# Copyright European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) since 2012 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import enum from collections import namedtuple from typing import Literal, get_args from rucio.common.config import config_get_bool """ Constants. """ RESERVED_KEYS = ['scope', 'name', 'account', 'did_type', 'is_open', 'monotonic', 'obsolete', 'complete', 'availability', 'suppressed', 'bytes', 'length', 'md5', 'adler32', 'rule_evaluation_action', 'rule_evaluation_required', 'expired_at', 'deleted_at', 'created_at', 'updated_at'] # collection_keys = # file_keys = KEY_TYPES = ['ALL', 'COLLECTION', 'FILE', 'DERIVED'] # all(container, dataset, file), collection(dataset or container), file, derived(compute from file for collection) SCHEME_MAP = {'srm': ['srm', 'gsiftp'], 'gsiftp': ['srm', 'gsiftp'], 'https': ['https', 'davs', 'srm+https', 'cs3s'], 'davs': ['https', 'davs', 'srm+https', 'cs3s'], 'srm+https': ['https', 'davs', 'srm+https', 'cs3s'], 'cs3s': ['https', 'davs', 'srm+https', 'cs3s'], 'root': ['root'], 'scp': ['scp'], 'rsync': ['rsync'], 'rclone': ['rclone']} if config_get_bool('transfers', 'srm_https_compatibility', raise_exception=False, default=False): SCHEME_MAP['srm'].append('https') SCHEME_MAP['https'].append('srm') SCHEME_MAP['srm'].append('davs') SCHEME_MAP['davs'].append('srm') SORTING_ALGORITHMS_LITERAL = Literal['geoip', 'closeness', 'custom_table', 'dynamic', 'ranking', 'random'] SORTING_ALGORITHMS = list(get_args(SORTING_ALGORITHMS_LITERAL)) SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS_LITERAL = Literal['gsiftp', 'srm', 'root', 'davs', 'http', 'https', 'file', 'storm', 'srm+https', 'scp', 'rsync', 'rclone', 'magnet'] SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS: list[str] = list(get_args(SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS_LITERAL)) RSE_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_DOMAINS_LITERAL = Literal['ALL', 'LAN', 'WAN'] RSE_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_OPERATIONS_LITERAL = Literal['read', 'write', 'delete', 'third_party_copy_read', 'third_party_copy_write'] RSE_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_OPERATIONS: list[str] = list(get_args(RSE_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_OPERATIONS_LITERAL)) FTS_STATE = namedtuple('FTS_STATE', ['SUBMITTED', 'READY', 'ACTIVE', 'FAILED', 'FINISHED', 'FINISHEDDIRTY', 'NOT_USED', 'CANCELED'])('SUBMITTED', 'READY', 'ACTIVE', 'FAILED', 'FINISHED', 'FINISHEDDIRTY', 'NOT_USED', 'CANCELED') FTS_COMPLETE_STATE = namedtuple('FTS_COMPLETE_STATE', ['OK', 'ERROR'])('Ok', 'Error') # https://gitlab.cern.ch/fts/fts3/-/blob/master/src/db/generic/Job.h#L41 FTS_JOB_TYPE = namedtuple('FTS_JOB_TYPE', ['MULTIPLE_REPLICA', 'MULTI_HOP', 'SESSION_REUSE', 'REGULAR'])('R', 'H', 'Y', 'N') # Messages constants MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 4000 class SuspiciousAvailability(enum.Enum): ALL = 0 EXIST_COPIES = 1 LAST_COPY = 2 class ReplicaState(enum.Enum): # From rucio.db.sqla.constants, update that file at the same time as this AVAILABLE = 'A' UNAVAILABLE = 'U' COPYING = 'C' BEING_DELETED = 'B' BAD = 'D' TEMPORARY_UNAVAILABLE = 'T' @enum.unique class HermesService(str, enum.Enum): """ The services supported by Hermes2. """ INFLUX = "INFLUX" ELASTIC = "ELASTIC" EMAIL = "EMAIL" ACTIVEMQ = "ACTIVEMQ" class RseAttr: """ List of functional RSE attributes. This class acts as a namespace containing all RSE attributes referenced in the Rucio source code. Setting them affects Rucio's behaviour in some way. """ ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT = 'archive_timeout' ASSOCIATED_SITES = 'associated_sites' AUTO_APPROVE_BYTES = 'auto_approve_bytes' AUTO_APPROVE_FILES = 'auto_approve_files' BITTORRENT_TRACKER_ADDR = 'bittorrent_tracker_addr' BLOCK_MANUAL_APPROVAL = 'block_manual_approval' COUNTRY = 'country' DECOMMISSION = 'decommission' DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_BYTES = 'default_account_limit_bytes' FTS = 'fts' GLOBUS_ENDPOINT_ID = 'globus_endpoint_id' GREEDYDELETION = 'greedyDeletion' IS_OBJECT_STORE = 'is_object_store' LFN2PFN_ALGORITHM = 'lfn2pfn_algorithm' MAXIMUM_PIN_LIFETIME = 'maximum_pin_lifetime' MULTIHOP_TOMBSTONE_DELAY = 'multihop_tombstone_delay' NAMING_CONVENTION = 'naming_convention' OIDC_BASE_PATH = 'oidc_base_path' OIDC_SUPPORT = 'oidc_support' PHYSGROUP = 'physgroup' QBITTORRENT_MANAGEMENT_ADDRESS = 'qbittorrent_management_address' RESTRICTED_READ = 'restricted_read' RESTRICTED_WRITE = 'restricted_write' RULE_APPROVERS = 'rule_approvers' S3_URL_STYLE = 's3_url_style' SIGN_URL = 'sign_url' SIMULATE_MULTIRANGE = 'simulate_multirange' SITE = 'site' SKIP_UPLOAD_STAT = 'skip_upload_stat' SOURCE_FOR_TOTAL_SPACE = 'source_for_total_space' SOURCE_FOR_USED_SPACE = 'source_for_used_space' STAGING_BUFFER = 'staging_buffer' STAGING_REQUIRED = 'staging_required' STRICT_COPY = 'strict_copy' TOMBSTONE_DELAY = 'tombstone_delay' TYPE = 'type' USE_IPV4 = 'use_ipv4' VERIFY_CHECKSUM = 'verify_checksum' # The following RSE attributes are exclusively used in the permission layer # and are likely VO-specific. BLOCK_MANUAL_APPROVE = 'block_manual_approve' CMS_TYPE = 'cms_type' DEFAULT_LIMIT_FILES = 'default_limit_files' QUOTA_APPROVERS = 'quota_approvers' RULE_DELETERS = 'rule_deleters'