"""Key functions for memoizing decorators."""

__all__ = ("hashkey", "methodkey", "typedkey", "typedmethodkey")

class _HashedTuple(tuple):
    """A tuple that ensures that hash() will be called no more than once
    per element, since cache decorators will hash the key multiple
    times on a cache miss.  See also _HashedSeq in the standard
    library functools implementation.


    __hashvalue = None

    def __hash__(self, hash=tuple.__hash__):
        hashvalue = self.__hashvalue
        if hashvalue is None:
            self.__hashvalue = hashvalue = hash(self)
        return hashvalue

    def __add__(self, other, add=tuple.__add__):
        return _HashedTuple(add(self, other))

    def __radd__(self, other, add=tuple.__add__):
        return _HashedTuple(add(other, self))

    def __getstate__(self):
        return {}

# used for separating keyword arguments; we do not use an object
# instance here so identity is preserved when pickling/unpickling
_kwmark = (_HashedTuple,)

def hashkey(*args, **kwargs):
    """Return a cache key for the specified hashable arguments."""

    if kwargs:
        return _HashedTuple(args + sum(sorted(kwargs.items()), _kwmark))
        return _HashedTuple(args)

def methodkey(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Return a cache key for use with cached methods."""
    return hashkey(*args, **kwargs)

def typedkey(*args, **kwargs):
    """Return a typed cache key for the specified hashable arguments."""

    key = hashkey(*args, **kwargs)
    key += tuple(type(v) for v in args)
    key += tuple(type(v) for _, v in sorted(kwargs.items()))
    return key

def typedmethodkey(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Return a typed cache key for use with cached methods."""
    return typedkey(*args, **kwargs)