# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library Lesser General Public License
# for more details at ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# written by: Jeff Ortel ( jortel@redhat.com )

The I{wsdl} module provides an objectification of the WSDL.

The primary class is I{Definitions}, representing the root element found in a
WSDL schema document.


from suds import *
from suds.bindings.document import Document
from suds.bindings.rpc import RPC, Encoded
from suds.reader import DocumentReader
from suds.sax.element import Element
from suds.sudsobject import Object, Facade, Metadata
from suds.xsd import qualify, Namespace
from suds.xsd.query import ElementQuery
from suds.xsd.schema import Schema, SchemaCollection

import re
from . import soaparray
from urllib.parse import urljoin

from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)

wsdlns = (None, "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/")
soapns = (None, "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/")
soap12ns = (None, "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/")

class WObject(Object):
    Base object for WSDL types.

    @ivar root: The XML I{root} element.
    @type root: L{Element}


    def __init__(self, root):
        @param root: An XML root element.
        @type root: L{Element}

        self.root = root
        pmd = Metadata()
        pmd.excludes = ["root"]
        pmd.wrappers = dict(qname=repr)
        self.__metadata__.__print__ = pmd
        self.__resolved = False

    def resolve(self, definitions):
        Resolve named references to other WSDL objects.

        Can be safely called multiple times.

        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}

        if not self.__resolved:
            self.__resolved = True

    def do_resolve(self, definitions):
        Internal worker resolving named references to other WSDL objects.

        May only be called once per instance.

        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}


class NamedObject(WObject):
    A B{named} WSDL object.

    @ivar name: The name of the object.
    @type name: str
    @ivar qname: The I{qualified} name of the object.
    @type qname: (name, I{namespace-uri}).


    def __init__(self, root, definitions):
        @param root: An XML root element.
        @type root: L{Element}
        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}

        WObject.__init__(self, root)
        self.name = root.get("name")
        self.qname = (self.name, definitions.tns[1])
        pmd = self.__metadata__.__print__
        pmd.wrappers["qname"] = repr

class Definitions(WObject):
    I{Root} container for all the WSDL objects defined by <wsdl:definitions/>.

    @ivar id: The object id.
    @type id: str
    @ivar options: An options dictionary.
    @type options: L{options.Options}
    @ivar url: The URL used to load the object.
    @type url: str
    @ivar tns: The target namespace for the WSDL.
    @type tns: str
    @ivar schema: The collective WSDL schema object.
    @type schema: L{SchemaCollection}
    @ivar children: The raw list of child objects.
    @type children: [L{WObject},...]
    @ivar imports: The list of L{Import} children.
    @type imports: [L{Import},...]
    @ivar messages: The dictionary of L{Message} children keyed by I{qname}.
    @type messages: [L{Message},...]
    @ivar port_types: The dictionary of L{PortType} children keyed by I{qname}.
    @type port_types: [L{PortType},...]
    @ivar bindings: The dictionary of L{Binding} children keyed by I{qname}.
    @type bindings: [L{Binding},...]
    @ivar service: The service object.
    @type service: L{Service}


    Tag = "definitions"

    def __init__(self, url, options, imported_definitions=None):
        @param url: A URL to the WSDL.
        @type url: str
        @param options: An options dictionary.
        @type options: L{options.Options}

        log.debug("reading WSDL at: %s ...", url)
        reader = DocumentReader(options)
        d = reader.open(url)
        root = d.root()
        WObject.__init__(self, root)
        self.id = objid(self)
        self.options = options
        self.url = url
        self.tns = self.mktns(root)
        self.types = []
        self.schema = None
        self.children = []
        self.imports = []
        self.messages = {}
        self.port_types = {}
        self.bindings = {}
        self.services = []
        pmd = self.__metadata__.__print__
        pmd.wrappers["schema"] = repr
        if imported_definitions is None:
            imported_definitions = {}
        imported_definitions[url] = self
        for s in self.services:
        log.debug("WSDL at '%s' loaded:\n%s", url, self)

    def mktns(self, root):
        """Get/create the target namespace."""
        tns = root.get("targetNamespace")
        prefix = root.findPrefix(tns)
        if prefix is None:
            log.debug("warning: tns (%s), not mapped to prefix", tns)
            prefix = "tns"
        return (prefix, tns)

    def add_children(self, root):
        """Add child objects using the factory."""
        for c in root.getChildren(ns=wsdlns):
            child = Factory.create(c, self)
            if child is None: continue
            if isinstance(child, Import):
            if isinstance(child, Types):
            if isinstance(child, Message):
                self.messages[child.qname] = child
            if isinstance(child, PortType):
                self.port_types[child.qname] = child
            if isinstance(child, Binding):
                self.bindings[child.qname] = child
            if isinstance(child, Service):

