%% COLOURED BOXES % % change this info string if making any custom modification \ProvidesPackage{sphinxpackageboxes}[2024/07/01 v7.4.0 advanced colored boxes] % 7.4.0 removes usage of some booleans "...withbackgroundcolor" and % "...withbordercolor" as well as \spx@boxes@border dimen which was % actually really needed nowhere. This was done in sync with changes in % sphinx.sty, sphinxlatexadmonitions.sty and sphinxlatexliterals.sty. % % Optionally executes \RequirePackage for: % % - pict2e. Ideally we would like to use the v0.4a 2020/08/16 release of this % package as it allows dimensional arguments to its \moveto, \lineto, etc... % Or we could use extra package "picture". We opt for custom wrappers % \spx@moveto, \spx@lineto, ..., working with old versions. % % - ellipse. This package extends pict2e with elliptical arcs. Its author % Daan Leijen also has contributed package longfbox which is part of % TeXLive. Had I known about it, I would perhaps have based Sphinx CSS on % top of longfbox at least partly. But this would not have spared me all % the work in sphinx.sty, which was a long walk until 6.2.0 version. % Besides I don't need the breakable boxes from longfbox, as Sphinx has % its own rather advanced layer on top of framed. I would need to check if % some thorny color issues solved by Sphinx (and not by tcolorbox) at page % breaks are solved by longfbox as well. (I have not tested) % At 6.2.0 refactoring, we do not wait for at begin document to try to load % pict2e. Actually since 6.0.0 the default is for code-blocks to use % rounded boxes, and the only reason since then to wait "at begin document" % was to check if user had reverted that default and in fact pict2e was not % needed. But with \sphinxbox, we can not know for sure even in that case % that pict2e is not needed. And even back then it would have been possible % to user to try to employ \sphinxsetup via raw directive in document body % and require some rounded corners (which was thus impossible to satisfy). % Time to be much simpler and attempt unconditionally to load pict2e % immediately. This will also have advantage that we can use % \@ifpackageloaded{pict2e} and not have to query and save its setting later % at begin document. \IfFileExists{pict2e.sty} {\RequirePackage{pict2e}} {\PackageWarningNoLine{sphinx}{% The package pict2e is required for rounded boxes.\MessageBreak It does not seem to be available on your system.\MessageBreak Options for setting radii will be ignored% }% % Formerly a \sphinxbuildwarning was issued but if we did that now it % would mean that the produced PDF will always have a red banner near its % end about pict2e not being available if indeed it is not available, even % if user has reverted the default and dropped rounded corners. Formerly % the serious warning was done after having checked at begin document that % indeed a rounded corner option had been used. As we drop the check now, % let's be more discrete and simply duplicate the earlier warning to make % it visible near end of compilation log and console output. \AtEndDocument{\PackageWarningNoLine{sphinx}{% The package pict2e is required for rounded boxes.\MessageBreak As it does not seem to be available on your system,\MessageBreak options setting radii have all been ignored}}% }% \IfFileExists{ellipse.sty} {\RequirePackage{ellipse}} {\PackageWarningNoLine{sphinx}{% The package ellipse is required for elliptical corners.\MessageBreak It does not seem to be available on your system.\MessageBreak All non-straight corners will use circle arcs.% }% \AtEndDocument{\PackageWarningNoLine{sphinx}{% The package ellipse is required for elliptical corners.\MessageBreak As it does not seem to be available on your system,\MessageBreak all non-straight corners have used circle arcs.}}% }% % The pict2e release v0.4b of 2020/09/30 does not allocate scratch dimen % register \@tempdimd which ellipse package uses. Thus ellipse package is % broken since (written on March 20, 2023). Simply allocate the register % ourself to fix that, pending some upstream fix. \@ifpackageloaded{ellipse}{\ifdefined\@tempdimd\else\newdimen\@tempdimd\fi}{} % Provides box registers \spx@tempboxa, \spx@tempboxb usable in other places \newbox\spx@tempboxa \newbox\spx@tempboxb %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Internal registers, conditionals, colors to be configured by each caller % via a preliminary "setup" call \newif\ifspx@boxes@withshadow \newif\ifspx@boxes@insetshadow %%% \newif\ifspx@boxes@withbackgroundcolor % removed at 7.4.0 \newif\ifspx@boxes@withshadowcolor %%% \newif\ifspx@boxes@withbordercolor % removed at 7.4.0 \newif\ifspx@boxes@shadowinbbox % \newdimen\spx@boxes@border@top \newdimen\spx@boxes@border@right \newdimen\spx@boxes@border@bottom \newdimen\spx@boxes@border@left % \newdimen\spx@boxes@padding@top \newdimen\spx@boxes@padding@right \newdimen\spx@boxes@padding@bottom \newdimen\spx@boxes@padding@left % \newdimen\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset \newdimen\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset % \newdimen\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@x \newdimen\spx@boxes@radius@topright@x \newdimen\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@x \newdimen\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@x \newdimen\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@y \newdimen\spx@boxes@radius@topright@y \newdimen\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@y \newdimen\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@y % % These colors will be set to colors defined appropriately by caller of % \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setup macro % spx@boxes@bordercolor % spx@boxes@backgroundcolor % spx@boxes@shadowcolor % spx@boxes@textcolor %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % "setup" macro % % It must be called prior to \spx@boxes@fcolorbox for parameters of the latter % to be initialized. % % It also prepares \spx@boxes@fcolorbox to expand to one of % \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rectangle or \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rounded depending on % the configuration and availability of the pict2e package. % % The #1 is one of: pre, topic, warning, danger, etc.... % % We delay until here the parsing of radii options to extract x and y % components. \def\spx@boxes@setradii#1 #2 #3\@nnil#4#5{% #4\dimexpr#1\relax #5\dimexpr#2\relax \ifdim#5=-\maxdimen#5#4\fi % if one of them is zero or negative set both to zero \ifdim#4>\z@\else#4\z@#5\z@\fi \ifdim#5>\z@\else#4\z@#5\z@\fi }% % if ellipse.sty is not available ignore the second component of all radii % specifications, use circle arcs with radius the x component \@ifpackageloaded{ellipse} {} {\def\spx@boxes@setradii#1 #2 #3\@nnil#4#5{#4\dimexpr#1\relax #5#4}} % Using \dimexpr for maximal user input flexibility. \def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setup#1{% \spx@boxes@border@top \dimexpr\@nameuse{spx@#1@border@top}\relax \spx@boxes@border@right \dimexpr\@nameuse{spx@#1@border@right}\relax \spx@boxes@border@bottom\dimexpr\@nameuse{spx@#1@border@bottom}\relax \spx@boxes@border@left \dimexpr\@nameuse{spx@#1@border@left}\relax % \spx@boxes@padding@top \dimexpr\@nameuse{spx@#1@padding@top}\relax \spx@boxes@padding@right \dimexpr\@nameuse{spx@#1@padding@right}\relax \spx@boxes@padding@bottom\dimexpr\@nameuse{spx@#1@padding@bottom}\relax \spx@boxes@padding@left \dimexpr\@nameuse{spx@#1@padding@left}\relax % \edef\spx@temp{\csname spx@#1@radius@topleft\endcsname\space}% \expandafter \spx@boxes@setradii \spx@temp {-\maxdimen} \@nnil \spx@boxes@radius@topleft@x\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@y \edef\spx@temp{\csname spx@#1@radius@topright\endcsname\space}% \expandafter \spx@boxes@setradii \spx@temp {-\maxdimen} \@nnil \spx@boxes@radius@topright@x\spx@boxes@radius@topright@y \edef\spx@temp{\csname spx@#1@radius@bottomright\endcsname\space}% \expandafter \spx@boxes@setradii \spx@temp {-\maxdimen} \@nnil \spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@x\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@y \edef\spx@temp{\csname spx@#1@radius@bottomleft\endcsname\space}% \expandafter \spx@boxes@setradii \spx@temp {-\maxdimen} \@nnil \spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@x\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@y % \@nameuse{ifspx@#1@withshadow}% \spx@boxes@withshadowtrue \spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset \dimexpr\@nameuse{spx@#1@shadow@xoffset}\relax \spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset \dimexpr\@nameuse{spx@#1@shadow@yoffset}\relax \else \spx@boxes@withshadowfalse \fi % not nesting in previous to avoid TeX conditional subtleties \@nameuse{ifspx@#1@insetshadow}% \spx@boxes@insetshadowtrue \else \spx@boxes@insetshadowfalse \fi % \sphinxcolorlet{spx@boxes@bordercolor}{sphinx#1BorderColor}% % \sphinxcolorlet{spx@boxes@backgroundcolor}{sphinx#1BgColor}% % \@nameuse{ifspx@#1@withshadowcolor}% \spx@boxes@withshadowcolortrue \sphinxcolorlet{spx@boxes@shadowcolor}{sphinx#1ShadowColor}% \else \spx@boxes@withshadowcolorfalse \fi % Display elements pre, topic, warning et al. by default do not include % shadow in box (legacy; and only topic actually uses a shadow per default) % This may be refactored still more in future, but this 6.2.0 extra helped % reduce workload from code-blocks (pre), contents (topic) and admonitions. % As this conditional is a priori false and should only be changed locally % (by \sphinxbox), this line is actually superfluous. \spx@boxes@shadowinbboxfalse \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setup@fcolorbox } \@ifpackageloaded{pict2e} {% pict2e is available and loaded \def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setup@fcolorbox{% \if1% use rounded boxes only if needed (rx>0 iff ry>0) \ifdim\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@x >\z@0\fi \ifdim\spx@boxes@radius@topright@x >\z@0\fi \ifdim\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@x>\z@0\fi \ifdim\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@x >\z@0\fi 1\def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox{\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rectangle}% \else \def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox{\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rounded}% \fi }% end of definition of setup@fcolorbox in case of presence of pict2e }% {% pict2e could not be loaded, we must always use fcolorbox@rectangle \def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setup@fcolorbox{% \def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox{\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rectangle}% }% end of definition of setup@fcolorbox in case of absence of pict2e }% end of "no pict2e" branch %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Support of box-decoration-break=slice % % 6.2.0 has renamed and moved this here from sphinxlatexliterals.sty, % to facilitate supporting box-decoration-break=slice for all directives, % not only code-block. % % It also modified when these post actions are executed, in order % for openboth to be able to trigger usage of fcolorbox@rectangle. % So now openbottom and opentop also take advantage of this possible % optimization. \def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setup@openbottom{% \spx@boxes@border@bottom \z@ \spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@x\z@ \spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@y\z@ \spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@x \z@ \spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@y \z@ \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setup@fcolorbox }% \def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setup@opentop{% \spx@boxes@border@top \z@ \spx@boxes@radius@topright@x\z@ \spx@boxes@radius@topright@y\z@ \spx@boxes@radius@topleft@x \z@ \spx@boxes@radius@topleft@y \z@ \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setup@fcolorbox }% \def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setup@openboth{% \spx@boxes@border@top \z@ \spx@boxes@border@bottom \z@ \spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@x\z@ \spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@y\z@ \spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@x \z@ \spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@y \z@ \spx@boxes@radius@topright@x\z@ \spx@boxes@radius@topright@y\z@ \spx@boxes@radius@topleft@x \z@ \spx@boxes@radius@topleft@y \z@ \def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox{\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rectangle}% }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \sphinxbox (added at 6.2.0) % % For an inline box, possibly rounded. \newcommand\sphinxbox[1][]{% #1 stands for the options, they are... optional! % \leavevmode makes sure TeX switches to paragraph mode, which is necessary % if this is first in a paragraph or a list element. The \sphinxAtStartPar % mechanism also ensures this automatically, if not redefined, but not with % lualatex as then it is by default doing nothing. \leavevmode \begingroup \ifcsname spx@boxes@sphinxbox@isnested\endcsname % nested boxes reset all box options to be as the \sphinxboxsetup % defaults, before applying their specific options \spx@boxes@sphinxbox@reset \else % top layer box, toggle the nested flag \csname spx@boxes@sphinxbox@isnested\endcsname \fi % we do not use \sphinxboxsetup as it is a user command extending the % "reset" storage \setkeys{sphinxbox}{#1}% \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setup{box}% \spx@boxes@shadowinbboxtrue% inline