// Generated by gmmproc 2.66.3 -- DO NOT MODIFY!
/* Copyright (C) 2014 The glibmm Development Team
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see .
using GBinding = struct _GBinding;
using GBindingClass = struct _GBindingClass;
namespace Glib
{ class GLIBMM_API Binding_Class; } // namespace Glib
namespace Glib
/** @addtogroup glibmmEnums glibmm Enums and Flags */
* @var BindingFlags BINDING_DEFAULT
* The default binding; if the source property
* changes, the target property is updated with its value.
* Bidirectional binding; if either the
* property of the source or the property of the target changes,
* the other is updated.
* @var BindingFlags BINDING_SYNC_CREATE
* Synchronize the values of the source and
* target properties when creating the binding; the direction of
* the synchronization is always from the source to the target.
* If the two properties being bound are
* booleans, setting one to true will result in the other being
* set to false and vice versa. This flag will only work for
* boolean properties, and cannot be used when passing custom
* transformation functions to g_object_bind_property_full().
* @enum BindingFlags
* Flags to be passed to g_object_bind_property() or
* g_object_bind_property_full().
* This enumeration can be extended at later date.
* @newin{2,44}
* @ingroup glibmmEnums
* @par Bitwise operators:
* %BindingFlags operator|(BindingFlags, BindingFlags)
* %BindingFlags operator&(BindingFlags, BindingFlags)
* %BindingFlags operator^(BindingFlags, BindingFlags)
* %BindingFlags operator~(BindingFlags)
* %BindingFlags& operator|=(BindingFlags&, BindingFlags)
* %BindingFlags& operator&=(BindingFlags&, BindingFlags)
* %BindingFlags& operator^=(BindingFlags&, BindingFlags)
enum BindingFlags
/** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
inline BindingFlags operator|(BindingFlags lhs, BindingFlags rhs)
{ return static_cast(static_cast(lhs) | static_cast(rhs)); }
/** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
inline BindingFlags operator&(BindingFlags lhs, BindingFlags rhs)
{ return static_cast(static_cast(lhs) & static_cast(rhs)); }
/** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
inline BindingFlags operator^(BindingFlags lhs, BindingFlags rhs)
{ return static_cast(static_cast(lhs) ^ static_cast(rhs)); }
/** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
inline BindingFlags operator~(BindingFlags flags)
{ return static_cast(~static_cast(flags)); }
/** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
inline BindingFlags& operator|=(BindingFlags& lhs, BindingFlags rhs)
{ return (lhs = static_cast(static_cast(lhs) | static_cast(rhs))); }
/** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
inline BindingFlags& operator&=(BindingFlags& lhs, BindingFlags rhs)
{ return (lhs = static_cast(static_cast(lhs) & static_cast(rhs))); }
/** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
inline BindingFlags& operator^=(BindingFlags& lhs, BindingFlags rhs)
{ return (lhs = static_cast(static_cast(lhs) ^ static_cast(rhs))); }
} // namespace Glib
namespace Glib
template <>
class GLIBMM_API Value : public Glib::Value_Flags
static GType value_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
} // namespace Glib
namespace Glib
/** Bind two object properties.
* %Glib::Binding is the representation of a binding between a property on a
* Glib::ObjectBase instance (or source) and another property on another Glib::ObjectBase
* instance (or target). Whenever the source property changes, the same
* value is applied to the target property; for instance, the following binding:
* @code
* Glib::Binding::bind_property(object1->property_a(), object2->property_b());
* @endcode
* will cause property_b() of @a object2 to be updated
* every time the value of property_a() of @a object1 changes.
* It is possible to create a bidirectional binding between two properties
* of two Glib::ObjectBase instances, so that if either property changes, the
* other is updated as well, for instance:
* @code
* Glib::Binding::bind_property(object1->property_a(), object2->property_b(),
* @endcode
* will keep the two properties in sync.
