import abc import pickle from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import cast from typing import Mapping from typing import NamedTuple from typing import Optional from typing import Sequence from typing import Union from ..util.typing import Self class NoValue: """Describe a missing cache value. The :data:`.NO_VALUE` constant should be used. """ @property def payload(self) -> Self: return self def __repr__(self): """Ensure __repr__ is a consistent value in case NoValue is used to fill another cache key. """ return "<dogpile.cache.api.NoValue object>" def __bool__(self): # pragma NO COVERAGE return False NO_VALUE = NoValue() """Value returned from ``get()`` that describes a key not present.""" MetaDataType = Mapping[str, Any] KeyType = str """A cache key.""" ValuePayload = Any """An object to be placed in the cache against a key.""" KeyManglerType = Callable[[KeyType], KeyType] Serializer = Callable[[ValuePayload], bytes] Deserializer = Callable[[bytes], ValuePayload] class CantDeserializeException(Exception): """Exception indicating deserialization failed, and that caching should proceed to re-generate a value .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 """ class CacheMutex(abc.ABC): """Describes a mutexing object with acquire and release methods. This is an abstract base class; any object that has acquire/release methods may be used. .. versionadded:: 1.1 .. seealso:: :meth:`.CacheBackend.get_mutex` - the backend method that optionally returns this locking object. """ @abc.abstractmethod def acquire(self, wait: bool = True) -> bool: """Acquire the mutex. :param wait: if True, block until available, else return True/False immediately. :return: True if the lock succeeded. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def release(self) -> None: """Release the mutex.""" raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def locked(self) -> bool: """Check if the mutex was acquired. :return: true if the lock is acquired. .. versionadded:: 1.1.2 """ raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def __subclasshook__(cls, C): return hasattr(C, "acquire") and hasattr(C, "release") class CachedValue(NamedTuple): """Represent a value stored in the cache. :class:`.CachedValue` is a two-tuple of ``(payload, metadata)``, where ``metadata`` is dogpile.cache's tracking information ( currently the creation time). """ payload: ValuePayload metadata: MetaDataType CacheReturnType = Union[CachedValue, NoValue] """The non-serialized form of what may be returned from a backend get method. """ SerializedReturnType = Union[bytes, NoValue] """the serialized form of what may be returned from a backend get method.""" BackendFormatted = Union[CacheReturnType, SerializedReturnType] """Describes the type returned from the :meth:`.CacheBackend.get` method.""" BackendSetType = Union[CachedValue, bytes] """Describes the value argument passed to the :meth:`.CacheBackend.set` method.""" BackendArguments = Mapping[str, Any] class CacheBackend: """Base class for backend implementations. Backends which set and get Python object values should subclass this backend. For backends in which the value that's stored is ultimately a stream of bytes, the :class:`.BytesBackend` should be used. """ key_mangler: Optional[Callable[[KeyType], KeyType]] = None """Key mangling function. May be None, or otherwise declared as an ordinary instance method. """ serializer: Union[None, Serializer] = None """Serializer function that will be used by default if not overridden by the region. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ deserializer: Union[None, Deserializer] = None """deserializer function that will be used by default if not overridden by the region. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ def __init__(self, arguments: BackendArguments): # pragma NO COVERAGE """Construct a new :class:`.CacheBackend`. Subclasses should override this to handle the given arguments. :param arguments: The ``arguments`` parameter passed to :func:`.make_registry`. """ raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def from_config_dict( cls, config_dict: Mapping[str, Any], prefix: str ) -> Self: prefix_len = len(prefix) return cls( dict( (key[prefix_len:], config_dict[key]) for key in config_dict if key.startswith(prefix) ) ) def has_lock_timeout(self) -> bool: return False def get_mutex(self, key: KeyType) -> Optional[CacheMutex]: """Return an optional mutexing object for the given key. This object need only provide an ``acquire()`` and ``release()`` method. May return ``None``, in which case the dogpile lock will use a regular ``threading.Lock`` object to mutex concurrent threads for value creation. The default implementation returns ``None``. Different backends may want to provide various kinds of "mutex" objects, such as those which link to lock files, distributed mutexes, memcached semaphores, etc. Whatever kind of system is best suited for the scope and behavior of the caching