sphinx boxes include shadow in bbox \ifspx@box@withtextcolor\color{sphinxboxTextColor}\fi % % MEMO: the fcolorbox@{rectangle,rounded} draw the contents (which here % will be encapsulated as \box\z@) last, i.e. after shadow, background, % and border and their color commands. The \reset@color from naked % top-level \color commands in argument (which can not arise from Sphinx % mark-up anyhow) would end up being placed via color.sty \aftergroup core % mechanism in token stream after \spx@boxes@sphinxbox@a (which is the % first \aftergroup) hence after the box contents with its unbalanced % color pushes is shipped to PDF. So the missing color pop specials are % inserted then in correct order at correct place (after the \endgroup at % end of \spx@boxes@sphinxbox@a but this is not relevant) and do not end % up causing havoc in push/pop pairs (and all this happens on same page). % % There is thus no reason here to go to the trouble to add an extra % \color@begingroup/\color@endgroup or like pair to encapsulate the caught % contents in order for the \box\z@ to contain as many color pop's as it % has color pushes. But as this is subtle, this comment was added for % future maintenance. Actually even if the contents were not drawn last, % their (purely theoretical, as Sphinx mark-up can not create it) missing % color pop's would not have caused trouble I guess as long as the color % insertions for shadow, background, border are correctly balanced. \setbox0\hbox\bgroup\aftergroup\spx@boxes@sphinxbox@a \afterassignment\spx@box@TeXextras \let\next=% } \def\spx@boxes@sphinxbox@a{\spx@boxes@fcolorbox{% \ifspx@opt@box@addstrut\strut\fi\box\z@}\endgroup} \newcommand\newsphinxbox[2][]{% \newcommand#2[1][]{\sphinxbox[#1,##1]}% } % Let's catch \renewsphinxbox[...]{\sphinxbox} which would cause \sphinxbox % to fall into infinite looping on use. \newcommand\renewsphinxbox[2][]{% \in@{#2}{\sphinxbox}% \ifin@ \PackageWarning{sphinx}{Attempt to \string\renewsphinxbox\space the \string\sphinxbox\space command\MessageBreak itself. This is not allowed and will be ignored.\MessageBreak Reported}% \else \renewcommand#2[1][]{\sphinxbox[#1,##1]}% \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % MACROS % % \spx@boxes@fcolorbox expands either to \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rectangle % or \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rounded depending on preliminary set-up. % % This is decided by the "setup" which must have been executed by the caller. % Let's give it some (thus unneeded) default fall-back for clarity. \def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox{\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rectangle} % % A macro \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setuphook used to be executed at start of the % \hbox constructs (rectangle or rounded). This was used until 6.2.0 for the % support of pre_box-decoration-break option, hence was really an internal % non-public macro. As it is not needed anymore, with some hesitation it got % entirely removed at 6.2.0 on the occasion of a refactoring of interactions of % this file with sphinxlatexliterals.sty. Besides its name should have been % rather something such as \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@atstartofhbox. % % After "setup", \spx@boxes@fcolorbox expands to one of: % % - \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rectangle (4 padding parameters, 4 border widths, 2 shadow widths, % and three colours: background, border and shadow; same as in CSS styling) % % It branches to one of: % - \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@externalshadow % - \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@insetshadow (same concept of "inset" as in CSS styling) % % - \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rounded: rounded corners using the picture environment % and pict2e package for its low-weight interface to PDF graphics operations % MEMO: we have also successfully tested usage of tcolorbox.sty (its \tcbox) but % decided to use pict2e.sty for the following reasons: % 1- PDF build was observed to be an order of magnitude faster, % 2- the boxes we can do with pict2e appear to be fancy enough, % almost matching what one can see in HTML renderings, % 2- orders of magnitude smaller dependency (tcolorbox uses the pgf TeX % framework), although on Ubuntu it seems texlive-pictures is % needed which also contains the whole of pgf/TikZ... so this point % is a bit moot... % For code-blocks, attachments of caption and continuation hints