The diff parser is trying to be a faster version of the normal parser by trying
to reuse the nodes of a previous pass over the same file. This is also called
incremental parsing in parser literature. The difference is mostly that with
incremental parsing you get a range that needs to be reparsed. Here we
calculate that range ourselves by using difflib. After that it's essentially
incremental parsing.

The biggest issue of this approach is that we reuse nodes in a mutable way. The
intial design and idea is quite problematic for this parser, but it is also
pretty fast. Measurements showed that just copying nodes in Python is simply
quite a bit slower (especially for big files >3 kLOC). Therefore we did not
want to get rid of the mutable nodes, since this is usually not an issue.

This is by far the hardest software I ever wrote, exactly because the initial
design is crappy. When you have to account for a lot of mutable state, it
creates a ton of issues that you would otherwise not have. This file took
probably 3-6 months to write, which is insane for a parser.

There is a fuzzer in that helps test this whole thing. Please use it if you
make changes here. If you run the fuzzer like::

    test/fuzz_diff_parser.py random -n 100000

you can be pretty sure that everything is still fine. I sometimes run the
fuzzer up to 24h to make sure everything is still ok.
import re
import difflib
from collections import namedtuple
import logging

from parso.utils import split_lines
from parso.python.parser import Parser
from parso.python.tree import EndMarker
from parso.python.tokenize import PythonToken, BOM_UTF8_STRING
from parso.python.token import PythonTokenTypes

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)


NEWLINE = PythonTokenTypes.NEWLINE
DEDENT = PythonTokenTypes.DEDENT
NAME = PythonTokenTypes.NAME

def _is_indentation_error_leaf(node):
    return node.type == 'error_leaf' and node.token_type in _INDENTATION_TOKENS

def _get_previous_leaf_if_indentation(leaf):
    while leaf and _is_indentation_error_leaf(leaf):
        leaf = leaf.get_previous_leaf()
    return leaf

def _get_next_leaf_if_indentation(leaf):
    while leaf and _is_indentation_error_leaf(leaf):
        leaf = leaf.get_next_leaf()
    return leaf

def _get_suite_indentation(tree_node):
    return _get_indentation(tree_node.children[1])

def _get_indentation(tree_node):
    return tree_node.start_pos[1]

def _assert_valid_graph(node):
    Checks if the parent/children relationship is correct.

    This is a check that only runs during debugging/testing.
        children = node.children
    except AttributeError:
        # Ignore INDENT is necessary, because indent/dedent tokens don't
        # contain value/prefix and are just around, because of the tokenizer.
        if node.type == 'error_leaf' and node.token_type in _INDENTATION_TOKENS:
            assert not node.value
            assert not node.prefix

        # Calculate the content between two start positions.
        previous_leaf = _get_previous_leaf_if_indentation(node.get_previous_leaf())
        if previous_leaf is None:
            content = node.prefix
            previous_start_pos = 1, 0
            assert previous_leaf.end_pos <= node.start_pos, \
                (previous_leaf, node)

            content = previous_leaf.value + node.prefix
            previous_start_pos = previous_leaf.start_pos

        if '\n' in content or '\r' in content:
            splitted = split_lines(content)
            line = previous_start_pos[0] + len(splitted) - 1
            actual = line, len(splitted[-1])
            actual = previous_start_pos[0], previous_start_pos[1] + len(content)
            if content.startswith(BOM_UTF8_STRING) \
                    and node.get_start_pos_of_prefix() == (1, 0):
                # Remove the byte order mark
                actual = actual[0], actual[1] - 1

        assert node.start_pos == actual, (node.start_pos, actual)
        for child in children:
            assert child.parent == node, (node, child)

def _assert_nodes_are_equal(node1, node2):
        children1 = node1.children
    except AttributeError:
        assert not hasattr(node2, 'children'), (node1, node2)
        assert node1.value == node2.value, (node1, node2)
        assert node1.type == node2.type, (node1, node2)
        assert node1.prefix == node2.prefix, (node1, node2)
        assert node1.start_pos == node2.start_pos, (node1, node2)
            children2 = node2.children
        except AttributeError:
            assert False, (node1, node2)
    for n1, n2 in zip(children1, children2):
        _assert_nodes_are_equal(n1, n2)
    assert len(children1) == len(children2), '\n' + repr(children1) + '\n' + repr(children2)

