N/A indicates that user did not assign any name.
X indicates that the job has been killed by the owner
! indicates that the job failed in the system
Click on a name to get a detailed description of the job.";
$str_nam = "Name of the user, as specified in the personal certificate. Click on a name to get the list of all the resources available for this user and all the jobs by this user which are currently in the system.";
$str_sta = "Job status as returned by the Grid Manager (GM) and
LRMS. In sequential order, the states are:
- ACCEPTED – job submitted but not yet processed
- PREPARING – input files are being retreived
- SUBMITTING – interaction with LRMS ongoing
- INLRMS – the job is transferred to the LRMS; internal
status is added by the infosystem. Possible states are:
- : Q – job is queued
: U – job is in a suspended state on a busy node (PBSPro)
: S – job is in a suspended state (Condor)
: R, run – job is running
: E – job is finishing (PBS)
- FINISHING – output files are being transferred by the GM
- FINISHED – job is finished; time stamp is added by the infosystem
- CANCELING – job is being cancelled
- DELETED – job not cleaned upon user request but
removed by the GM due to expiration time
Each of the states can be reported with the PENDING: prefix,
meaning the GM is attempting to move the job to the next
$str_tim = "CPU time used by the job, minutes.";
$str_mem = "Memory consumed by the job, KB";
$str_cpu = "Number of processors used by the job.";
// Actual messages
$message = array (
// Table headers and help (do not localize "0" and "help" keys)
// For "help", keywords in must correspond to column titles below the help text )
"loadmon" => array(
"0" => "Grid Monitor",
"help" => "
This screen displays all the sites registering to the top ARC
indexing service, sorted by country then by host name. Selected site
parameters are monitored: cluster alias, total CPU capacity and number
of running and queued jobs, both Grid and local ones. Use "Search"
utility if you want to compare other cluster, queue, job etc. characteristics
- Country
- ".$clickable.". Country flag and name as deduced from available resource
descriptions. Click to show only this country info.
- Cluster
- ".$clickable.". Cluster alias as assigned by the owner. Maximal displayed
length is 22 characters. Click on the alias to get a detailed cluster
- CPUs
- Total number of CPUs in a cluster. NB! Only a fraction of those
can be actualy available for the Grid users.
- Load (processes:Grid+local)
- ".$clickable.". Relative cluster load, corresponding to the occupied CPUs
count. Grey bars indicate processors occupied by the localy submitted
jobs, while red bars show CPUs occupied by jobs submitted via Grid. Click
on the bar to get the detailed list of all the running Grid jobs on the
cluster, including amount of processors per job.
- Queueing
- ".$clickable.". Number of all queued jobs on the cluster, shown as number of
queueing grid jobs plus number of locally submitted queueing jobs. Click
the first number to get the list of queued Grid jobs on the cluster.
"Country" => 30,
"Site" => 160,
"CPUs" => 10,
"Load (processes: Grid+local)" => 210,
"Queueing" => 10
"clusdes" => array("0" => "Resource Details for",
"help" => "
- Attribute
- ".$clickable.". Cluster attribute name".$str_att."
- Value
- ".$str_val."
- Queue
- ".$clickable.". Names of batch queues available for the
ARC users, as set by cluster owners. ".$str_que."
- Status
- Queue status. Operating queue typically reports
active status.
- CPU (min)
- Time limit for job duration per queue, if set, in
CPU-minutes. First displayed value is the lower limit,
second - the upper one. If limits are not set (jobs of any
duration are accepted), N/A tag is shown.
- Running
- Number of jobs running in the queue. Total number of jobs
is shown, with number of processors occupied by
Grid-submitted jobs displayed in parentheses, e.g. (Grid:
12). NB! For parallel multiprocessor jobs, number in
parentheses can be larger than number of jobs.
