%% TABLES (WITH SUPPORT FOR MERGED CELLS OF GENERAL CONTENTS) % % change this info string if making any custom modification \ProvidesFile{sphinxlatextables.sty}[2024/07/01 v7.4.0 tables]% % Provides support for this output mark-up from Sphinx latex writer % and table templates: % % - the tabulary and longtable environments from the eponymous packages % - the varwidth environment % - the >{} etc mark-up possible in tabularcolumns is from array package % which is loaded by longtable and tabulary % - \X, \Y, T column types; others (L, C, R, J) are from tabulary package % - \sphinxaftertopcaption % - \sphinxatlongtableend % - \sphinxatlongtablestart % - \sphinxattableend % - \sphinxattablestart % - \sphinxcapstartof % - \sphinxcolwidth % - \sphinxlongtablecapskipadjust % - \sphinxmultirow % - \sphinxstartmulticolumn % - \sphinxstopmulticolumn % - \sphinxtablestrut % - \sphinxthecaptionisattop % - \sphinxthelongtablecaptionisattop % - \sphinxhline % - \sphinxcline % - \sphinxvlinecrossing % - \sphinxfixclines % - \sphinxtoprule % - \sphinxmidrule % - \sphinxbottomrule % - \sphinxtableatstartofbodyhook % - \sphinxtableafterendhook % - \sphinxthistablewithglobalstyle % - \sphinxthistablewithbooktabsstyle % - \sphinxthistablewithborderlessstyle % - \sphinxthistablewithstandardstyle % - \sphinxthistablewithcolorrowsstyle % - \sphinxthistablewithnocolorrowsstyle % - \sphinxthistablewithvlinesstyle % - \sphinxthistablewithnovlinesstyle % % Also provides user command (see docs) % - \sphixncolorblend % (Sphinx 7.4.0 now requires xcolor, so \sphinxcolorblend does not check % its availability anymore) % % Executes \RequirePackage for: % % - tabulary % - longtable % - varwidth % - colortbl % - booktabs if 'booktabs' in latex_table_style % % Extends tabulary and longtable via patches and custom macros to support % merged cells possibly containing code-blocks in complex tables \RequirePackage{tabulary} % tabulary has a bug with its re-definition of \multicolumn in its first pass % which is not \long. But now Sphinx does not use LaTeX's \multicolumn but its % own macro. Hence we don't even need to patch tabulary. See % sphinxpackagemulticell.sty % X or S (Sphinx) may have meanings if some table package is loaded hence % \X was chosen to avoid possibility of conflict \newcolumntype{\X}[2]{p{\dimexpr (\linewidth-\spx@arrayrulewidth)*#1/#2-\tw@\tabcolsep-\spx@arrayrulewidth\relax}} \newcolumntype{\Y}[1]{p{\dimexpr #1\dimexpr\linewidth-\spx@arrayrulewidth\relax-\tw@\tabcolsep-\spx@arrayrulewidth\relax}} % \spx@arrayrulewidth is used internally and its meaning will be set according % to the table type; no extra user code should modify it. In particular any % \setlength{\spx@arrayrulewidth}{...} may break all of LaTeX... (really...) \def\spx@arrayrulewidth{\arrayrulewidth}% 5.3.0, to be adjusted by each table % using here T (for Tabulary) feels less of a problem than the X could be \newcolumntype{T}{J}% % For tables allowing pagebreaks \RequirePackage{longtable} % User interface to set-up whitespace before and after tables: \newcommand*\sphinxtablepre {0pt}% \newcommand*\sphinxtablepost{\medskipamount}% % Space from caption baseline to top of table or frame of literal-block \newcommand*\sphinxbelowcaptionspace{.5\sphinxbaselineskip}% % as one can not use \baselineskip from inside longtable (it is zero there) % we need \sphinxbaselineskip, which defaults to \baselineskip \def\sphinxbaselineskip{\baselineskip}% % The following is to ensure that, whether tabular(y) or longtable: % - if a caption is on top of table: % a) the space between its last baseline and the top rule of table is % exactly \sphinxbelowcaptionspace % b) the space from last baseline of previous text to first baseline of % caption is exactly \parskip+\baselineskip+ height of a strut. % c) the caption text will wrap at width \LTcapwidth (4in) % - make sure this works also if "caption" package is loaded by user % (with its width or margin option taking place of \LTcapwidth role) % TODO: obtain same for caption of literal block: a) & c) DONE, b) TO BE DONE % % To modify space below such top caption, adjust \sphinxbelowcaptionspace % To add or remove space above such top caption, adjust \sphinxtablepre: % notice that \abovecaptionskip, \belowcaptionskip, \LTpre are **ignored** % A. Table with longtable \def\sphinxatlongtablestart {\par \vskip\parskip \vskip\dimexpr\sphinxtablepre\relax % adjust vertical position \vbox{}% get correct baseline from above \LTpre\z@skip\LTpost\z@skip % set to zero longtable's own skips \edef\sphinxbaselineskip{\dimexpr\the\dimexpr\baselineskip\relax\relax}% \spx@inframedtrue % message to sphinxheavybox }% % Compatibility with caption package \def\sphinxthelongtablecaptionisattop{% \spx@ifcaptionpackage{\noalign{\vskip-\belowcaptionskip}}{}% }% % Achieves exactly \sphinxbelowcaptionspace below longtable caption \def\sphinxlongtablecapskipadjust {\dimexpr-\dp\strutbox -\spx@ifcaptionpackage{\abovecaptionskip}{\sphinxbaselineskip}% +\sphinxbelowcaptionspace\relax}% \def\sphinxatlongtableend{\@nobreakfalse % latex3/latex2e#173 \prevdepth\z@\vskip\sphinxtablepost\relax}% % B. Table with tabular or tabulary \def\sphinxattablestart{\par\vskip\dimexpr\sphinxtablepre\relax \spx@inframedtrue % message to sphinxheavybox }% \let\sphinxattableend\sphinxatlongtableend % This is used by tabular and tabulary templates \newcommand*\sphinxcapstartof[1]{% \vskip\parskip \vbox{}% force baselineskip for good positioning by capstart of hyperanchor % hyperref puts the anchor 6pt above this baseline; in case of caption % this baseline will be \ht\strutbox above first baseline of caption \def\@captype{#1}% \capstart % move back vertically, as tabular (or its caption) will compensate \vskip-\baselineskip\vskip-\parskip }% \def\sphinxthecaptionisattop{% locate it after \sphinxcapstartof \spx@ifcaptionpackage {\caption@setposition{t}% \vskip\baselineskip\vskip\parskip % undo those from \sphinxcapstartof \vskip-\belowcaptionskip % anticipate caption package skip % caption package uses a \vbox, not a \vtop, so "single line" case % gives different result from "multi-line" without this: \nointerlineskip }% {}% }% \def\sphinxthecaptionisatbottom{% (not finalized; for template usage) \spx@ifcaptionpackage{\caption@setposition{b}}{}% }% % The aim of \sphinxcaption is to apply to tabular(y) the maximal width % of caption as done by longtable \def\sphinxtablecapwidth{\LTcapwidth}% \newcommand\sphinxcaption{\@dblarg\spx@caption}% \long\def\spx@caption[#1]#2{% \noindent\hb@xt@\linewidth{\hss \vtop{\@tempdima\dimexpr\sphinxtablecapwidth\relax % don't exceed linewidth for the caption width \ifdim\@tempdima>\linewidth\hsize\linewidth\else\hsize\@tempdima\fi % longtable ignores \abovecaptionskip/\belowcaptionskip, so do the same here \abovecaptionskip\sphinxabovecaptionskip % \z@skip \belowcaptionskip\sphinxbelowcaptionskip % \z@skip \caption[{#1}]% {\strut\ignorespaces#2\ifhmode\unskip\@finalstrut\strutbox\fi}% }\hss}% \par\prevdepth\dp\strutbox }% \def\sphinxabovecaptionskip{\z@skip}% Do not use! Flagged for removal \def\sphinxbelowcaptionskip{\z@skip}% Do not use! Flagged for removal % This wrapper of \abovecaptionskip is used in sphinxVerbatim for top % caption, and with another value in sphinxVerbatimintable % TODO: To unify space above caption of a code-block with the one above % caption of a table/longtable, \abovecaptionskip must not be used % This auxiliary will get renamed and receive a different meaning % in future. \def\spx@abovecaptionskip{\abovecaptionskip}% % Achieve \sphinxbelowcaptionspace below a caption located above a tabular % or a tabulary \newcommand\sphinxaftertopcaption {% \spx@ifcaptionpackage {\par\prevdepth\dp\strutbox\nobreak\vskip-\abovecaptionskip}{\nobreak}% \vskip\dimexpr\sphinxbelowcaptionspace\relax \vskip-\baselineskip\vskip-\parskip }% % varwidth is crucial for our handling of general contents in merged cells \RequirePackage{varwidth} % but addition of a compatibility patch with hyperref is needed % (tested with varwidth v 0.92 Mar 2009) \AtBeginDocument {% \let\@@vwid@Hy@raisedlink\Hy@raisedlink \long\def\@vwid@Hy@raisedlink#1{\@vwid@wrap{\@@vwid@Hy@raisedlink{#1}}}% \edef\@vwid@setup{% \let\noexpand\Hy@raisedlink\noexpand\@vwid@Hy@raisedlink % HYPERREF ! \unexpanded\expandafter{\@vwid@setup}}% }% % NOTA BENE: since the multicolumn and multirow code was written Sphinx % decided to prefix non public internal macros by \spx@ and in fact all % such macros here should now be prefixed by \spx@table@, but doing the % update is delayed to later. (written at 5.3.0) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % --- MULTICOLUMN --- % standard LaTeX's \multicolumn % 1. does not allow verbatim contents, % 2. interacts very poorly with tabulary. % % It is needed to write own macros for Sphinx: to allow code-blocks in merged % cells rendered by tabular/longtable, and to allow multi-column cells with % paragraphs to be taken into account sanely by tabulary algorithm for column % widths. % % This requires quite a bit of hacking. First, in Sphinx, the multi-column % contents will *always* be wrapped in a varwidth environment. The issue % becomes to pass it the correct target width. We must trick tabulary into % believing the multicolumn is simply separate columns, else tabulary does not % incorporate the contents in its algorithm. But then we must clear the % vertical rules... % % configuration of tabulary \setlength{\tymin}{3\fontcharwd\font`0 }% minimal width of "squeezed" columns \setlength{\tymax}{10000pt}% allow enough room for paragraphs to "compete" % we need access to tabulary's final computed width. \@tempdima is too volatile % to hope it has kept tabulary's value when \sphinxcolwidth needs it. \newdimen\sphinx@TY@tablewidth \def\tabulary{% \def\TY@final{\sphinx@TY@tablewidth\@tempdima\tabular}% \let\endTY@final\endtabular \TY@tabular}% % next hack is needed only if user has set latex_use_latex_multicolumn to True: % it fixes tabulary's bug with \multicolumn defined "short" in first pass. (if % upstream tabulary adds a \long, our extra one causes no harm) \def\sphinx@tempa #1\def\multicolumn#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9\sphinx@tempa {\def\TY@tab{#1\long\def\multicolumn####1####2####3{\multispan####1\relax}#9}}% \expandafter\sphinx@tempa\TY@tab\sphinx@tempa % % TN. 1: as \omit is never executed, Sphinx multicolumn does not need to worry % like standard multicolumn about |l| vs l|. On the other hand it assumes % columns are separated by a | ... (if not it will add extraneous % \arrayrulewidth space for each column separation in its estimate of available % width). % % Update at 5.3.0: code uses \spx@arrayrulewidth which is kept in sync with the % table column specification (aka preamble): % - no | in preamble: \spx@arrayrulewidth -> \z@ % - at least a | in the preamble: \spx@arrayrulewidth -> \arrayrulewidth % This is used for computation of merged cells widths. Mixed preambles using % at least a | but not using it for all columns (as can be obtained via the % tabularcolumns directive) may cause some merged cells contents to be slightly % shifted to the left as they assume merged columns are | separated where in % fact they perhaps are not. % % TN. 1b: as Sphinx multicolumn uses neither \omit nor \span, it can not % (easily) get rid of extra macros from >{...} or <{...} between columns. At % least, it has been made compatible with colortbl's \columncolor. % % TN. 2: tabulary's second pass is handled like tabular/longtable's single % pass, with the difference that we hacked \TY@final to set in % \sphinx@TY@tablewidth the final target width as computed by tabulary. This is % needed only to handle columns with a "horizontal" specifier: "p" type columns % (inclusive of tabulary's LJRC) holds the target column width in the % \linewidth dimension. % % TN. 3: use of \begin{sphinxmulticolumn}...\end{sphinxmulticolumn} mark-up % would need some hacking around the fact that groups can not span across table % cells (the code does inserts & tokens, see TN1b). It was decided to keep it % simple with \sphinxstartmulticolumn...\sphinxstopmulticolumn. % % MEMO about nesting: if sphinxmulticolumn is encountered in a nested tabular % inside a tabulary it will think to be at top level in the tabulary. But % Sphinx generates no nested tables, and if some LaTeX macro uses internally a % tabular this will not have a \sphinxstartmulticolumn within it! % % 5.3.0 adds a check for multirow as single-row multi-column will allow a row % colour but multi-row multi-column should not. % Attention that this assumes \sphinxstartmulticolumn is always followed % in latex mark-up either by \sphinxmultirow or \begin (from \begin{varwidth}). \def\sphinxstartmulticolumn#1#2{% \ifx\sphinxmultirow#2% \gdef\spx@table@hackCT@inmergedcell{\spx@table@hackCT@nocolor}% \else \global\let\spx@table@hackCT@inmergedcell\spx@@table@hackCT@inmergedcell \fi \sphinx@startmulticolumn{#1}#2% }% \def\sphinx@startmulticolumn{% \ifx\equation$% $ tabulary's first pass \expandafter\sphinx@TYI@start@multicolumn \else % either not tabulary or tabulary's second pass \expandafter\sphinx@start@multicolumn \fi }% \def\sphinxstopmulticolumn{% \ifx\equation$% $ tabulary's first pass \expandafter\sphinx@TYI@stop@multicolumn \else % either not tabulary or tabulary's second pass \ignorespaces \fi }% \def\sphinx@TYI@start@multicolumn#1{% % use \gdef always to avoid stack space build up \gdef\sphinx@tempa{#1}\begingroup\setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup }% \def\sphinx@TYI@stop@multicolumn{\egroup % varwidth was used with \tymax \xdef\sphinx@tempb{\the\dimexpr\wd\z@/\sphinx@tempa}% per column