#!/bin/bash # # Periodically check state of grid jobs in SLURM, and put mark files # for finished jobs. # # usage: scan_slurm_job control_dir ... # ARC1 passes first the config file. if [ "$1" = "--config" ]; then shift; ARC_CONFIG=$1; shift; fi # Validate control directories supplied on command-line if [ -z "$1" ] ; then echo "no control_dir specified" 1>&2; exit 1 fi for ctr_dir in "$@"; do if [ ! -d "$ctr_dir" ]; then echo "called with erronous control dir: $ctr_dir" exit 1 fi done joboption_lrms="SLURM" lrms_options="slurm_wakeupperiod slurm_use_sacct slurm_bin_path slurm_query_retries" # define paths and config parser basedir=`dirname $0` basedir=`cd $basedir > /dev/null && pwd` || exit $? . "${basedir}/lrms_common.sh" # include common scan functions . "${pkgdatadir}/scan_common.sh" || exit $? # run common init # * parse config # * load LRMS-specific env # * set common variables common_init # Prevent multiple instances of scan-slurm-job to run concurrently lockfile="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/scan-slurm-job.lock" #Check if lockfile exist, if not, create it. (set -C; : > "$lockfile") 2> /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then if ps -p $(< "$lockfile") 2>/dev/null;then echo "lockfile exists and PID $(< $lockfile) is running" exit 1 fi echo "old lockfile found, was scan-slurm-job killed?" # sleep, and if no other have removed and recreated the lockfile we remove it. # there are still races possible, but this will have to do sleep $((${RANDOM}%30+10)) if ps -p $(< $lockfile) &>/dev/null;then echo "lockfile exists and $(< $lockfile) is running" exit 1 else echo "still not running, removing lockfile" rm $lockfile exit 1 fi fi echo "$$" > "$lockfile" #If killed, remove lockfile trap 'rm $lockfile' EXIT KILL TERM #Default sleep-time is 30 seconds sleep ${CONFIG_slurm_wakeupperiod:-30} # Log system performance if [ ! -z "$perflogdir" ]; then perflog_common "$perflogdir" "$CONFIG_controldir" fi ### use sacct unset use_sacct if [ ! -z "${CONFIG_slurm_use_sacct}" ]; then if [ "${CONFIG_slurm_use_sacct}" = "yes" ]; then use_sacct="true" fi fi ### slurm_query_retries unset slurm_query_retries if [ ! -z "${CONFIG_slurm_query_retries}" ]; then slurm_query_retries=${CONFIG_slurm_query_retries} fi my_id=`id -u` if [ ! -z "$perflogdir" ]; then #start time stamp start_ts=`date +%s.%N` fi # List of SLURM jobids for grid-jobs with state INLRMS declare -a localids # Array with basenames of grid-job files in ctrl_dir, indexed by localid # example /some/path/job.XXXXX /some/other/parh/job.YYYYY declare -a basenames # Array with states of the jobs in SLURM, indexed by localid declare -a jobstates # Array to store localids of jobs that are determined to have finished, which are sent to gm-kick declare -a kicklist # Array with jobid blocks declare -a lidblocks # Find list of grid jobs with status INLRMS, store localid and # basename for those jobs for ctr_dir in "$@"; do for basename in $(find "$ctr_dir/processing" -name 'job.*.status' -print0 \ | xargs -0 egrep -l "INLRMS|CANCELING" \ | sed 's/processing\/job\.\([^\.]*\)\.status$/job.\1/') do localid=$(grep ^localid= "${basename}.local" | cut -d= -f2) verify_jobid "$localid" || continue localids[${#localids[@]}]="$localid" basenames[$localid]="$basename" done done # No need to continue further if no jobs have status INLRMS if [ ${#localids[@]} -eq 0 ]; then exit 0 fi # Distribute localids into block so that we don't exceed max command line length for jids in `echo "${localids[@]}" | xargs -n 4000 | tr ' ' ,`; do lidblocks[${#lidblocks[@]}]=$jids done if [ ! -z "$perflogdir" ]; then stop_ts=`date +%s.