"""Run human tests of Idle's window, dialog, and popup widgets. run(*tests) Create a master Tk() htest window. Within that, run each callable in tests after finding the matching test spec in this file. If tests is empty, run an htest for each spec dict in this file after finding the matching callable in the module named in the spec. Close the master window to end testing. In a tested module, let X be a global name bound to a callable (class or function) whose .__name__ attribute is also X (the usual situation). The first parameter of X must be 'parent' or 'master'. When called, the first argument will be the root window. X must create a child Toplevel(parent/master) (or subclass thereof). The Toplevel may be a test widget or dialog, in which case the callable is the corresponding class. Or the Toplevel may contain the widget to be tested or set up a context in which a test widget is invoked. In this latter case, the callable is a wrapper function that sets up the Toplevel and other objects. Wrapper function names, such as _editor_window', should start with '_' and be lowercase. End the module with if __name__ == '__main__': from idlelib.idle_test.htest import run run(callable) # There could be multiple comma-separated callables. To have wrapper functions ignored by coverage reports, tag the def header like so: "def _wrapper(parent): # htest #". Use the same tag for htest lines in widget code. Make sure that the 'if __name__' line matches the above. Then have make sure that .coveragerc includes the following: [report] exclude_lines = .*# htest # if __name__ == .__main__.: (The "." instead of "'" is intentional and necessary.) To run any X, this file must contain a matching instance of the following template, with X.__name__ prepended to '_spec'. When all tests are run, the prefix is use to get X. callable_spec = { 'file': '', 'kwds': {'title': ''}, 'msg': "" } file (no .py): run() imports file.py. kwds: augmented with {'parent':root} and passed to X as **kwds. title: an example kwd; some widgets need this, delete line if not. msg: master window hints about testing the widget. TODO test these modules and classes: autocomplete_w.AutoCompleteWindow debugger.Debugger outwin.OutputWindow (indirectly being tested with grep test) pyshell.PyShellEditorWindow """ import idlelib.pyshell # Set Windows DPI awareness before Tk(). from importlib import import_module import textwrap import tkinter as tk from tkinter.ttk import Scrollbar tk.NoDefaultRoot() AboutDialog_spec = { 'file': 'help_about', 'kwds': {'title': 'help_about test', '_htest': True, }, 'msg': "Click on URL to open in default browser.\n" "Verify x.y.z versions and test each button, including Close.\n " } # TODO implement ^\; adding '' to function does not work. _calltip_window_spec = { 'file': 'calltip_w', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "Typing '(' should display a calltip.\n" "Typing ') should hide the calltip.\n" "So should moving cursor out of argument area.\n" "Force-open-calltip does not work here.\n" } _color_delegator_spec = { 'file': 'colorizer', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "The text is sample Python code.\n" "Ensure components like comments, keywords, builtins,\n" "string, definitions, and break are correctly colored.\n" "The default color scheme is in idlelib/config-highlight.def" } ConfigDialog_spec = { 'file': 'configdialog', 'kwds': {'title': 'ConfigDialogTest', '_htest': True,}, 'msg': "IDLE preferences dialog.\n" "In the 'Fonts/Tabs' tab, changing font face, should update the " "font face of the text in the area below it.\nIn the " "'Highlighting' tab, try different color schemes. Clicking " "items in the sample program should update the choices above it." "\nIn the 'Keys', 'General' and 'Extensions' tabs, test settings " "of interest." "\n[Ok] to close the dialog.[Apply] to apply the settings and " "and [Cancel] to revert all changes.\nRe-run the test to ensure " "changes made have persisted." } CustomRun_spec = { 'file': 'query', 'kwds': {'title': 'Customize query.py Run', '_htest': True}, 'msg': "Enter with or [OK]. Print valid entry to Shell\n" "Arguments are parsed into a list\n" "Mode is currently restart True or False\n" "Close dialog with valid entry, , [Cancel], [X]" } _debug_object_browser_spec = { 'file': 'debugobj', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "Double click on items up to the lowest level.