
Scan through the various HTCondor config knobs looking for potential
issues caused by 9.0 having different default behavior than 8.8.
A big focus of this script is the secure-by-default changes for 9.0

import argparse
import os
import pathlib
import re
import sys
import tempfile

import htcondor

g_color_output = os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno())

def format_red_terminal_text(text):
    if g_color_output:
        return "\033[1m\033[91m%s\033[0m" % text
    return text

def check_allow_daemon():
    Look for missing ALLOW_DAEMON and ALLOW_ADVERTISE_* 
    At least one of which is needed for the collector

    allow_write = 'ALLOW_WRITE' in htcondor.param
    if not allow_write : allow_write = 'ALLOW_WRITE_COLLECTOR' in htcondor.param

    allow_daemon = 'ALLOW_DAEMON' in htcondor.param

    allow_advertise = 'ALLOW_ADVERTISE_STARTD' in htcondor.param
    if not allow_advertise : allow_advertise = 'ALLOW_ADVERTISE_SCHEDD' in htcondor.param
    if not allow_advertise : allow_advertise = 'ALLOW_ADVERTISE_MASTER' in htcondor.param

    allow_daemon_or_advertise = allow_daemon or allow_advertise

    if allow_write and not allow_daemon_or_advertise :
        return """ALLOW_WRITE is configured, but ALLOW_DAEMON is not :
   and ALLOW_ADVERTISE_COLLECTOR Or none of the HTCondor daemons will be able to send
   ads to the collector.  In 8.8 ALLOW_DAEMON and ALLOW_ADVERTISE_* would inherit from
   ALLOW_WRITE, but in 9.0 ALLOW_WRITE is used only by the Schedd to control who can
   submit jobs.

def check_dead_allow_write():
    Look for extraneous ALLOW_WRITE_<daemon>
    allow_write = ''
    if 'ALLOW_WRITE_COLLECTOR' in htcondor.param : allow_write += 'ALLOW_WRITE_COLLECTOR '
    if 'ALLOW_WRITE_STARTD' in htcondor.param : allow_write += 'ALLOW_WRITE_STARTD '

    if len(allow_write) :
       return """obsolete %s :
    In 8.8 ALLOW_DAEMON_<name> would inherit from ALLOW_WRITE_<name>, but in 9.0 this no
    longer happens.  You should use
       condor_config_val -verbose -dump ALLOW_WRITE_
    To find obsolete uses of ALLOW_WRITE and either delete them, or change them to ALLOW_DAEMON
""" % allow_write.rstrip()

def main():

#    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Examine HTCondor configuration, looking for parameters that may not work for 9.0")
#    parser.add_argument("key", nargs="*", help="Specific key files to examine; if not given, then the defaults are used from the HTCondor configuration")
#    parser.add_argument("--truncate", default=False, help="When a potentially insecure key is encountered, truncate it to match the behavior prior to 8.9.12", action="store_true")
#    args = parser.parse_args()

    Issues = 0

    message = check_allow_daemon()
    if message:
        Issues = 1

    message = check_dead_allow_write()
    if message:
        Issues = 1


if __name__ == '__main__':