are done % exactly as prior to extension of Sphinx via this package, whether the box % has straight or rounded corners. The vertical space occupied is the same, % if nothing else is changed (perhaps in future the title itself could be also % rendered in a rounded box?) %%%%%%%% %//// \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rectangle % % This box will have the same baseline as its argument (which is typeset in % horizontal mode). It takes into account four border widths parameters, four % padding parameters, two shadow widths (each possibly negative), and three % colors: background, border and shadow. Its boundary box takes into account % border and padding. Width of shadow is taken into account if the boolean % \ifspx@boxes@shadowinbbox is \iftrue. The "setup" sets it to \iffalse. % Prior to 6.2.0, shadow size was included in bbox but the callers manually % removed it by extra steps. The \sphinxbox command sets it to \iftrue after % the "setup". % % It is up to the caller to take extra steps if the border and padding must go % into margin as well (see sphinxlatexliterals.sty for how this is done in % \spx@verb@FrameCommand). % % In usage as a "FrameCommand" with framed.sty, the argument will already be a % collection of TeX boxes (and interline glues). % % This was designed so that the parameters configured by "setup" are % interpreted as they would be as CSS properties in an HTML context. \long\def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rectangle#1{% \hbox\bgroup \setbox\spx@tempboxa \hbox{\kern\dimexpr\spx@boxes@border@left+\spx@boxes@padding@left\relax {#1}% \kern\dimexpr\spx@boxes@padding@right+\spx@boxes@border@right\relax}% \ht\spx@tempboxa \dimexpr\ht\spx@tempboxa+\spx@boxes@border@top+\spx@boxes@padding@top\relax \dp\spx@tempboxa \dimexpr\dp\spx@tempboxa+\spx@boxes@padding@bottom+\spx@boxes@border@bottom\relax \ifspx@boxes@insetshadow \expandafter\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@insetshadow \else \expandafter\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@externalshadow \fi } % external shadow \def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@externalshadow{% % reserve space to external shadow if on left \ifspx@boxes@withshadow \ifspx@boxes@shadowinbbox \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset<\z@\kern-\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset\fi \fi \fi % BACKGROUND % draw background and move back to reference point {\color{spx@boxes@backgroundcolor}% \vrule\@height\ht\spx@tempboxa \@depth\dp\spx@tempboxa \@width\wd\spx@tempboxa \kern-\wd\spx@tempboxa }% % BOX SHADOW % draw shadow and move back to reference point \ifspx@boxes@withshadow \vbox{% \moveright\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset \hbox{\lower\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset \vbox{\ifspx@boxes@withshadowcolor \color{spx@boxes@shadowcolor}% \else % 6.2.0: guard against a manually inserted \color command in % contents which could leak at a page break to the shadow \normalcolor \fi \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset<\z@ \hrule\@height-\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset \kern\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset \fi \setbox\spx@tempboxb\hb@xt@\wd\spx@tempboxa{% \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset<\z@\vrule\@width-\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset\fi \hss \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset>\z@\vrule\@width\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset\fi }% \ht\spx@tempboxb\ht\spx@tempboxa \dp\spx@tempboxb\dp\spx@tempboxa \box\spx@tempboxb \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset>\z@ \kern-\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset \hrule\@height\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset \fi \kern-\dp\spx@tempboxa }% end of \vbox, attention it will have zero depth if yoffset>0 \kern-\wd\spx@tempboxa \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset>\z@ \kern-\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset \fi }% end of \hbox, attention its depth is only yoffset if yoffset>0 }% end of \vbox \fi % end of shadow drawing, and we are back to horizontal reference point % BOX BORDER % 7.4.0 requires a set border color \vbox{\color{spx@boxes@bordercolor}% \hrule\@height\spx@boxes@border@top \kern-\spx@boxes@border@top \setbox\spx@tempboxb\hb@xt@\wd\spx@tempboxa {\vrule\@width\spx@boxes@border@left \hss\vrule\@width\spx@boxes@border@right }% \ht\spx@tempboxb\ht\spx@tempboxa \dp\spx@tempboxb\dp\spx@tempboxa \box\spx@tempboxb \kern-\spx@boxes@border@bottom \hrule\@height\spx@boxes@border@bottom \kern-\dp\spx@tempboxa }% attention this box has zero depth due to \hrule at bottom % step back to horizontal reference point \kern-\wd\spx@tempboxa % end of border drawing % CONTENTS % adjust the total depth to include the bottom shadow \ifspx@boxes@withshadow \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset>\z@ \dp\spx@tempboxa\dimexpr\dp\spx@tempboxa+\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset\relax \fi \fi \box\spx@tempboxa % include lateral shadow in total width \ifspx@boxes@withshadow \ifspx@boxes@shadowinbbox \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset>\z@\kern\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset\fi \fi \fi \egroup } % inset shadow % % The parameters signs are interpreted as in CSS styling. \def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@insetshadow{% % BACKGROUND % draw background and move back to reference point % 7.4.0 always assumes a background color {\color{spx@boxes@backgroundcolor}% \vrule\@height\ht\spx@tempboxa \@depth\dp\spx@tempboxa \@width\wd\spx@tempboxa \kern-\wd\spx@tempboxa }% % BOX SHADOW % draw shadow and move back to reference point \ifspx@boxes@withshadow \hbox{\vbox{\ifspx@boxes@withshadowcolor \color{spx@boxes@shadowcolor}% \else % 6.2.0: guard against a manually inserted \color command in % contents which could leak at a page break to the shadow \normalcolor \fi % NOTA BENE % We deliberately draw shadow partially under an area later covered by frame % with the idea to avoid anti-aliasing problems but in fact this may be a bad % idea with border is thin. % This may need some extra testing with PDF viewers... reports welcome! \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset>\z@ \hrule\@height\dimexpr\spx@boxes@border@top+\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset\relax \kern-\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset \kern-\spx@boxes@border@top \fi \setbox\spx@tempboxb\hb@xt@\wd\spx@tempboxa{% \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset>\z@ \vrule\@width\dimexpr\spx@boxes@border@left+\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset\relax\fi \hss \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset<\z@ \vrule\@width\dimexpr-\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset+\spx@boxes@border@right\relax\fi }% \ht\spx@tempboxb\ht\spx@tempboxa \dp\spx@tempboxb\dp\spx@tempboxa \box\spx@tempboxb \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset<\z@ \kern\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset \kern-\spx@boxes@border@bottom \hrule\@height\dimexpr-\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset+\spx@boxes@border@bottom\relax \fi \kern-\dp\spx@tempboxa }% end of \vbox, attention it will have zero depth if yoffset<0 \kern-\wd\spx@tempboxa }% end of \hbox, attention its depth is only |yoffset| if yoffset<0 \fi % end of inset shadow drawing, and we are back to horizontal reference point % BOX BORDER % 7.4.0 requires a set border color \vbox{\color{spx@boxes@bordercolor}% \hrule\@height\spx@boxes@border@top \kern-\spx@boxes@border@top \setbox\spx@tempboxb\hb@xt@\wd\spx@tempboxa {\vrule\@width\spx@boxes@border@left \hss\vrule\@width\spx@boxes@border@right }% \ht\spx@tempboxb\ht\spx@tempboxa \dp\spx@tempboxb\dp\spx@tempboxa \box\spx@tempboxb \kern-\spx@boxes@border@bottom \hrule\@height\spx@boxes@border@bottom \kern-\dp\spx@tempboxa }% attention this box has zero depth due to \hrule at bottom % step back to horizontal reference point \kern-\wd\spx@tempboxa % end of border drawing % CONTENTS \box\spx@tempboxa \egroup } % let's abort input if pict2e package could not be loaded. % To be extra safe we also alias @rounded to @rectangle but % a priori the architecture is done so that @rounded will never % be called in that case by other Sphinx LaTeX components. \@ifpackageloaded{pict2e} {} {\def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rounded{\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rectangle}% \endinput } % we proceed now in the context of pict2e being available and loaded % (TeX being a macro-expansion based language it would have % swallowed all the coming definitions even if pict2e % had in fact not been loaded... but we aborted the input above) %%%%%%%% %//// \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rounded % % Prior to 6.2.0, a constant border-width was applied as the border was % obtained as a \strokepath. This allowed 4 distinct radii