#! /usr/bin/env python
import arc
import sys
import os

def example():
    # Creating a UserConfig object with the user's proxy
    # and the path of the trusted CA certificates
    uc = arc.UserConfig()
    uc.ProxyPath("/tmp/x509up_u%s" % os.getuid())

    # Create a new job object with a given JobID
    job = arc.Job()
    job.JobID = "https://piff.hep.lu.se:443/arex/hYDLDmyxvUfn5h5iWqkutBwoABFKDmABFKDmIpHKDmYBFKDmtRy9En"
    job.IDFromEndpoint = "hYDLDmyxvUfn5h5iWqkutBwoABFKDmABFKDmIpHKDmYBFKDmtRy9En"
    job.ServiceInformationURL = job.JobStatusURL = job.JobManagementURL = arc.URL("https://piff.hep.lu.se:443/arex")
    job.JobStatusInterfaceName = 'org.ogf.glue.emies.activitymanagement'
    job.JobManagementInterfaceName = 'org.ogf.glue.emies.activitymanagement'

    sys.stdout.write("Get job information from the computing element...\n")
    # Put the job into a JobSupervisor and update its information
    job_supervisor = arc.JobSupervisor(uc, [job])

    sys.stdout.write("Downloading results...\n")
    # Prepare a list for storing the directories for the downloaded job results (if there would be more jobs)
    downloadeddirectories = arc.StringList()
    # Start retrieving results of all the selected jobs
    #   into the "/tmp" directory (first argument)
    #   using the jobid and not the jobname as the name of the subdirectory (second argument, usejobname = False)
    #   do not overwrite existing directories with the same name (third argument: force = False)
    #   collect the downloaded directories into the variable "downloadeddirectories" (forth argument)
    success = job_supervisor.Retrieve("/tmp", False, False, downloadeddirectories)
    if not success:
        sys.stdout.write("Downloading results failed.\n")
    for downloadeddirectory in downloadeddirectories:
        sys.stdout.write("Job results were downloaded to %s\n"%str(downloadeddirectory))
        sys.stdout.write("Contents of the directory:\n")
        for filename in os.listdir(downloadeddirectory):
            sys.stdout.write("   %s\n"%filename)

# wait for all the background threads to finish before we destroy the objects they may use
import atexit
def wait_exit():

# arc.Logger.getRootLogger().addDestination(arc.LogStream(sys.stderr))
# arc.Logger.getRootLogger().setThreshold(arc.DEBUG)

# run the example