Expose zipp.Path as .zipfile.Path.

Includes everything else in ``zipfile`` to match future usage. Just

>>> from zipp.compat.overlay import zipfile

in place of ``import zipfile``.

Relative imports are supported too.

>>> from zipp.compat.overlay.zipfile import ZipInfo

The ``zipfile`` object added to ``sys.modules`` needs to be
hashable (#126).

>>> _ = hash(sys.modules['zipp.compat.overlay.zipfile'])

import importlib
import sys
import types

import zipp

class HashableNamespace(types.SimpleNamespace):
    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(tuple(vars(self)))

zipfile = HashableNamespace(**vars(importlib.import_module('zipfile')))
zipfile.Path = zipp.Path
zipfile._path = zipp

sys.modules[__name__ + '.zipfile'] = zipfile  # type: ignore[assignment]