- Queing
- Number of jobs awaiting execution in the queue. Total
number of jobs is shown, with Grid-submitted jobs displayed
in parentheses, e.g. (Grid: 235)
"Queue" => 0,
"Mapping Queue" => 0,
"Status" => 0,
"Limits (min)" => 0,
"CPUs" => 0,
"Running" => 0,
"Queueing" => 0
"jobstat" => array("0" => "Jobs at:Job ID",
"help" => "
- Job name
- ".$clickable.". Name of a job as assigned by the owner. If no
name has been assigned, "N/A" is displayed. Click
on a name to get a detailed description of the job.
- Owner
- ".$clickable.". ".$str_nam."
- Status
- ".$str_sta."
- CPU (min)
- ".$str_tim."
- Queue
- ".$clickable.". Name of the batch queue in which the job is
being executed. ".$str_que."
- CPUs
- ".$str_cpu."
- Attribute
- ".$clickable.". Job attribute name".$str_att."
- Value
- ".$str_val."
"Job name" => 0,
"Owner" => 0,
"Status" => 0,
"CPU (min)" => 0,
"Queue" => 0,
"CPUs" => 0
"volist" => array("0" => "Virtual Organisations",
"help" => "
- Virtual Organisation
- ".$clickable.". Group of users, typically sharing common
activities and resources, authorised at at least one
ARC-enabled site. Click on the name to get the list of
group members.
- Members
- Number of group members.
- Served by
- LDAP server that supports the group membership
"Virtual Organisation" => 0,
"Members" => 0,
"Served by" => 0
"vousers" => array("0" => "Grid User Base",
"help" => "
- Name
- ".$clickable.". ".$str_nam."
- Affiliation
- Users home institute as entered by a VO manager. Can be
- E-mail
- ".$clickable.". Users e-mail as entered by a VO manager. Can be
empty. Click the address to send an e-mail to the user.
"#" => 0,
"Name" => 0,
"Affiliation" => 0,
"E-mail" => 0
"userlist" => array("0" => "Information for",
"help" => "
- Cluster:queue
- ".$clickable.". Names of clusters and respective queues
(separated by a column, ":") where a user is
authorized to submit jobs. If a user is not authorized,
message "Not authorised at host
..." is displayed. Click a cluster name
to get a detailed cluster description. Click on a queue name
to get a detailed queue description.
- Free CPUs
- Number of free CPUs available in a given queue for the
user at this moment of time, optionally appended with the
upper time limit value (in minutes). For example,
"3" means 3 CPUs available for a job of unlimited
running time; "4:360" indicates there are 4 CPUs
available for jobs not longer than 6 hours; "10:180
30" means there are 10 CPUs available for jobs not
exceeding 3 hours, plus 30 CPUs available for jobs of any
length; "0" means there are no CPUs available at
the moment, and the jobs will be placed in a waiting
- Queued jobs
- Number of user's jobs expected to sit ahead of a new submitted
job (for this user) in a waiting queue. Number of
"0" means the job is expected to be executed
immediately. NB! This is only an estimation, which
can be overwritten by local policies.
- Free disk (MB)
- Disk space available for the user in a given queue (in
Megabytes). NB! This is only an estimation, as most
clusters do not provide fixed disk quotas.
- Job name
- ".$clickable.". ".$str_job."
- Status
- ".$str_sta."
- CPU (min)
- ".$str_tim."
- Cluster
- ".$clickable.". Name of the cluster at which the job is being
executed. Click on a cluster name to get detailed
information about the cluster.
- Queue
- ".$clickable.". Name of the batch queue in which the job is/was
executed. ".$str_que."
- CPUs
- ".$str_cpu."
"" => 0,
"Job name" => 0,
"Status" => 0,
"CPU (min)" => 0,
"Cluster" => 0,
"Queue" => 0,
"CPUs" => 0
"attlist" => array("0" => "Attribute values",
"help" => "
- Object
- ".$clickable.". Name of the object which attributes are
displayed. It can be a cluster name, a clusters queue name,
a job name, a user name etc. Click on the string to get a
detailed decscription of the object.
- Attribute
- For each object, one or more attribute values can be
listed. Column title is the human-readable attribute name
(except of some MDS-specific attributes), and the column
contents are attribute values per object as entered in the
Information System.