* It is also possible to set a custom transformation function (in both
* directions, in case of a bidirectional binding) to apply a custom
* transformation from the source value to the target value before
* applying it; for instance, the following binding:
* @code
* bool celsius_to_fahrenheit(const double& celsius, double& fahrenheit);
* bool fahrenheit_to_celsius(const double& fahrenheit, double& celsius);
* Glib::Binding::bind_property(adjustment1->property_value(),
* adjustment2->property_value(), Glib::BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL,
* sigc::ptr_fun(celsius_to_fahrenheit), sigc::ptr_fun(fahrenheit_to_celsius));
* @endcode
* will keep property_value() of the two adjustments in sync; the
* celsius_to_fahrenheit() function will be called whenever
* property_value() of @a adjustment1 changes and will transform the current value
* of the property before applying it to property_value() of @a adjustment2.
* Vice versa, the fahrenheit_to_celsius() function will be called whenever
* property_value() of @a adjustment2 changes, and will transform the
* current value of the property before applying it to property_value()
* of @a adjustment1.
* Note that %Glib::Binding does not resolve cycles by itself; a cycle like
* @code
* object1->property_A() -> object2->property_B()
* object2->property_B() -> object3->property_C()
* object3->property_C() -> object1->property_A()
* @endcode
* might lead to an infinite loop. The loop, in this particular case,
* can be avoided if the objects emit the GObject::notify signal only
* if the value has effectively been changed. A binding is implemented
* using the GObject::notify signal, so it is susceptible to all the
* various ways of blocking a signal emission, like Glib::SignalProxyNormal::emission_stop()
* or g_signal_handler_block().
* The binding between properties is broken, and its resources freed, when the
* %Glib::Binding loses its last Glib::RefPtr (by default), the source or target
* object is deleted, or unbind() is called. If a Glib::RefPtr to the
* %Glib::Binding remains after the binding is broken another way,
* get_source() and get_target() return an empty Glib::RefPtr.
* So, by default, you must keep a Glib::RefPtr to the
* %Glib::Binding for as long as you want it to bind, but doing that does not
* guarantee the source/target are still alive or bound.
* If it is not convenient to maintain a Glib::RefPtr to keep a %Glib::Binding
* active, you can pass the %Glib::Binding to Glib::manage() to specify that it
* should have its lifetime managed by the source/target objects and unbind()
* only. In that case, it will stay active as long as the source and target
* exist and unbind() is not called, even if no Glib::RefPtr to it is kept.
* @newin{2,44}
class GLIBMM_API Binding : public Glib::Object
using CppObjectType = Binding;
using CppClassType = Binding_Class;
using BaseObjectType = GBinding;
using BaseClassType = GBindingClass;
// noncopyable
Binding(const Binding&) = delete;
Binding& operator=(const Binding&) = delete;
private: friend class Binding_Class;
static CppClassType binding_class_;
explicit Binding(const Glib::ConstructParams& construct_params);
explicit Binding(GBinding* castitem);
Binding(Binding&& src) noexcept;
Binding& operator=(Binding&& src) noexcept;
~Binding() noexcept override;
/** Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system.
static GType get_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
static GType get_base_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
GBinding* gobj() { return reinterpret_cast(gobject_); }
///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
const GBinding* gobj() const { return reinterpret_cast(gobject_); }
///Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs.
GBinding* gobj_copy();
/** A slot to be called to transform values in a binding created by
* bind_property_value().
* For instance:
* @code
* bool on_transform_to(const GValue* from_value, GValue* to_value);
* @endcode
* @return true if the transformation was successful, and false otherwise.
using SlotTransform = sigc::slot;
/** A slot to be called to transform values in a binding created by
* bind_property().
* For instance:
* @code
* bool on_transform_to(const Glib::ustring& from_string, int& to_int);
* @endcode
* @return true if the transformation was successful, and false otherwise.
using SlotTypedTransform = sigc::slot;
// GValue* or Glib::ValueBase& in SlotTransform?
// Binding_transform_callback_common() is simpler and faster with GValue*.
// No need to copy between GValue and Glib::ValueBase. ValueBase would only
// be marginally better for users of bind_property_value(). Users would want
// Value and Value, meaning that bind_property_value()
// would have to be a template function. Most users would probably still
// prefer bind_property(). bind_property_value() is public partly because
// it's a good place to present documentation common to all the
// bind_property() overloads.
// See also https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glibmm/issues/61
/** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property,
* allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.
