# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library Lesser General Public License # for more details at ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # written by: Jeff Ortel ( jortel@redhat.com ) """ The I{schema} module provides an intelligent representation of an XSD schema. The I{raw} model is the XML tree and the I{model} is a denormalized, objectified and intelligent view of the schema. Most of the I{value-add} provided by the model is centered around transparent referenced type resolution and targeted denormalization. """ from suds import * from suds.xsd import * from suds.xsd.depsort import dependency_sort from suds.xsd.sxbuiltin import * from suds.xsd.sxbase import SchemaObject from suds.xsd.sxbasic import Factory as BasicFactory from suds.xsd.sxbuiltin import Factory as BuiltinFactory from suds.sax import splitPrefix, Namespace from suds.sax.element import Element from logging import getLogger log = getLogger(__name__) class SchemaCollection(UnicodeMixin): """ A collection of schema objects. This class is needed because a WSDL may contain more then one node. @ivar wsdl: A WSDL object. @type wsdl: L{suds.wsdl.Definitions} @ivar children: A list contained schemas. @type children: [L{Schema},...] @ivar namespaces: A dictionary of contained schemas by namespace. @type namespaces: {str: L{Schema}} """ def __init__(self, wsdl): """ @param wsdl: A WSDL object. @type wsdl: L{suds.wsdl.Definitions} """ self.wsdl = wsdl self.children = [] self.namespaces = {} def add(self, schema): """ Add a schema node to the collection. Schema(s) within the same target namespace are consolidated. @param schema: A schema object. @type schema: (L{Schema}) """ key = schema.tns[1] existing = self.namespaces.get(key) if existing is None: self.children.append(schema) self.namespaces[key] = schema else: existing.root.children += schema.root.children existing.root.nsprefixes.update(schema.root.nsprefixes) def load(self, options, loaded_schemata): """ Load schema objects for the root nodes. - de-reference schemas - merge schemas @param options: An options dictionary. @type options: L{options.Options} @param loaded_schemata: Already loaded schemata cache (URL --> Schema). @type loaded_schemata: dict @return: The merged schema. @rtype: L{Schema} """ if options.autoblend: self.autoblend() for child in self.children: child.build() for child in self.children: child.open_imports(options, loaded_schemata) for child in self.children: child.dereference() log.debug("loaded:\n%s", self) merged = self.merge() log.debug("MERGED:\n%s", merged) return merged def autoblend(self): """ Ensure that all schemas within the collection import each other which has a blending effect. @return: self @rtype: L{SchemaCollection} """ namespaces = list(self.namespaces.keys()) for s in self.children: for ns in namespaces: tns = s.root.get("targetNamespace") if tns == ns: continue for imp in s.root.getChildren("import"): if imp.get("namespace") == ns: continue imp = Element("import", ns=Namespace.xsdns) imp.set("namespace", ns) s.root.append(imp) return self def locate(self, ns): """ Find a schema by namespace. Only the URI portion of the namespace is compared to each schema's I{targetNamespace}. @param ns: A namespace. @type ns: (prefix, URI) @return: The schema matching the namespace, else None. @rtype: L{Schema} """ return self.namespaces.get(ns[1]) def merge(self): """ Merge contained schemas into one. @return: The merged schema. @rtype: L{Schema} """ if self.children: schema = self.children[0] for s in self.children[1:]: schema.merge(s) return schema def __len__(self): return len(self.children) def __unicode__(self): result = ["\nschema collection"] for s in self.children: result.append(s.str(1)) return "\n".join(result) class Schema(UnicodeMixin): """ The schema is an objectification of a (XSD) definition. It provides inspection, lookup and type resolution. @ivar root: The root node. @type root: L{sax.element.Element} @ivar baseurl: The I{base} URL for this schema. @type baseurl: str @ivar container: A schema collection containing this schema. @type container: L{SchemaCollection} @ivar children: A list of direct top level children. @type children: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar all: A list of all (includes imported) top level children. @type all: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar types: A schema types cache. @type types: {name:L{SchemaObject}} @ivar imports: A list of import objects. @type imports: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar elements: A list of objects. @type elements: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar attributes: A list of objects. @type attributes: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar groups: A list of group objects. @type groups: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar agrps: A list of attribute group objects. @type agrps: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar form_qualified: The flag indicating: (@elementFormDefault). @type form_qualified: bool """ Tag = "schema" def __init__(self, root, baseurl, options, loaded_schemata=None, container=None): """ @param root: The XML root. @type root: L{sax.element.Element} @param baseurl: The base URL used for importing. @type baseurl: basestring @param options: An options dictionary. @type options: L{options.Options} @param loaded_schemata: An optional already loaded schemata cache (URL --> Schema). @type loaded_schemata: dict @param container: An optional container. @type container: L{SchemaCollection} """ self.root = root self.id = objid(self) self.tns = self.mktns() self.baseurl = baseurl self.container = container self.children = [] self.all = [] self.types = {} self.imports = [] self.elements = {} self.attributes = {} self.groups = {} self.agrps = {} if options.doctor is not None: options.doctor.examine(root) form = self.root.get("elementFormDefault") self.form_qualified = form == "qualified" # If we have a container, that container is going to take care of # finishing our build for us in parallel with building all the other # schemata in that container. That