# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # The OpenSearch Contributors require contributions made to # this file be licensed under the Apache-2.0 license or a # compatible open source license. # # Modifications Copyright OpenSearch Contributors. See # GitHub history for details. from typing import Any from ..client.utils import NamespacedClient, _make_path, query_params class AlertingClient(NamespacedClient): @query_params() def search_monitor(self, body: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None) -> Any: """ Returns the search result for a monitor. :arg monitor_id: The configuration for the monitor we are trying to search """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_plugins", "_alerting", "monitors", "_search"), params=params, headers=headers, body=body, ) @query_params() def get_monitor( self, monitor_id: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Returns the details of a specific monitor. :arg monitor_id: The id of the monitor we are trying to fetch """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_plugins", "_alerting", "monitors", monitor_id), params=params, headers=headers, ) @query_params("dryrun") def run_monitor( self, monitor_id: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Runs/Executes a specific monitor. :arg monitor_id: The id of the monitor we are trying to execute :arg dryrun: Shows the results of a run without actions sending any message """ return self.transport.perform_request( "POST", _make_path("_plugins", "_alerting", "monitors", monitor_id, "_execute"), params=params, headers=headers, ) @query_params() def create_monitor( self, body: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Creates a monitor with inputs, triggers, and actions. :arg body: The configuration for the monitor (`inputs`, `triggers`, and `actions`) """ return self.transport.perform_request( "POST", _make_path("_plugins", "_alerting", "monitors"), params=params, headers=headers, body=body, ) @query_params() def update_monitor( self, monitor_id: Any, body: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Updates a monitor's inputs, triggers, and actions. :arg monitor_id: The id of the monitor we are trying to update :arg body: The configuration for the monitor (`inputs`, `triggers`, and `actions`) """ return self.transport.perform_request( "PUT", _make_path("_plugins", "_alerting", "monitors", monitor_id), params=params, headers=headers, body=body, ) @query_params() def delete_monitor( self, monitor_id: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Deletes a specific monitor. :arg monitor_id: The id of the monitor we are trying to delete """ return self.transport.perform_request( "DELETE", _make_path("_plugins", "_alerting", "monitors", monitor_id), params=params, headers=headers, ) @query_params() def get_destination( self, destination_id: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Returns the details of a specific destination. :arg destination_id: The id of the destination we are trying to fetch. If None, returns all destinations """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_plugins", "_alerting", "destinations", destination_id) if destination_id else _make_path("_plugins", "_alerting", "destinations"), params=params, headers=headers, ) @query_params() def create_destination( self, body: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Creates a destination for slack, mail, or custom-webhook. :arg body: The configuration for the destination """ return self.transport.perform_request( "POST", _make_path("_plugins", "_alerting", "destinations"), params=params, headers=headers, body=body, ) @query_params() def update_destination( self, destination_id: Any, body: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Updates a destination's inputs, triggers, and actions. :arg destination_id: The id of the destination we are trying to update :arg body: The configuration for the destination """ return self.transport.perform_request( "PUT", _make_path("_plugins", "_alerting", "destinations", destination_id), params=params, headers=headers, body=body, ) @query_params() def delete_destination( self, destination_id: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Deletes a specific destination. :arg destination_id: The id of the destination we are trying to delete """ return self.transport.perform_request( "DELETE", _make_path("_plugins", "_alerting", "destinations", destination_id), params=params, headers=headers, ) @query_params() def get_alerts(self, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None) -> Any: """ Returns all alerts. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_plugins", "_alerting", "monitors", "alerts"), params=params, headers=headers, ) @query_params() def acknowledge_alert( self, monitor_id: Any, body: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Acknowledges an alert. :arg monitor_id: The id of the monitor, the alert belongs to :arg body: The alerts to be acknowledged """ return self.transport.perform_request( "POST", _make_path( "_plugins", "_alerting", "monitors", monitor_id, "_acknowledge", "alerts", ), params=params, headers=headers, body=body, )