package LL;

# This module depends on which is obsolete and deprecated 
# starting from ARC 6.0 
# Please DO NOT build new LRMS modules based on this one but follow
# the indications in
# instead.

use strict;
our @ISA = ('Exporter');

# Module implements these subroutines for the LRMS interface

our @EXPORT_OK = ('cluster_info',

use LogUtils ( 'start_logging', 'error', 'warning', 'debug' ); 

# Saved private variables


# Private subs

# calculates the total cpus from a string like: " 1 3 5-9 "
sub total_from_individual($){
   my $str=shift;

   #trim string
   $str =~ s/^\s+//;
   $str =~ s/\s+$//;

   my @ids = split(' ', $str);
   my $total = 0;

   foreach my $id (@ids) {
     if ( $id =~ /([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)/ ){
       $total += $2-$1 +1;
     }elsif( $id =~ /[0-9]+/ ){

   return $total;

sub consumable_distribution ($$) {

    my ( $path ) = shift;
    my ( $consumable_type ) = shift;
    unless (open LLSTATUSOUT,  "$path/llstatus -R|") {
	error("Error in executing llstatus");
    my @cons_dist = ();
    while (<LLSTATUSOUT>) {
       if ( /[^# ]*(#*) *.*$consumable_type\*?\(([0-9]*),([0-9]*).*/ ) {
       #if displayed as total cpus
          # Check if node is down
          if ( $1 ne "#" ) {
             my @a = ($3 - $2,$3);
             push @cons_dist, [ @a ];
       } elsif ( /[^# ]*(#*) *.*$consumable_type<([^>]*)><([^>]*)>.*/ ){
       #if displayed as individual cpu numbers
          if ( $1 ne "#" ) {
             my $availcpu=total_from_individual($2);
             my $alcpu=total_from_individual($3);
             my @a = ($alcpu  - $availcpu,$alcpu);
             push @cons_dist, [ @a ];

    return @cons_dist;

sub consumable_total (@) {

    my @dist = @_;
    my ($cpus, $used, $max);
    foreach $cpus (@{dist}) {
	$used += ${$cpus}[0];
        $max  += ${$cpus}[1];
    return ($used,$max)	

sub cpudist2str (@) {

    my @dist = @_;
    my @total_dist = ();
    my $str = '';

    # Collect number of available cores
    my ($used,$max,$cpus);
    foreach $cpus (@dist) {
	($used, $max) = @{$cpus};

    # Turn it into a string
    my $n;
    $n = 0;
    foreach $cpus (@total_dist) {
	if ($cpus) {
	    if ( $str ne '') {
		$str .= ' ';
	    $str .= $n . "cpu:" . $cpus;
    return $str;

sub get_cpu_distribution($) { 

	my ( $path ) = shift;

	my $single_job_per_box = 1;

    if ($single_job_per_box == 1) {
       # Without hyperthreading
  	   unless (open LLSTATUSOUT,  "$path/llstatus -f %sta|") {
  	   	  error("Error in executing llstatus");
	} else {
       # Use all available cpus/cores including hyperthreading:
	   unless (open LLSTATUSOUT,  "$path/llstatus -r %cpu %sta|") {
		  error("Error in executing llstatus");

	my %cpudist;
	while (<LLSTATUSOUT>) {
		# We only want CPU lines (and there must be at least one)
		next if !/^[1-9]/;
		# An empty line denotes end of CPUs
		last if /^$/;

		my $cpus;
		my $startd;

		if ($single_job_per_box == 1) {
		    ($startd) = split/\!/;
		    $cpus = 1;
		} else {
		    ($cpus, $startd) = split/\!/;

		# Only count those machines which have startd running
		if ($startd ne "0") {


	return %cpudist;

sub get_used_cpus($) { 

	my ( $path ) = shift;

	unless (open LLSTATUSOUT,  "$path/llstatus |") {
		error("Error in executing llstatus");

	my $cpus_used;

	while (<LLSTATUSOUT>) {
		# We only want CPU lines (and there must be at least one)
		next if !/^Total Machines/;
		tr / //s;
		my @fields = split;
		$cpus_used   = $fields[6];


	return ($cpus_used);

sub get_long_status($) { 

	my ( $path ) = shift;

	unless (open LLSTATUSOUT,  "$path/llstatus -l |") {
		error("Error in executing llstatus");

	my %cpudist;
	my $machine_name;
	my %machines;

	while (<LLSTATUSOUT>) {
		# Discard trailing information separated by a newline
		if ( /^$/ ) {
		my ($par, $val) = split/\s*=\s*/,$_,2;
		if ($par eq 'Name') {
		$machines{$machine_name}{$par} = $val;

	return %machines;

sub get_long_queue_info($$) { 

	my ( $path ) = shift;
	my ( $queue) = shift;

	unless (open LLCLASSOUT,  "$path/llclass -l $queue |") {
		error("Error in executing llclass");

	my %queue_info;
	my $queue_name;

	while (<LLCLASSOUT>) {
		# Discard trailing information separated by a newline and header
		if ( /^$/ || /^==========/ ) {