def _get_debug_error_message(module, old_lines, new_lines):
    current_lines = split_lines(module.get_code(), keepends=True)
    current_diff = difflib.unified_diff(new_lines, current_lines)
    old_new_diff = difflib.unified_diff(old_lines, new_lines)
    import parso
    return (
        "There's an issue with the diff parser. Please "
        "report (parso v%s) - Old/New:\n%s\nActual Diff (May be empty):\n%s"
        % (parso.__version__, ''.join(old_new_diff), ''.join(current_diff))

def _get_last_line(node_or_leaf):
    last_leaf = node_or_leaf.get_last_leaf()
    if _ends_with_newline(last_leaf):
        return last_leaf.start_pos[0]
        n = last_leaf.get_next_leaf()
        if n.type == 'endmarker' and '\n' in n.prefix:
            # This is a very special case and has to do with error recovery in
            # Parso. The problem is basically that there's no newline leaf at
            # the end sometimes (it's required in the grammar, but not needed
            # actually before endmarker, CPython just adds a newline to make
            # source code pass the parser, to account for that Parso error
            # recovery allows small_stmt instead of simple_stmt).
            return last_leaf.end_pos[0] + 1
        return last_leaf.end_pos[0]

def _skip_dedent_error_leaves(leaf):
    while leaf is not None and leaf.type == 'error_leaf' and leaf.token_type == 'DEDENT':
        leaf = leaf.get_previous_leaf()
    return leaf

def _ends_with_newline(leaf, suffix=''):
    leaf = _skip_dedent_error_leaves(leaf)

    if leaf.type == 'error_leaf':
        typ = leaf.token_type.lower()
        typ = leaf.type

    return typ == 'newline' or suffix.endswith('\n') or suffix.endswith('\r')

def _flows_finished(pgen_grammar, stack):
    if, while, for and try might not be finished, because another part might
    still be parsed.
    for stack_node in stack:
        if stack_node.nonterminal in ('if_stmt', 'while_stmt', 'for_stmt', 'try_stmt'):
            return False
    return True

def _func_or_class_has_suite(node):
    if node.type == 'decorated':
        node = node.children[-1]
    if node.type in ('async_funcdef', 'async_stmt'):
        node = node.children[-1]
    return node.type in ('classdef', 'funcdef') and node.children[-1].type == 'suite'

def _suite_or_file_input_is_valid(pgen_grammar, stack):
    if not _flows_finished(pgen_grammar, stack):
        return False

    for stack_node in reversed(stack):
        if stack_node.nonterminal == 'decorator':
            # A decorator is only valid with the upcoming function.
            return False

        if stack_node.nonterminal == 'suite':
            # If only newline is in the suite, the suite is not valid, yet.
            return len(stack_node.nodes) > 1
    # Not reaching a suite means that we're dealing with file_input levels
    # where there's no need for a valid statement in it. It can also be empty.
    return True

def _is_flow_node(node):
    if node.type == 'async_stmt':
        node = node.children[1]
        value = node.children[0].value
    except AttributeError:
        return False
    return value in ('if', 'for', 'while', 'try', 'with')

class _PositionUpdatingFinished(Exception):

def _update_positions(nodes, line_offset, last_leaf):
    for node in nodes:
            children = node.children
        except AttributeError:
            # Is a leaf
            node.line += line_offset
            if node is last_leaf:
                raise _PositionUpdatingFinished
            _update_positions(children, line_offset, last_leaf)

class DiffParser:
    An advanced form of parsing a file faster. Unfortunately comes with huge
    side effects. It changes the given module.
    def __init__(self, pgen_grammar, tokenizer, module):
        self._pgen_grammar = pgen_grammar
        self._tokenizer = tokenizer
        self._module = module

    def _reset(self):
        self._copy_count = 0
        self._parser_count = 0

        self._nodes_tree = _NodesTree(self._module)

    def update(self, old_lines, new_lines):
        The algorithm works as follows:

            - Assure that the start is a newline, otherwise parse until we get
            - Copy from parsed_until_line + 1 to max(i2 + 1)
            - Make sure that the indentation is correct (e.g. add DEDENT)
            - Add old and change positions
            - Parse from parsed_until_line + 1 to min(j2 + 1), hopefully not
              much more.