backend. A mutex that takes the key into account will allow multiple regenerate operations across keys to proceed simultaneously, while a mutex that does not will serialize regenerate operations to just one at a time across all keys in the region. The latter approach, or a variant that involves a modulus of the given key's hash value, can be used as a means of throttling the total number of value recreation operations that may proceed at one time. """ return None def get(self, key: KeyType) -> BackendFormatted: # pragma NO COVERAGE """Retrieve an optionally serialized value from the cache. :param key: String key that was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.get` method, which will also be processed by the "key mangling" function if one was present. :return: the Python object that corresponds to what was established via the :meth:`.CacheBackend.set` method, or the :data:`.NO_VALUE` constant if not present. If a serializer is in use, this method will only be called if the :meth:`.CacheBackend.get_serialized` method is not overridden. """ raise NotImplementedError() def get_multi( self, keys: Sequence[KeyType] ) -> Sequence[BackendFormatted]: # pragma NO COVERAGE """Retrieve multiple optionally serialized values from the cache. :param keys: sequence of string keys that was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.get_multi` method, which will also be processed by the "key mangling" function if one was present. :return a list of values as would be returned individually via the :meth:`.CacheBackend.get` method, corresponding to the list of keys given. If a serializer is in use, this method will only be called if the :meth:`.CacheBackend.get_serialized_multi` method is not overridden. .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ raise NotImplementedError() def get_serialized(self, key: KeyType) -> SerializedReturnType: """Retrieve a serialized value from the cache. :param key: String key that was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.get` method, which will also be processed by the "key mangling" function if one was present. :return: a bytes object, or :data:`.NO_VALUE` constant if not present. The default implementation of this method for :class:`.CacheBackend` returns the value of the :meth:`.CacheBackend.get` method. .. versionadded:: 1.1 .. seealso:: :class:`.BytesBackend` """ return cast(SerializedReturnType, self.get(key)) def get_serialized_multi( self, keys: Sequence[KeyType] ) -> Sequence[SerializedReturnType]: # pragma NO COVERAGE """Retrieve multiple serialized values from the cache. :param keys: sequence of string keys that was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.get_multi` method, which will also be processed by the "key mangling" function if one was present. :return: list of bytes objects The default implementation of this method for :class:`.CacheBackend` returns the value of the :meth:`.CacheBackend.get_multi` method. .. versionadded:: 1.1 .. seealso:: :class:`.BytesBackend` """ return cast(Sequence[SerializedReturnType], self.get_multi(keys)) def set( self, key: KeyType, value: BackendSetType ) -> None: # pragma NO COVERAGE """Set an optionally serialized value in the cache. :param key: String key that was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.set` method, which will also be processed by the "key mangling" function if one was present. :param value: The optionally serialized :class:`.CachedValue` object. May be an instance of :class:`.CachedValue` or a bytes object depending on if a serializer is in use with the region and if the :meth:`.CacheBackend.set_serialized` method is not overridden. .. seealso:: :meth:`.CacheBackend.set_serialized` """ raise NotImplementedError() def set_serialized( self, key: KeyType, value: bytes ) -> None: # pragma NO COVERAGE """Set a serialized value in the cache. :param key: String key that was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.set` method, which will also be processed by the "key mangling" function if one was present. :param value: a bytes object to be stored. The default implementation of this method for :class:`.CacheBackend` calls upon the :meth:`.CacheBackend.set` method. .. versionadded:: 1.1 .. seealso:: :class:`.BytesBackend` """ self.set(key, value) def set_multi( self, mapping: Mapping[KeyType, BackendSetType] ) -> None: # pragma NO COVERAGE """Set multiple values in the cache. :param mapping: a dict in which the key will be whatever was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.set_multi` method, processed by the "key mangling" function, if any. When implementing a new :class:`.CacheBackend` or cutomizing via :class:`.ProxyBackend`, be aware that when this method is invoked by :meth:`.Region.get_or_create_multi`, the ``mapping`` values are the same ones returned to the upstream caller. If the subclass alters the values in any way, it must not do so 'in-place' on the ``mapping`` dict -- that will have the undesirable effect of modifying the returned values as well. If a serializer is in use, this method will only be called if the :meth:`.CacheBackend.set_serialized_multi` method is not overridden. .