    def open_imports(self, imported_definitions):
        """Import the I{imported} WSDLs."""
        for imp in self.imports:
            imp.load(self, imported_definitions)

    def resolve(self):
        """Tell all children to resolve themselves."""
        for c in self.children:

    def build_schema(self):
        """Process L{Types} objects and create the schema collection."""
        loaded_schemata = {}
        container = SchemaCollection(self)
        for t in (t for t in self.types if t.local()):
            for root in t.contents():
                schema = Schema(root, self.url, self.options, loaded_schemata, container)
        if not container:
            root = Element.buildPath(self.root, "types/schema")
            schema = Schema(root, self.url, self.options, loaded_schemata, container)
        self.schema = container.load(self.options, loaded_schemata)
        #TODO: Recheck this XSD schema merging. XSD schema imports are not
        # supposed to be transitive. They only allow the importing schema to
        # reference entities from the imported schema, but do not include them
        # as their own content.
        for s in (t.schema() for t in self.types if t.imported()):
        return self.schema

    def add_methods(self, service):
        """Build method view for service."""
        bindings = {
            "document/literal": Document(self),
            "rpc/literal": RPC(self),
            "rpc/encoded": Encoded(self)}
        for p in service.ports:
            binding = p.binding
            ptype = p.binding.type
            operations = list(p.binding.type.operations.values())
            for name in (op.name for op in operations):
                m = Facade("Method")
                m.name = name
                m.location = p.location
                m.binding = Facade("binding")
                op = binding.operation(name)
                m.soap = op.soap
                key = "/".join((op.soap.style, op.soap.input.body.use))
                m.binding.input = bindings.get(key)
                key = "/".join((op.soap.style, op.soap.output.body.use))
                m.binding.output = bindings.get(key)
                p.methods[name] = m

    def set_wrapped(self):
        """Set (wrapped|bare) flag on messages."""
        for b in list(self.bindings.values()):
            for op in list(b.operations.values()):
                for body in (op.soap.input.body, op.soap.output.body):
                    body.wrapped = False
                    if not self.options.unwrap:
                    if len(body.parts) != 1:
                    for p in body.parts:
                        if p.element is None:
                        query = ElementQuery(p.element)
                        pt = query.execute(self.schema)
                        if pt is None:
                            raise TypeNotFound(query.ref)
                        resolved = pt.resolve()
                        if resolved.builtin():
                        body.wrapped = True

    def __getstate__(self):
        nopickle = ("options",)
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        for k in nopickle:
            if k in state:
                del state[k]
        return state

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Definitions (id=%s)" % (self.id,)

class Import(WObject):
    Represents the <wsdl:import/>.

    @ivar location: The value of the I{location} attribute.
    @type location: str
    @ivar ns: The value of the I{namespace} attribute.
    @type ns: str
    @ivar imported: The imported object.
    @type imported: L{Definitions}


    def __init__(self, root, definitions):
        @param root: An XML root element.
        @type root: L{Element}
        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}

        WObject.__init__(self, root)
        self.location = root.get("location")
        self.ns = root.get("namespace")
        self.imported = None
        pmd = self.__metadata__.__print__
        pmd.wrappers["imported"] = repr

    def load(self, definitions, imported_definitions):
        """Load the object by opening the URL."""
        url = self.location
        log.debug("importing (%s)", url)
        if "://" not in url:
            url = urljoin(definitions.url, url)
        d = imported_definitions.get(url)
        if not d:
            d = Definitions(url, definitions.options, imported_definitions)
        if d.root.match(Definitions.Tag, wsdlns):
            self.import_definitions(definitions, d)
        if d.root.match(Schema.Tag, Namespace.xsdns):
            self.import_schema(definitions, d)
        raise Exception("document at '%s' is unknown" % url)

    def import_definitions(self, definitions, d):
        """Import/merge WSDL definitions."""
        definitions.types += d.types
        self.imported = d
        log.debug("imported (WSDL):\n%s", d)

    def import_schema(self, definitions, d):
        """Import schema as <types/> content."""
        if not definitions.types:
            root = Element("types", ns=wsdlns)
            types = Types(root, definitions)
            types = definitions.types[-1]
        log.debug("imported (XSD):\n%s", d.root)

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return False

class Types(WObject):
    """Represents <types><schema/></types>."""

    def __init__(self, root, definitions):
        @param root: An XML root element.
        @type root: L{Element}
        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}

        WObject.__init__(self, root)
        self.definitions = definitions

    def contents(self):
        return self.root.getChildren("schema", Namespace.xsdns)

    def schema(self):
        return self.definitions.schema

    def local(self):
        return self.definitions.schema is None

    def imported(self):
        return not self.local()

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, Import)

class Part(NamedObject):
    Represents <message><part/></message>.