* If @a flags contains Glib::BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL then the binding will be mutual:
* if @a target_property changes then the @a source_property
* will be updated as well. The @a transform_from function is only used in case
* of bidirectional bindings, otherwise it will be ignored.
* A Glib::ObjectBase instance can have multiple bindings.
* If you supply transformation functions, it is usually easier to use one of the
* bind_property() overloads, to avoid the use of GValue in the transformation functions.
* @param source_property The source property to bind.
* @param target_property The target property to bind.
* @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
* @param transform_to The transformation function from the source to the target,
* or an empty slot to use the default.
* @param transform_from The transformation function from the target to the source,
* or an empty slot to use the default.
* @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
* Glib::ObjectBase instances, or nullptr in case of error.
* @newin{2,44}
static Glib::RefPtr bind_property_value(
const PropertyProxy_Base& source_property,
const PropertyProxy_Base& target_property,
BindingFlags flags = BINDING_DEFAULT,
const SlotTransform& transform_to = SlotTransform(),
const SlotTransform& transform_from = SlotTransform());
/** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property.
* @param source_property The source property to bind.
* @param target_property The target property to bind.
* @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
* @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
* Glib::ObjectBase instances, or nullptr in case of error.
* @see bind_property_value()
* @newin{2,44}
static Glib::RefPtr bind_property(
const PropertyProxy_Base& source_property,
const PropertyProxy_Base& target_property,
BindingFlags flags = BINDING_DEFAULT)
return bind_property_value(source_property, target_property, flags);
/** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property,
* allowing you to set a transformation function to be used by the binding.
* @param source_property The source property to bind.
* @param target_property The target property to bind.
* @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
* @param transform_to The transformation function from the source to the target,
* or an empty slot to use the default.
* @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
* Glib::ObjectBase instances, or nullptr in case of error.
* @tparam T_source Type of the source property. Must be a type that can be
* stored in a Glib::Value object.
* @tparam T_target Type of the target property. Must be a type that can be
* stored in a Glib::Value object.
* @tparam T_functor_to Type of functor that translates from the source to the target.
* Must be convertible to SlotTypedTransform.
* @see bind_property_value()
* @newin{2,44}
static Glib::RefPtr bind_property(
const PropertyProxy& source_property,
const PropertyProxy& target_property,
BindingFlags flags,
const T_functor_to& transform_to)
SlotTypedTransform slot_transform_to = transform_to;
return bind_property_value(source_property, target_property, flags,
slot_transform_to.empty() ? SlotTransform() : TransformProp(slot_transform_to));
/** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property,
* allowing you to set a transformation function to be used by the binding.
* @param source_property The source property to bind.
* @param target_property The target property to bind.
* @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
* @param transform_to The transformation function from the source to the target,
* or an empty slot to use the default.
* @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
* Glib::ObjectBase instances, or nullptr in case of error.
* @tparam T_source Type of the source property. Must be a type that can be
* stored in a Glib::Value object.
* @tparam T_target Type of the target property. Must be a type that can be
* stored in a Glib::Value object.
* @tparam T_functor_to Type of functor that translates from the source to the target.
* Must be convertible to SlotTypedTransform.
* @see bind_property_value()
* @newin{2,44}
static Glib::RefPtr bind_property(
const PropertyProxy& source_property,
const PropertyProxy_WriteOnly& target_property,
BindingFlags flags,
const T_functor_to& transform_to)
SlotTypedTransform slot_transform_to = transform_to;
return bind_property_value(source_property, target_property, flags,
slot_transform_to.empty() ? SlotTransform() : TransformProp(slot_transform_to));
/** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property,
* allowing you to set a transformation function to be used by the binding.
* @param source_property The source property to bind.
* @param target_property The target property to bind.
* @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
* @param transform_to The transformation function from the source to the target,
* or an empty slot to use the default.
* @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
* Glib::ObjectBase instances, or nullptr in case of error.
* @tparam T_source Type of the source property. Must be a type that can be
* stored in a Glib::Value object.
* @tparam T_target Type of the target property. Must be a type that can be
* stored in a Glib::Value object.
* @tparam T_functor_to Type of functor that translates from the source to the target.
* Must be convertible to SlotTypedTransform.