"Object" => 0,
"Attribute" => 0
"quelist" => array("0" => "Queue",
"help" => "
- Attribute
- ".$clickable.". Name of a queue attribute".$str_att."
- Value
- ".$str_val."
- Job name
- ".$clickable.". ".$str_job."
- Owner
- ".$clickable.". ".$str_nam."
- Status
- ".$str_sta."
- CPU (min)
- ".$str_tim."
- Memory (KB)
- ".$str_mem."
- CPUs
- ".$str_cpu."
"" => 0,
"Job name" => 0,
"Owner" => 0,
"Status" => 0,
"CPU (min)" => 0,
"Memory (KB)" => 0,
"CPUs" => 0
"sestat" => array("0" => "Storage Elements",
"help" => "
- Alias
- Storage element alias as specified in the Information
System. Maximal displayed length is 15 characters.
- Tot. space
- Total disk space, GB.
- Free space
- Disk space available at the moment, GB.
- Name
- Storage element name, consisting of a logical name and
host name (separated by a column, ":"). Logical
name is used only for information system purposes, to
distinguish between different storage elements hosted by the
same machine.
- Base URL
- URL for the storage element, typically a gsiftp://
protocol. Use this URL as the base to access files.
- Type
- Storage element type. "gridftp-based" indicates
a disk storage with GridFTP interface.
"#" => 0,
"Alias" => 0,
// "Tot. space" => 0,
"Free/total space, Gb" => 0,
"Name" => 0,
"Base URL" => 0,
"Type" => 0
"allusers" => array("0" => "Authorised Grid Users:Active Grid Users",
"help" => "
- Name
- ".$clickable.". ".$str_nam."
- Affiliation
- User's affiliation, derived from the personal certificate
- Jobs
- Count of all user jobs in the system (running, pending,
finished or deleted)
- Sites
- Shows how many sites authorise this user
"#" => 0,
"Name" => 0,
"Affiliaton" => 0,
"Jobs" => 0,
"Sites" => 0
"userres" => array("0" => "",
"Cluster:queue" => 0,
"Free CPUs" => 0,
"Queued jobs" => 0,
"Free disk (MB)" => 0
"ldapdump" => array("0" => "",
"Attribute" => 0,
"Value" => 0
// IS attributes
"mdsattr" => array(
"objectClass" => "objectClass",
"Mds-validfrom" => "Info valid from (GMT)",
"Mds-validto" => "Info valid to (GMT)"
"isattr" => array(
"objectClass" => "objectClass",
"Mds-validfrom" => "Info valid from (GMT)",
"Mds-validto" => "Info valid to (GMT)",
"nordugrid-cluster-name" => "Front-end domain name",
"nordugrid-cluster-aliasname" => "Cluster alias",
"nordugrid-cluster-contactstring" => "Contact string",
"nordugrid-cluster-interactive-contactstring" => "Interactive contact",
"nordugrid-cluster-comment" => "Comment",
"nordugrid-cluster-support" => "E-mail contact",
"nordugrid-cluster-acl" => "Authorised VOs",
"nordugrid-cluster-lrms-type" => "LRMS type",
"nordugrid-cluster-lrms-version" => "LRMS version",
"nordugrid-cluster-lrms-config" => "LRMS details",
"nordugrid-cluster-architecture" => "Architecture",
"nordugrid-cluster-opsys" => "Operating system",
"nordugrid-cluster-homogeneity" => "Homogeneous cluster",
"nordugrid-cluster-nodecpu" => "CPU type (slowest)",
"nordugrid-cluster-nodememory" => "Memory (MB, smallest)",
"nordugrid-cluster-totalcpus" => "CPUs, total",
"nordugrid-cluster-cpudistribution" => "CPU:machines",
"nordugrid-cluster-benchmark" => "Benchmark",
"nordugrid-cluster-sessiondir-free" => "Disk space, available (MB)",
"nordugrid-cluster-sessiondir-total" => "Disk space, total (MB)",