		# Info ends with a line of dashes
		last if /^----------/;

		my ($par, $val) = split/\s*:\s*/,$_,2;

		if ($par eq 'Name') {

		$queue_info{$queue_name}{$par} = $val;


	return %queue_info;

sub get_queues($) {

	my ( $path ) = shift;

	unless (open LLCLASSOUT,  "$path/llclass |") {
		error("Error in executing llclass");

	# llclass outputs queues (classes) delimited by ---- markers

	my @queues;
	my $queue_sect;
	while (<LLCLASSOUT>) {

		# Now reading queues
		if ( /^----------/ && $queue_sect == 0) {
		    if ($#queues == -1) {
				$queue_sect = 1;

		# Normal ending after reading final queue
		if ( /^----------/ && $queue_sect == 1) {
			$queue_sect = 0;
			return @queues;

		if ( $queue_sect == 1 ) {
			s/ .*//;
			push @queues, $_;


	# We only end here if there were no queues
	return @queues;

sub get_short_job_info($$) { 

    # Path to LRMS commands
    my ($path) = shift;
    # Name of the queue to query
    my ($queue) = shift;

    if ($queue ne "") {
	unless (open LLQOUT, "$path/llq -c $queue |") {
	    error("Error in executing llq");
    } else {
	unless (open LLQOUT, "$path/llq |") {
	    error("Error in executing llq");

    my %jobstatus;

    while (<LLQOUT>) {

        my ($total, $waiting, $pending, $running, $held, $preempted);

        $total = 0; $waiting = 0; $pending = 0; $running = 0; $held = 0; $preempted = 0;

        if (/(\d*) .* (\d*) waiting, (\d*) pending, (\d*) running, (\d*) held, (\d*) preempted/) {
          $total     = $1;
          $waiting   = $2;
          $pending   = $3;
          $running   = $4;
          $held      = $5;
          $preempted = $6;
	$jobstatus{total}     = $total;
	$jobstatus{waiting}   = $waiting;
        $jobstatus{pending}   = $pending;
	$jobstatus{running}   = $running;
	$jobstatus{held}      = $held;
	$jobstatus{preempted} = $preempted;
    close LLQOUT;
    return %jobstatus;

sub get_long_job_info($$) { 

    # Path to LRMS commands
    my ($path) = shift;
    # LRMS job IDs from Grid Manager (jobs with "INLRMS" GM status)
    my ($lrms_ids) = @_;

    my %jobinfo;
    if ( (@{$lrms_ids})==0){
      return %jobinfo;
    # can the list of ids become too long for the shell? 
    my $lrmsidstr = join(" ", @{$lrms_ids});

	unless (open LLQOUT, "$path/llq -l -x $lrmsidstr |") {
	  error("Error in executing llq");
    my $jobid;
    my $skip=0;

    while (<LLQOUT>) {

    # Discard trailing information separated by a newline
    if (/job step\(s\) in queue, /) {
    # Discard header lines
	if (/^===/) {
	# Skip all lines of extra info
	if (/^--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/) {
	if ($skip) {
	# Create variables using text before colon, trimming whitespace on both sides and replacing white space with _
	my ($par, $val) = split/: */,$_,2;
	$par =~ s/^\s+//;
	$par =~ s/\s+$//;
	$par =~ s/\s/_/g;
	# Assign variables
	if ($par eq 'Job_Step_Id') {
	    $jobid = $val;
	$jobinfo{$jobid}{$par} = $val;
    close LLQOUT;
    return %jobinfo;

# Public subs

sub cluster_info ($) {

    # Path to LRMS commands
    my ($config) = shift;
    my ($path) = $$config{ll_bin_path};

    my (%lrms_cluster);