width \endgroup \expandafter\sphinx@TYI@multispan\expandafter{\sphinx@tempa}% }% \def\sphinx@TYI@multispan #1{% \kern\sphinx@tempb\ignorespaces % the per column occupied width \ifnum#1>\@ne % repeat, taking into account subtleties of TeX's & ... \expandafter\sphinx@TYI@multispan@next\expandafter{\the\numexpr#1-\@ne\expandafter}% \fi }% \def\sphinx@TYI@multispan@next{&\relax\sphinx@TYI@multispan}% % % Now the branch handling either the second pass of tabulary or the single pass % of tabular/longtable. This is the delicate part where we gather the % dimensions from the p columns either set-up by tabulary or by user p column % or Sphinx \X, \Y columns. The difficulty is that to get the said width, the % template must be inserted (other hacks would be horribly complicated except % if we rewrote crucial parts of LaTeX's \@array !) and we can not do % \omit\span like standard \multicolumn's easy approach. Thus we must cancel % the \vrule separators. Also, perhaps the column specifier is of the l, c, r % type, then we attempt an ad hoc rescue to give varwidth a reasonable target % width. \def\sphinx@start@multicolumn#1{% \gdef\sphinx@multiwidth{0pt}\gdef\sphinx@tempa{#1}\sphinx@multispan{#1}% }% \def\sphinx@multispan #1{% \ifnum#1=\@ne\expandafter\sphinx@multispan@end \else\expandafter\sphinx@multispan@next \fi {#1}% }% \def\sphinx@multispan@next #1{% % trick to recognize L, C, R, J or p, m, b type columns \ifdim\baselineskip>\z@ \gdef\sphinx@tempb{\linewidth}% \else % if in an l, r, c type column, try and hope for the best \xdef\sphinx@tempb{\the\dimexpr(\ifx\TY@final\@undefined\linewidth\else \sphinx@TY@tablewidth\fi-\spx@arrayrulewidth)/\sphinx@tempa -\tw@\tabcolsep-\spx@arrayrulewidth\relax}% \fi \noindent\kern\sphinx@tempb\relax \xdef\sphinx@multiwidth {\the\dimexpr\sphinx@multiwidth+\sphinx@tempb+\tw@\tabcolsep+\spx@arrayrulewidth}% \spx@table@hackCT@fixcolorpanel % silence a | column separator in our merged cell \spx@table@hackCT@inhibitvline % prevent column colours to interfere with our multi-column but allow row % colour (we can't obey a \cellcolor as it has not be seen yet at this stage) \spx@table@hackCT@inmergedcell&\relax % repeat \expandafter\sphinx@multispan\expandafter{\the\numexpr#1-\@ne}% }% \def\sphinx@multispan@end#1{% % first, trace back our steps horizontally \noindent\kern-\dimexpr\sphinx@multiwidth\relax % and now we set the final computed width for the varwidth environment \ifdim\baselineskip>\z@ \xdef\sphinx@multiwidth{\the\dimexpr\sphinx@multiwidth+\linewidth}% \else \xdef\sphinx@multiwidth{\the\dimexpr\sphinx@multiwidth+ (\ifx\TY@final\@undefined\linewidth\else \sphinx@TY@tablewidth\fi-\spx@arrayrulewidth)/\sphinx@tempa -\tw@\tabcolsep-\spx@arrayrulewidth\relax}% \fi % last cell of the multi-column \aftergroup\spx@table@hackCT@fixcolorpanel \aftergroup\spx@table@hackCT@inmergedcell }% \newcommand*\sphinxcolwidth[2]{% % this dimension will always be used for varwidth, and serves as maximum % width when cells are merged either via multirow or multicolumn or both, % as always their contents is wrapped in varwidth environment. \ifnum#1>\@ne % multi-column (and possibly also multi-row) % we wrote our own multicolumn code especially to handle that (and allow % verbatim contents) \ifx\equation$%$ \tymax % first pass of tabulary (cf MEMO above regarding nesting) \else % the \@gobble thing is for compatibility with standard \multicolumn \sphinx@multiwidth\@gobble{#1/#2}% \fi \else % single column multirow \ifx\TY@final\@undefined % not a tabulary. \ifdim\baselineskip>\z@ % in a p{..} type column, \linewidth is the target box width \linewidth \else % l, c, r columns. Do our best. \dimexpr(\linewidth-\spx@arrayrulewidth)/#2- \tw@\tabcolsep-\spx@arrayrulewidth\relax \fi \else % in tabulary \ifx\equation$%$% first pass \tymax % it is set to a big value so that paragraphs can express themselves \else % second pass. \ifdim\baselineskip>\z@ \linewidth % in a L, R, C, J column or a p, \X, \Y ... \else % we have hacked \TY@final to put in \sphinx@TY@tablewidth the table width \dimexpr(\sphinx@TY@tablewidth-\spx@arrayrulewidth)/#2- \tw@\tabcolsep-\spx@arrayrulewidth\relax \fi \fi \fi \fi }% % fallback default in case user has set latex_use_latex_multicolumn to True: % \sphinxcolwidth will use this only inside LaTeX's standard \multicolumn \def\sphinx@multiwidth #1#2{\dimexpr % #1 to gobble the \@gobble (!) (\ifx\TY@final\@undefined\linewidth\else\sphinx@TY@tablewidth\fi -\spx@arrayrulewidth)*#2-\tw@\tabcolsep-\spx@arrayrulewidth\relax}% % \spx@table@hackCT@inhibitvline % packages like colortbl add group levels, we need to "climb back up" to be % able to hack the \vline and also the colortbl inserted tokens. The hack % sets the \arrayrulewidth to \z@ to inhibit a | separator at right end % of the cell, if present (our code does not use \omit so can not avoid the % \vline insertion, but setting its width to zero makes it do nothing). % Some subtlety with colour panels must be taken care of. \def\spx@table@hackCT@inhibitvline{\ifnum\currentgrouptype=6\relax \kern\spx@arrayrulewidth % will be compensated by extra colour panel left overhang \arrayrulewidth\z@% trick to inhibit the {\vrule width \arrayrulewidth} \else\aftergroup\spx@table@hackCT@inhibitvline\fi}% % hacking around colour matters % Sphinx 1.6 comment: % It turns out \CT@row@color is not expanded contrarily to \CT@column@color % during LaTeX+colortbl preamble preparation, hence it would be possible for % \CT@setup to discard only the column color and choose to obey or not % row color and cell color. It would even be possible to propagate cell color % to row color for the duration of the Sphinx multicolumn... the (provisional?) % choice has been made to cancel the colortbl colours for the multicolumn % duration. % Sphinx 5.3.0 comment: % - colortbl has no mechanism to disable colour background in a given cell: % \cellcolor triggers one more \color, but has no possibility to revert % a previously emitted \color, only to override it via an additional \color % - prior to 5.3.0, Sphinx did not officially support colour in tables, % but it did have a mechanism to protect merged cells from being partly % covered by colour panels at various places. At 5.3.0 this mechanism % is relaxed a bit to allow row colour for a single-row merged cell. % % fixcolorpanel \def\spx@table@hackCT@fixcolorpanel{\ifnum\currentgrouptype=6\relax \edef\spx@table@leftcolorpanelextra % \edef as \arrayrulewidth will be set to \z@ next, % hence also \spx@arrayrulewidth... {\sphinxcolorpanelextraoverhang+\the\spx@arrayrulewidth}% \else\aftergroup\spx@table@hackCT@fixcolorpanel\fi}% % % inmergedcell % \spx@table@hackCT@inmergedcell will be locally set to either this % \spx@@table@hackCT@inmergedcell or to \spx@table@hackCT@nocolor % "\let\spx@original@CT@setup\CT@setup" is done after loading