    @ivar element: The value of the {element} attribute. Stored as a I{qref} as
        converted by L{suds.xsd.qualify}.
    @type element: str
    @ivar type: The value of the {type} attribute. Stored as a I{qref} as
        converted by L{suds.xsd.qualify}.
    @type type: str


    def __init__(self, root, definitions):
        @param root: An XML root element.
        @type root: L{Element}
        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}

        NamedObject.__init__(self, root, definitions)
        pmd = Metadata()
        pmd.wrappers = dict(element=repr, type=repr)
        self.__metadata__.__print__ = pmd
        tns = definitions.tns
        self.element = self.__getref("element", tns)
        self.type = self.__getref("type", tns)

    def __getref(self, a, tns):
        """Get the qualified value of attribute named 'a'."""
        s = self.root.get(a)
        if s is not None:
            return qualify(s, self.root, tns)

class Message(NamedObject):
    Represents <message/>.

    @ivar parts: A list of message parts.
    @type parts: [I{Part},...]


    def __init__(self, root, definitions):
        @param root: An XML root element.
        @type root: L{Element}
        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}

        NamedObject.__init__(self, root, definitions)
        self.parts = []
        for p in root.getChildren("part"):
            part = Part(p, definitions)

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, (Import, Types))

class PortType(NamedObject):
    Represents <portType/>.

    @ivar operations: A list of contained operations.
    @type operations: list


    def __init__(self, root, definitions):
        @param root: An XML root element.
        @type root: L{Element}
        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}

        NamedObject.__init__(self, root, definitions)
        self.operations = {}
        for c in root.getChildren("operation"):
            op = Facade("Operation")
            op.name = c.get("name")
            op.tns = definitions.tns
            input = c.getChild("input")
            if input is None:
                op.input = None
                op.input = input.get("message")
            output = c.getChild("output")
            if output is None:
                op.output = None
                op.output = output.get("message")
            faults = []
            for fault in c.getChildren("fault"):
                f = Facade("Fault")
                f.name = fault.get("name")
                f.message = fault.get("message")
            op.faults = faults
            self.operations[op.name] = op

    def do_resolve(self, definitions):
        Resolve named references to other WSDL objects.

        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}

        for op in list(self.operations.values()):
            if op.input is None:
                op.input = Message(Element("no-input"), definitions)
                qref = qualify(op.input, self.root, definitions.tns)
                msg = definitions.messages.get(qref)
                if msg is None:
                    raise Exception("msg '%s', not-found" % (op.input,))
                op.input = msg
            if op.output is None:
                op.output = Message(Element("no-output"), definitions)
                qref = qualify(op.output, self.root, definitions.tns)
                msg = definitions.messages.get(qref)
                if msg is None:
                    raise Exception("msg '%s', not-found" % (op.output,))
                op.output = msg
            for f in op.faults:
                qref = qualify(f.message, self.root, definitions.tns)
                msg = definitions.messages.get(qref)
                if msg is None:
                    raise Exception("msg '%s', not-found" % (f.message,))
                f.message = msg

    def operation(self, name):
        Shortcut used to get a contained operation by name.

        @param name: An operation name.
        @type name: str
        @return: The named operation.
        @rtype: Operation
        @raise L{MethodNotFound}: When not found.

            return self.operations[name]
        except Exception as e:
            raise MethodNotFound(name)

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, (Import, Types, Message))

class Binding(NamedObject):
    Represents <binding/>.

    @ivar operations: A list of contained operations.
    @type operations: list


    def __init__(self, root, definitions):
        @param root: An XML root element.
        @type root: L{Element}
        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}

