#! /usr/bin/env perl ##************************************************************** ## ## Copyright (C) 1990-2007, Condor Team, Computer Sciences Department, ## University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI. ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you ## may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may ## obtain a copy of the License at ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## ##************************************************************** use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Date::Manip; use File::Path; use FindBin qw($RealBin $RealScript); # contains parsed arguments from ARGV my %args; my @original_argv; sub usage { print<<EOF; Usage: $0 --jobid <CLUSTER.PROC> [ OPTIONS ] --jobid The jobid --scratch Scratch directory used by the program, defaults to /tmp/cbd-<PID> *** The options below are not fully implemented. *** --sdate A Unix date corresponding to the start of the search time --edate A Unix date corresponding to the end of the search time --pool The pool to query (local pool if not defined) --schedd The schedd to query (local schedd if not defined) EOF exit(1); } sub parse_command_line { my $rc; my $tmp; @original_argv = @ARGV; $rc = GetOptions( \%args, 'help', 'jobid=s', 'sdate=s', 'edate=s', 'pool=s', 'schedd=s' ); if (!$rc) { usage(); } if (defined($args{'help'})) { usage(); } if (!defined($args{'jobid'})) { my $file = "condor-profile.txt"; acquire_identity($file); print "Information is in $file\n"; exit 0; } # ###### # Reparse the start time into a Date::Manip form. # ###### if (exists($args{'sdate'})) { if ($args{'sdate'} =~ m/^\d+$/) { $args{'sdate'} = ParseDateString("epoch $args{'sdate'}"); } else { $args{'sdate'} = ParseDate($args{'sdate'}); } } else { # start of epoch seconds $args{'sdate'} = ParseDate("Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT"); } # ###### # Reparse the end time into a Date::Manip form. # ###### if (exists($args{'edate'})) { if ($args{'edate'} =~ m/^\d+$/) { $args{'edate'} = ParseDateString("epoch $args{'edate'}"); } else { $args{'edate'} = ParseDate($args{'edate'}); } } else { # end of epoch seconds-ish $args{'edate'} = ParseDate("Jan 19, 2038 00:00:00 GMT"); } # ###### # set up the scratch space # ###### # This stupid date format is because tar does insanely stupid things when # there is a colon in the archive name. $tmp = `date +%F-%I_%M_%S%p-%Z`; chomp $tmp; $tmp = getlogin() . "-jid$args{'jobid'}-$tmp"; # The _scratch for is the parent of the inner scratch directory. if (!exists($args{'scratch'})) { $args{'scratch'} = "/tmp/cgi-$$/cgi-$tmp"; $args{'_scratch'} = "/tmp/cgi-$$"; } else { $args{'scratch'} .= "/cgi-$$/cgi-$tmp"; $args{'_scratch'} = "$args{'scratch'}/cgi-$$"; } if (-d $args{'_scratch'}) { die "I'm not going to remove /. Sorry." if ($args{'_scratch'} =~ /^\d*\/\d*$/g); rmtree($args{'_scratch'}, {'keep_root' => 1}); } # make the scratch space. mkpath($args{'scratch'}); # fix my self up to clean it up on INT $SIG{'INT'} = 'sigint'; } # XXX fixme. sub cleanup { # remove the scratch dir, sanity check too if (-d $args{'_scratch'}) { die "I'm not going to remove /. Sorry." if ($args{'_scratch'} =~ /^\d*\/\d*$/g); # also remove the scratch dir itself... rmtree($args{'_scratch'}); } } sub sigint { print "Got INT. Quitting.\n"; cleanup(); exit(1); } # Return the start date in epoch seconds from the arguments. If you pass # in a single argument of a format string, the date will be returned as that # instead. sub sdate { my $cmd = shift; if (!defined($cmd)) { $cmd = "%s"; } return UnixDate($args{'sdate'}, $cmd); } # Return the end date in epoch seconds from the arguments. If you pass # in a single argument of a format string, the date will be returned as that # instead. sub edate { my $cmd = shift; if (!defined($cmd)) { $cmd = "%s"; } return UnixDate($args{'edate'}, $cmd); } sub condor_history { my $jobid = shift; # Must exist my $output_file = shift; # Fully qualified when passed in... my @cqargs = @_; my $cmd; die "No jobid for which to condor_history!" if !defined($jobid); $cmd = "condor_history " . join(" ", @cqargs) . " $jobid " . "> $output_file 2>&1"; return system("$cmd"); } sub condor_q { my $jobid = shift; # Must exist my $output_file = shift; # Fully qualified when passed in... my @cqargs = @_; my $cmd; die "No jobid for which to condor_q!" if !defined($jobid); # XXX deal with --pool and --schedd $cmd = "condor_q " . join(" ", @cqargs) . " $jobid " . "> $output_file 2>&1"; return system("$cmd"); } sub acquire_identity { my $output_file = shift; # Fully qualified when passed in... open(FOUT, '>', $output_file) || die "acquire_identity: Can't open identity file '$output_file': $!"; print "Gathering Condor and machine information...