\n" "Attributes of the objects and related information " "will be displayed side-by-side at each level." } # TODO Improve message _dyn_option_menu_spec = { 'file': 'dynoption', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "Select one of the many options in the 'old option set'.\n" "Click the button to change the option set.\n" "Select one of the many options in the 'new option set'." } # TODO edit wrapper _editor_window_spec = { 'file': 'editor', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "Test editor functions of interest.\n" "Best to close editor first." } GetKeysWindow_spec = { 'file': 'config_key', 'kwds': {'title': 'Test keybindings', 'action': 'find-again', 'current_key_sequences': [['', '', '']], '_htest': True, }, 'msg': "Test for different key modifier sequences.\n" " is invalid.\n" "No modifier key is invalid.\n" "Shift key with [a-z],[0-9], function key, move key, tab, space " "is invalid.\nNo validity checking if advanced key binding " "entry is used." } _grep_dialog_spec = { 'file': 'grep', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "Click the 'Show GrepDialog' button.\n" "Test the various 'Find-in-files' functions.\n" "The results should be displayed in a new '*Output*' window.\n" "'Right-click'->'Go to file/line' in the search results\n " "should open that file in a new EditorWindow." } HelpSource_spec = { 'file': 'query', 'kwds': {'title': 'Help name and source', 'menuitem': 'test', 'filepath': __file__, 'used_names': {'abc'}, '_htest': True}, 'msg': "Enter menu item name and help file path\n" "'', > than 30 chars, and 'abc' are invalid menu item names.\n" "'' and file does not exist are invalid path items.\n" "Any url ('www...', 'http...') is accepted.\n" "Test Browse with and without path, as cannot unittest.\n" "[Ok] or prints valid entry to shell\n" ", [Cancel], or [X] prints None to shell" } _helpwindow_spec = { 'file': 'help', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "If the help text displays, this works.\n" "Text is selectable. Window is scrollable." } _io_binding_spec = { 'file': 'iomenu', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "Test the following bindings.\n" " to open file from dialog.\n" "Edit the file.\n" " to print the file.\n" " to save the file.\n" " to save-as another file.\n" " to save-copy-as another file.\n" "Check that changes were saved by opening the file elsewhere." } _multi_call_spec = { 'file': 'multicall', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "The following should trigger a print to console or IDLE Shell.\n" "Entering and leaving the text area, key entry, ,\n" ", , , \n" ", and focusing elsewhere." } _module_browser_spec = { 'file': 'browser', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': textwrap.dedent(""" "Inspect names of module, class(with superclass if applicable), "methods and functions. Toggle nested items. Double clicking "on items prints a traceback for an exception that is ignored.""") } _multistatus_bar_spec = { 'file': 'statusbar', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "Ensure presence of multi-status bar below text area.\n" "Click 'Update Status' to change the status text" } PathBrowser_spec = { 'file': 'pathbrowser', 'kwds': {'_htest': True}, 'msg': "Test for correct display of all paths in sys.path.\n" "Toggle nested items out to the lowest level.\n" "Double clicking on an item prints a traceback\n" "for an exception that is ignored." } _percolator_spec = { 'file': 'percolator', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "There are two tracers which can be toggled using a checkbox.\n" "Toggling a tracer 'on' by checking it should print tracer " "output to the console or to the IDLE shell.\n" "If both the tracers are 'on', the output from the tracer which " "was switched 'on' later, should be printed first\n" "Test for actions like text entry, and removal." } Query_spec = { 'file': 'query', 'kwds': {'title': 'Query', 'message': 'Enter something', 'text0': 'Go', '_htest': True}, 'msg': "Enter with or [Ok]. Print valid entry to Shell\n" "Blank line, after stripping, is ignored\n" "Close dialog with valid entry, , [Cancel], [X]" } _replace_dialog_spec = { 'file': 'replace', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "Click the 'Replace' button.\n" "Test various replace options in the 'Replace dialog'.\n" "Click [Close] or [X] to close the 'Replace Dialog'." } _scrolled_list_spec = { 'file': 'scrolledlist', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "You should see a scrollable list of items\n" "Selecting (clicking) or double clicking an item " "prints the name to the console or Idle shell.