        Returns the new module node.
        LOG.debug('diff parser start')
        # Reset the used names cache so they get regenerated.
        self._module._used_names = None

        self._parser_lines_new = new_lines


        line_length = len(new_lines)
        sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, old_lines, self._parser_lines_new)
        opcodes = sm.get_opcodes()
        LOG.debug('line_lengths old: %s; new: %s' % (len(old_lines), line_length))

        for operation, i1, i2, j1, j2 in opcodes:
            LOG.debug('-> code[%s] old[%s:%s] new[%s:%s]',
                      operation, i1 + 1, i2, j1 + 1, j2)

            if j2 == line_length and new_lines[-1] == '':
                # The empty part after the last newline is not relevant.
                j2 -= 1

            if operation == 'equal':
                line_offset = j1 - i1
                self._copy_from_old_parser(line_offset, i1 + 1, i2, j2)
            elif operation == 'replace':
            elif operation == 'insert':
                assert operation == 'delete'

        # With this action all change will finally be applied and we have a
        # changed module.

            # If there is reasonable suspicion that the diff parser is not
            # behaving well, this should be enabled.
                code = ''.join(new_lines)
                assert self._module.get_code() == code
                without_diff_parser_module = Parser(
                _assert_nodes_are_equal(self._module, without_diff_parser_module)
            except AssertionError:
                print(_get_debug_error_message(self._module, old_lines, new_lines))

        last_pos = self._module.end_pos[0]
        if last_pos != line_length:
            raise Exception(
                ('(%s != %s) ' % (last_pos, line_length))
                + _get_debug_error_message(self._module, old_lines, new_lines)
        LOG.debug('diff parser end')
        return self._module

    def _enabled_debugging(self, old_lines, lines_new):
        if self._module.get_code() != ''.join(lines_new):
            LOG.warning('parser issue:\n%s\n%s', ''.join(old_lines), ''.join(lines_new))

    def _copy_from_old_parser(self, line_offset, start_line_old, until_line_old, until_line_new):
        last_until_line = -1
        while until_line_new > self._nodes_tree.parsed_until_line:
            parsed_until_line_old = self._nodes_tree.parsed_until_line - line_offset
            line_stmt = self._get_old_line_stmt(parsed_until_line_old + 1)
            if line_stmt is None:
                # Parse 1 line at least. We don't need more, because we just
                # want to get into a state where the old parser has statements
                # again that can be copied (e.g. not lines within parentheses).
                self._parse(self._nodes_tree.parsed_until_line + 1)
                p_children = line_stmt.parent.children
                index = p_children.index(line_stmt)

                if start_line_old == 1 \
                        and p_children[0].get_first_leaf().prefix.startswith(BOM_UTF8_STRING):
                    # If there's a BOM in the beginning, just reparse. It's too
                    # complicated to account for it otherwise.
                    copied_nodes = []
                    from_ = self._nodes_tree.parsed_until_line + 1
                    copied_nodes = self._nodes_tree.copy_nodes(
                # Match all the nodes that are in the wanted range.
                if copied_nodes:
                    self._copy_count += 1

                    to = self._nodes_tree.parsed_until_line

                    LOG.debug('copy old[%s:%s] new[%s:%s]',
                              copied_nodes[-1].end_pos[0] - 1, from_, to)
                    # We have copied as much as possible (but definitely not too
                    # much). Therefore we just parse a bit more.
                    self._parse(self._nodes_tree.parsed_until_line + 1)
            # Since there are potential bugs that might loop here endlessly, we
            # just stop here.
            assert last_until_line != self._nodes_tree.parsed_until_line, last_until_line
            last_until_line = self._nodes_tree.parsed_until_line

    def _get_old_line_stmt(self, old_line):
        leaf = self._module.get_leaf_for_position((old_line, 0), include_prefixes=True)

        if _ends_with_newline(leaf):
            leaf = leaf.get_next_leaf()
        if leaf.get_start_pos_of_prefix()[0] == old_line:
            node = leaf
            while node.parent.type not in ('file_input', 'suite'):
                node = node.parent

            # Make sure that if only the `else:` line of an if statement is
            # copied that not the whole thing is going to be copied.
            if node.start_pos[0] >= old_line:
                return node
        # Must be on the same line. Otherwise we need to parse that bit.
        return None

    def _parse(self, until_line):
        Parses at least until the given line, but might just parse more until a
        valid state is reached.
        last_until_line = 0
        while until_line > self._nodes_tree.parsed_until_line:
            node = self._try_parse_part(until_line)
            nodes = node.children

            self._nodes_tree.add_parsed_nodes(nodes, self._keyword_token_indents)
            if self._replace_tos_indent is not None:
                self._nodes_tree.indents[-1] = self._replace_tos_indent

