */
//! @note Filenames passed to any of the manager's methods may be either logical
//! (lfn) or physical (pfn). By default, these are always physical file names.
//! However, it is possible to configure the default manager to use the Oss
//! plugin for all I/O related functions. In this case, a logical filename may
//! be passed if this is required by the Oss plugin as it will translate the
//! logical name to the physical one. See the "ofs.osslib" directive for
//! details. Additionally, when using the default Oss or Pss plugins as the I/O
//! provider, logical file names are always provided to the manager. Note that
//! default manager is automatically configured to accept the correct type of
//! file name. There is no mechanism to do this for a specialized manager. So,
//! it's possible to create a configuration file that requires logical name to
//! be supplied when the manager override only accepts physical ones.
class XrdCks

//! Calculate a new checksum for a physical file using the checksum algorithm
//! named in the Cks parameter.
//! @param  Xfn       The logical or physical name of the file to be checksumed.
//! @param  Cks       For  input, it specifies the checksum algorithm to be used.
//!                   For output, the checksum value is returned upon success.
//! @param  doSet     When true, the new value must replace any existing value
//!                   in the Xfn's extended file attributes.
//! @param  pcbP      In the second form, the pointer to the callback object.
//!                   A nil pointer does not invoke any callback.
//! @return Success:  zero with Cks structure holding the checksum value.
//!         Failure: -errno (see significant error numbers below).
int        Calc( const char *Xfn, XrdCksData &Cks, int doSet=1) = 0;

int        Calc( const char *Xfn, XrdCksData &Cks, XrdCksPCB *pcbP, int doSet=1)
               {(void)pcbP; return Calc(Xfn, Cks, doSet);}

//! Delete the checksum from the Xfn's xattrs.
//! @param  Xfn      The logical or physical name of the file to be checksumed.
//! @param  Cks      Specifies the checksum type to delete.
//! @return Success: 0
//!         Failure: -errno (see significant error numbers below).
int        Del(  const char *Xfn, XrdCksData &Cks) = 0;

//! Retreive the checksum from the Xfn's xattrs and return it and indicate
//! whether or not it is stale (i.e. the file modification has changed or the
//! name and length are not the expected values).
//! @param  Xfn      The logical or physical name of the file to be checksumed.
//! @param  Cks      For  input, it specifies the checksum type to return.
//!                  For output, the checksum value is returned upon success.
//! @return Success: The length of the binary checksum in the Cks structure.
//!         Failure: -errno (see significant error numbers below).
int        Get(  const char *Xfn, XrdCksData &Cks) = 0;

//! Parse a configuration directives specific to the checksum manager.
//! @param  Token    Points to the directive that triggered the call.
//! @param  Line     All the characters after the directive.
//! @return Success:  1
//!         Failure:  0
int        Config(const char *Token, char *Line) = 0;

//! Fully initialize the manager which includes loading any plugins.
//! @param  ConfigFN Points to the configuration file path.
//! @param  DfltCalc Is the default checksum and should be defaulted if NULL.
//!                  The default implementation defaults this to adler32. A
//!                  default is only needed should the checksum name in the
//!                  XrdCksData object be omitted.
//!@return Success:  1
//!        Failure:  0
int        Init(const char *ConfigFN, const char *DfltCalc=0) = 0;

//! List names of the checksums associated with a Xfn or all supported ones.
//! @param  Xfn      The logical or physical file name whose checksum names are
//!                  to be returned. When Xfn is null, return all supported
//!                  checksum algorithm names.
//! @param  Buff     Points to a buffer, at least 64 bytes in length, to hold
//!                  a "Sep" separated list of checksum names.
//! @param  Blen     The length of the buffer.
//! @param  Sep      The separation character to be used between adjacent names.
//! @return Success: Pointer to Buff holding at least one checksum name.
//!         Failure: A nil pointer is returned.
char      *List(const char *Xfn, char *Buff, int Blen, char Sep=' ') = 0;