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ raise NotImplementedError() def set_serialized_multi( self, mapping: Mapping[KeyType, bytes] ) -> None: # pragma NO COVERAGE """Set multiple serialized values in the cache. :param mapping: a dict in which the key will be whatever was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.set_multi` method, processed by the "key mangling" function, if any. When implementing a new :class:`.CacheBackend` or cutomizing via :class:`.ProxyBackend`, be aware that when this method is invoked by :meth:`.Region.get_or_create_multi`, the ``mapping`` values are the same ones returned to the upstream caller. If the subclass alters the values in any way, it must not do so 'in-place' on the ``mapping`` dict -- that will have the undesirable effect of modifying the returned values as well. .. versionadded:: 1.1 The default implementation of this method for :class:`.CacheBackend` calls upon the :meth:`.CacheBackend.set_multi` method. .. seealso:: :class:`.BytesBackend` """ self.set_multi(mapping) def delete(self, key: KeyType) -> None: # pragma NO COVERAGE """Delete a value from the cache. :param key: String key that was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.delete` method, which will also be processed by the "key mangling" function if one was present. The behavior here should be idempotent, that is, can be called any number of times regardless of whether or not the key exists. """ raise NotImplementedError() def delete_multi( self, keys: Sequence[KeyType] ) -> None: # pragma NO COVERAGE """Delete multiple values from the cache. :param keys: sequence of string keys that was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.delete_multi` method, which will also be processed by the "key mangling" function if one was present. The behavior here should be idempotent, that is, can be called any number of times regardless of whether or not the key exists. .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ raise NotImplementedError() class DefaultSerialization: serializer: Union[None, Serializer] = staticmethod( # type: ignore pickle.dumps ) deserializer: Union[None, Deserializer] = staticmethod( # type: ignore pickle.loads ) class BytesBackend(DefaultSerialization, CacheBackend): """A cache backend that receives and returns series of bytes. This backend only supports the "serialized" form of values; subclasses should implement :meth:`.BytesBackend.get_serialized`, :meth:`.BytesBackend.get_serialized_multi`, :meth:`.BytesBackend.set_serialized`, :meth:`.BytesBackend.set_serialized_multi`. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ def get_serialized(self, key: KeyType) -> SerializedReturnType: """Retrieve a serialized value from the cache. :param key: String key that was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.get` method, which will also be processed by the "key mangling" function if one was present. :return: a bytes object, or :data:`.NO_VALUE` constant if not present. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ raise NotImplementedError() def get_serialized_multi( self, keys: Sequence[KeyType] ) -> Sequence[SerializedReturnType]: # pragma NO COVERAGE """Retrieve multiple serialized values from the cache. :param keys: sequence of string keys that was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.get_multi` method, which will also be processed by the "key mangling" function if one was present. :return: list of bytes objects .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ raise NotImplementedError() def set_serialized( self, key: KeyType, value: bytes ) -> None: # pragma NO COVERAGE """Set a serialized value in the cache. :param key: String key that was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.set` method, which will also be processed by the "key mangling" function if one was present. :param value: a bytes object to be stored. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ raise NotImplementedError() def set_serialized_multi( self, mapping: Mapping[KeyType, bytes] ) -> None: # pragma NO COVERAGE """Set multiple serialized values in the cache. :param mapping: a dict in which the key will be whatever was passed to the :meth:`.CacheRegion.set_multi` method, processed by the "key mangling" function, if any. When implementing a new :class:`.CacheBackend` or cutomizing via :class:`.ProxyBackend`, be aware that when this method is invoked by :meth:`.Region.get_or_create_multi`, the ``mapping`` values are the same ones returned to the upstream caller. If the subclass alters the values in any way, it must not do so 'in-place' on the ``mapping`` dict -- that will have the undesirable effect of modifying the returned values as well. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ raise NotImplementedError()