// Generated by gmmproc 2.66.3 -- DO NOT MODIFY!

#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
#include <sigc++/sigc++.h>

/* Copyright (C) 2013 The giomm Development Team
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <glibmm/interface.h>
#include <giomm/tlsconnection.h>
#include <giomm/enums.h>

typedef struct _GTlsClientConnectionInterface GTlsClientConnectionInterface;

using GTlsClientConnection = struct _GTlsClientConnection;
using GTlsClientConnectionClass = struct _GTlsClientConnectionClass;

namespace Gio
{ class GIOMM_API TlsClientConnection_Class; } // namespace Gio

namespace Gio

class GIOMM_API SocketConnectable;

/** TlsClientConnection - TLS client-side connection.
 * TlsClientConnection is the client-side subclass of TlsConnection,
 * representing a client-side TLS connection.
 * @newin{2,36}

class GIOMM_API TlsClientConnection
: public Glib::Interface,
  public TlsConnection

  using CppObjectType = TlsClientConnection;
  using CppClassType = TlsClientConnection_Class;
  using BaseObjectType = GTlsClientConnection;
  using BaseClassType = GTlsClientConnectionInterface;

  // noncopyable
  TlsClientConnection(const TlsClientConnection&) = delete;
  TlsClientConnection& operator=(const TlsClientConnection&) = delete;

  friend class TlsClientConnection_Class;
  static CppClassType tlsclientconnection_class_;

   * You should derive from this class to use it.

  /** Called by constructors of derived classes. Provide the result of
   * the Class init() function to ensure that it is properly
   * initialized.
   * @param interface_class The Class object for the derived type.
  explicit TlsClientConnection(const Glib::Interface_Class& interface_class);

  // This is public so that C++ wrapper instances can be
  // created for C instances of unwrapped types.
  // For instance, if an unexpected C type implements the C interface.
  explicit TlsClientConnection(GTlsClientConnection* castitem);



  TlsClientConnection(TlsClientConnection&& src) noexcept;
  TlsClientConnection& operator=(TlsClientConnection&& src) noexcept;

  ~TlsClientConnection() noexcept override;

  static void add_interface(GType gtype_implementer);

  /** Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system.
  static GType get_type()      G_GNUC_CONST;

  static GType get_base_type() G_GNUC_CONST;

  ///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
  GTlsClientConnection*       gobj()       { return reinterpret_cast<GTlsClientConnection*>(gobject_); }

  ///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
  const GTlsClientConnection* gobj() const { return reinterpret_cast<GTlsClientConnection*>(gobject_); }


  //TODO: It's not possible to use _WRAP_CTOR/_WRAP_CREATE to wrap the new
  //function because this is an interface.

  /** Creates a new TlsClientConnection wrapping @a base_io_stream (which
   * must have pollable input and output streams) which is assumed to
   * communicate with the server identified by @a server_identity.
   * See the documentation for TlsConnection::property_base_io_stream() for restrictions
   * on when application code can run operations on the @a base_io_stream after
   * this function has returned.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * @param base_io_stream The IOStream to wrap.
   * @param server_identity The expected identity of the server.
   * @return The new
   * TlsClientConnection, or <tt>nullptr</tt> on error.
   * @throws Glib::Error
  static Glib::RefPtr<TlsClientConnection> create(const Glib::RefPtr<IOStream>& base_io_stream, const Glib::RefPtr<const SocketConnectable>& server_identity);

  /// A create() convenience overload.
  static Glib::RefPtr<TlsClientConnection> create(const Glib::RefPtr<IOStream>& base_io_stream);

  /** Sets @a conn's expected server identity, which is used both to tell
   * servers on virtual hosts which certificate to present, and also
   * to let @a conn know what name to look for in the certificate when
   * performing TLS_CERTIFICATE_BAD_IDENTITY validation, if enabled.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * @param identity A SocketConnectable describing the expected server identity.
  void set_server_identity(const Glib::RefPtr<SocketConnectable>& identity);