* @see bind_property_value()
* @newin{2,44}
static Glib::RefPtr bind_property(
const PropertyProxy_ReadOnly& source_property,
const PropertyProxy& target_property,
BindingFlags flags,
const T_functor_to& transform_to)
SlotTypedTransform slot_transform_to = transform_to;
return bind_property_value(source_property, target_property, flags,
slot_transform_to.empty() ? SlotTransform() : TransformProp(slot_transform_to));
/** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property,
* allowing you to set a transformation function to be used by the binding.
* @param source_property The source property to bind.
* @param target_property The target property to bind.
* @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
* @param transform_to The transformation function from the source to the target,
* or an empty slot to use the default.
* @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
* Glib::ObjectBase instances, or nullptr in case of error.
* @tparam T_source Type of the source property. Must be a type that can be
* stored in a Glib::Value object.
* @tparam T_target Type of the target property. Must be a type that can be
* stored in a Glib::Value object.
* @tparam T_functor_to Type of functor that translates from the source to the target.
* Must be convertible to SlotTypedTransform.
* @see bind_property_value()
* @newin{2,44}
static Glib::RefPtr bind_property(
const PropertyProxy_ReadOnly& source_property,
const PropertyProxy_WriteOnly& target_property,
BindingFlags flags,
const T_functor_to& transform_to)
SlotTypedTransform slot_transform_to = transform_to;
return bind_property_value(source_property, target_property, flags,
slot_transform_to.empty() ? SlotTransform() : TransformProp(slot_transform_to));
/** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property,
* allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.
* @param source_property The source property to bind.
* @param target_property The target property to bind.
* @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
* @param transform_to The transformation function from the source to the target,
* or an empty slot to use the default.
* @param transform_from The transformation function from the target to the source,
* or an empty slot to use the default.
* @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
* Glib::ObjectBase instances, or nullptr in case of error.
* @tparam T_source Type of the source property. Must be a type that can be
* stored in a Glib::Value object.
* @tparam T_target Type of the target property. Must be a type that can be
* stored in a Glib::Value object.
* @tparam T_functor_to Type of functor that translates from the source to the target.
* Must be convertible to SlotTypedTransform.
* @tparam T_functor_from Type of functor that translates from the target to the source.
* Must be convertible to SlotTypedTransform.
* @see bind_property_value()
* @newin{2,44}
static Glib::RefPtr bind_property(
const PropertyProxy& source_property,
const PropertyProxy& target_property,
BindingFlags flags,
const T_functor_to& transform_to,
const T_functor_from& transform_from)
SlotTypedTransform slot_transform_to = transform_to;
SlotTypedTransform slot_transform_from = transform_from;
return bind_property_value(source_property, target_property, flags,
slot_transform_to.empty() ? SlotTransform() : TransformProp(slot_transform_to),
slot_transform_from.empty() ? SlotTransform() : TransformProp(slot_transform_from));
/** Retrieves the Glib::ObjectBase instance used as the source of the binding.
* A %Glib::Binding can outlive the source Glib::ObjectBase as the binding does not hold a
* strong reference to the source. If the source is destroyed before the
* binding then this function will return an empty Glib::RefPtr.
* @newin{2,44}
* @return The source Glib::ObjectBase.
Glib::RefPtr get_source();
/** Retrieves the Glib::ObjectBase instance used as the source of the binding.
* A %Glib::Binding can outlive the source Glib::ObjectBase as the binding does not hold a
* strong reference to the source. If the source is destroyed before the
* binding then this function will return an empty Glib::RefPtr.
* @newin{2,44}
* @return The source Glib::ObjectBase.
Glib::RefPtr get_source() const;
/** Retrieves the name of the property of Binding::property_source() used as the source
* of the binding.
* @newin{2,44}
* @return The name of the source property.
Glib::ustring get_source_property() const;
/** Retrieves the Glib::ObjectBase instance used as the target of the binding.
* A %Glib::Binding can outlive the target Glib::ObjectBase as the binding does not hold a
* strong reference to the target. If the target is destroyed before the
* binding then this function will return an empty Glib::RefPtr.
* @newin{2,44}
* @return The target Glib::ObjectBase.
Glib::RefPtr get_target();
/** Retrieves the Glib::ObjectBase instance used as the target of the binding.