%N` # t=`perl -e "printf '%.2f',$stop_ts-$start_ts;"` t=`awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.3f\", ${stop_ts}-${start_ts} }"` echo "[`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T`] scan-slurm-job, ControldirTraversal: $t" >> $perflogfile fi if [ ! -z "$perflogdir" ]; then start_ts=`date +%s.%N` fi # Get JobStates from SLURM jobstate_squeue=$(echo "${lidblocks[@]}" | xargs -n 1 $squeue -a -h -o "%i:%T" -t all -j )\ || { echo "[$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T)] squeue failed" 1>&2; exit 1; } for record in $jobstate_squeue; do localid=$(echo "$record"|cut -d: -f1) state=$(echo "$record"|cut -d: -f2) jobstates[$localid]=$state; done unset jobstate_squeue if [ ! -z "$perflogdir" ]; then stop_ts=`date +%s.%N` t=`awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.3f\", ${stop_ts}-${start_ts} }"` echo "[`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T`] scan-slurm-job, squeue -a -h -o %i:%T -t all -j: $t" >> $perflogfile fi # A special version of interval_to_seconds for Slurm v20.02 # This function takes a time interval formatted as 789:12:34:56 (with days) or # 12:34:56 (without days) and transforms it to seconds. It returns the result in # the return_interval_seconds variable. # Slurm format: [dd-][hh:][mm:][ss][.uuu]. # [.uuu] will always be removed. # There can be years and months in front of the days, like [yy-][mm-]? slurm_interval_to_seconds () { return_interval_seconds=0 _interval_dhms=`echo $1 | sed -e 's|-|:|' -e 's|\.[0-9]\+||'` _interval_good=`echo $_interval_dhms | grep -E '[^:0-9]'` _interval_size=`echo $_interval_dhms | grep -o : | wc -l` if [ X"$_interval_good" = "X" ] ; then if [ "$_interval_size" -eq 0 ]; then return_interval_seconds=$_interval_dhms elif [ "$_interval_size" -eq 1 ]; then return_interval_seconds=`echo $_interval_dhms | tr : ' ' | awk '{print $1*60+$2;}'` elif [ "$_interval_size" -eq 2 ]; then return_interval_seconds=`echo $_interval_dhms | tr : ' ' | awk '{print $1*60*60+$2*60+$3;}'` elif [ "$_interval_size" -eq 3 ]; then return_interval_seconds=`echo $_interval_dhms | tr : ' ' | awk '{print $1*24*60*60+$2*60*60+$3*60+$4;}'` else echo "Bad formatting of time interval: $_interval_dhms" 1>&2 fi else echo "Bad formatting of time interval: $_interval_dhms" 1>&2 fi unset _interval_dhms _interval_size _interval_good } handle_commentfile () { localid=$1 sessiondir=`grep -h '^sessiondir=' $jobfile | sed 's/^sessiondir=\(.*\)/\1/'` if [ "$my_id" != '0' ] ; then if [ ! -O "$jobfile" ] ; then continue ; fi fi uid=$(get_owner_uid "$jobfile") [ -z "$uid" ] && { log "Failed to stat $jobfile"; continue; } save_commentfile "$uid" "${sessiondir}.comment" "${basenames[$localid]}.errors" } # This function is called after a successfull call to handle_diag_file. # It fetches the exitcode from SLURM and inserts the code into the job.$localid.lrms_done file # The kicklist is updated to include the $localid of this job # # Input variables: # * localid # * tmpexitcode (hardcoded exitcode) # * reason (hardcoded reason) # # The following variables are initialized and updated, then written to .lrms_done # * exitcode (either hardcoded tmpexitcode or # * reason # # In slurm the exitcode is returned as <num>:<num> where the first <num> is the exit code, # and the second <num> is the signal number responsible for the job termination # function handle_exitcode { localid="$1" tmpexitcode="$2" reason="$3" exitcode_retries=$(( ${slurm_query_retries} + 1 )) while [ "$exitcode_retries" -gt 0 ]; do if [ "$use_sacct" ]; then jobinfostring=$("$sacct" -j $localid -o ExitCode -P -n | head -n 1) exitcode1=$(echo $jobinfostring|awk -F':' '{print $1}') exitcode2=$(echo $jobinfostring|awk -F':' '{print $2}') else jobinfostring=$("$scontrol" -o show job $localid) exitcode1=$(echo $jobinfostring|sed -n 's/.