                'parse_part from %s to %s (to %s in part parser)',
                node.end_pos[0] - 1
            # Since the tokenizer sometimes has bugs, we cannot be sure that
            # this loop terminates. Therefore assert that there's always a
            # change.
            assert last_until_line != self._nodes_tree.parsed_until_line, last_until_line
            last_until_line = self._nodes_tree.parsed_until_line

    def _try_parse_part(self, until_line):
        Sets up a normal parser that uses a spezialized tokenizer to only parse
        until a certain position (or a bit longer if the statement hasn't
        self._parser_count += 1
        # TODO speed up, shouldn't copy the whole list all the time.
        # memoryview?
        parsed_until_line = self._nodes_tree.parsed_until_line
        lines_after = self._parser_lines_new[parsed_until_line:]
        tokens = self._diff_tokenize(
        self._active_parser = Parser(
        return self._active_parser.parse(tokens=tokens)

    def _diff_tokenize(self, lines, until_line, line_offset=0):
        was_newline = False
        indents = self._nodes_tree.indents
        initial_indentation_count = len(indents)

        tokens = self._tokenizer(
            start_pos=(line_offset + 1, 0),
            is_first_token=line_offset == 0,
        stack = self._active_parser.stack
        self._replace_tos_indent = None
        self._keyword_token_indents = {}
        # print('start', line_offset + 1, indents)
        for token in tokens:
            # print(token, indents)
            typ = token.type
            if typ == DEDENT:
                if len(indents) < initial_indentation_count:
                    # We are done here, only thing that can come now is an
                    # endmarker or another dedented code block.
                    while True:
                        typ, string, start_pos, prefix = token = next(tokens)
                        if typ in (DEDENT, ERROR_DEDENT):
                            if typ == ERROR_DEDENT:
                                # We want to force an error dedent in the next
                                # parser/pass. To make this possible we just
                                # increase the location by one.
                                self._replace_tos_indent = start_pos[1] + 1

                    if '\n' in prefix or '\r' in prefix:
                        prefix = re.sub(r'[^\n\r]+\Z', '', prefix)
                        assert start_pos[1] >= len(prefix), repr(prefix)
                        if start_pos[1] - len(prefix) == 0:
                            prefix = ''
                    yield PythonToken(
                        ENDMARKER, '',
            elif typ == NEWLINE and token.start_pos[0] >= until_line:
                was_newline = True
            elif was_newline:
                was_newline = False
                if len(indents) == initial_indentation_count:
                    # Check if the parser is actually in a valid suite state.
                    if _suite_or_file_input_is_valid(self._pgen_grammar, stack):
                        yield PythonToken(ENDMARKER, '', token.start_pos, '')

            if typ == NAME and token.string in ('class', 'def'):
                self._keyword_token_indents[token.start_pos] = list(indents)

            yield token

class _NodesTreeNode:
    _ChildrenGroup = namedtuple(
        'prefix children line_offset last_line_offset_leaf')

    def __init__(self, tree_node, parent=None, indentation=0):
        self.tree_node = tree_node
        self._children_groups = []
        self.parent = parent
        self._node_children = []
        self.indentation = indentation

    def finish(self):
        children = []
        for prefix, children_part, line_offset, last_line_offset_leaf in self._children_groups:
            first_leaf = _get_next_leaf_if_indentation(

            first_leaf.prefix = prefix + first_leaf.prefix
            if line_offset != 0:
                        children_part, line_offset, last_line_offset_leaf)
                except _PositionUpdatingFinished:
            children += children_part
        self.tree_node.children = children
        # Reset the parents
        for node in children:
            node.parent = self.tree_node

        for node_child in self._node_children:

    def add_child_node(self, child_node):

    def add_tree_nodes(self, prefix, children, line_offset=0,
        if last_line_offset_leaf is None:
            last_line_offset_leaf = children[-1].get_last_leaf()
        group = self._ChildrenGroup(
            prefix, children, line_offset, last_line_offset_leaf

    def get_last_line(self, suffix):
        line = 0
        if self._children_groups:
            children_group = self._children_groups[-1]
            last_leaf = _get_previous_leaf_if_indentation(

            line = last_leaf.end_pos[0] + children_group.line_offset

            # Newlines end on the next line, which means that they would cover
            # the next line. That line is not fully parsed at this point.
            if _ends_with_newline(last_leaf, suffix):
                line -= 1
        line += len(split_lines(suffix)) - 1

        if suffix and not suffix.endswith('\n') and not suffix.endswith('\r'):
            # This is the end of a file (that doesn't end with a newline).
            line += 1

        if self._node_children:
            return max(line, self._node_children[-1].get_last_line(suffix))
        return line