//! Get the name of the checksums associated with a sequence number. Note that
//! Name() may be called prior to final config to see if there are any chksums
//! to configure and avoid unintended errors.
//! @param  seqNum   The sequence number. Zero signifies the default name.
//!                  Higher numbers are alternates.
//! @return Success: Pointer to the name.
//!         Failure: A nil pointer is returned (no more alternates exist).
virtual const
char      *Name(int seqNum=0) = 0;

//! Get a new XrdCksCalc object that can calculate the checksum corresponding to
//! the specified name or the default object if name is a null pointer. The
//! object can be used to compute checksums on the fly. The object's Recycle()
//! method must be used to delete it.
//! @param  name     The name of the checksum algorithm. If null, use the
//!                  default one.
//! @return Success: A pointer to the object is returned.
//!         Failure: Zero if no corresponding object exists.
XrdCksCalc *Object(const char *name)
  return 0;

//! Get the binary length of the checksum with the corresponding name.
//! @param  Name     The checksum algorithm name. If null, use the default name.
//! @return Success: checksum length.
//!         Failure: Zero  if the checksum name does not exist.
int        Size( const char  *Name=0) = 0;

//! Set a file's checksum in the extended attributes along with the file's mtime
//! and the time of setting.
//! @param  Xfn      The logical or physical name of the file to be set.
//! @param  Cks      Specifies the checksum name and value.
//! @param  myTime   When true then the fmTime and gmTime in the Cks structure
//!                  are to be used; as opposed to the current time.
//! @return Success:  zero is returned.
//!         Failure: -errno (see significant error numbers below).
int        Set(  const char *Xfn, XrdCksData &Cks, int myTime=0) = 0;

//! Retreive the checksum from the Xfn's xattrs and compare it to the supplied
//! checksum. If the checksum is not available or is stale, a new checksum is
//! calculated and written to the extended attributes.
//! @param  Xfn      The logical or physical name of the file to be verified.
//! @param  Cks      Specifies the checksum name and value.
//! @param  pcbP      In the second form, the pointer to the callback object.
//!                   A nil pointer does not invoke any callback.
//! @return Success: True
//!         Failure: False (the checksums do not match) or -errno indicating
//!                  that verification could not be performed (see significant
//!                  error numbers below).
int        Ver(  const char *Xfn, XrdCksData &Cks) = 0;

int        Ver(  const char *Xfn, XrdCksData &Cks, XrdCksPCB *pcbP)
              {(void)pcbP; return Ver(Xfn, Cks);}

//! Constructor

           XrdCks(XrdSysError *erP) : eDest(erP) {}

//! Destructor
virtual   ~XrdCks() {}

/*! Significant errno values:

   -EDOM       The supplied checksum length is invalid for the checksum name.
   -ENOTSUP    The supplied or default checksum name is not supported.
   -ESRCH      Checksum does not exist for file.
   -ESTALE     The file's checksum is no longer valid.


XrdSysError   *eDest;

/*                            X r d C k s I n i t                             */

#define XRDCKSINITPARMS XrdSysError *, const char *, const char *
//! Obtain an instance of the checksum manager.
//! XrdCksInit() is an extern "C" function that is called to obtain an instance
//! of a checksum manager object that will be used for all subsequent checksums.
//! This is useful when checksums come from an alternate source (e.g. database).
//! The proxy server uses this mechanism to obtain checksums from the underlying
//! data server. You can also defined plugins for specific checksum calculations
//! (see XrdCksCalc.hh). The function must be defined in the plug-in shared
//! library. All the following extern symbols must be defined at file level!
//! @param eDest-> The XrdSysError object for messages.
//! @param cfn  -> The name of the configuration file
//! @param parm -> Parameters specified on the ckslib directive. If none it is
//!                zero.
//! @return Success: A pointer to the checksum manager object.
//!         Failure: Null pointer which causes initialization to fail.

/*! extern "C" XrdCks *XrdCksInit(XrdSysError *eDest,
                                  const char  *cFN,
                                  const char  *Parms
//! Declare the compilation version number.
//! Additionally, you *should* declare the xrootd version you used to compile
//! your plug-in. While not currently required, it is highly recommended to
//! avoid execution issues should the class definition change. Declare it as:

/*! #include "XrdVersion.hh"

    where <name> is a 1- to 15-character unquoted name identifying your plugin.