*ExitCode=\([0-9]*\):\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p') exitcode2=$(echo $jobinfostring|sed -n 's/.*ExitCode=\([0-9]*\):\([0-9]*\).*/\2/p') fi if [ -z "$jobinfostring" ]; then exitcode_retries=$(( $exitcode_retries - 1 )) echo "scan-SLURM-job - [$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T)] sacct/scontrol failed for job: $localid - could not fetch jobinfostring for exit code handling. Retries left: $exitcode_retries" 1>&2; jobinfo_exitcode_failed=1 else ## all ok, break out of loop unset jobinfo_exitcode_failed break fi done ## If all retries failed hence jobinfo_exitcode_failed set, skip this step and try again at next scan if [ -z "$jobinfo_exitcode_failed" ]; then if [ -z "$exitcode1" ] && [ -z "$exitcode2" ] ; then exitcode=$tmpexitcode elif [ -n "$exitcode2" ] && [ "$exitcode2" -ne 0 ]; then exitcode=$(( $exitcode2 + 256 )) elif [ -n "$exitcode1" ] && [ "$exitcode1" -ne 0 ]; then exitcode=$exitcode1 else exitcode=0 fi # Special handling of cancelled jobs - as SLURM can return exitcode 0:0 for cancelled jobs if [ "$exitcode" -eq 0 ] && [ "${reason}" != "${reason/cancelled/}" ]; then exitcode=15 fi echo "$exitcode $reason" > "${basenames[$localid]}.lrms_done" kicklist=(${kicklist[@]} $localid) fi } # # Collects accounting info from LRMS for a job by using sacct or scontrol SLURM commands # depending on ARC configuration. The job's LRMS id is stored in the "localid" variable. # It first reads the jobs diag file. The job_read_diag function initializes the following variables: # * nodename # * WallTime # * UserTime # * KernelTime # * TotalMemory # * ResidentMemory # * LRMSStartTime # * LRMSEndTime # * exitcode # # Next, information from LRMS is fetched. # If sacct is used, the following info is fetched: # * cpus (NCPUS) # * starttime (Start) # * endtime (End) # * usercputime (UserCPU) # * kernelcputime (SystemCPU) # # If scontrol is used instead of sacct, no usercputime is available, only walltime. # The following info is fetched from scontrol: # * cpus # * starttime (Start) # * endtime (End) # # Once the values have been fetched, the diag file values updated are # * WallTime - in seconds # * Processors # * UserTime - in seconds # * KernelTime - in seconds # Note again that in the case where scontrol is used instead of sacct UserTime=WallTime # # If for some reason sacct or scontrol fails (the former due to e.g. the slurm database being overloade) # a retry functionality is included. 3 retries is attempted for sacct/scontrol call. If still no # success, the handle_errorcode or handle_errorcode_cancelled is not called, avoiding the lrms_done mark. # This results in the job being picked up in the next scan for a new attempt. # # The STDOUT and STDERR are redirected to the job-helper.errors file. # function handle_diag_file { localid="$1" ctr_diag="$2" handle_diag_tries=$(( ${slurm_query_retries} + 1 )) job_read_diag ## This while loop is an attempt to reduce the cases where the job info ## is not successfully fetched from slurm due to slurm connection/timeout issues while [ "$handle_diag_tries" -gt 0 ] ; do unset jobinfo_collect_failed if [ "$use_sacct" ]; then jobinfostring=$("$sacct" -j $localid.batch -o NCPUS,Start,End,UserCPU,SystemCPU -P -n | tail -n 1) cpus=$(echo "$jobinfostring" | awk -F'|' '{print $1}') starttime=$(echo "$jobinfostring"|awk -F'|' '{print $2}'| sed 's,\([0-9]\+/[0-9]\+\)-\([0-9:]\+\),\1 \2,g' | sed 's/T/ /g') endtime=$(echo "$jobinfostring"|awk -F'|' '{print $3}'| sed 's,\([0-9]\+/[0-9]\+\)-\([0-9:]\+\),\1 \2,g' | sed 's/T/ /g') # UserCPU,SystemCPU format is [dd-]hh:mm:ss[.uuu] usercputime=$(echo "$jobinfostring" | awk -F'|' '{print $4}') kernelcputime=$(echo "$jobinfostring" | awk -F'|' '{print $5}') [ -z "$usercputime" ] && usercputime="00:00:00" [ -z "$kernelcputime" ] && kernelcputime="00:00:00" else jobinfostring=$("$scontrol" -o show job $localid) #Slurm can report StartTime and EndTime in at least these two formats: #2010-02-15T15:30:29 #02/15-15:25:15 #For our code to be able to manage both, the first needs to keep its hyphens, #the second needs them removed starttime=$(echo "$jobinfostring"|sed -n 's/.