        NamedObject.__init__(self, root, definitions)
        self.operations = {}
        self.type = root.get("type")
        sr = self.soaproot()
        if sr is None:
            self.soap = None
            log.debug("binding: '%s' not a SOAP binding", self.name)
        soap = Facade("soap")
        self.soap = soap
        self.soap.style = sr.get("style", default="document")
        self.add_operations(self.root, definitions)

    def soaproot(self):
        """Get the soap:binding."""
        for ns in (soapns, soap12ns):
            sr = self.root.getChild("binding", ns=ns)
            if sr is not None:
                return sr

    def add_operations(self, root, definitions):
        """Add <operation/> children."""
        dsop = Element("operation", ns=soapns)
        for c in root.getChildren("operation"):
            op = Facade("Operation")
            op.name = c.get("name")
            sop = c.getChild("operation", default=dsop)
            soap = Facade("soap")
            soap.action = '"%s"' % (sop.get("soapAction", default=""),)
            soap.style = sop.get("style", default=self.soap.style)
            soap.input = Facade("Input")
            soap.input.body = Facade("Body")
            soap.input.headers = []
            soap.output = Facade("Output")
            soap.output.body = Facade("Body")
            soap.output.headers = []
            op.soap = soap
            input = c.getChild("input")
            if input is None:
                input = Element("input", ns=wsdlns)
            body = input.getChild("body")
            self.body(definitions, soap.input.body, body)
            for header in input.getChildren("header"):
                self.header(definitions, soap.input, header)
            output = c.getChild("output")
            if output is None:
                output = Element("output", ns=wsdlns)
            body = output.getChild("body")
            self.body(definitions, soap.output.body, body)
            for header in output.getChildren("header"):
                self.header(definitions, soap.output, header)
            faults = []
            for fault in c.getChildren("fault"):
                sf = fault.getChild("fault")
                if sf is None:
                fn = fault.get("name")
                f = Facade("Fault")
                f.name = sf.get("name", default=fn)
                f.use = sf.get("use", default="literal")
            soap.faults = faults
            self.operations[op.name] = op

    def body(self, definitions, body, root):
        """Add the input/output body properties."""
        if root is None:
            body.use = "literal"
            body.namespace = definitions.tns
            body.parts = ()
        parts = root.get("parts")
        if parts is None:
            body.parts = ()
            body.parts = re.split("[\\s,]", parts)
        body.use = root.get("use", default="literal")
        ns = root.get("namespace")
        if ns is None:
            body.namespace = definitions.tns
            prefix = root.findPrefix(ns, "b0")
            body.namespace = (prefix, ns)

    def header(self, definitions, parent, root):
        """Add the input/output header properties."""
        if root is None:
        header = Facade("Header")
        header.use = root.get("use", default="literal")
        ns = root.get("namespace")
        if ns is None:
            header.namespace = definitions.tns
            prefix = root.findPrefix(ns, "h0")
            header.namespace = (prefix, ns)
        msg = root.get("message")
        if msg is not None:
            header.message = msg
        part = root.get("part")
        if part is not None:
            header.part = part

    def do_resolve(self, definitions):
        Resolve named references to other WSDL objects. This includes
        cross-linking information (from) the portType (to) the I{SOAP} protocol
        information on the binding for each operation.

        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}

        for op in list(self.operations.values()):
            self.__resolvesoapbody(definitions, op)
            self.__resolveheaders(definitions, op)
            self.__resolvefaults(definitions, op)

    def __resolveport(self, definitions):
        Resolve port_type reference.

        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}

        ref = qualify(self.type, self.root, definitions.tns)
        port_type = definitions.port_types.get(ref)
        if port_type is None:
            raise Exception("portType '%s', not-found" % (self.type,))
        # Later on we will require access to the message data referenced by
        # this port_type instance, and in order for those data references to be
        # available, port_type first needs to dereference its message
        # identification string. The only scenario where the port_type might
        # possibly not have already resolved its references, and where this
        # explicit resolve() call is required, is if we are dealing with a
        # recursive WSDL import chain.
        self.type = port_type

    def __resolvesoapbody(self, definitions, op):
        Resolve SOAP body I{message} parts by cross-referencing with operation
        defined in port type.

        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}
        @param op: An I{operation} object.
        @type op: I{operation}

        ptop = self.type.operation(op.name)
        if ptop is None:
            raise Exception("operation '%s' not defined in portType" % (
        soap = op.soap
        parts = soap.input.body.parts
        if parts:
            pts = []
            for p in ptop.input.parts:
                if p.name in parts:
            soap.input.body.parts = pts
            soap.input.body.parts = ptop.input.parts
        parts = soap.output.body.parts
        if parts:
            pts = []
            for p in ptop.output.parts:
                if p.name in parts:
            soap.output.body.parts = pts
            soap.output.body.parts = ptop.output.parts

    def __resolveheaders(self, definitions, op):
        Resolve SOAP header I{message} references.