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.tree_node)

class _NodesTree:
    def __init__(self, module):
        self._base_node = _NodesTreeNode(module)
        self._working_stack = [self._base_node]
        self._module = module
        self._prefix_remainder = ''
        self.prefix = ''
        self.indents = [0]

    def parsed_until_line(self):
        return self._working_stack[-1].get_last_line(self.prefix)

    def _update_insertion_node(self, indentation):
        for node in reversed(list(self._working_stack)):
            if node.indentation < indentation or node is self._working_stack[0]:
                return node

    def add_parsed_nodes(self, tree_nodes, keyword_token_indents):
        old_prefix = self.prefix
        tree_nodes = self._remove_endmarker(tree_nodes)
        if not tree_nodes:
            self.prefix = old_prefix + self.prefix

        assert tree_nodes[0].type != 'newline'

        node = self._update_insertion_node(tree_nodes[0].start_pos[1])
        assert node.tree_node.type in ('suite', 'file_input')
        node.add_tree_nodes(old_prefix, tree_nodes)
        # tos = Top of stack
        self._update_parsed_node_tos(tree_nodes[-1], keyword_token_indents)

    def _update_parsed_node_tos(self, tree_node, keyword_token_indents):
        if tree_node.type == 'suite':
            def_leaf = tree_node.parent.children[0]
            new_tos = _NodesTreeNode(
            new_tos.add_tree_nodes('', list(tree_node.children))


            self._update_parsed_node_tos(tree_node.children[-1], keyword_token_indents)
        elif _func_or_class_has_suite(tree_node):
            self._update_parsed_node_tos(tree_node.children[-1], keyword_token_indents)

    def _remove_endmarker(self, tree_nodes):
        Helps cleaning up the tree nodes that get inserted.
        last_leaf = tree_nodes[-1].get_last_leaf()
        is_endmarker = last_leaf.type == 'endmarker'
        self._prefix_remainder = ''
        if is_endmarker:
            prefix = last_leaf.prefix
            separation = max(prefix.rfind('\n'), prefix.rfind('\r'))
            if separation > -1:
                # Remove the whitespace part of the prefix after a newline.
                # That is not relevant if parentheses were opened. Always parse
                # until the end of a line.
                last_leaf.prefix, self._prefix_remainder = \
                    last_leaf.prefix[:separation + 1], last_leaf.prefix[separation + 1:]

        self.prefix = ''

        if is_endmarker:
            self.prefix = last_leaf.prefix

            tree_nodes = tree_nodes[:-1]
        return tree_nodes

    def _get_matching_indent_nodes(self, tree_nodes, is_new_suite):
        # There might be a random dedent where we have to stop copying.
        # Invalid indents are ok, because the parser handled that
        # properly before. An invalid dedent can happen, because a few
        # lines above there was an invalid indent.
        node_iterator = iter(tree_nodes)
        if is_new_suite:
            yield next(node_iterator)

        first_node = next(node_iterator)
        indent = _get_indentation(first_node)
        if not is_new_suite and indent not in self.indents:
        yield first_node

        for n in node_iterator:
            if _get_indentation(n) != indent:
            yield n

    def copy_nodes(self, tree_nodes, until_line, line_offset):
        Copies tree nodes from the old parser tree.

        Returns the number of tree nodes that were copied.
        if tree_nodes[0].type in ('error_leaf', 'error_node'):
            # Avoid copying errors in the beginning. Can lead to a lot of
            # issues.
            return []

        indentation = _get_indentation(tree_nodes[0])
        old_working_stack = list(self._working_stack)
        old_prefix = self.prefix
        old_indents = self.indents
        self.indents = [i for i in self.indents if i <= indentation]


        new_nodes, self._working_stack, self.prefix, added_indents = self._copy_nodes(
        if new_nodes:
            self.indents += added_indents
            self._working_stack = old_working_stack
            self.prefix = old_prefix
            self.indents = old_indents
        return new_nodes

    def _copy_nodes(self, working_stack, nodes, until_line, line_offset,
                    prefix='', is_nested=False):
        new_nodes = []
        added_indents = []

        nodes = list(self._get_matching_indent_nodes(

        new_prefix = ''
        for node in nodes:
            if node.start_pos[0] > until_line:

            if node.type == 'endmarker':

