import re import string # because mismatch is too slow, add parsers for paragraph and text HARD_LINEBREAK_RE = re.compile(r' *\n\s*') PARAGRAPH = ( # start with none punctuation, not number, not whitespace r'(?:^[^\s\d' + re.escape(string.punctuation) + r'][^\n]*\n)+' ) __all__ = ['speedup'] def parse_text(inline, m, state): text = text = HARD_LINEBREAK_RE.sub('\n', text) inline.process_text(text, state) return m.end() def parse_paragraph(block, m, state): text = state.add_paragraph(text) return m.end() def speedup(md): """Increase the speed of parsing paragraph and inline text.""" md.block.register('paragraph', PARAGRAPH, parse_paragraph) punc = r'\\><!\[_*`~\^\$=' text_pattern = r'[\s\S]+?(?=[' + punc + r']|' if 'url_link' in md.inline.rules: text_pattern += 'https?:|' if md.inline.hard_wrap: text_pattern += r' *\n|' else: text_pattern += r' {2,}\n|' text_pattern += r'$)' md.inline.register('text', text_pattern, parse_text)