*StartTime=\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/p' | \ sed 's,\([0-9]\+/[0-9]\+\)-\([0-9:]\+\),\1 \2,g' | sed 's/T/ /g') endtime=$(echo "$jobinfostring"|sed -n 's/.*EndTime=\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/p' | \ sed 's,\([0-9]\+/[0-9]\+\)-\([0-9:]\+\),\1 \2,g' | sed 's/T/ /g') cpus=$(echo "$jobinfostring"|sed -n 's/.*NumCPUs=\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/p') fi if [ -z "$jobinfostring" ]; then jobinfo_collect_failed=1; fi ## Do not try again if cpus correctly filled with a number. Or if cpus filled with header of sacct, which means cpus=NCPUS. ## The latter is handled already in handle_diag_file function ## If (not empty cpus variable, and cpus variable is a number) or cpus variable is NCPUS then we are done, so break out of the retry loop if ( [ -n "$cpus" ] && [ "$cpus" -eq "$cpus" ] 2>/dev/null ) || [ z"$cpus" = "zNCPUS" ] ; then break ; fi handle_diag_tries=$(( $handle_diag_tries - 1 )) if [ -n "$jobinfo_collect_failed" ] ; then echo "scan-SLURM-job - [$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T)] sacct/scontrol failed for job: $localid - could not fetch jobinfostring to update the diag file. Retries left: $handle_diag_tries." 1>&2; fi sleep 2 done # if "sacct -j $localid.batch" return string "NCPUS|NNodes..." only, the job has no batch stage, it was killed before start on WN if [ ! z"$cpus" = "zNCPUS" ] && [ -z "$jobinfo_collect_failed" ]; then date_to_utc_seconds "$starttime" starttime_seconds="$return_date_seconds" seconds_to_mds_date "$return_date_seconds" LRMSStartTime=$return_mds_date date_to_utc_seconds "$endtime" endtime_seconds="$return_date_seconds" seconds_to_mds_date "$return_date_seconds" LRMSEndTime=$return_mds_date #TODO handle exitcode etc. walltime=$(( $endtime_seconds - $starttime_seconds)) slurm_interval_to_seconds "$usercputime" cputime="$return_interval_seconds" slurm_interval_to_seconds "$kernelcputime" kernel="$return_interval_seconds" # Values to write to diag. These will override values already written. [ -n "$walltime" ] && WallTime=$walltime [ -n "$cpus" ] && Processors=$cpus [ -n "$cputime" ] && UserTime=$cputime [ -n "$kernel" ] && KernelTime=$kernel job_write_diag fi } if [ ! -z "$perflogdir" ]; then start_ts=`date +%s.%N` fi run=0 completed=0 zombie=0 failed=0 # Look at the list of jobstates and determine which jobs that have # finished. Write job.XXXX.lrms_done according to this for localid in ${localids[@]}; do # Initialize jobfile variable since it's used below jobfile="${basenames[$localid]}.local" case "${jobstates[$localid]}" in "") # Job is missing (no state) from slurm but INLRMS. zombie=$(($zombie + 1)) exitcode='' # get session directory of this job sessiondir=`grep -h '^sessiondir=' $jobfile | sed 's/^sessiondir=\(.