colortbl \def\spx@@table@hackCT@inmergedcell{\ifnum\currentgrouptype=6\relax \let\CT@setup\spx@CT@setup@inmergedcell \else\aftergroup\spx@@table@hackCT@inmergedcell\fi }% \newif\ifspx@table@inmergedcell \def\spx@CT@setup@inmergedcell #1\endgroup{% % - obey only row color and disable effect of \sphinxcolorblend % - turn on the inmergedcell boolean to signal to \CT@row@color \spx@original@CT@setup \spx@table@inmergedcelltrue % needed by \CT@row@color % deactivate effect of \sphinxcolorblend if it happened at all \ifdefined\blendcolors\blendcolors{}\fi \CT@row@color \CT@do@color \global\let\CT@cell@color\relax \endgroup }% % % nocolor \def\spx@table@hackCT@nocolor{\ifnum\currentgrouptype=6\relax % sadly \CT@column@color is possibly already expanded so we can't % simply do \let\CT@column@color\relax etc... % admittedly we could perhaps hack \CT@color but well \let\CT@setup\spx@CT@setup@nocolor \else\aftergroup\spx@table@hackCT@nocolor\fi } \def\spx@CT@setup@nocolor#1\endgroup{% \global\let\CT@cell@color\relax % the above fix was added at 5.3.0 % formerly a \cellcolor added by a raw latex directive in the merged cell % would have caused colour to apply to the *next* cell after the merged % one; we don't support \cellcolor from merged cells contents anyhow. \endgroup} % % norowcolor \def\spx@table@hackCT@norowcolor{% % a bit easier although merged cells complicate the matter as they do need % to keep the rowcolor; and we can't know yet if we are in a merged cell \ifnum\currentgrouptype=6\relax \ifx\CT@row@color\relax \else \let\spx@saved@CT@row@color\CT@row@color \def\CT@row@color{% \ifspx@table@inmergedcell\expandafter\spx@saved@CT@row@color\fi }% \fi \else\aftergroup\spx@table@hackCT@norowcolor\fi } % % \sphinxcolorblend \def\spx@table@hackCT@colorblend{% \ifnum\currentgrouptype=6\relax \expandafter\blendcolors\spx@colorblendparam % merged cells will do a \blendcolors{} to cancel the effet % we can not know here yet if in merged cell as the boolean % \ifspx@table@inmergedcell is not yet updated \else \aftergroup\spx@table@hackCT@colorblend \fi } \def\sphinxcolorblend#1{\gdef\spx@colorblendparam{{#1}}\spx@table@hackCT@colorblend} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % --- MULTIROW --- % standard \multirow % 1. does not allow verbatim contents, % 2. does not allow blank lines in its argument, % 3. its * specifier means to typeset "horizontally" which is very % bad for paragraph content. 2016 version has = specifier but it % must be used with p type columns only, else results are bad, % 4. it requires manual intervention if the contents is too long to fit % in the asked-for number of rows. % 5. colour panels (either from \rowcolor or \columncolor) will hide % the bottom part of multirow text, hence manual tuning is needed % to put the multirow insertion at the _bottom_. % % The Sphinx solution consists in always having contents wrapped % in a varwidth environment so that it makes sense to estimate how many % lines it will occupy, and then ensure by insertion of suitable struts % that the table rows have the needed height. The needed mark-up is done % by LaTeX writer, which has its own id for the merged cells. % % The colour issue is "solved" by clearing colour panels in all cells, % whether or not the multirow is single-column or multi-column. % % MEMO at 5.3.0: to allow a multirow cell in a single column to react to % \columncolor correctly, it seems only way is that the contents % are inserted by bottom cell (this is mentioned in multirow.sty doc, too). % Sphinx could at Python level "move" the contents to that cell. But the % mechanism used here via \sphinxtablestrut to enlarge rows to make room for % the contents if needed becomes more challenging yet, because \sphinxtablestrut % mark-up will be parsed by TeX *before* it sees the contents of the merged % cell.. So it seems the best way would be to actually store the contents into % some owned-by-Sphinx box storage which needs to be globally allocated to % that usage ; then we need multiple such boxes, say at least 5 to cover % 99% or use case. Or perhaps some trick with storing in a \vbox and recovering % via some \vsplit but this becomes complicated... perhaps in future. % % In passing we obtain baseline alignments across rows (only if % \arraystretch is 1, as LaTeX's does not obey \arraystretch in "p" % multi-line contents, only first and last line...) % % TODO: examine the situation with \arraystretch > 1. The \extrarowheight % is hopeless for multirow anyhow, it makes baseline alignment strictly % impossible. \newcommand\sphinxmultirow[2]{\begingroup % #1 = nb of spanned rows, #2 = Sphinx id of "cell", #3 = contents % but let's fetch #3 in a way allowing verbatim contents ! \def\sphinx@nbofrows{#1}\def\sphinx@cellid{#2}% \afterassignment\sphinx@multirow\let\next= }% \def\sphinx@multirow {% \setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup\aftergroup\sphinx@@multirow\strut }% \def\sphinx@@multirow {% % MEMO: we could check status of \CT@cell@color here, but unfortunately we % can't know the exact height which will be covered by the cells in total % (it may be more than our \box\z@ dimensions). We could use an \fcolorbox % wrapper on \box\z@ but this will not extend precisely to the bottom rule. % % Only solution if we want to obey a raw \cellcolor, or a \columncolor, seems % to delay unboxing the gathered contents as part of the bottom row with % a suitable vertical adjustment... % % The contents, which is a varwidth environment, has been captured in % \box0 (a \hbox). % We have with \sphinx@cellid an assigned unique id. The goal is to give % about the same height to all the involved rows. % For this Sphinx will insert a \sphinxtablestrut{cell_id} mark-up % in LaTeX file and the expansion of the latter will do the suitable thing. \dimen@\dp\z@ \dimen\tw@\ht\@arstrutbox \advance\dimen@\dimen\tw@ \advance\dimen\tw@\dp\@arstrutbox \count@=\dimen@ % type conversion dim -> int \count\tw@=\dimen\tw@ \divide\count@\count\tw@ % TeX division truncates \advance\dimen@-\count@\dimen\tw@ % 1300sp is about 0.02pt. For comparison a rule default width is 0.4pt. % (note that if \count@ holds 0, surely \dimen@>1300sp) \ifdim\dimen@>1300sp \advance\count@\@ne \fi % now \count@ holds the count L of needed "lines" % and \sphinx@nbofrows holds the number N of rows % we have L >= 1 and N >= 1 % if L is a multiple of N, ... clear what to do ! % else write L = qN + r, 1 <= r < N and we will % arrange for each row to have enough space for: % q+1 "lines" in each of the first r rows % q "lines" in each of the (N-r) bottom rows % for a total of (q+1) * r + q * (N-r) = q * N + r = L % It is possible that q == 0. \count\tw@\count@ % the TeX division truncates \divide\count\tw@\sphinx@nbofrows\relax \count4\count\tw@ % q \multiply\count\tw@\sphinx@nbofrows\relax \advance\count@-\count\tw@ % r \expandafter\xdef\csname sphinx@tablestrut_\sphinx@cellid\endcsname {\noexpand\sphinx@tablestrut{\the\count4}{\the\count@}{\sphinx@cellid}}% \dp\z@\z@ % this will use the real height if it is >\ht\@arstrutbox \sphinxtablestrut{\sphinx@cellid}\box\z@ \endgroup % group was opened in \sphinxmultirow }% \newcommand*\sphinxtablestrut[1]{% % #1 is a "cell_id", i.e. the id of a merged group of table cells \csname sphinx@tablestrut_#1\endcsname }% % LaTeX typesets the table row by row, hence each execution can do % an update for the next row. \newcommand*\sphinx@tablestrut[3]{\begingroup % #1 = q, #2 = (initially) r, #3 = cell_id, q+1 lines in first r rows % if #2 = 0, create space for max(q,1) table lines % if #2 > 0, create space for q+1 lines and decrement #2 \leavevmode \count@#1\relax \ifnum#2=\z@ \ifnum\count@=\z@\count@\@ne\fi \else % next row will be with a #2 decremented by one \expandafter\xdef\csname sphinx@tablestrut_#3\endcsname {\noexpand\sphinx@tablestrut{#1}{\the\numexpr#2-\@ne}{#3}}% \advance\count@\@ne \fi \vrule\@height\ht\@arstrutbox \@depth\dimexpr\count@\ht\@arstrutbox+\count@\dp\@arstrutbox-\ht\@arstrutbox\relax \@width\z@ \endgroup % we need this to avoid colour panels hiding bottom parts of multirow text \spx@table@hackCT@nocolor }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % --- STYLING --- % % % Support for colour in table % % Core LaTeX package (very old, part of texlive-latex-base on Debian distr.) % providing \columncolor, \rowcolor, \cellcolor and \arrayrulecolor. \RequirePackage{colortbl} \let\spx@original@CT@setup\CT@setup % LaTeX's \cline has **strong** deficiencies % ****************************************** % We work around them via an added \sphinxfixclines{number of columns} in the % table mark-up, and also extra mark-up \sphinxvlinecrossing{col no} for % crossings not contiguous to any cline. To fix the gap at left extremity of a % \cline, we redefine the core LaTeX \c@line because this avoids adjoining a % small square with potential PDF viewer anti-aliasing issues. We waited % after loading colortbl because it also redefines \c@line for it to obey the % colour set by \arrayrulecolor. % MEMO: booktabs package does *not* redefine \@cline so we are safe here. \def\@cline#1-#2\@nil{% \omit \@multicnt#1% \advance\@multispan\m@ne \ifnum\@multicnt=\@ne\@firstofone{&\omit}\fi \@multicnt#2% \advance\@multicnt-#1% \advance\@multispan\@ne {\CT@arc@ % start of Sphinx modification \ifnum#1>\@ne\kern-\spx@arrayrulewidth\fi% fix gap at join with vertical lines % end of Sphinx modification % Comments: % % If we had the information whether the previous column ended with a | or % not, we could decide what to do here. Alternatively the mark-up could % use either original \cline or the one modified as here depending on case. % One wonders why LaTeX does not provide itself the alternative as a % complement to \cline, to use on case by case basis. % Here we handle both at same time via using the \spx@arrayrulewidth which % will be \z@ if no | at all so will induce here nothing. % % As a result Sphinx basically supports well only tables having either all % columns |-separated, or no | at all, as it uses \spx@arrayrrulewidth in % all columns (here and in multicolumn code). % % We also considered a method not modifying \c@line but it requires too % much extra mark-up from Python LaTeX writer and/or extra LaTeX coding. % back to LaTeX+colortbl code \leaders\hrule\@height\arrayrulewidth\hfill}% \cr % the last one will need to be compensated, this is job of \sphinxclines \noalign{\vskip-\arrayrulewidth}% } \def\spx@table@fixvlinejoin{% {\CT@arc@ % this is the color command set up by \arrayrulecolor \vrule\@height\arrayrulewidth % side remark: LaTeX has only a single \arrayrulewidth for all kinds % for cell borders in table, horizontal or vertical... \@depth\z@ \@width\spx@arrayrulewidth }% } % Sphinx LaTeX writer issues one such for each vertical line separating two % contiguous multirow cells; i.e. those crossings which can are not already % taken care of by our modified at left extremity \cline. % One could imagine a more \...crossingS (plural) receiving a comma delimited % list, which would simplify the mark-up but this would complexify both the % Python and the LaTeX coding. \def\sphinxtablevlinecrossing#1{% \sphinxtabledecrementrownum \omit \@multispan{#1}% \hfill \spx@table@fixvlinejoin \cr \noalign{\vskip-\arrayrulewidth}% } % This "fixclines" is also needed if no \sphinxcline emitted and is useful % even in extreme case with no \sphinxvlinecrossing either, to give correct % height to multirow extending across all table width assuming other rows are % separated generally by an \hline, so as to keep coherent line spacing. % % It is designed to work ok even if no | separators are in the table (because % \spx@table@fixvlinejoin uses \spx@arrayrulewidth which is \z@ in that case). \def\sphinxtablefixclines#1{% #1 is the number of columns of the table \sphinxtabledecrementrownum \omit \spx@table@fixvlinejoin% unneeded if first \cline started at column 1 but does % not hurt; fills small gap at left-bordered table \@multispan{#1}% \hfill \spx@table@fixvlinejoin% fill small gap at right-bordered table \cr % this final one does NO \vskip-\arrayrulewidth... that's the whole point } %%%% end of \cline workarounds % % - passing option "table" to xcolor also loads colortbl but we needed to % load color or xcolor prior to the handling of the options % % - the \rowcolors command from [table]{xcolor} has various problems: % % * it is rigid and does not out-of-the-box allow a more complex scheme % such as colorA+colorB+colorC+colorB+colorC+colorB+colorC... suitable to % distinguish a header row. % % * its code does not export the used colour, an information which we may % need for example to colourize the rule via \arrayrulecolor in the % appropriate manner, for example to colourize the booktabs induced vertical % whitespace to avoid gaps (if one wants to). % % * incompatibility with tabulary: the output depends on parity of total % number of rows! % % * problems with longtable: the caption will receive a background colour % panel, if we do not deactivate the \rowcolors action during definition of % the headers and footers; this requires extra mark-up. Besides if we % deactivate using \hiderowcolors during header and footer formation, the % parity of the body rows is shifted, \rownum is even, not odd, at first body % row. And setting \rownum at start of first body row is too late for % influencing the colour. % % * it has a global impact and must be reset at each table. We can not % issue it only once and it provides no public interface (without @) to % cancel its effect conveniently (\hiderowcolors can only be used from % *inside* a table.) % % * its core mechanism which increments