allows the different schema within # the same container to freely reference each other. #TODO: check whether this container content build parallelization is # really necessary or if we can simply build our top-level WSDL # contained schemata one by one as they are loaded if container is None: if loaded_schemata is None: loaded_schemata = {} loaded_schemata[baseurl] = self #TODO: It seems like this build() step can be done for each schema # on its own instead of letting the container do it. Building our # XSD schema objects should not require any external schema # information and even references between XSD schema objects within # the same schema can not be established until all the XSD schema # objects have been built. The only reason I can see right now why # this step has been placed under container control is so our # container (a SchemaCollection instance) can add some additional # XML elements to our schema before our XSD schema object entities # get built, but there is bound to be a cleaner way to do this, # similar to how we support such XML modifications in suds plugins. self.build() self.open_imports(options, loaded_schemata) log.debug("built:\n%s", self) self.dereference() log.debug("dereferenced:\n%s", self) def mktns(self): """ Make the schema's target namespace. @return: namespace representation of the schema's targetNamespace value. @rtype: (prefix, URI) """ tns = self.root.get("targetNamespace") tns_prefix = None if tns is not None: tns_prefix = self.root.findPrefix(tns) return tns_prefix, tns def build(self): """ Build the schema (object graph) using the root node using the factory. - Build the graph. - Collate the children. """ self.children = BasicFactory.build(self.root, self) collated = BasicFactory.collate(self.children) self.children = collated[0] self.attributes = collated[2] self.imports = collated[1] self.elements = collated[3] self.types = collated[4] self.groups = collated[5] self.agrps = collated[6] def merge(self, schema): """ Merge the schema contents. Only objects not already contained in this schema's collections are merged. This provides support for bidirectional imports producing cyclic includes. @returns: self @rtype: L{Schema} """ for item in list(schema.attributes.items()): if item[0] in self.attributes: continue self.all.append(item[1]) self.attributes[item[0]] = item[1] for item in list(schema.elements.items()): if item[0] in self.elements: continue self.all.append(item[1]) self.elements[item[0]] = item[1] for item in list(schema.types.items()): if item[0] in self.types: continue self.all.append(item[1]) self.types[item[0]] = item[1] for item in list(schema.groups.items()): if item[0] in self.groups: continue self.all.append(item[1]) self.groups[item[0]] = item[1] for item in list(schema.agrps.items()): if item[0] in self.agrps: continue self.all.append(item[1]) self.agrps[item[0]] = item[1] schema.merged = True return self def open_imports(self, options, loaded_schemata): """ Instruct all contained L{sxbasic.Import} children to import all of their referenced schemas. The imported schema contents are I{merged} in. @param options: An options dictionary. @type options: L{options.Options} @param loaded_schemata: Already loaded schemata cache (URL --> Schema). @type loaded_schemata: dict """ for imp in self.imports: imported = imp.open(options, loaded_schemata) if imported is None: continue imported.open_imports(options, loaded_schemata) log.debug("imported:\n%s", imported) self.merge(imported) def dereference(self): """Instruct all children to perform dereferencing.""" all = [] indexes = {} for child in self.children: child.content(all) dependencies = {} for x in all: x.qualify() midx, deps = x.dependencies() dependencies[x] = deps indexes[x] = midx for x, deps in dependency_sort(dependencies): midx = indexes.get(x) if midx is None: continue d = deps[midx] log.debug("(%s) merging %s <== %s", self.tns[1], Repr(x), Repr(d)) x.merge(d) def locate(self, ns): """ Find a schema by namespace. Only the URI portion of the namespace is compared to each schema's I{targetNamespace}. The request is passed on to the container. @param ns: A namespace. @type ns: (prefix, URI) @return: The schema matching the namespace, else None. @rtype: L{Schema} """ if self.container is not None: return self.container.locate(ns) def custom(self, ref, context=None): """ Get whether the specified reference is B{not} an (xs) builtin. @param ref: A str or qref. @type ref: (str|qref) @return: True if B{not} a builtin, else False. @rtype: bool """ return ref is None or not self.builtin(ref, context) def builtin(self, ref, context=None): """ Get whether the specified reference is an (xs) builtin. @param ref: A str or qref. @type ref: (str|qref) @return: True if builtin, else False. @rtype: bool """ w3 = "http://www.w3.org" try: if isqref(ref): ns = ref[1] return ref[0] in Factory.tags and ns.startswith(w3) if context is None: context = self.root prefix = splitPrefix(ref)[0] prefixes = context.findPrefixes(w3, "startswith") return prefix in prefixes and ref[0] in Factory.tags except Exception: return False def instance(self, root, baseurl, loaded_schemata, options): """ Create and return an new schema object using the specified I{root} and I{URL}. @param root: A schema root node. @type root: L{sax.element.Element} @param baseurl: A base URL. @type baseurl: str @param loaded_schemata: Already loaded schemata cache (URL --> Schema). @type loaded_schemata: dict @param options: An options dictionary. @type options: L{options.Options} @return: The newly created schema object. @rtype: L{Schema} @note: This is only used by Import children. """ return Schema(root, baseurl, options, loaded_schemata) def str(self, indent=0): tab = "%*s" % (indent * 3, "") result = [] result.append("%s%s" % (tab, self.id)) result.append("%s(raw)" % (tab,)) result.append(self.root.str(indent + 1)) result.append("%s(model)" % (tab,)) for c in self.children: result.append(c.str(indent + 1)) result.append("") return "\n".join(result) def __repr__(self): return '<%s tns="%s"/>' % (self.id, self.tns[1]) def __unicode__(self): return self.str()