# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # The OpenSearch Contributors require contributions made to # this file be licensed under the Apache-2.0 license or a # compatible open source license. # # Modifications Copyright OpenSearch Contributors. See # GitHub history for details. # # Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under # the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections.abc as collections_abc from fnmatch import fnmatch from typing import Any, Tuple, Type from six import add_metaclass, iteritems from opensearchpy.connection.connections import get_connection from opensearchpy.exceptions import NotFoundError, RequestError from ..exceptions import IllegalOperation, ValidationException from .field import Field from .index import Index from .mapping import Mapping from .search import Search from .utils import DOC_META_FIELDS, META_FIELDS, ObjectBase, merge class MetaField(object): def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.args, self.kwargs = args, kwargs class DocumentMeta(type): def __new__( cls: Any, name: str, bases: Tuple[Type[ObjectBase]], attrs: Any, ) -> Any: # DocumentMeta filters attrs in place attrs["_doc_type"] = DocumentOptions(name, bases, attrs) return super(DocumentMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) class IndexMeta(DocumentMeta): # global flag to guard us from associating an Index with the base Document # class, only user defined subclasses should have an _index attr _document_initialized = False def __new__( cls: Any, name: str, bases: Tuple[Type[ObjectBase]], attrs: Any, ) -> Any: new_cls = super(IndexMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) if cls._document_initialized: index_opts = attrs.pop("Index", None) index = cls.construct_index(index_opts, bases) new_cls._index = index index.document(new_cls) cls._document_initialized = True return new_cls @classmethod def construct_index(cls, opts: Any, bases: Any) -> Any: if opts is None: for b in bases: if hasattr(b, "_index"): return b._index # Set None as Index name so it will set _all while making the query return Index(name=None) i = Index(getattr(opts, "name", "*"), using=getattr(opts, "using", "default")) i.settings(**getattr(opts, "settings", {})) i.aliases(**getattr(opts, "aliases", {})) for a in getattr(opts, "analyzers", ()): i.analyzer(a) return i class DocumentOptions(object): def __init__( self, name: str, bases: Tuple[Type[ObjectBase]], attrs: Any, ) -> None: meta = attrs.pop("Meta", None) # create the mapping instance self.mapping = getattr(meta, "mapping", Mapping()) # register all declared fields into the mapping for name, value in list(iteritems(attrs)): if isinstance(value, Field): self.mapping.field(name, value) del attrs[name] # add all the mappings for meta fields for name in dir(meta): if isinstance(getattr(meta, name, None), MetaField): params = getattr(meta, name) self.mapping.meta(name, *params.args, **params.kwargs) # document inheritance - include the fields from parents' mappings for b in bases: if hasattr(b, "_doc_type") and hasattr(b._doc_type, "mapping"): self.mapping.update(b._doc_type.mapping, update_only=True) @property def name(self) -> Any: return self.mapping.properties.name @add_metaclass(DocumentMeta) class InnerDoc(ObjectBase): """ Common class for inner documents like Object or Nested """ @classmethod def from_opensearch(cls, data: Any, data_only: bool = False) -> Any: if data_only: data = {"_source": data} return super(InnerDoc, cls).from_opensearch(data) @add_metaclass(IndexMeta) class Document(ObjectBase): """ Model-like class for persisting documents in opensearch. """ @classmethod def _matches(cls: Any, hit: Any) -> Any: if cls._index._name is None: return True return fnmatch(hit.get("_index", ""), cls._index._name) @classmethod def _get_using(cls: Any, using: Any = None) -> Any: return using or cls._index._using @classmethod def _get_connection(cls, using: Any = None) -> Any: return get_connection(cls._get_using(using)) @classmethod def _default_index(cls: Any, index: Any = None) -> Any: return index or cls._index._name @classmethod def init(cls: Any, index: Any = None, using: Any = None) -> None: """ Create the index and populate the mappings in opensearch. """ i = cls._index if index: i = i.clone(name=index) i.save(using=using) def _get_index(self, index: Any = None, required: bool = True) -> Any: if index is None: index = getattr(self.meta, "index", None) if index is None: index = getattr(self._index, "_name", None) if index is None and required: raise ValidationException("No index") if index and "*" in index: raise ValidationException("You cannot write to a wildcard index.") return index def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{}({})".format( self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join( "{}={!r}".format(key, getattr(self.meta, key)) for key in ("index", "id") if key in self.meta ), ) @classmethod def search(cls, using: Any = None, index: Any = None) -> Any: """ Create an :class:`~opensearchpy.Search` instance that will search over this ``Document``. """ return Search( using=cls._get_using(using), index=cls._default_index(index), doc_type=[cls] ) @classmethod def get(cls: Any, id: Any, using: Any = None, index: Any = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: # type: ignore """ Retrieve a single document from opensearch using its ``id``. :arg id: ``id`` of the document to be retrieved :arg index: opensearch index to use, if the ``Document`` is associated with an index this can be omitted. :arg using: connection alias to use, defaults to ``'default'`` Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to ``OpenSearch.get`` unchanged. """ opensearch = cls._get_connection(using) doc = opensearch.get(index=cls._default_index(index), id=id, **kwargs) if not doc.get("found", False): return None return cls.from_opensearch(doc) @classmethod def exists( cls, id: Any, using: Any = None, index: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Any: """ check if exists a single document from opensearch using its ``id``. :arg id: ``id`` of the document to check if exists :arg index: opensearch index to use, if the ``Document`` is associated with an index this can be omitted. :arg using: connection alias to use, defaults to ``'default'`` Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to ``OpenSearch.exists`` unchanged. """ opensearch = cls._get_connection(using) return opensearch.exists(index=cls._default_index(index), id=id, **kwargs) @classmethod def mget( cls, docs: Any, using: Any = None, index: Any = None, raise_on_error: bool = True, missing: str = "none", **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """ Retrieve multiple document by their ``id``'s. Returns a list of instances in the same order as requested. :arg docs: list of ``id``'s of the documents to be retrieved or a list of document specifications as per https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/opensearch/rest-api/document-apis/multi-get/ :arg index: opensearch index to use, if the ``Document`` is associated with an index this can be omitted. :arg using: connection alias to use, defaults to ``'default'`` :arg missing: what to do when one of the documents requested is not found. Valid options are ``'none'`` (use ``None``), ``'raise'`` (raise ``NotFoundError``) or ``'skip'`` (ignore the missing document). Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to ``OpenSearch.mget`` unchanged. """ if missing not in ("raise", "skip", "none"): raise ValueError("'missing' must be 'raise', 'skip', or 'none'.") opensearch = cls._get_connection(using) body = { "docs": [ doc if isinstance(doc, collections_abc.Mapping) else {"_id": doc} for doc in docs ] } results = opensearch.mget(body, index=cls._default_index(index), **kwargs) objs: Any = [] error_docs: Any = [] missing_docs: Any = [] for doc in results["docs"]: if doc.get("found"): if error_docs or missing_docs: # We're going to raise an exception anyway, so avoid an # expensive call to cls.from_opensearch(). continue objs.append(cls.from_opensearch(doc)) elif doc.get("error"): if raise_on_error: error_docs.append(doc) if missing == "none": objs.append(None) # The doc didn't cause an error, but the doc also wasn't found. elif missing == "raise": missing_docs.append(doc) elif missing == "none": objs.append(None) if error_docs: error_ids = [doc["_id"] for doc in error_docs] message = "Required routing not provided for documents %s." message %= ", ".join(error_ids) raise RequestError(400, message, error_docs) if missing_docs: missing_ids = [doc["_id"] for doc in missing_docs] message = "Documents %s not found." % ", ".join(missing_ids) raise NotFoundError(404, message, {"docs": missing_docs}) return objs def delete(self, using: Any = None, index: Any = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """ Delete the instance in opensearch. :arg index: opensearch index to use, if the ``Document`` is associated with an index this can be omitted. :arg using: connection alias to use, defaults to ``'default'`` Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to ``OpenSearch.delete`` unchanged. """ opensearch = self._get_connection(using) # extract routing etc from meta doc_meta = {k: self.meta[k] for k in DOC_META_FIELDS if k in self.meta} # Optimistic concurrency control if "seq_no" in self.meta and "primary_term" in self.meta: doc_meta["if_seq_no"] = self.meta["seq_no"] doc_meta["if_primary_term"] = self.meta["primary_term"] doc_meta.update(kwargs) opensearch.delete(index=self._get_index(index), **doc_meta) def to_dict(self, include_meta: bool = False, skip_empty: bool = True) -> Any: # type: ignore """ Serialize the instance into a dictionary so that it can be saved in opensearch. :arg include_meta: if set to ``True`` will include all the metadata (``_index``, ``_id`` etc). Otherwise just the document's data is serialized. This is useful when passing multiple instances into ``opensearchpy.helpers.bulk``. :arg skip_empty: if set to ``False`` will cause empty values (``None``, ``[]``, ``{}``) to be left on the document. Those values will be stripped out otherwise as they make no difference