# Copyright 2016 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. import copy import math from s3transfer.tasks import ( CompleteMultipartUploadTask, CreateMultipartUploadTask, SubmissionTask, Task, ) from s3transfer.utils import ( ChunksizeAdjuster, calculate_range_parameter, get_callbacks, get_filtered_dict, ) class CopySubmissionTask(SubmissionTask): """Task for submitting tasks to execute a copy""" EXTRA_ARGS_TO_HEAD_ARGS_MAPPING = { 'CopySourceIfMatch': 'IfMatch', 'CopySourceIfModifiedSince': 'IfModifiedSince', 'CopySourceIfNoneMatch': 'IfNoneMatch', 'CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince': 'IfUnmodifiedSince', 'CopySourceSSECustomerKey': 'SSECustomerKey', 'CopySourceSSECustomerAlgorithm': 'SSECustomerAlgorithm', 'CopySourceSSECustomerKeyMD5': 'SSECustomerKeyMD5', 'RequestPayer': 'RequestPayer', 'ExpectedBucketOwner': 'ExpectedBucketOwner', } UPLOAD_PART_COPY_ARGS = [ 'CopySourceIfMatch', 'CopySourceIfModifiedSince', 'CopySourceIfNoneMatch', 'CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince', 'CopySourceSSECustomerKey', 'CopySourceSSECustomerAlgorithm', 'CopySourceSSECustomerKeyMD5', 'SSECustomerKey', 'SSECustomerAlgorithm', 'SSECustomerKeyMD5', 'RequestPayer', 'ExpectedBucketOwner', ] CREATE_MULTIPART_ARGS_BLACKLIST = [ 'CopySourceIfMatch', 'CopySourceIfModifiedSince', 'CopySourceIfNoneMatch', 'CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince', 'CopySourceSSECustomerKey', 'CopySourceSSECustomerAlgorithm', 'CopySourceSSECustomerKeyMD5', 'MetadataDirective', 'TaggingDirective', ] COMPLETE_MULTIPART_ARGS = [ 'SSECustomerKey', 'SSECustomerAlgorithm', 'SSECustomerKeyMD5', 'RequestPayer', 'ExpectedBucketOwner', ] def _submit( self, client, config, osutil, request_executor, transfer_future ): """ :param client: The client associated with the transfer manager :type config: s3transfer.manager.TransferConfig :param config: The transfer config associated with the transfer manager :type osutil: s3transfer.utils.OSUtil :param osutil: The os utility associated to the transfer manager :type request_executor: s3transfer.futures.BoundedExecutor :param request_executor: The request executor associated with the transfer manager :type transfer_future: s3transfer.futures.TransferFuture :param transfer_future: The transfer future associated with the transfer request that tasks are being submitted for """ # Determine the size if it was not provided if transfer_future.meta.size is None: # If a size was not provided figure out the size for the # user. Note that we will only use the client provided to # the TransferManager. If the object is outside of the region # of the client, they may have to provide the file size themselves # with a completely new client. call_args = transfer_future.meta.call_args head_object_request = ( self._get_head_object_request_from_copy_source( call_args.copy_source ) ) extra_args = call_args.extra_args # Map any values that may be used in the head object that is # used in the copy object for param, value in extra_args.items(): if param in self.EXTRA_ARGS_TO_HEAD_ARGS_MAPPING: head_object_request[ self.EXTRA_ARGS_TO_HEAD_ARGS_MAPPING[param] ] = value response = call_args.source_client.head_object( **head_object_request ) transfer_future.meta.provide_transfer_size( response['ContentLength'] ) # If it is greater than threshold do a multipart copy, otherwise # do a regular copy object. if transfer_future.meta.size < config.multipart_threshold: self._submit_copy_request( client, config, osutil, request_executor, transfer_future ) else: self._submit_multipart_request( client, config, osutil, request_executor, transfer_future ) def _submit_copy_request( self, client, config, osutil, request_executor, transfer_future ): call_args = transfer_future.meta.call_args # Get the needed progress callbacks for the task progress_callbacks = get_callbacks(transfer_future, 'progress') # Submit the request of a single copy. self._transfer_coordinator.submit( request_executor, CopyObjectTask( transfer_coordinator=self._transfer_coordinator, main_kwargs={ 'client': client, 'copy_source': call_args.copy_source, 'bucket': call_args.bucket, 'key': call_args.key, 'extra_args': call_args.extra_args, 'callbacks': progress_callbacks, 'size': transfer_future.meta.size, }, is_final=True, ), ) def _submit_multipart_request( self, client, config, osutil, request_executor, transfer_future ): call_args = transfer_future.meta.call_args # Submit the request to create a multipart upload and make sure it # does not include any of the arguments used for copy part. create_multipart_extra_args = {} for param, val in call_args.extra_args.items(): if param not in self.CREATE_MULTIPART_ARGS_BLACKLIST: create_multipart_extra_args[param] = val create_multipart_future = self._transfer_coordinator.submit( request_executor, CreateMultipartUploadTask( transfer_coordinator=self._transfer_coordinator, main_kwargs={ 'client': client, 'bucket': call_args.bucket, 'key': call_args.key, 'extra_args': create_multipart_extra_args, }, ), ) # Determine how many parts are needed based on filesize and # desired chunksize. part_size = config.multipart_chunksize adjuster = ChunksizeAdjuster() part_size = adjuster.adjust_chunksize( part_size, transfer_future.meta.size ) num_parts = int( math.ceil(transfer_future.meta.size / float(part_size)) ) # Submit requests to upload the parts of the file. part_futures = [] progress_callbacks = get_callbacks(transfer_future, 'progress') for part_number in range(1, num_parts + 1): extra_part_args = self._extra_upload_part_args( call_args.extra_args ) # The part number for upload part starts at 1 while the # range parameter starts at zero, so just subtract 1 off of # the part number extra_part_args['CopySourceRange'] = calculate_range_parameter( part_size, part_number - 1, num_parts, transfer_future.meta.size, ) # Get the size of the part copy as well for the progress # callbacks. size = self._get_transfer_size( part_size, part_number - 1, num_parts, transfer_future.meta.size, ) # Get the checksum algorithm of the multipart request. checksum_algorithm = call_args.extra_args.get("ChecksumAlgorithm") part_futures.append( self._transfer_coordinator.submit( request_executor, CopyPartTask( transfer_coordinator=self._transfer_coordinator, main_kwargs={ 'client': client, 'copy_source': call_args.copy_source, 'bucket': call_args.bucket, 'key': call_args.key, 'part_number': part_number, 'extra_args': extra_part_args, 'callbacks': progress_callbacks, 'size': size, 'checksum_algorithm': checksum_algorithm, }, pending_main_kwargs={ 'upload_id': create_multipart_future }, ), ) ) complete_multipart_extra_args = self._extra_complete_multipart_args( call_args.extra_args ) # Submit the request to complete the multipart upload. self._transfer_coordinator.submit( request_executor, CompleteMultipartUploadTask( transfer_coordinator=self._transfer_coordinator, main_kwargs={ 'client': client, 'bucket': call_args.bucket, 'key': call_args.key, 'extra_args': complete_multipart_extra_args, }, pending_main_kwargs={ 'upload_id': create_multipart_future, 'parts': part_futures, }, is_final=True, ), ) def _get_head_object_request_from_copy_source(self, copy_source): if isinstance(copy_source, dict): return copy.copy(copy_source) else: raise TypeError( 'Expecting dictionary formatted: ' '{"Bucket": bucket_name, "Key": key} ' f'but got {copy_source} or type {type(copy_source)}.' ) def _extra_upload_part_args(self, extra_args): # Only the args in COPY_PART_ARGS actually need to be passed # onto the upload_part_copy calls. return get_filtered_dict(extra_args, self.UPLOAD_PART_COPY_ARGS) def _extra_complete_multipart_args(self, extra_args): return get_filtered_dict(extra_args, self.COMPLETE_MULTIPART_ARGS) def _get_transfer_size( self, part_size, part_index, num_parts, total_transfer_size ): if part_index == num_parts - 1: # The last part may be different in size then the rest of the # parts. return total_transfer_size - (part_index * part_size) return part_size class CopyObjectTask(Task): """Task to do a nonmultipart copy""" def _main( self, client, copy_source, bucket, key, extra_args, callbacks, size ): """ :param client: The client to use when calling PutObject :param copy_source: The CopySource parameter to use :param bucket: The name of the bucket to copy to :param key: The name of the key to copy to :param extra_args: A dictionary of any extra arguments that may be used in the upload. :param callbacks: List of callbacks to call after copy :param size: The size of the transfer. This value is passed into the callbacks """ client.copy_object( CopySource=copy_source, Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **extra_args ) for callback in callbacks: callback(bytes_transferred=size) class CopyPartTask(Task): """Task to upload a part in a multipart copy""" def _main( self, client, copy_source, bucket, key, upload_id, part_number, extra_args, callbacks, size, checksum_algorithm=None, ): """ :param client: The client to use when calling PutObject :param copy_source: The CopySource parameter to use :param bucket: The name of the bucket to upload to :param key: The name of the key to upload to :param upload_id: The id of the upload :param part_number: The number representing the part of the multipart upload :param extra_args: A dictionary of any extra arguments that may be used in the upload. :param callbacks: List of callbacks to call after copy part :param size: The size of the transfer. This value is passed into the callbacks :param checksum_algorithm: The algorithm that was used to create the multipart upload :rtype: dict :returns: A dictionary representing a part:: {'Etag': etag_value, 'PartNumber': part_number} This value can be appended to a list to be used to complete the multipart upload. If a checksum is in the response, it will also be included. """ response = client.upload_part_copy( CopySource=copy_source, Bucket=bucket, Key=key, UploadId=upload_id, PartNumber=part_number, **extra_args, ) for callback in callbacks: callback(bytes_transferred=size) etag = response['CopyPartResult']['ETag'] part_metadata = {'ETag': etag, 'PartNumber': part_number} if checksum_algorithm: checksum_member = f'Checksum{checksum_algorithm.upper()}' if checksum_member in response['CopyPartResult']: part_metadata[checksum_member] = response['CopyPartResult'][ checksum_member ] return part_metadata