    # lrms_type
    $lrms_cluster{lrms_type} = "LoadLeveler";

    # lrms_version
    my $status_string=`$path/llstatus -v`;
    if ( $? != 0 ) {    
	warning("Can't run llstatus");
    $status_string =~ /^\S+\s+(\S+)/;
    $lrms_cluster{lrms_version} = $1;

	# LL tracks total cpu time but the cpu time limit that the user asked is
	# first scaled up with the number of requested job slots before enforcing
	# the cpu time limit. Effectively the cpu time limit is the maxmum average
	# per-slot cputime
	$lrms_cluster{has_total_cputime_limit} = 0;

    my ($ll_consumable_resources) = $$config{ll_consumable_resources};

    if ($ll_consumable_resources ne "yes") {

	# totalcpus
	$lrms_cluster{totalcpus} = 0;
	$lrms_cluster{cpudistribution} = "";
	my %cpudist = get_cpu_distribution($path);
	my $sep = "";
	foreach my $key (keys %cpudist) {
	    $lrms_cluster{cpudistribution} .= $sep.$key."cpu:".$cpudist{$key};
	    if (!$sep) {
		$sep = " ";
	    $lrms_cluster{totalcpus} += $key * $cpudist{$key};

	# Simple way to find used cpus (slots/cores) by reading the output of llstatus
	$lrms_cluster{usedcpus} = get_used_cpus($path);

    } else {

	# Find used / max CPUs from cconsumable resources
	my @dist = consumable_distribution($path,"ConsumableCpus");
	my @cpu_total = consumable_total(@dist);

	$lrms_cluster{cpudistribution} = cpudist2str(@dist);
	$lrms_cluster{totalcpus} = $cpu_total[1];
	$lrms_cluster{usedcpus} = $cpu_total[0];

    my %jobstatus = get_short_job_info($path,"");

    # Here waiting actually refers to jobsteps
    $lrms_cluster{queuedcpus} = $jobstatus{waiting};
    # TODO: this is wrong, but we are not worse off than earlier
    # we should count jobs, not cpus
    $lrms_cluster{runningjobs} = $jobstatus{running};
    $lrms_cluster{queuedjobs} = $jobstatus{waiting};
    $lrms_cluster{queue} = [ ];

    return %lrms_cluster;

sub queue_info ($$) {

    # Path to LRMS commands
    my ($config) = shift;
    my ($path) = $$config{ll_bin_path};

    # Name of the queue to query
    my ($queue) = shift;

    my %long_queue_info = get_long_queue_info($path,$queue);
    my %jobstatus       = get_short_job_info($path,$queue);

    # Translate between LoadLeveler and ARC

    $lrms_queue{status} = $long_queue_info{$queue}{'Free_slots'};

    # Max_total_tasks seems to give the right queue limit
    #$lrms_queue{maxrunning} = $long_queue_info{$queue}{'Max_total_tasks'};
    # Maximum_slots is really the right parameter to use for queue limit
    $lrms_queue{maxrunning} = $long_queue_info{$queue}{'Maximum_slots'};

    $lrms_queue{maxqueuable} = "";
    $lrms_queue{maxuserrun} = $lrms_queue{maxrunning};

    # Note we use Wall Clock!
    $_ = $long_queue_info{$queue}{'Wall_clock_limit'};
    if (/\((.*) seconds,/) {
	$lrms_queue{maxcputime} = int($1 / 60);
    $lrms_queue{maxwalltime} = $lrms_queue{maxcputime};

    # There is no lower limit enforced
    $lrms_queue{mincputime} = 0;
    $lrms_queue{minwalltime} = 0;
    # LL v3 has Def_wall... and LL v5 has Default_wall...
    $_ = $long_queue_info{$queue}{'Def_wall_clock_limit'};
    if (! defined $_ || $_ eq ""){
       $_ = $long_queue_info{$queue}{'Default_wall_clock_limit'};
    if (/\((.*) seconds,/) {
	$lrms_queue{defaultcput} = int($1 / 60);
    $lrms_queue{defaultwallt}= $lrms_queue{defaultcput};
    $lrms_queue{running} = $jobstatus{running}; # + $jobstatus{held} + $jobstatus{preempted};
    $lrms_queue{queued}  = $jobstatus{waiting};
#    $lrms_queue{totalcpus} =  $long_queue_info{$queue}{'Max_processors'};
    $lrms_queue{totalcpus} =  $long_queue_info{$queue}{'Maximum_slots'};
    return %lrms_queue;