the row count is triggered % if a \cline is encountered... so this offsets the alternating colours... % ... or not if there are two \cline's in the row... % (as we will use same mechanism we have to correct this increment). % % So we need our own code. % Provide \rownum and rownum LaTeX counter (code copied from colortbl v1.0f) \ltx@ifundefined{rownum}{% \ltx@ifundefined{c@rownum}% {\newcount\rownum\let\c@rownum\rownum}% {\let\rownum\c@rownum}% }% {\let\c@rownum\rownum} \providecommand\therownum{\arabic{rownum}} % extra overhang for color panels to avoid visual artifacts in pdf viewers % (particularly if borderless) \def\sphinxcolorpanelextraoverhang{0.1pt} \def\spx@table@leftcolorpanelextra {\sphinxcolorpanelextraoverhang} \def\spx@table@rightcolorpanelextra{\sphinxcolorpanelextraoverhang} % the macro to which \CT@row@color will be set for coloured rows, serves both % in header and body, the colours must have been defined at time of use \def\spx@table@CT@row@color{\ifspx@table@inmergedcell \CT@color{sphinxTableMergeColor}% \else \CT@color{sphinxTableRowColor}% \fi \@tempdimb\dimexpr\col@sep+\spx@table@leftcolorpanelextra\relax \@tempdimc\dimexpr\col@sep+\spx@table@rightcolorpanelextra\relax }% % used by itself this will influence a single row if \CT@everycr is the % colortbl one, to influences all rows the \CT@everycr must be modified (see % below) \def\sphinxrowcolorON {\global\let\CT@row@color\spx@table@CT@row@color}% % this one turns off row colours until the next \sphinxrowcolorON \def\sphinxrowcolorOFF{\global\let\CT@row@color\relax}% % this one inhibits the row colour in one cell only (can be used as % >{\sphinxnorowcolor} for turning off row colours in a given column) \def\sphinxnorowcolor{\spx@table@hackCT@norowcolor}% % \sphinxtoprule (or rather \sphinxtabletoprulehook) will be modified by % the colorrows class to execute this one: \def\spx@table@@toprule@rowcolorON{% \noalign{% % Because of tabulary 2-pass system, the colour set-up at end of table % would contaminate the header colours at start of table, so must reset % them here. We want all header rows to obey same colours, so we don't % use original \CT@everycr which sets \CT@row@color to \relax. \global\CT@everycr{\the\everycr}% \global\sphinxcolorlet{sphinxTableRowColor}{sphinxTableRowColorHeader}% \global\sphinxcolorlet{sphinxTableMergeColor}{\sphinxTableMergeColorHeader}% \sphinxrowcolorON }% }% % \sphinxtableatstartofbodyhook will be modified by colorrows class to % execute this one; it starts the alternating colours and triggers increment % or \rownum count at each new row (the xcolor base method for \rowcolors) \def\spx@table@@startbodycolorrows{% \noalign{% \global\CT@everycr{% Nota Bene: in a longtable with \hline the \everycr is % done two extra times! but 2 is even, so this is ok \noalign{\global\advance\rownum\@ne % the xcolor \rowcolors base trick % MEMO: colortbl \CT@row@color is expanded *after* the cell contents have been % gathered and measured, so it can't be used to expose e.g. the colour to the % cell contents macro code. Of course if it is known how the colour is chosen % the procedure could be done from inside the cell. Simpler to expose the colour % in a public name sphinxTableRowColor at start of the row in this \noalign. \sphinxSwitchCaseRowColor\rownum }% \the\everycr }% \global\rownum\@ne % is done from inside table so ok with tabulary two passes \sphinxSwitchCaseRowColor\rownum % set up color for the first body row \sphinxrowcolorON % has been done from \sphinxtoprule location but let's do % it again in case \sphinxtabletoprulehook has been used % to inhibit colours in the header rows }% end of noalign contents } % set the colours according to row parity; a priori #1 is \rownum, but % the macro has been designed to be usable in user level added code \def\sphinxSwitchCaseRowColor#1{% \ifodd#1\relax \global\sphinxcolorlet{sphinxTableRowColor}{sphinxTableRowColorOdd}% \global\sphinxcolorlet{sphinxTableMergeColor}{\sphinxTableMergeColorOdd}% \else \global\sphinxcolorlet{sphinxTableRowColor}{sphinxTableRowColorEven}% \global\sphinxcolorlet{sphinxTableMergeColor}{\sphinxTableMergeColorEven}% \fi } % each \cline or \cmidrule (booktabs) consumes one \cr, offsetting the \rownum % parity; so this macro serves to compensate and must be added to each such % \cline or \cmidrule (see below) \def\spx@table@@decrementrownum{\noalign{\global\advance\rownum\m@ne}} \let\sphinxtabledecrementrownum\@empty % \sphinxtableafterendhook will be modified by colorrows class to execute % this after the table \def\spx@table@resetcolortbl{% \sphinxrowcolorOFF \spx@table@reset@CTeverycr % this last bit is done in order for the \sphinxbottomrule from the "foot" % longtable template to be able to use same code as the \sphinxbottomrule % at end of table body; see \sphinxbooktabsspecialbottomrule code \global\rownum\z@ } \def\spx@table@reset@CTeverycr{% % we should probably be more cautious and not hard-code here the colortbl % set-up; so the macro is defined without @ to fac \global\CT@everycr{\noalign{\global\let\CT@row@color\relax}\the\everycr}% } % At last the style macros \sphinxthistablewithstandardstyle etc... % They are executed before the table environments in a scope limiting % wrapper "savenotes" environment. % % 0) colour support is enacted via adding code to three hooks: % - \sphinxtabletoprulehook (implicit from \sphinxtoprule expansion) % - \sphinxtableatstartofbodyhook (explicit from table templates) % - \sphinxtableafterendhook (explicit from table templates) % additionally special adjustment must be made in \sphinxcline % \def\sphinxtoprule{\spx@toprule\sphinxtabletoprulehook} % \spx@toprule is what is defined by the standard, booktabs and borderless % styles. % The colorrows class will prepend \spx@table@toprule@rowcolorON into % \sphinxtabletoprulehook which a priori is \@empty but can contain user added % extra code, and is executed after \spx@toprule. \let\sphinxtabletoprulehook \@empty \let\sphinxtableatstartofbodyhook\@empty \let\sphinxtableafterendhook \@empty % % 1) we manage these three hooks in a way allowing a custom user extra wrapper % environment from a container class to use them as entry point for some % custom code. The container code is done first, prior to table templates. % So, the style macros will *prepend* the needed color-code to the existing % custom user code, so the custom user code can override them. The custom % user code should not redefine any of the 3 \sphinxtable...hook macros via a % \global\def, but their contents can use \gdef. In fact they probably need % to for the first two hooks which are executed from inside the table and % a priori need their code to be in a \noalign which limits scope. % % 2) the table templates and LaTeX writer code make it so that only % one of either % \sphinxthistablewithcolorrowsstyle, % or \sphinxthistablewithnocolorrowsstyle % will be inserted explicitly depending on local :class: for table. % The global 'colorrows' style in latex_table_style translates at bottom % of this file into code for inserting \sphinxthistablewithcolorrowsstyle % at end of \sphinxthistablewithglobalstyle. So it is impossible % to have first \sphinxthistablewithnocolorrowsstyle, then % \sphinxthistablewithcolorrowsstyle. Nevertheless we have written % the code so that in this case colorrows would indeed activate (except % if it was already executed before as it self-annihilates). % standard style \def\sphinxthistablewithstandardstyle{% % Those two are produced by the latex writer \def\sphinxhline {\hline}% % \sphinxtabledecrementrownum is a no-op which is redefined by colorrows % to correct the \rownum increment induced by \cline in colorrows regime \def\sphinxcline {\sphinxtabledecrementrownum\cline}% % LaTeX's \cline needs fixing \let\sphinxvlinecrossing\sphinxtablevlinecrossing \let\sphinxfixclines \sphinxtablefixclines % Those three are inserted by the table templates \def\spx@toprule {\hline}% \def\sphinxmidrule {\hline}% \def\sphinxbottomrule {\hline}% % Do not tamper with this internal \def\spx@arrayrulewidth{\arrayrulewidth}% } % booktabs style % The \@xcmidrule patch below will do beyond its main stuff % \sphinxadjustcmidrulebelowsep % Indeed the poor booktabs spacing with \cmidrule (if \sphinxbooktabscmidrule % defined below is overwritten to use it) is quite awful. Do % \let\sphinxadjustcmidrulebelowsep\empty % if you prefer booktabs defaults. \def\sphinxadjustcmidrulebelowsep{\belowrulesep=\aboverulesep} \AtBeginDocument{% patch booktabs to avoid extra vertical space from % consecutive \sphinxcline, if defined to use \cmidrule \ifdefined\@xcmidrule \let\spx@original@@xcmidrule\@xcmidrule \def\@xcmidrule{\sphinxadjustcmidrulebelowsep % if we don't do that, two \sphinxcline in the same row % will cause the second short rule to be shifted down \ifx\@tempa\sphinxcline\let\@tempa\cmidrule\fi \spx@original@@xcmidrule}% \fi } % wrappers to allow customization, e.g. via a container class % the top, mid, bottom definitions are in fact overwritten (later, below) % byt more complex ones needed to handle booktabs+colorrows context \def\sphinxbooktabstoprule {\toprule} \def\sphinxbooktabsmidrule {\midrule} \def\sphinxbooktabsbottomrule{\bottomrule} % \let\sphinxbooktabscmidrule \@gobble % i.e. draw no short rules at all! % You can redefine this to use \cmidrule with various options, such % as \cmidrule(lr), but: % Attention, if you want this to use \cmidrule (or \cline) you must, % if the table uses row colours, % also include the \sphinxtabledecrementrownum token like e.g. this % \def\sphinxbooktabscmidrule{\sphinxtabledecrementrownum\cmidrule(lr)} % and it must be first due to internals of the \cmidrule usage of \futurelet. \def\sphinxthistablewithbooktabsstyle{% \let\sphinxhline\@empty % there is no wrapper macro here so if you want to change that % you will have to redefine \sphinxthistablewithbooktabsstyle \def\sphinxcline {\sphinxbooktabscmidrule}% defaults to give \@gobble \let\sphinxvlinecrossing\@gobble % no | in a booktabs-style table ! \let\sphinxfixclines \@gobble % should not be used with booktabs + \cmidrule \def\spx@toprule {\sphinxbooktabstoprule}% \def\sphinxmidrule {\sphinxbooktabsmidrule}% \def\sphinxbottomrule{\sphinxbooktabsbottomrule}% \def\spx@arrayrulewidth{\z@}% } \AtBeginDocument{\@ifpackageloaded{booktabs}% {}% {\def\sphinxthistablewithbooktabsstyle{% \PackageWarning{sphinx}{% Add \string\usepackage{booktabs} to the preamble to allow\MessageBreak local use of booktabs table style}% \sphinxbuildwarning{booktabs}% \sphinxthistablewithstandardstyle }}% }% % borderless style \def\sphinxthistablewithborderlessstyle{% \let\sphinxhline \@empty \let\sphinxcline \@gobble \let\sphinxvlinecrossing\@gobble \let\sphinxfixclines \@gobble \let\spx@toprule \@empty \let\sphinxmidrule \@empty \let\sphinxbottomrule \@empty \def\spx@arrayrulewidth{\z@}% }% % colorrows style % \let\sphinxifthistablewithcolorrowsTF\@secondoftwo \def\sphinxthistablewithcolorrowsstyle{% \let\sphinxifthistablewithcolorrowsTF\@firstoftwo % this is defined to auto-silence itself (in the surrounding scope-limiting % environment) after one execution ("colorrows" can never follow "nocolorrows") \let\sphinxthistablewithcolorrowsstyle\@empty % \let\spx@table@toprule@rowcolorON \spx@table@@toprule@rowcolorON \let\spx@table@startbodycolorrows \spx@table@@startbodycolorrows \let\sphinxtabledecrementrownum \spx@table@@decrementrownum % Is it the best choice to "prepend" to existing code there? \spx@prepend\spx@table@toprule@rowcolorON\to\sphinxtabletoprulehook \spx@prepend\spx@table@startbodycolorrows\to\sphinxtableatstartofbodyhook % % this one is not set to \@empty by nocolorrows, because it looks harmless % to execute it always, as it simply resets to standard colortbl state after % the table; so we don't need an @@ version for this one \spx@prepend\spx@table@resetcolortbl\to\sphinxtableafterendhook } \def\spx@prepend#1\to#2{% attention about using this only with #2 "storage macro" \toks@{#1}% \toks@\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\the\expandafter\toks@#2}% \edef#2{\the\toks@}% }% \def\sphinxthistablewithnocolorrowsstyle{% \let\sphinxifthistablewithcolorrowsTF\@secondoftwo % rather than trying to remove the code added by 'colorrows' style, we % simply make it no-op, without even checking if really it was activated. \let\spx@table@toprule@rowcolorON\@empty \let\spx@table@startbodycolorrows\@empty \let\sphinxtabledecrementrownum \@empty % we don't worry about \sphinxtableafterendhook as the \spx@table@resetcolortbl % done at end can not do harm; and we could also have not bothered with the % \sphinxtabledecrementrownum as its \rownum decrement, if active, is harmless % in non-colorrows context } % (not so easy) implementation of the booktabscolorgaps option. This option % defaults to true and is not officially documented, as already colorrows is % only opt-in, so it is there only as a "turn-off" switch, but if nobody % complains in next few months, it will probably be removed altogether at % 6.0.0. The reason it exists is because of longtable aspeces described % below. % % As it is used via \sphinxsetup booktabscolorgaps status is not known here % and may change locally. So it must be implemented via delayed or % conditional code. % % We do not know the order of execution of \sphinxthistablewithbooktabsstyle % versus \sphinxthistablewithcolorrows: if booktabs is global option it % will be executed first; but if colorrows is global option and not booktabs % then colorrows will be executed first via \sphinxthistablewithglobalstyle % % Modifying things from locations such as \sphinxtabletoprulehook which are % executed