in opensearch. """ d = super(Document, self).to_dict(skip_empty=skip_empty) if not include_meta: return d meta = {"_" + k: self.meta[k] for k in DOC_META_FIELDS if k in self.meta} # in case of to_dict include the index unlike save/update/delete index = self._get_index(required=False) if index is not None: meta["_index"] = index meta["_source"] = d return meta def update( self, using: Any = None, index: Any = None, detect_noop: bool = True, doc_as_upsert: bool = False, refresh: bool = False, retry_on_conflict: Any = None, script: Any = None, script_id: Any = None, scripted_upsert: bool = False, upsert: Any = None, return_doc_meta: bool = False, **fields: Any, ) -> Any: """ Partial update of the document, specify fields you wish to update and both the instance and the document in opensearch will be updated:: doc = MyDocument(title='Document Title!') doc.save() doc.update(title='New Document Title!') :arg index: opensearch index to use, if the ``Document`` is associated with an index this can be omitted. :arg using: connection alias to use, defaults to ``'default'`` :arg detect_noop: Set to ``False`` to disable noop detection. :arg refresh: Control when the changes made by this request are visible to search. Set to ``True`` for immediate effect. :arg retry_on_conflict: In between the get and indexing phases of the update, it is possible that another process might have already updated the same document. By default, the update will fail with a version conflict exception. The retry_on_conflict parameter controls how many times to retry the update before finally throwing an exception. :arg doc_as_upsert: Instead of sending a partial doc plus an upsert doc, setting doc_as_upsert to true will use the contents of doc as the upsert value :arg return_doc_meta: set to ``True`` to return all metadata from the index API call instead of only the operation result :return operation result noop/updated """ body: Any = { "doc_as_upsert": doc_as_upsert, "detect_noop": detect_noop, } # scripted update if script or script_id: if upsert is not None: body["upsert"] = upsert if script: script = {"source": script} else: script = {"id": script_id} script["params"] = fields body["script"] = script body["scripted_upsert"] = scripted_upsert # partial document update else: if not fields: raise IllegalOperation( "You cannot call update() without updating individual fields or a script. " "If you wish to update the entire object use save()." ) # update given fields locally merge(self, fields) # prepare data for OpenSearch values = self.to_dict() # if fields were given: partial update body["doc"] = {k: values.get(k) for k in fields.keys()} # extract routing etc from meta doc_meta = {k: self.meta[k] for k in DOC_META_FIELDS if k in self.meta} if retry_on_conflict is not None: doc_meta["retry_on_conflict"] = retry_on_conflict # Optimistic concurrency control if ( retry_on_conflict in (None, 0) and "seq_no" in self.meta and "primary_term" in self.meta ): doc_meta["if_seq_no"] = self.meta["seq_no"] doc_meta["if_primary_term"] = self.meta["primary_term"] meta = self._get_connection(using).update( index=self._get_index(index), body=body, refresh=refresh, **doc_meta ) # update meta information from OpenSearch for k in META_FIELDS: if "_" + k in meta: setattr(self.meta, k, meta["_" + k]) return meta if return_doc_meta else meta["result"] def save( self, using: Any = None, index: Any = None, validate: bool = True, skip_empty: bool = True, return_doc_meta: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """ Save the document into opensearch. If the document doesn't exist it is created, it is overwritten otherwise. Returns ``True`` if this operations resulted in new document being created. :arg index: opensearch index to use, if the ``Document`` is associated with an index this can be omitted. :arg using: connection alias to use, defaults to ``'default'`` :arg validate: set to ``False`` to skip validating the document :arg skip_empty: if set to ``False`` will cause empty values (``None``, ``[]``, ``{}``) to be left on the document. Those values will be stripped out otherwise as they make no difference in opensearch. :arg return_doc_meta: set to ``True`` to return all metadata from the update API call instead of only the operation result Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to ``OpenSearch.index`` unchanged. :return operation result created/updated """ if validate: self.full_clean() opensearch = self._get_connection(using) # extract routing etc from meta doc_meta = {k: self.meta[k] for k in DOC_META_FIELDS if k in self.meta} # Optimistic concurrency control if "seq_no" in self.meta and "primary_term" in self.meta: doc_meta["if_seq_no"] = self.meta["seq_no"] doc_meta["if_primary_term"] = self.meta["primary_term"] doc_meta.update(kwargs) meta = opensearch.index( index=self._get_index(index), body=self.to_dict(skip_empty=skip_empty), **doc_meta, ) # update meta information from OpenSearch for k in META_FIELDS: if "_" + k in meta: setattr(self.meta, k, meta["_" + k]) return meta if return_doc_meta else meta["result"]