sub jobs_info ($$$) {

    # Path to LRMS commands
    my ($config) = shift;
    my ($path) = $$config{ll_bin_path};
    # Name of the queue to query
    my ($queue) = shift;
    # LRMS job IDs from Grid Manager (jobs with "INLRMS" GM status)
    my ($lrms_ids) = @_;

    my (%lrms_jobs);

    my %jobinfo = get_long_job_info($path,$lrms_ids);

    foreach my $id (keys %jobinfo) {
        $lrms_jobs{$id}{status} = "O";
	if (
	    $jobinfo{$id}{Status} eq "Running"
	    ) {
            $lrms_jobs{$id}{status} = "R";
	if (
	    ($jobinfo{$id}{Status} eq "Idle") ||
	    ($jobinfo{$id}{Status} eq "Deferred")
	    ) {
            $lrms_jobs{$id}{status} = "Q";
	if (
	    ($jobinfo{$id}{Status} eq "Completed") ||
	    ($jobinfo{$id}{Status} eq "Canceled") ||
	    ($jobinfo{$id}{Status} eq "Removed") ||
	    ($jobinfo{$id}{Status} eq "Remove Pending") ||
	    ($jobinfo{$id}{Status} eq "Terminated")
	    ) {
            $lrms_jobs{$id}{status} = "E";
	if (
	    ($jobinfo{$id}{Status} eq "System Hold") ||
	    ($jobinfo{$id}{Status} eq "User Hold") ||
	    ($jobinfo{$id}{Status} eq "User and System Hold")
	    ) {
            $lrms_jobs{$id}{status} = "S";
	if (
	    ($jobinfo{$id}{Status} eq "Checkpointing")
	    ) {
            $lrms_jobs{$id}{status} = "O";

	$lrms_jobs{$id}{mem} = -1;
	my $dispt = `date +%s -d "$jobinfo{$id}{Dispatch_Time}\n"`;
	chomp $dispt;
 	$lrms_jobs{$id}{walltime} = POSIX::ceil((time() - $dispt) /60);
 	# Setting cputime, should be converted to minutes
	$lrms_jobs{$id}{cputime} = 0;
        if (defined $jobinfo{$id}{Step_Total_Time}) {
            my (@cput) = split(/:/,$jobinfo{$id}{Step_Total_Time});       
            my (@cpudh) = split(/\+/,$cput[0]);
            if (@cpudh == 2){
               $cput[0]= 24*$cpudh[0] + $cpudh[1];
	    $lrms_jobs{$id}{cputime} = int($cput[0]*60 + $cput[1] + $cput[2]/60) if (@cput); 
	if ($jobinfo{$id}{Wall_Clk_Hard_Limit} =~ / \(([0-9]*) seconds\)/) {
		$lrms_jobs{$id}{reqwalltime} = int($1 / 60);
	$lrms_jobs{$id}{reqcputime} = $lrms_jobs{$id}{reqwalltime};
	$lrms_jobs{$id}{comment} = [ "LRMS: $jobinfo{$id}{Status}" ];
        if (defined $jobinfo{$id}{Allocated_Host} && $jobinfo{$id}{Allocated_Host} ne "") {
            $lrms_jobs{$id}{nodes} =  ["$jobinfo{$id}{Allocated_Host}"];
        } elsif (defined $jobinfo{$id}{Allocated_Hosts} && $jobinfo{$id}{Allocated_Hosts} ne "") {
            $lrms_jobs{$id}{nodes} =  ["$jobinfo{$id}{Allocated_Hosts}"];
        } else {
            $lrms_jobs{$id}{nodes} = [];

        $lrms_jobs{$id}{rank} = -1;
        $lrms_jobs{$id}{cpus} = 0;
        $lrms_jobs{$id}{cpus} = $jobinfo{$id}{Step_Cpus};

    return %lrms_jobs;

sub users_info($$@) {

    my ($config) = shift;
    my ($path) = $$config{ll_bin_path};

    my ($qname) = shift;
    my ($accts) = shift;

    my (%lrms_users);

    if ( ! exists $lrms_queue{status} ) {
        %lrms_queue = queue_info( $path, $qname );
    # Using simple estimate. Fair-share value is only known by Administrator.
    foreach my $u ( @{$accts} ) {
        $lrms_users{$u}{freecpus} = $lrms_queue{status};
        $lrms_users{$u}{queuelength} = "$lrms_queue{queued}";
    return %lrms_users;