\n"; print FOUT<<EOF; ################################ # User who created this report # ################################ ${\(getlogin() . "\n")} #################################################### # Script invocation and on what machine was it run # #################################################### Script: $RealBin/$RealScript @original_argv Machine: @{[`/bin/hostname 2>&1`]} ########################### # Date of Report Creation # ########################### @{[`/bin/date 2>&1`]} ############ # uname -a # ############ @{[`/bin/uname -a 2>&1`]} ############## # /etc/issue # ############## @{[`/bin/cat /etc/issue 2>&1`]} ####################### # /etc/redhat-release # ####################### @{[`/bin/cat /etc/redhat-release 2>&1`]} ####################### # /etc/debian_version # ####################### @{[`/bin/cat /etc/debian_version 2>&1`]} ############## # /etc/hosts # ############## @{[`/bin/cat /etc/hosts 2>&1`]} ###################### # /etc/nsswitch.conf # ###################### @{[`/bin/cat /etc/nsswitch.conf 2>&1`]} ############# # ulimit -a # ############# @{[`/bin/sh -c "ulimit -a 2>&1"`]} ########################### # Interface configuration # ########################### @{[`/sbin/ifconfig 2>&1`]} ##################### # ps auxww --forest # ##################### @{[`ps auxww --forest 2>&1`]} ######### # df -h # ######### @{[`df -h 2>&1`]} ############ # iptables # ############ @{[`/sbin/iptables -L 2>&1`]} ########################### # Condor log dir contents # ########################### @{[`ls \`condor_config_val LOG\``]} ################## # Condor Version # ################## @{[`condor_version 2>&1`]} ################################### # Location of Condor Config Files # ################################### @{[`condor_config_val -config 2>&1`]} ########################### # Condor Config Variables # ########################### @{[`condor_config_val -v -dump 2>&1`]} ##################### # ldd condor_schedd # ##################### @{[`ldd \`condor_config_val SBIN\`/condor_schedd`]} ##################### # uptime # ##################### @{[`uptime`]} ##################### # free # ##################### @{[`free`]} EOF close(FOUT); } sub acquire_job_q { my $jobid = shift; # Must exist my $output_file = shift; # Fully qualified when passed in... my @cqargs = @_; die "acquire_job_q: Error. No jobid!" if !defined($jobid); print "acquire_job_q: Getting job q for job $jobid\n"; return condor_q($jobid, $output_file, @cqargs); } sub acquire_job_ad { my $jobid = shift; # Must exist my $output_file = shift; # Fully qualified when passed in... my @cqargs = @_; die "acquire_job_ad: Error. No jobid!" if !defined($jobid); print "acquire_job_ad: Getting job ad for job $jobid\n"; return condor_q($jobid, $output_file, @cqargs); } sub acquire_job_analysis { my $jobid = shift; # Must exist my $output_file = shift; # Fully qualified when passed in... my @cqargs = @_; die "acquire_job_analysis: Error. No jobid!" if !defined($jobid); print "acquire_job_analysis: Getting job analysis for job $jobid\n"; return condor_q($jobid, $output_file, @cqargs); } sub acquire_job_userlog_lines { my $jobid = shift; # Must exist my $output_file = shift; # Fully qualified when passed in... my @cqargs = @_; my $tmpfile = "$output_file.query"; my @lines; my ($junk, $ulogfile); my ($cluster, $proc); my $line; die "acquire_job_userlog_lines: Error. No jobid!" if !defined($jobid); print "acquire_job_userlog_lines: Getting job log entries for job $jobid\n"; # ####### # get the path of the user log file # ####### condor_q($jobid, $tmpfile, '-format "logfile: %s\n"', 'UserLog'); # ####### # bail if no logfile or otherwise empty # ####### if (-z $tmpfile) { system("echo No log file specified in job ad. > $output_file 2>&1"); print "Trying condor_history instead\n"; condor_history($jobid, $tmpfile, '-format "logfile: %s\n"', 'UserLog'); if (-z $tmpfile) { print "Not in condor_history either, giving up on looking for logfile in all the wrong places\n"; rmtree("$tmpfile"); return; } } # ####### # see if the log file is well formed. # ####### @lines = `grep "logfile:" $tmpfile`; if (scalar(@lines) > 1) { system("echo Unexpected condor_q problem. See query file. " . "> $output_file 2>&1"); return; } ($junk, $ulogfile) = ($lines[0] =~ m/(^logfile: )(.*)/); print "ulog file is $ulogfile\n"; if ($junk !