        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}
        @param op: An I{operation} object.
        @type op: I{operation}

        soap = op.soap
        headers = soap.input.headers + soap.output.headers
        for header in headers:
            mn = header.message
            ref = qualify(mn, self.root, definitions.tns)
            message = definitions.messages.get(ref)
            if message is None:
                raise Exception("message '%s', not-found" % (mn,))
            pn = header.part
            for p in message.parts:
                if p.name == pn:
                    header.part = p
            if pn == header.part:
                raise Exception("message '%s' has not part named '%s'" % (
                    ref, pn))

    def __resolvefaults(self, definitions, op):
        Resolve SOAP fault I{message} references by cross-referencing with
        operations defined in the port type.

        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}
        @param op: An I{operation} object.
        @type op: I{operation}

        ptop = self.type.operation(op.name)
        if ptop is None:
            raise Exception("operation '%s' not defined in portType" % (
        soap = op.soap
        for fault in soap.faults:
            for f in ptop.faults:
                if f.name == fault.name:
                    fault.parts = f.message.parts
            if hasattr(fault, "parts"):
            raise Exception("fault '%s' not defined in portType '%s'" % (
                fault.name, self.type.name))

    def operation(self, name):
        Shortcut used to get a contained operation by name.

        @param name: An operation name.
        @type name: str
        @return: The named operation.
        @rtype: Operation
        @raise L{MethodNotFound}: When not found.

            return self.operations[name]
        except Exception:
            raise MethodNotFound(name)

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return not isinstance(other, Service)

class Port(NamedObject):
    Represents a service port.

    @ivar service: A service.
    @type service: L{Service}
    @ivar binding: A binding name.
    @type binding: str
    @ivar location: The service location (URL).
    @type location: str


    def __init__(self, root, definitions, service):
        @param root: An XML root element.
        @type root: L{Element}
        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}
        @param service: A service object.
        @type service: L{Service}

        NamedObject.__init__(self, root, definitions)
        self.__service = service
        self.binding = root.get("binding")
        address = root.getChild("address")
        self.location = address is not None and address.get("location")
        self.methods = {}

    def method(self, name):
        Get a method defined in this portType by name.

        @param name: A method name.
        @type name: str
        @return: The requested method object.
        @rtype: I{Method}

        return self.methods.get(name)

class Service(NamedObject):
    Represents <service/>.

    @ivar port: The contained ports.
    @type port: [Port,..]
    @ivar methods: The contained methods for all ports.
    @type methods: [Method,..]


    def __init__(self, root, definitions):
        @param root: An XML root element.
        @type root: L{Element}
        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}

        NamedObject.__init__(self, root, definitions)
        self.ports = []
        for p in root.getChildren("port"):
            port = Port(p, definitions, self)

    def port(self, name):
        Locate a port by name.

        @param name: A port name.
        @type name: str
        @return: The port object.
        @rtype: L{Port}

        for p in self.ports:
            if p.name == name:
                return p

    def setlocation(self, url, names=None):
        Override the invocation location (URL) for service method.

        @param url: A URL location.
        @type url: A URL.
        @param names:  A list of method names. None=ALL
        @type names: [str,..]

        for p in self.ports:
            for m in list(p.methods.values()):
                if names is None or m.name in names:
                    m.location = url

    def do_resolve(self, definitions):
        Resolve named references to other WSDL objects. Ports without SOAP
        bindings are discarded.

        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}

        filtered = []
        for p in self.ports:
            ref = qualify(p.binding, self.root, definitions.tns)
            binding = definitions.bindings.get(ref)
            if binding is None:
                raise Exception("binding '%s', not-found" % (p.binding,))
            if binding.soap is None:
                log.debug("binding '%s' - not a SOAP binding, discarded",
            # After we have been resolved, our caller will expect that the
            # binding we are referencing has been fully constructed, i.e.
            # resolved, as well. The only scenario where the operations binding
            # might possibly not have already resolved its references, and
            # where this explicit resolve() call is required, is if we are
            # dealing with a recursive WSDL import chain.
            p.binding = binding
        self.ports = filtered

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return True

class Factory:
    Simple WSDL object factory.

    @cvar tags: Dictionary of tag-->constructor mappings.
    @type tags: dict


    tags = {
        "import": Import,
        "types": Types,
        "message": Message,
        "portType": PortType,
        "binding": Binding,
        "service": Service}

    def create(cls, root, definitions):
        Create an object based on the root tag name.

        @param root: An XML root element.
        @type root: L{Element}
        @param definitions: A definitions object.
        @type definitions: L{Definitions}
        @return: The created object.
        @rtype: L{WObject}

        fn = cls.tags.get(root.name)
        if fn is not None:
            return fn(root, definitions)