but not to vary the % border widths. Now the border is drawn by two \fillpath operation, the first % one filling up to external border, the second one actually filling for the % background paradoxically on top of it, up to internal border path. % % This 6.2.0 abandonment of \strokepath allowed great simplification in % supporting opentop, openbottom and openboth situations, and it can % allow automatic support of openleft and openright analogs. % % And 6.2.0 also implements elliptical arcs thanks to ellipse package, % which extends pict2e. % Currently, inset shadow is not supported. % % Prior to 6.2.0 an inset shadow triggered the rectangle variant, so we never % ended here, but now it is simply ignored. This change does not appear to me % to be breaking, as it changes output only for conf.py's specifying both % rounded corners and an inset shadow and the documentation said it was % incompatible. % wrappers for pict2e usage if old % Better not to copy over 2020 pict2e definitions in case % something internal changes % However our wrappers will work ONLY with dimensional inputs % No need to pre-expand the arguments % Braces in case the expression uses parentheses \def\spx@moveto(#1,#2){\moveto({\strip@pt\dimexpr#1\relax},{\strip@pt\dimexpr#2\relax})} \def\spx@lineto(#1,#2){\lineto({\strip@pt\dimexpr#1\relax},{\strip@pt\dimexpr#2\relax})} % attention here the [N] becomes mandatory % \circlearc[<N>]{<X>}{<Y>}{<RAD>}{<ANGLE1>}{<ANGLE2>} \def\spx@circlearc[#1]#2#3#4%#5#6 {\circlearc[#1]{\strip@pt\dimexpr#2\relax}% {\strip@pt\dimexpr#3\relax}% {\strip@pt\dimexpr#4\relax}% } % attention here too the [N] becomes mandatory % the core path macro of ellipse.sty. Thanks to Daan Leijen, author of this % package. % \elliparc [<initial>]{<center-x>}{<center-y>}{<x-rad>}{<y-rad>}{<start-angle>}{<end-angle>} % maybe this wrapper is unneeded but I don't have real time to check \def\spx@elliparc[#1]#2#3#4#5%#6#7 {\elliparc[#1]{\strip@pt\dimexpr#2\relax}% {\strip@pt\dimexpr#3\relax}% {\strip@pt\dimexpr#4\relax}% {\strip@pt\dimexpr#5\relax}% } % Macro whose execution prepares a path to be either stroked or filled % Only fill operation is used at 6.2.0. The radii are given by the set box % parameters, but the width and height are in \spx@width and \spx@height. A % \put command will be used for appropriate shifts. % 6.2.0 adds elliptical corners! % But I feel perhaps I need to think about how x-radius and y-radius should % interact with border-width. So consider output WIP for time being. \def\spx@boxes@border@defpath{% \spx@moveto(\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@x,\z@)% our \spx@moveto is a bit rigid % and we must use \z@ not 0 here \spx@lineto(\spx@width-\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@x,\z@)% % x and y radii are either both positive or both zero % probably not needed to actually guard against the latter case, % let's do it nevertheless \ifdim\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@x>\z@ \ifdim\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@x=\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@y \spx@circlearc[2]{\spx@width-\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@x}% {\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@y}% {\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@x}{-90}{0}% \else \spx@elliparc[2]{\spx@width-\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@x}% {\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@y}% {\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@x} {\spx@boxes@radius@bottomright@y}{-90}{0}% \fi \fi \spx@lineto(\spx@width,% \spx@height-\spx@boxes@radius@topright@y)% \ifdim\spx@boxes@radius@topright@x>\z@ \ifdim\spx@boxes@radius@topright@x=\spx@boxes@radius@topright@y \spx@circlearc[2]{\spx@width-\spx@boxes@radius@topright@x} {\spx@height-\spx@boxes@radius@topright@y}% {\spx@boxes@radius@topright@x}{0}{90}% \else \spx@elliparc[2]{\spx@width-\spx@boxes@radius@topright@x} {\spx@height-\spx@boxes@radius@topright@y}% {\spx@boxes@radius@topright@x}% {\spx@boxes@radius@topright@y}{0}{90}% \fi \fi \spx@lineto(\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@x,\spx@height)% \ifdim\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@x>\z@ \ifdim\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@x=\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@y \spx@circlearc[2]{\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@x}% {\spx@height-\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@y}% {\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@x}{90}{180}% \else \spx@elliparc[2]{\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@x}% {\spx@height-\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@y}% {\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@x}% {\spx@boxes@radius@topleft@y}{90}{180}% \fi \fi \spx@lineto(\z@,\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@y)% \ifdim\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@x>\z@ \ifdim\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@x=\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@y \spx@circlearc[2]{\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@x}% {\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@y}% {\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@x}{180}{270}% \else \spx@elliparc[2]{\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@x}% {\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@y}% {\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@x}% {\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft@y}{180}{270}% \fi \fi }% end of definition of \spx@boxes@border@defpath % The customization of the various parameters must have been done via an % appropriate call to \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setup, which will have set up % \spx@boxes@fcolorbox to expand to \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rounded, and will % have set its various parameters. % \long\def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rounded #1{% \hbox{% \ifspx@boxes@withshadow \ifspx@boxes@insetshadow \spx@boxes@withshadowfalse % ignore inset shadow \fi \fi % reserve space to external shadow if on left \ifspx@boxes@withshadow \ifspx@boxes@shadowinbbox \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset<\z@\kern-\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset\fi \fi \fi \vbox{% % adjust vertical bbox \ifspx@boxes@withshadow \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset<\z@ \kern-\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset \fi \fi \setlength{\unitlength}{1pt}% \setbox\spx@tempboxa \hbox{\kern\dimexpr\spx@boxes@border@left+\spx@boxes@padding@left\relax {#1}% \kern\dimexpr\spx@boxes@padding@right+\spx@boxes@border@right\relax}% \ht\spx@tempboxa \dimexpr\ht\spx@tempboxa+\spx@boxes@border@top+\spx@boxes@padding@top\relax \dp\spx@tempboxa \dimexpr\dp\spx@tempboxa+\spx@boxes@padding@bottom+\spx@boxes@border@bottom\relax \edef\spx@width{\number\wd\spx@tempboxa sp}% \edef\spx@height{\number\dimexpr\ht\spx@tempboxa+\dp\spx@tempboxa sp}% \hbox{% \begin{picture}% % \strip@pt\dimexpr to work around "old" LaTeX picture limitation % (we could use the "picture" package, this would add another dependency) (\strip@pt\dimexpr\spx@width\relax,\strip@pt\dimexpr\spx@height\relax)% \spx@boxes@border@defpath \ifspx@boxes@withshadow \ifspx@boxes@withshadowcolor \color{spx@boxes@shadowcolor}% \else % 6.2.0: here and elsewhere guard against a manually inserted % \color command in contents which could leak to the shadow % to the shadow \normalcolor \fi \put(\strip@pt\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset,% \strip@pt\dimexpr-\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset\relax) {\fillpath}% \fi \spx@boxes@border@defpath% must be redone after each \fillpath! (even if % was in a \put) % 7.4.0 requires a set border color \color{spx@boxes@bordercolor}% \fillpath % and backgroundcolor command \color{spx@boxes@backgroundcolor}% \edef\spx@width{\number\dimexpr\spx@width-\spx@boxes@border@left -\spx@boxes@border@right sp}% \edef\spx@height{\number\dimexpr\spx@height-\spx@boxes@border@top -\spx@boxes@border@bottom sp}% % redefine a path (in relative coordinates) matching the area delimited % by the internal borders \spx@boxes@border@defpath % use \put to shift, and fill it with background color \put(\strip@pt\spx@boxes@border@left,\strip@pt\spx@boxes@border@bottom) {\fillpath}% \end{picture}}% end of picture \hbox in \vbox % back-up vertically for outputting the contents \kern-\dimexpr\ht\spx@tempboxa+\dp\spx@tempboxa\relax % adjust vertical bbox \ifspx@boxes@withshadow \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset>\z@ \dp\spx@tempboxa\dimexpr\dp\spx@tempboxa+\spx@boxes@shadow@yoffset\relax \fi \fi % inhibit TeX's "line skip" adjustment when piling up hboxes in a vbox \nointerlineskip \box\spx@tempboxa }% end of \vbox % include lateral shadow in total width \ifspx@boxes@withshadow \ifspx@boxes@shadowinbbox \ifdim\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset>\z@\kern\spx@boxes@shadow@xoffset\fi \fi \fi }% end of \hbox }% \endinput