*\)/\1/'` diagfile="${sessiondir}.diag" commentfile="${sessiondir}.comment" if [ "$my_id" != '0' ] ; then if [ ! -O "$jobfile" ] ; then continue ; fi fi uid=$(get_owner_uid "$jobfile") [ -z "$uid" ] && { log "Failed to stat $jobfile"; continue; } if [ ! -z "$sessiondir" ] ; then # have chance to obtain exit code if [ -z "${RUNTIME_NODE_SEES_FRONTEND}" ] ; then # In case of non-NFS setup it may take some time till # diagnostics file is delivered. Wait for it max 2 minutes. diag_tries=20 while [ "$diag_tries" -gt 0 ] ; do if [ -z "$uid" ] ; then exitcode=`grep '^exitcode=' "$diagfile" 2>/dev/null | sed 's/^exitcode=//'` else exitcode=$(do_as_uid "$uid" "grep '^exitcode=' '$diagfile'" | sed 's/^exitcode=//') fi if [ ! -z "$exitcode" ] ; then break ; fi sleep 10 diag_tries=$(( $diag_tries - 1 )) done else if [ -z "$uid" ] ; then exitcode=`grep '^exitcode=' "$diagfile" 2>/dev/null | sed 's/^exitcode=//'` else exitcode=$(do_as_uid "$uid" "grep '^exitcode=' '$diagfile'" | sed 's/^exitcode=//') fi fi fi jobstatus="$exitcode Job missing from SLURM, exitcode recovered from session directory" if [ -z $exitcode ];then exitcode="-1" jobstatus="$exitcode Job missing from SLURM" fi save_commentfile "$uid" "$commentfile" "${basenames[$localid]}.errors" echo "$jobstatus" > "${basenames[$localid]}.lrms_done" kicklist=(${kicklist[@]} $localid) ;; PENDING|RUNNING|SUSPENDE|COMPLETING) #Job is running, nothing to do. run=$(($run + 1)) ;; CANCELLED) failed=$(($failed + 1)) handle_commentfile $localid kicklist=(${kicklist[@]} $localid) handle_diag_file "$localid" "${basenames[$localid]}.diag" [ -z "$jobinfo_collect_failed" ] && handle_exitcode $localid "-1" "Job was cancelled" || echo "scan-SLURM-job - [$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T)] Job:$localid CANCELLED, but jobinfo_collect_failed - not setting exit code, will try again in next scan" 1>&2; ;; COMPLETED) completed=$(($completed + 1)) handle_commentfile $localid handle_diag_file "$localid" "${basenames[$localid]}.diag" [ -z "$jobinfo_collect_failed" ] && handle_exitcode $localid "0" "" || echo "scan-SLURM-job - [$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T)] Job:$localid COMPLETED, but jobinfo_collect_failed - not setting exit code, will try again in next scan" 1>&2; ;; FAILED) failed=$(($failed + 1)) handle_commentfile $localid handle_diag_file "$localid" "${basenames[$localid]}.diag" [ -z "$jobinfo_collect_failed" ] && handle_exitcode $localid "-1" "Job failed" || echo "scan-SLURM-job - [$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T)] Job:$localid FAILED, but jobinfo_collect_failed - not setting exit code, will try again in next scan" 1>&2; ;; TIMEOUT) failed=$(($failed + 1)) handle_commentfile $localid handle_diag_file "$localid" "${basenames[$localid]}.diag" [ -z "$jobinfo_collect_failed" ] && handle_exitcode $localid "-1" "Job timeout" || echo "scan-SLURM-job - [$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T)] Job:$localid TIMEOUT, but jobinfo_collect_failed - not setting exit code, will try again in next scan" 1>&2; ;; NODE_FAIL) failed=$(($failed + 1)) handle_commentfile $localid handle_diag_file "$localid" "${basenames[$localid]}.diag" [ -z "$jobinfo_collect_failed" ] && handle_exitcode $localid "-1" "Node fail" || echo "scan-SLURM-job - [$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T)] Job:$localid NODE_FAIL, but jobinfo_collect_failed - not setting exit code, will try again in next scan" 1>&2; ;; esac unset jobinfo_collect_failed done if [ ! -z "$perflogdir" ]; then stop_ts=`date +%s.%N` t=`awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.3f\", ${stop_ts}-${start_ts} }"` echo "[`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T`] scan-slurm-job, JobHandling, R= $run, D= $completed, Z= $zombie, F= $failed: $t" >> $perflogfile fi # Kick the GM if [ -n "${kicklist[*]}" ];then for localid in "${kicklist[@]}";do gridid=`echo "${basenames[$localid]}" | sed 's/.*\.\([^\.]*\)$/\1/'` "${pkglibexecdir}/gm-kick" -j "${gridid}" "${basenames[$localid]}.local" done fi exit 0