  /** Gets @a conn's expected server identity
   * @newin{2,28}
   * @return A SocketConnectable describing the
   * expected server identity, or <tt>nullptr</tt> if the expected identity is not
   * known.
  Glib::RefPtr<SocketConnectable> get_server_identity();
  /** Gets @a conn's expected server identity
   * @newin{2,28}
   * @return A SocketConnectable describing the
   * expected server identity, or <tt>nullptr</tt> if the expected identity is not
   * known.
  Glib::RefPtr<const SocketConnectable> get_server_identity() const;

  // g_tls_client_connection_set/get_validation_flags() are deprecated in glib 2.72.
  /** Sets this client connection's validation flags, to override the default set of
   * checks performed when validating a server certificate. By default,
   * This function does not work as originally designed and is impossible
   * to use correctly.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * @param flags The TlsCertificateFlags to use.
  void set_validation_flags(TlsCertificateFlags flags);

  /** Gets this client connection's validation flags
   * This function does not work as originally designed and is impossible
   * to use correctly.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * @return The validation flags.
  TlsCertificateFlags get_validation_flags() const;


  /** Since GLib 2.42.1, SSL 3.0 is no longer supported.
   * From GLib 2.42.1 through GLib 2.62, this function could be used to
   * force use of TLS 1.0, the lowest-supported TLS protocol version at
   * the time. In the past, this was needed to connect to broken TLS
   * servers that exhibited protocol version intolerance. Such servers
   * are no longer common, and using TLS 1.0 is no longer considered
   * acceptable.
   * Since GLib 2.64, this function does nothing.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * Deprecated: 2.56: SSL 3.0 is insecure.
   * @deprecated SSL 3.0 is insecure, and this function does not generally enable or disable it, despite its name.
   * @param use_ssl3 A <tt>bool</tt>, ignored.
  void set_use_ssl3(bool use_ssl3 =  true);


  /** SSL 3.0 is no longer supported. See
   * g_tls_client_connection_set_use_ssl3() for details.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * Deprecated: 2.56: SSL 3.0 is insecure.
   * @deprecated SSL 3.0 is insecure, and this function does not actually indicate whether it is enabled.
   * @return <tt>false</tt>.
  bool get_use_ssl3() const;

  /** Gets the list of distinguished names of the Certificate Authorities
   * that the server will accept certificates from. This will be set
   * during the TLS handshake if the server requests a certificate.
   * Otherwise, it will be <tt>nullptr</tt>.
   * Each item in the list is a ByteArray which contains the complete
   * subject DN of the certificate authority.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * @return The list of
   * CA DNs.
  std::vector< Glib::RefPtr<Glib::ByteArray> > get_accepted_cas();

  /** Gets the list of distinguished names of the Certificate Authorities
   * that the server will accept certificates from. This will be set
   * during the TLS handshake if the server requests a certificate.
   * Otherwise, it will be <tt>nullptr</tt>.
   * Each item in the list is a ByteArray which contains the complete
   * subject DN of the certificate authority.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * @return The list of
   * CA DNs.
  std::vector< Glib::RefPtr<const Glib::ByteArray> > get_accepted_cas() const;

  /** Possibly copies session state from one connection to another, for use
   * in TLS session resumption. This is not normally needed, but may be
   * used when the same session needs to be used between different
   * endpoints, as is required by some protocols, such as FTP over TLS.
   *  @a source should have already completed a handshake and, since TLS 1.3,
   * it should have been used to read data at least once. @a conn should not
   * have completed a handshake.
   * It is not possible to know whether a call to this function will
   * actually do anything. Because session resumption is normally used
   * only for performance benefit, the TLS backend might not implement
   * this function. Even if implemented, it may not actually succeed in
   * allowing @a conn to resume @a source's TLS session, because the server
   * may not have sent a session resumption token to @a source, or it may
   * refuse to accept the token from @a conn. There is no way to know
   * whether a call to this function is actually successful.
   * Using this function is not required to benefit from session
   * resumption. If the TLS backend supports session resumption, the
   * session will be resumed automatically if it is possible to do so
   * without weakening the privacy guarantees normally provided by TLS,
   * without need to call this function. For example, with TLS 1.3,
   * a session ticket will be automatically copied from any
   * TlsClientConnection that has previously received session tickets
   * from the server, provided a ticket is available that has not
   * previously been used for session resumption, since session ticket
   * reuse would be a privacy weakness. Using this function causes the
   * ticket to be copied without regard for privacy considerations.
   * @newin{2,46}
   * @param source A TlsClientConnection.
  void copy_session_state(const Glib::RefPtr<TlsClientConnection>& source);

  // property_accepted_cas() won't work unless a Glib::Value<std::vector<Glib::RefPtr<Glib::ByteArray>>>
  // specialization is added. Workaround: Use get_accepted_cas().