"nordugrid-cluster-sessiondir-lifetime"=> "Grid session lifetime (min)",
"nordugrid-cluster-cache-free" => "Cache size, available (MB)",
"nordugrid-cluster-cache-total" => "Cache size, total (MB)",
"nordugrid-cluster-runtimeenvironment" => "Runtime environment",
"nordugrid-cluster-localse" => "Storage Element, local",
"nordugrid-cluster-middleware" => "Grid middleware",
"nordugrid-cluster-totaljobs" => "Jobs, total amount",
"nordugrid-cluster-usedcpus" => "CPUs, occupied",
"nordugrid-cluster-queuedjobs" => "Jobs, queued",
"nordugrid-cluster-prelrmsqueued" => "Grid jobs, awaiting submission",
"nordugrid-cluster-location" => "Postal code",
"nordugrid-cluster-owner" => "Owner",
"nordugrid-cluster-issuerca" => "Certificate issuer",
"nordugrid-cluster-issuerca-hash" => "Certificate issuer's hash",
"nordugrid-cluster-trustedca" => "Trusted certificate issuers",
"nordugrid-cluster-nodeaccess" => "Node IP connectivity",
"nordugrid-cluster-gridarea" => "Session area (OBSOLETE)",
"nordugrid-cluster-gridspace" => "Grid disk space (OBSOLETE)",
"nordugrid-cluster-opsysdistribution" => "OS distribution (OBSOLETE)",
"nordugrid-cluster-runningjobs" => "Jobs, running (OBSOLETE)",
"nordugrid-cluster-credentialexpirationtime" => "Credential expiration time",
"nordugrid-queue-name" => "Queue name",
"nordugrid-queue-comment" => "Comment",
"nordugrid-queue-status" => "Queue status",
"nordugrid-queue-running" => "Total occupied CPUs",
"nordugrid-queue-localqueued" => "Local jobs, queued",
"nordugrid-queue-prelrmsqueued" => "Grid jobs, awaiting submission",
"nordugrid-queue-queued" => "Jobs, queued (OBSOLETE)",
"nordugrid-queue-maxrunning" => "Jobs, running (max)",
"nordugrid-queue-maxqueuable" => "Jobs, queueable (max)",
"nordugrid-queue-maxuserrun" => "Jobs per Unix user (max)",
"nordugrid-queue-maxcputime" => "CPU time, max. (minutes)",
"nordugrid-queue-mincputime" => "CPU time, min. (minutes)",
"nordugrid-queue-defaultcputime" => "CPU time, default (minutes)",
"nordugrid-queue-maxwalltime" => "Walltime, max. (minutes)",
"nordugrid-queue-minwalltime" => "Walltime, min. (minutes)",
"nordugrid-queue-defaultwalltime" => "Walltime, default (minutes)",
"nordugrid-queue-schedulingpolicy" => "Scheduling policy",
"nordugrid-queue-totalcpus" => "CPUs, total",
"nordugrid-queue-nodecpu" => "CPU type",
"nordugrid-queue-nodememory" => "Memory (MB)",
"nordugrid-queue-architecture" => "Architecture",
"nordugrid-queue-opsys" => "Operating system",
"nordugrid-queue-homogeneity" => "Homogeneous queue",
"nordugrid-queue-gridrunning" => "CPUs occupied by Grid jobs",
"nordugrid-queue-gridqueued" => "Grid jobs, queued",
"nordugrid-queue-benchmark" => "Benchmark",
"nordugrid-queue-assignedcpunumber" => "CPUs per queue (OBSOLETE)",
"nordugrid-queue-assignedcputype" => "CPU type (OBSOLETE)",
"nordugrid-job-globalid" => "ID",
"nordugrid-job-globalowner" => "Owner",
"nordugrid-job-execcluster" => "Execution cluster",
"nordugrid-job-execqueue" => "Execution queue",
"nordugrid-job-stdout" => "Standard output file",
"nordugrid-job-stderr" => "Standard error file",
"nordugrid-job-stdin" => "Standard input file",
"nordugrid-job-reqcputime" => "Requested CPU time",
"nordugrid-job-reqwalltime" => "Requested wall clock time",
"nordugrid-job-status" => "Status",