within the table is not convenient as it must use \global % but then we would have to undo this after the table. % % So what we do is to prepare booktabs specific macros to incorporate % a conditional to check the colorrows status. We must each time check % both if colorrows is activated and if colorgaps is. We do this via % macros without @ so they can be used easily in customization code. % When and if booktabscolorgaps option is removed, we can then replace % \sphinxifbooktabswithcolorgapsTF by \sphinxifthistablewithcolorrowsTF \def\sphinxifbooktabswithcolorgapsTF{% \if1\ifspx@opt@booktabscolorgaps \sphinxifthistablewithcolorrowsTF{1}{0}% \else0\fi \expandafter\@firstoftwo \else\expandafter\@secondoftwo \fi } % as this is done without "@" it can be relatively easily be overwritten % by user in customization code \def\sphinxbooktabstoprule{% \sphinxifbooktabswithcolorgapsTF {\sphinxbooktabsspecialtoprule}% {\toprule}% }% \def\sphinxbooktabscolorgapsoverhang{0.1pt}% avoid pixel/rounding effects % auxiliary fork \long\def\spx@table@crazyfork #1\endfirsthead\endhead\sphinxtableatstartofbodyhook#2#3\@nil{#2} % we fetch the next token to check if there is a header or not % this is a bit fragile as it relies on the table templates % and it assumes this token #1 is never braced... % let's make this \long in case #1 is \par (should not be) \long\def\sphinxbooktabsspecialtoprule\sphinxtabletoprulehook#1{% \specialrule{\heavyrulewidth}{\abovetopsep}{\z@}% % this macro contains colour init code (and defines sphinxTableRowColor) \sphinxtabletoprulehook % unfortunately colortbl provides no way to save/restore the % \arrayrulecolor status, we have to code it ourselves \noalign{\global\let\spx@@saved@CT@arc@\CT@arc@ % \@declaredcolor is not \long. Although #1 can probably never be \par with % our templates, let's be cautious and not use the creazyfork inside the \color \spx@table@crazyfork % this crazy code checks if #1 is one of \endfirsthead, \endhead or % \sphinxtableatstartofbodyhook, as criterion for table with no header #1\endhead\sphinxtableatstartofbodyhook\@secondoftwo \endfirsthead#1\sphinxtableatstartofbodyhook\@secondoftwo \endfirsthead\endhead#1\@secondoftwo \endfirsthead\endhead\sphinxtableatstartofbodyhook\@firstoftwo \@nil {\gdef\CT@arc@{\color{sphinxTableRowColor}}}% {\gdef\CT@arc@{\color{sphinxTableRowColorOdd}}}% }% end of \noalign % \specialrule uses \noalign itself \specialrule{\dimexpr\belowrulesep+\sphinxbooktabscolorgapsoverhang\relax}% {\z@}{-\sphinxbooktabscolorgapsoverhang}% \noalign{\global\let\CT@arc@\spx@@saved@CT@arc@}% #1% let's not forget to re-insert this #1 in token stream % fortunately longtable's \endfirsthead/\endhead are not delimiters but % are really tokens awaiting expansion... }% \def\sphinxbooktabsmidrule{% \sphinxifbooktabswithcolorgapsTF {\sphinxbooktabsspecialmidrule}% {\midrule}% }% \def\sphinxbooktabsspecialmidrule{% \noalign{\global\let\spx@@saved@CT@arc@\CT@arc@ \gdef\CT@arc@{\color{sphinxTableRowColor}}% this is RowColorHeader }% \specialrule{\dimexpr\aboverulesep+\sphinxbooktabscolorgapsoverhang\relax\relax}% {-\sphinxbooktabscolorgapsoverhang}{\z@}% \noalign{\global\let\CT@arc@\spx@@saved@CT@arc@}% \specialrule{\lightrulewidth}{\z@}{\z@}% \noalign{\gdef\CT@arc@{\color{sphinxTableRowColorOdd}}}% \specialrule{\dimexpr\belowrulesep+\sphinxbooktabscolorgapsoverhang\relax\relax}% {\z@}{-\sphinxbooktabscolorgapsoverhang}% \noalign{\global\let\CT@arc@\spx@@saved@CT@arc@}% }% \def\sphinxbooktabsbottomrule{% \sphinxifbooktabswithcolorgapsTF {\sphinxbooktabsspecialbottomrule}% {\bottomrule}% }% % The colour here is already updated because of the \\ before so we must % execute again the colour selection code, but this is not too complicated. % What is annoying though is that \sphinxbottomrule in the longtable context % appears both in the "foot" part and after the last body row. For the first % occurrence the \rownum could be arbitrary if it had not been reset by each % table using it via the \sphinxtableafterendhook (see above). This avoids % having to modify the longtable template. But as \rownum is thus 0 in the % "foot", the \sphinxSwitchCaseRowColor has to know how to handle negative % inputs (in fact the -1 value), the Sphinx definition has no issue with that % but any redefinition must be aware of this constraint. \def\sphinxbooktabsspecialbottomrule{% \noalign{\global\let\spx@@saved@CT@arc@\CT@arc@ \sphinxSwitchCaseRowColor{\numexpr\rownum-\@ne\relax}% \gdef\CT@arc@{\color{sphinxTableRowColor}}% }% \specialrule{\dimexpr\aboverulesep+\sphinxbooktabscolorgapsoverhang\relax}% {-\sphinxbooktabscolorgapsoverhang}{\z@}% \noalign{\global\let\CT@arc@\spx@@saved@CT@arc@}% \specialrule{\heavyrulewidth}{\z@}{\belowbottomsep}% }% % % MEMO: with longtable \sphinxtoprule, \sphinxmidrule and \sphinxbottomrule % are evaluated at time of constructing the headers and footers as boxes % (already typeset material and expanded macros; \sphinxbottomrule is also % evaluated at very end of table body, i.e. "normally"). So the used colour % to fill the booktabs gaps is decided during the headers and footers % construction by longtable. Actually they are expanded twice: in firsthead % then in head, respectively in foot and lastfoot. But in current design the % header row colours are fixed, not alternating, so there is at least no % coherence issue there. % The \spx@arrayrulewidth is used for some complex matters of merged % cells size computations. % tabularcolumns argument will override any global or local style and % trigger the appropriate adjustment of \spx@arrayrulewidth. % Notice that this will be bad if the table uses booktabs style % but anyhow table with booktabs should not use any | separator. \def\sphinxthistablewithvlinesstyle{% \def\spx@arrayrulewidth{\arrayrulewidth}% \let\sphinxvlinecrossing\sphinxtablevlinecrossing \let\sphinxfixclines \sphinxtablefixclines }% \def\sphinxthistablewithnovlinesstyle{% \def\spx@arrayrulewidth{\z@}% \let\sphinxvlinecrossing\@gobble % let's not bother to modify \sphinxfixclines, it works fine and is % useful in standard style + no vline (only hlines and clines); % besides, only one of vline or novline style macro is executed }% % default is the standard style \def\sphinxthistablewithglobalstyle{\sphinxthistablewithstandardstyle} \ifspx@opt@booktabs \RequirePackage{booktabs} \def\sphinxthistablewithglobalstyle{\sphinxthistablewithbooktabsstyle} \fi \ifspx@opt@borderless \def\sphinxthistablewithglobalstyle{\sphinxthistablewithborderlessstyle} \fi % colorrows appends to the current globalstyle (standard, booktabs, or borderless) \ifspx@opt@colorrows % let the globalstyle trigger the colorrows style on top of it \expandafter\def\expandafter\sphinxthistablewithglobalstyle\expandafter {\sphinxthistablewithglobalstyle \sphinxthistablewithcolorrowsstyle } \fi \endinput