/** A list of the distinguished names of the Certificate Authorities
   * that the server will accept client certificates signed by. If the
   * server requests a client certificate during the handshake, then
   * this property will be set after the handshake completes.
   * Each item in the list is a ByteArray which contains the complete
   * subject DN of the certificate authority.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * @deprecated property_accepted_cas() does not work. Use get_accepted_cas() instead.
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< std::vector< Glib::RefPtr<Glib::ByteArray> > > property_accepted_cas() const;


  /** A SocketConnectable describing the identity of the server that
   * is expected on the other end of the connection.
   * If the TLS_CERTIFICATE_BAD_IDENTITY flag is set in
   * TlsClientConnection::property_validation_flags(), this object will be used
   * to determine the expected identify of the remote end of the
   * connection; if TlsClientConnection::property_server_identity() is not set,
   * or does not match the identity presented by the server, then the
   * TLS_CERTIFICATE_BAD_IDENTITY validation will fail.
   * In addition to its use in verifying the server certificate,
   * this is also used to give a hint to the server about what
   * certificate we expect, which is useful for servers that serve
   * virtual hosts.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr<SocketConnectable> > property_server_identity() ;

/** A SocketConnectable describing the identity of the server that
   * is expected on the other end of the connection.
   * If the TLS_CERTIFICATE_BAD_IDENTITY flag is set in
   * TlsClientConnection::property_validation_flags(), this object will be used
   * to determine the expected identify of the remote end of the
   * connection; if TlsClientConnection::property_server_identity() is not set,
   * or does not match the identity presented by the server, then the
   * TLS_CERTIFICATE_BAD_IDENTITY validation will fail.
   * In addition to its use in verifying the server certificate,
   * this is also used to give a hint to the server about what
   * certificate we expect, which is useful for servers that serve
   * virtual hosts.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr<SocketConnectable> > property_server_identity() const;


/** SSL 3.0 is no longer supported. See
   * g_tls_client_connection_set_use_ssl3() for details.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * Deprecated: 2.56: SSL 3.0 is insecure.
   * @deprecated SSL 3.0 is insecure, and this property does not generally enable or disable it, despite its name.
   * Default value: <tt>false</tt>
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_use_ssl3() ;

/** SSL 3.0 is no longer supported. See
   * g_tls_client_connection_set_use_ssl3() for details.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * Deprecated: 2.56: SSL 3.0 is insecure.
   * @deprecated SSL 3.0 is insecure, and this property does not generally enable or disable it, despite its name.
   * Default value: <tt>false</tt>
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_use_ssl3() const;


  /** What steps to perform when validating a certificate received from
   * a server. Server certificates that fail to validate in any of the
   * ways indicated here will be rejected unless the application
   * overrides the default via TlsConnection::signal_accept_certificate().
   * @newin{2,28}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< TlsCertificateFlags > property_validation_flags() ;

/** What steps to perform when validating a certificate received from
   * a server. Server certificates that fail to validate in any of the
   * ways indicated here will be rejected unless the application
   * overrides the default via TlsConnection::signal_accept_certificate().
   * @newin{2,28}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< TlsCertificateFlags > property_validation_flags() const;


  //C++ methods used to invoke GTK+ virtual functions:

  //GTK+ Virtual Functions (override these to change behaviour):

  //Default Signal Handlers::


} // namespace Gio

namespace Glib
  /** A Glib::wrap() method for this object.
   * @param object The C instance.
   * @param take_copy False if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
   * @result A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.
   * @relates Gio::TlsClientConnection
  Glib::RefPtr<Gio::TlsClientConnection> wrap(GTlsClientConnection* object, bool take_copy = false);

} // namespace Glib