# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # The OpenSearch Contributors require contributions made to # this file be licensed under the Apache-2.0 license or a # compatible open source license. # # Modifications Copyright OpenSearch Contributors. See # GitHub history for details. # # Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under # the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections.abc as collections_abc from itertools import chain from typing import Any, Optional # 'SF' looks unused but the test suite assumes it's available # from this module so others are liable to do so as well. from ..helpers.function import SF, ScoreFunction from .utils import DslBase def Q(name_or_query: Any = "match_all", **params: Any) -> Any: # {"match": {"title": "python"}} if isinstance(name_or_query, collections_abc.Mapping): if params: raise ValueError("Q() cannot accept parameters when passing in a dict.") if len(name_or_query) != 1: raise ValueError( 'Q() can only accept dict with a single query ({"match": {...}}). ' "Instead it got (%r)" % name_or_query ) name, params = name_or_query.copy().popitem() # type: ignore return Query.get_dsl_class(name)(_expand__to_dot=False, **params) # MatchAll() if isinstance(name_or_query, Query): if params: raise ValueError( "Q() cannot accept parameters when passing in a Query object." ) return name_or_query # s.query = Q('filtered', query=s.query) if hasattr(name_or_query, "_proxied"): return name_or_query._proxied # "match", title="python" return Query.get_dsl_class(name_or_query)(**params) class Query(DslBase): _type_name: str = "query" _type_shortcut = staticmethod(Q) name: Optional[str] = None def __add__(self, other: Any) -> Any: # make sure we give queries that know how to combine themselves # preference if hasattr(other, "__radd__"): return other.__radd__(self) return Bool(must=[self, other]) def __invert__(self) -> Any: return Bool(must_not=[self]) def __or__(self, other: Any) -> Any: # make sure we give queries that know how to combine themselves # preference if hasattr(other, "__ror__"): return other.__ror__(self) return Bool(should=[self, other]) def __and__(self, other: Any) -> Any: # make sure we give queries that know how to combine themselves # preference if hasattr(other, "__rand__"): return other.__rand__(self) return Bool(must=[self, other]) class MatchAll(Query): name = "match_all" def __add__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return other._clone() __and__ = __rand__ = __radd__ = __add__ def __or__(self, other: Any) -> "MatchAll": return self __ror__ = __or__ def __invert__(self) -> Any: return MatchNone() EMPTY_QUERY = MatchAll() class MatchNone(Query): name = "match_none" def __add__(self, other: Any) -> "MatchNone": return self __and__ = __rand__ = __radd__ = __add__ def __or__(self, other: Any) -> Any: return other._clone() __ror__ = __or__ def __invert__(self) -> Any: return MatchAll() class Bool(Query): name = "bool" _param_defs = { "must": {"type": "query", "multi": True}, "should": {"type": "query", "multi": True}, "must_not": {"type": "query", "multi": True}, "filter": {"type": "query", "multi": True}, } def __add__(self, other: "Bool") -> Any: q = self._clone() if isinstance(other, Bool): q.must += other.must q.should += other.should q.must_not += other.must_not q.filter += other.filter else: q.must.append(other) return q __radd__ = __add__ def __or__(self, other: "Bool") -> Any: for q in (self, other): if isinstance(q, Bool) and not any( (q.must, q.must_not, q.filter, getattr(q, "minimum_should_match", None)) ): other = self if q is other else other q = q._clone() if isinstance(other, Bool) and not any( ( other.must, other.must_not, other.filter, getattr(other, "minimum_should_match", None), ) ): q.should.extend(other.should) else: q.should.append(other) return q return Bool(should=[self, other]) __ror__ = __or__ @property def _min_should_match(self) -> Any: return getattr( self, "minimum_should_match", 0 if not self.should or (self.must or self.filter) else 1, ) def __invert__(self) -> Any: # Because an empty Bool query is treated like # MatchAll the inverse should be MatchNone if not any(chain(self.must, self.filter, self.should, self.must_not)): return MatchNone() negations = [] for q in chain(self.must, self.filter): negations.append(~q) for q in self.must_not: negations.append(q) if self.should and self._min_should_match: negations.append(Bool(must_not=self.should[:])) if len(negations) == 1: return negations[0] return Bool(should=negations) def __and__(self, other: "Bool") -> Any: q = self._clone() if isinstance(other, Bool): q.must += other.must q.must_not += other.must_not q.filter += other.filter q.should = [] # reset minimum_should_match as it will get calculated below if "minimum_should_match" in q._params: del q._params["minimum_should_match"] for qx in (self, other): # TODO: percentages will fail here min_should_match = qx._min_should_match # all subqueries are required if len(qx.should) <= min_should_match: q.must.extend(qx.should) # not all of them are required, use it and remember min_should_match elif not q.should: q.minimum_should_match = min_should_match q.should = qx.should # all queries are optional, just extend should elif q._min_should_match == 0 and min_should_match == 0: q.should.extend(qx.should) # not all are required, add a should list to the must with proper min_should_match else: q.must.append( Bool(should=qx.should, minimum_should_match=min_should_match) ) else: if not (q.must or q.filter) and q.should: q._params.setdefault("minimum_should_match", 1) q.must.append(other) return q __rand__ = __and__ class FunctionScore(Query): name = "function_score" _param_defs = { "query": {"type": "query"}, "filter": {"type": "query"}, "functions": {"type": "score_function", "multi": True}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if "functions" in kwargs: pass else: fns = kwargs["functions"] = [] for name in ScoreFunction._classes: if name in kwargs: fns.append({name: kwargs.pop(name)}) super(FunctionScore, self).__init__(**kwargs) # compound queries class Boosting(Query): name = "boosting" _param_defs = {"positive": {"type": "query"}, "negative": {"type": "query"}} class ConstantScore(Query): name = "constant_score" _param_defs = {"query": {"type": "query"}, "filter": {"type": "query"}} class DisMax(Query): name = "dis_max" _param_defs = {"queries": {"type": "query", "multi": True}} class Filtered(Query): name = "filtered" _param_defs = {"query": {"type": "query"}, "filter": {"type": "query"}} class Indices(Query): name = "indices" _param_defs = {"query": {"type": "query"}, "no_match_query": {"type": "query"}} class Percolate(Query): name = "percolate" # relationship queries class Nested(Query): name = "nested" _param_defs = {"query": {"type": "query"}} class HasChild(Query): name = "has_child" _param_defs = {"query": {"type": "query"}} class HasParent(Query): name = "has_parent" _param_defs = {"query": {"type": "query"}} class TopChildren(Query): name = "top_children" _param_defs = {"query": {"type": "query"}} # compount span queries class SpanFirst(Query): name = "span_first" _param_defs = {"match": {"type": "query"}} class SpanMulti(Query): name = "span_multi" _param_defs = {"match": {"type": "query"}} class SpanNear(Query): name = "span_near" _param_defs = {"clauses": {"type": "query", "multi": True}} class SpanNot(Query): name = "span_not" _param_defs = {"exclude": {"type": "query"}, "include": {"type": "query"}} class SpanOr(Query): name = "span_or" _param_defs = {"clauses": {"type": "query", "multi": True}} class FieldMaskingSpan(Query): name = "field_masking_span" _param_defs = {"query": {"type": "query"}} class SpanContaining(Query): name = "span_containing" _param_defs = {"little": {"type": "query"}, "big": {"type": "query"}} # Original implementation contained # a typo: remove in v8.0. SpanContainining = SpanContaining class SpanWithin(Query): name = "span_within" _param_defs = {"little": {"type": "query"}, "big": {"type": "query"}} # core queries class Common(Query): name = "common" class Fuzzy(Query): name = "fuzzy" class FuzzyLikeThis(Query): name = "fuzzy_like_this" class FuzzyLikeThisField(Query): name = "fuzzy_like_this_field" class RankFeature(Query): name = "rank_feature" class DistanceFeature(Query): name = "distance_feature" class GeoBoundingBox(Query): name = "geo_bounding_box" class GeoDistance(Query): name = "geo_distance" class GeoDistanceRange(Query): name = "geo_distance_range" class GeoPolygon(Query): name = "geo_polygon" class GeoShape(Query): name = "geo_shape" class GeohashCell(Query): name = "geohash_cell" class Ids(Query): name = "ids" class Intervals(Query): name = "intervals" class Limit(Query): name = "limit" class Match(Query): name = "match" class MatchPhrase(Query): name = "match_phrase" class MatchPhrasePrefix(Query): name = "match_phrase_prefix" class MatchBoolPrefix(Query): name = "match_bool_prefix" class Exists(Query): name = "exists" class MoreLikeThis(Query): name = "more_like_this" class MoreLikeThisField(Query): name = "more_like_this_field" class MultiMatch(Query): name = "multi_match" class Prefix(Query): name = "prefix" class QueryString(Query): name = "query_string" class Range(Query): name = "range" class Regexp(Query): name = "regexp" class Shape(Query): name = "shape" class SimpleQueryString(Query): name = "simple_query_string" class SpanTerm(Query): name = "span_term" class Template(Query): name = "template" class Term(Query): name = "term" class Terms(Query): name = "terms" class TermsSet(Query): name = "terms_set" class Wildcard(Query): name = "wildcard" class Script(Query): name = "script" class ScriptScore(Query): name = "script_score" _param_defs = {"query": {"type": "query"}} class Type(Query): name = "type" class ParentId(Query): name = "parent_id" class Wrapper(Query): name = "wrapper" __all__ = ["SF"]