            if node.type == 'error_leaf' and node.token_type in ('DEDENT', 'ERROR_DEDENT'):
            # TODO this check might take a bit of time for large files. We
            # might want to change this to do more intelligent guessing or
            # binary search.
            if _get_last_line(node) > until_line:
                # We can split up functions and classes later.
                if _func_or_class_has_suite(node):
                c = node.children
            except AttributeError:
                # This case basically appears with error recovery of one line
                # suites like `def foo(): bar.-`. In this case we might not
                # include a newline in the statement and we need to take care
                # of that.
                n = node
                if n.type == 'decorated':
                    n = n.children[-1]
                if n.type in ('async_funcdef', 'async_stmt'):
                    n = n.children[-1]
                if n.type in ('classdef', 'funcdef'):
                    suite_node = n.children[-1]
                    suite_node = c[-1]

                if suite_node.type in ('error_leaf', 'error_node'):


        # Pop error nodes at the end from the list
        if new_nodes:
            while new_nodes:
                last_node = new_nodes[-1]
                if (last_node.type in ('error_leaf', 'error_node')
                        or _is_flow_node(new_nodes[-1])):
                    # Error leafs/nodes don't have a defined start/end. Error
                    # nodes might not end with a newline (e.g. if there's an
                    # open `(`). Therefore ignore all of them unless they are
                    # succeeded with valid parser state.
                    # If we copy flows at the end, they might be continued
                    # after the copy limit (in the new parser).
                    # In this while loop we try to remove until we find a newline.
                    new_prefix = ''
                    while new_nodes:
                        last_node = new_nodes[-1]
                        if last_node.get_last_leaf().type == 'newline':
                if len(new_nodes) > 1 and new_nodes[-2].type == 'error_node':
                    # The problem here is that Parso error recovery sometimes
                    # influences nodes before this node.
                    # Since the new last node is an error node this will get
                    # cleaned up in the next while iteration.

        if not new_nodes:
            return [], working_stack, prefix, added_indents

        tos = working_stack[-1]
        last_node = new_nodes[-1]
        had_valid_suite_last = False
        # Pop incomplete suites from the list
        if _func_or_class_has_suite(last_node):
            suite = last_node
            while suite.type != 'suite':
                suite = suite.children[-1]

            indent = _get_suite_indentation(suite)

            suite_tos = _NodesTreeNode(suite, indentation=_get_indentation(last_node))
            # Don't need to pass line_offset here, it's already done by the
            # parent.
            suite_nodes, new_working_stack, new_prefix, ai = self._copy_nodes(
                working_stack + [suite_tos], suite.children, until_line, line_offset,
            added_indents += ai
            if len(suite_nodes) < 2:
                # A suite only with newline is not valid.
                new_prefix = ''
                assert new_nodes
                working_stack = new_working_stack
                had_valid_suite_last = True

        if new_nodes:
            if not _ends_with_newline(new_nodes[-1].get_last_leaf()) and not had_valid_suite_last:
                p = new_nodes[-1].get_next_leaf().prefix
                # We are not allowed to remove the newline at the end of the
                # line, otherwise it's going to be missing. This happens e.g.
                # if a bracket is around before that moves newlines to
                # prefixes.
                new_prefix = split_lines(p, keepends=True)[0]

            if had_valid_suite_last:
                last = new_nodes[-1]
                if last.type == 'decorated':
                    last = last.children[-1]
                if last.type in ('async_funcdef', 'async_stmt'):
                    last = last.children[-1]
                last_line_offset_leaf = last.children[-2].get_last_leaf()
                assert last_line_offset_leaf == ':'
                last_line_offset_leaf = new_nodes[-1].get_last_leaf()
                prefix, new_nodes, line_offset, last_line_offset_leaf,
            prefix = new_prefix
            self._prefix_remainder = ''

        return new_nodes, working_stack, prefix, added_indents

    def close(self):

        # Add an endmarker.
            last_leaf = self._module.get_last_leaf()
        except IndexError:
            end_pos = [1, 0]
            last_leaf = _skip_dedent_error_leaves(last_leaf)
            end_pos = list(last_leaf.end_pos)
        lines = split_lines(self.prefix)
        assert len(lines) > 0
        if len(lines) == 1:
            if lines[0].startswith(BOM_UTF8_STRING) and end_pos == [1, 0]:
                end_pos[1] -= 1
            end_pos[1] += len(lines[0])
            end_pos[0] += len(lines) - 1
            end_pos[1] = len(lines[-1])

        endmarker = EndMarker('', tuple(end_pos), self.prefix + self._prefix_remainder)
        endmarker.parent = self._module