"nordugrid-job-queuerank" => "Position in the queue",
"nordugrid-job-comment" => "LRMS comment",
"nordugrid-job-submissionui" => "Submission machine",
"nordugrid-job-submissiontime" => "Submission time (GMT)",
"nordugrid-job-usedcputime" => "Used CPU time",
"nordugrid-job-usedwalltime" => "Used wall clock time",
"nordugrid-job-completiontime" => "Job completion time (GMT)",
"nordugrid-job-sessiondirerasetime" => "Erase time (GMT)",
"nordugrid-job-proxyexpirationtime" => "Proxy expiration time (GMT)",
"nordugrid-job-usedmem" => "Used memory (KB)",
"nordugrid-job-errors" => "Errors",
"nordugrid-job-exitcode" => "Exit code",
"nordugrid-job-jobname" => "Name",
"nordugrid-job-runtimeenvironment" => "Runtime environment",
"nordugrid-job-cpucount" => "Requested CPUs",
"nordugrid-job-executionnodes" => "Execution nodes",
"nordugrid-job-gmlog" => "GM log file",
"nordugrid-job-clientsoftware" => "Client version",
"nordugrid-job-rerunable" => "Rerunnable",
"nordugrid-job-reqcput" => "Requested time (OBSOLETE)",
"nordugrid-job-gridlog" => "Gridlog file (OBSOLETE)",
"nordugrid-job-lrmscomment" => "LRMS comment (OBSOLETE)",
"nordugrid-authuser-name" => "Name",
"nordugrid-authuser-sn" => "Subject Name",
"nordugrid-authuser-freecpus" => "Free CPUs",
"nordugrid-authuser-diskspace" => "Free disk space (MB)",
"nordugrid-authuser-queuelength" => "User's queued jobs",
"nordugrid-se-name" => "Name",
"nordugrid-se-aliasname" => "Storage element alias",
"nordugrid-se-type" => "Storage element type",
"nordugrid-se-acl" => "Authorised VOs",
"nordugrid-se-freespace" => "Free space (MB)",
"nordugrid-se-totalspace" => "Total space (MB)",
"nordugrid-se-url" => "Contact URL",
"nordugrid-se-baseurl" => "Contact URL (OBSOLETE)",
"nordugrid-se-accesscontrol" => "Access control",
"nordugrid-se-authuser" => "Authorised user (DN)",
"nordugrid-se-location" => "Postal code",
"nordugrid-se-owner" => "Owner",
"nordugrid-se-middleware" => "Middleware",
"nordugrid-se-issuerca" => "Certificate issuer",
"nordugrid-se-issuerca-hash" => "Certificate issuer's hash",
"nordugrid-se-trustedca" => "Trusted certificate issuers",
"nordugrid-se-comment" => "Comment",
"nordugrid-rc-name" => "Domain name",
"nordugrid-rc-aliasname" => "Replica Catalog alias",
"nordugrid-rc-baseurl" => "Contact URL",
"nordugrid-rc-authuser" => "Authorised user (DN)",
"nordugrid-rc-location" => "Postal code",
"nordugrid-rc-owner" => "Owner",
"nordugrid-rc-issuerca" => "Certificate issuer"
// Errors, warnings etc
"errors" => array(
// failure notices
"1" => "Can not read top-level resource indices",
"2" => "None of the local indices returned connection",
"3" => " bad configuration or request timed out",
"4" => "No Grid jobs found",
"5" => "No information found",
"6" => "Server unavailable",
"7" => " - refresh later",
"8" => "No queue information found",
"9" => "No entries found",
"10" => "No users found",
"11" => "Not authorised at host",
"12" => "does not answer",
"13" => "No recent jobs found for ",
// debug messages
"101" => " Monitor timeouts for GRIS: ",
"102" => " sec on connection and ",
"103" => " sec on search",
"104" => " sec spent searching",
"105" => "Showing resources only in ",
"106" => "Polled top-level indices: ",
"107" => "Got geographical locations, scanned sites: ",