* A %Glib::Binding can outlive the target Glib::ObjectBase as the binding does not hold a
* strong reference to the target. If the target is destroyed before the
* binding then this function will return an empty Glib::RefPtr.
* @newin{2,44}
* @return The target Glib::ObjectBase.
Glib::RefPtr get_target() const;
/** Retrieves the name of the property of Binding::property_target() used as the target
* of the binding.
* @newin{2,44}
* @return The name of the target property.
Glib::ustring get_target_property() const;
/** Retrieves the flags passed when constructing the Binding.
* @newin{2,44}
* @return The BindingFlags used by the Binding.
BindingFlags get_flags() const;
/** Explicitly releases the binding between the source and the target
* property expressed by this Binding instance.
* The binding is also released if either the source object or the target
* object is deleted, or this Binding instance loses its last reference,
* i.e. there is no more Glib::RefPtr that holds a pointer to it.
* @newin{2,44}
void unbind();
/** Flags to be used to control the Binding
* @newin{2,44}
* Default value: BINDING_DEFAULT
* @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
* or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::BindingFlags > property_flags() const;
/** The Object that should be used as the source of the binding
* @newin{2,44}
* @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
* or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr > property_source() const;
/** The name of the property of Binding::property_source() that should be used
* as the source of the binding.
* This should be in [canonical form][canonical-parameter-names] to get the
* best performance.
* @newin{2,44}
* Default value: ""
* @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
* or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_source_property() const;
/** The Object that should be used as the target of the binding
* @newin{2,44}
* @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
* or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr > property_target() const;
/** The name of the property of Binding::property_target() that should be used
* as the target of the binding.
* This should be in [canonical form][canonical-parameter-names] to get the
* best performance.
* @newin{2,44}
* Default value: ""
* @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
* or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_target_property() const;
/** Sets the binding as having its lifetime managed by the lifetimes of its
* source and target objects, rather than requiring a Glib::RefPtr to be kept.
* See the class description for full information on the lifetimes of bindings.
* To manage the result of bind_property() or bind_property_value(), which can
* return an empty Glib::RefPtr on error, pass the result to Glib::manage(),
* as that specifically avoids calling set_manage() on an empty Glib::RefPtr.
* @newin{2,66}
void set_manage() override final;
/** Decrement the reference count for this object.
* You should never need to do this manually - use the object via a RefPtr instead.
void unreference() const override;
// The functor TransformProp can be implicitly converted to a SlotTransform
// and used in a call to bind_property_value().
class TransformProp : public sigc::functor_base
using result_type = bool;
TransformProp(const SlotTypedTransform& slot) : typed_transform(slot) {}
bool operator()(const GValue* from_value, GValue* to_value)
Glib::Value from_glib_value;
T_to to{};
if (!typed_transform(from_glib_value.get(), to))
return false;
Glib::Value to_glib_value;
g_value_copy(to_glib_value.gobj(), to_value);
return true;
SlotTypedTransform typed_transform;
//C++ methods used to invoke GTK+ virtual functions:
//GTK+ Virtual Functions (override these to change behaviour):
//Default Signal Handlers::
/** Sets a Glib::Binding as having its lifetime managed by the lifetimes of its
* source and target objects, rather than requiring a Glib::RefPtr to be kept.
* See the class description of Glib::Binding for full information on the
* lifetimes of bindings.
* For instance:
* @code
* void bind_my_properties(const Glib::RefPtr& source,
* const Glib::RefPtr& target)
* {
* Glib::manage(Glib::Binding::bind_property(source->property_foo(),
* target->property_bar()));
* // don’t keep RefPtr to new Binding as source & target control its lifetime
* }
* @endcode
* @newin{2,66}
* @relates Glib::Binding
* @param binding The Glib::Binding to set as managed, or an empty Glib::RefPtr.
* @return The same Glib::Binding or empty Glib::RefPtr.
const Glib::RefPtr& manage(const Glib::RefPtr& binding);
} // namespace Glib
namespace Glib
/** A Glib::wrap() method for this object.
* @param object The C instance.
* @param take_copy False if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
* @result A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.
* @relates Glib::Binding
Glib::RefPtr wrap(GBinding* object, bool take_copy = false);
#endif /* _GLIBMM_BINDING_H */