\n" "Right clicking an item will display a popup." } _search_dialog_spec = { 'file': 'search', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "Click the 'Search' button.\n" "Test various search options in the 'Search dialog'.\n" "Click [Close] or [X] to close the 'Search Dialog'." } _searchbase_spec = { 'file': 'searchbase', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "Check the appearance of the base search dialog\n" "Its only action is to close." } _sidebar_number_scrolling_spec = { 'file': 'sidebar', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': textwrap.dedent("""\ 1. Click on the line numbers and drag down below the edge of the window, moving the mouse a bit and then leaving it there for a while. The text and line numbers should gradually scroll down, with the selection updated continuously. 2. With the lines still selected, click on a line number above or below the selected lines. Only the line whose number was clicked should be selected. 3. Repeat step #1, dragging to above the window. The text and line numbers should gradually scroll up, with the selection updated continuously. 4. Repeat step #2, clicking a line number below the selection."""), } _stackbrowser_spec = { 'file': 'stackviewer', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "A stacktrace for a NameError exception.\n" "Should have NameError and 1 traceback line." } _tooltip_spec = { 'file': 'tooltip', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "Place mouse cursor over both the buttons\n" "A tooltip should appear with some text." } _tree_widget_spec = { 'file': 'tree', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "The canvas is scrollable.\n" "Click on folders up to to the lowest level." } _undo_delegator_spec = { 'file': 'undo', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "Click [Undo] to undo any action.\n" "Click [Redo] to redo any action.\n" "Click [Dump] to dump the current state " "by printing to the console or the IDLE shell.\n" } ViewWindow_spec = { 'file': 'textview', 'kwds': {'title': 'Test textview', 'contents': 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n'*35, '_htest': True}, 'msg': "Test for read-only property of text.\n" "Select text, scroll window, close" } _widget_redirector_spec = { 'file': 'redirector', 'kwds': {}, 'msg': "Every text insert should be printed to the console " "or the IDLE shell." } def run(*tests): "Run callables in tests." root = tk.Tk() root.title('IDLE htest') root.resizable(0, 0) # A scrollable Label-like constant width text widget. frameLabel = tk.Frame(root, padx=10) frameLabel.pack() text = tk.Text(frameLabel, wrap='word') text.configure(bg=root.cget('bg'), relief='flat', height=4, width=70) scrollbar = Scrollbar(frameLabel, command=text.yview) text.config(yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.pack(side='right', fill='y', expand=False) text.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) test_list = [] # Make list of (spec, callable) tuples. if tests: for test in tests: test_spec = globals()[test.__name__ + '_spec'] test_spec['name'] = test.__name__ test_list.append((test_spec, test)) else: for key, dic in globals().items(): if key.endswith('_spec'): test_name = key[:-5] test_spec = dic test_spec['name'] = test_name mod = import_module('idlelib.' + test_spec['file']) test = getattr(mod, test_name) test_list.append((test_spec, test)) test_list.reverse() # So can pop in proper order in next_test. test_name = tk.StringVar(root) callable_object = None test_kwds = None def next_test(): nonlocal test_name, callable_object, test_kwds if len(test_list) == 1: next_button.pack_forget() test_spec, callable_object = test_list.pop() test_kwds = test_spec['kwds'] test_name.set('Test ' + test_spec['name']) text['state'] = 'normal' # Enable text replacement. text.delete('1.0', 'end') text.insert("1.0", test_spec['msg']) text['state'] = 'disabled' # Restore read-only property. def run_test(_=None): widget = callable_object(root, **test_kwds) try: print(widget.result) # Only true for query classes(?). except AttributeError: pass def close(_=None): root.destroy() button = tk.Button(root, textvariable=test_name, default='active', command=run_test) next_button = tk.Button(root, text="Next", command=next_test) button.pack() next_button.pack() next_button.focus_set() root.bind('', run_test) root.bind('', close) next_test() root.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': run()