~ /logfile: / || !defined($ulogfile)) { system("echo Unexpected userlog path problem. See query file. " . "> $output_file 2>&1"); return; } if (! -f $ulogfile) { system("echo Userlog file does not exist. See query file. " . "> $output_file 2>&1"); return; } # ####### # Process the ulog file, saving all lines out of it pertaining to the jobid. # You know, this is really a stupid piece of code. condor_userlog should # have this functionality built into it. # ####### open(FIN, "$ulogfile") || die "Could not open user log file $ulogfile: $!"; open(FOUT, ">$output_file") || die "Could not open log trace file $output_file: $!"; # Just copy the whole job user log even if it has other jobs in it while(defined($line = <FIN>)) { print FOUT "$line"; } close(FOUT); close(FIN); # Don't ned this anymore since I did a valid query of the data. rmtree("$tmpfile"); } # This is the main function which gathers all information for a single job # specified by the passed in jobid. sub acquire_all_info_for_jobid { my $jobid = shift; my $jdir; die "No jobid for which to gather jobid info!" if !defined($jobid); # The place to store everything for this job id. $jdir = "$args{'scratch'}/$jobid"; mkpath($jdir); # ########## # Get the job q. # ########## acquire_job_q($jobid, "$jdir/job_q"); # ########## # Get the job ad. # ########## acquire_job_ad($jobid, "$jdir/job_ad", '-l'); # If condor_q -l output does not contain ^ClusterId, our job is missing, check history open(CQF, "$jdir/job_ad") || die("Can't open $jdir/job_ad which I just created...\n"); my @cql = <CQF>; close(CQF); if ($#cql < 5) { print "Job $jobid does not appear in condor_q output, looking in condor_history.\n"; condor_history($jobid, "$jdir/job_ad", '-l'); if ((-s "$jdir/job_ad") == 0) { print "Job $jobid does not appear in condor_history either.\n"; } else { print "Job $jobid is in condor_history output, using it.\n"; } } # ########## # Do the analysis for the job # ########## acquire_job_analysis($jobid, "$jdir/job_ad_analysis", '-better-analyze'); # ########## # Grab all log entries for the jobid from the job log file # associated with the job if defined. # ########## acquire_job_userlog_lines($jobid, "$jdir/job_userlog_lines"); ####### # Copy the system log files, assuming we're on the submit side ###### system("cp `condor_config_val LOG`/MasterLog $args{'scratch'}/MasterLog"); system("cp `condor_config_val LOG`/MasterLog.old $args{'scratch'}/MasterLog.old"); system("cp `condor_config_val LOG`/ShadowLog $args{'scratch'}/ShadowLog"); system("cp `condor_config_val LOG`/ShadowLog.old $args{'scratch'}/ShadowLog.old"); system("cp `condor_config_val LOG`/SchedLog.old $args{'scratch'}/SchedLog.old"); open(ADF, "$jdir/job_ad") || die("Can't open $jdir/job_ad which was just created\n"); my $RemoteHost; while(<ADF>) { if (/^RemoteHost /) { $RemoteHost = $_; } if (/^LastRemoteHost /) { $RemoteHost = $_; } } chomp($RemoteHost); close(ADF); if (length($RemoteHost) > 0) { $RemoteHost = (split(/ /, $RemoteHost))[2]; $RemoteHost =~ s/\"//g; print "The execute machine for this job is $RemoteHost"; my $slot = (split(/@/, $RemoteHost))[0]; if (length($slot) > 2) { $RemoteHost = (split(/@/, $RemoteHost))[1]; } system("condor_fetchlog $RemoteHost MASTER > $args{'scratch'}/MasterLog.$RemoteHost"); system("condor_fetchlog $RemoteHost STARTD > $args{'scratch'}/StartLog"); system("condor_fetchlog $RemoteHost STARTER.$slot > $args{'scratch'}/StarterLog.$slot"); } else { print "No Remote host found in job ad -- perhaps job this never ran?\n"; } } sub acquire_all_info { my $jobid = shift; die "No jobid for which to all info!" if !defined($jobid); # ########## # Identify myself (condor version, who ran this script, where, when, etc) # ########## acquire_identity("$args{'scratch'}/condor-profile.txt"); # ########## # datamine extensive information about the jobid. # ########## acquire_all_info_for_jobid($jobid); } sub package_payload { my $pwd; my $dir; $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd; chdir("$args{'scratch'}"); chdir(".."); # grab the only directory there. $dir = `ls -1`; chomp $dir; print "\nCreating output file with all results in $dir.tar.gz\n"; system("tar czf $dir.tar.gz $dir > /dev/null 2>&1"); chdir($pwd); system("mv $args{'scratch'}/../*.tar.gz ."); } sub main { FindBin::again(); parse_command_line(); # get all of the info on the invocation machine, the user, and for the # specified jobid. acquire_all_info($args{'jobid'}); # package up the scratch directory appropriately and move it to `pwd`. package_payload(); # get rid of all of my on disk resources I used; cleanup(); return 0; } exit main();