"108" => " sites arranged by geographical location",
"109" => "Search for cluster attributes",
"110" => "Search for queue attributes",
"111" => "No data from ",
"112" => " is up in ",
"113" => " has no resources to offer",
"114" => " Monitor timeouts for GIIS: ",
"115" => "Skipping GRIS: ",
"116" => "not a ",
"117" => "Checking connection: ",
"118" => "OK",
"119" => "That far, detected resources of kind ",
"120" => "LDAP error searching ",
"121" => " status at ",
"122" => "Blacklisted: ",
"123" => "Registrant found for ",
"124" => "Search for SE attributes",
"125" => "Search for users",
"126" => "Search for jobs",
"127" => " has job ",
"128" => " while not being authorized",
"129" => "Can not get object data: error ",
"130" => " Monitor timeouts for EMIR: ",
"131" => " Monitor timeouts for ARCHERY depends on OS DNS resolver settings (In DNS cache we trust!)",
"132" => "Failed to query the following ARCHERY endpoint: ",
"133" => "Reached the recursive loop limit while querying ARCHERY endpoint: ",
// icon titles
"301" => "Refresh",
"302" => "Print",
"303" => "Help",
"304" => "Close",
"305" => "Red",
"306" => "Grey",
"307" => "All users",
"308" => "Active users",
"309" => "Search",
"310" => "Storage",
"311" => "VOs",
"312" => "Flag of ",
"313" => " Grid processes and ",
"314" => " local processes",
// auxilliary strings
"401" => "Processes",
"402" => "Grid",
"403" => "Local",
"404" => "World",
"405" => "TOTAL",
"406" => " sites",
"407" => "a lot of",
"408" => " GB",
"409" => " ALL",
"410" => "Cluster",
"411" => "Queue",
"412" => "Job",
"413" => "User",
"414" => "Storage",
"415" => "Replica Cat.",
"416" => "Define attributes to display for the object: ",
"417" => "AND of all the expressions will be matched",
"418" => "Leave the righmost field empty to show everything",
"419" => "Display resources or objects of your choice",
"420" => "Distinguished name",
"421" => "Can use a total of ",
"422" => " sites",
"423" => "Resource / object:",
"424" => "Nr.of attributes (def. 6):",
"425" => "Object",
"426" => "Next",
"427" => "Select one",
"428" => "Reset",
"429" => "SHOW"
// Post code conversion: only for [en]!
"tlconvert" => array (
"AU" => "Australia",
"AT" => "Austria",
"AM" => "Armenia",
"DZ" => "Algeria",
"BE" => "Belgium",
"BG" => "Bulgaria",
"CA" => "Canada",
"CL" => "Chile",
"CN" => "China",
"CZ" => "Czechia",
"DK" => "Denmark",
"EE" => "Estonia",
"FI" => "Finland",
"FIN" => "Finland",
"SF" => "Finland",
"FR" => "France",
"GE" => "Georgia",
"DE" => "Germany",
"D" => "Germany",
"GR" => "Greece",
"HK" => "HongKong",
"HU" => "Hungary",
"IL" => "Israel",
"IS" => "Iceland",
"IR" => "Ireland",
"IE" => "Ireland",
"IT" => "Italy",
"JP" => "Japan",
"KEK" => "Japan",
"TOKYO" => "Japan",
"LV" => "Latvia",
"LT" => "Lithuania",
"MA" => "Morocco",
"NL" => "Netherlands",
"NO" => "Norway",
"N" => "Norway",
"PL" => "Poland",
"PT" => "Portugal",
"RO" => "Romania",
"RU" => "Russia",
"SU" => "Russia",
"LK" => "SriLanka",
"SE" => "Sweden",
"SK" => "Slovakia",
"SI" => "Slovenia",
"ES" => "Spain",
"CH" => "Switzerland",
"TW" => "Taiwan",
"TR" => "Turkey",
"UK" => "UK",
"UA" => "Ukraine",
"COM" => "USA",
"GOV" => "USA",
"OV" => "USA",
"USA" => "USA",
"US" => "USA",
"EDU" => "USA",
"DU" => "USA",
"RG" => "World"